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Case Summary

Redding Police
1M0054 Investigator Jon Sheldon #122

Associated casß: Reno

Police 18-2837 scso
184626 Redding Police
18-11982 scso 18-.6766
scso 18-3285 SCPD 18-
Search Warrant 18-056
Search Warrant 18-057

Patrick James Mcdaniel 5/9/86 (deceased)
Joseph Lee Stauffer 2/1/82
Justin Wayne Greene 11/30/93
Daniel Ray Kuykendall 7/26/67

On February 6, 2018 Patrick Mcdaniel, 5/9/86, was murdered in Reno Nevada. Reno Police investiæted the
homicide. •When Reno Police dispatched to the homicide scene, they contacted Mcdaniel's associate, Joseph
Lee Stauffer, DOB 2/1/82. Stauffer was anested on the scene due to taking money from Mcdaniel while he
was dying. Stauffer also factory deleted his cell phone as police arrived on scene to investigate.

Reno PD detectives interviewed Stauffer at length. On 2/13/18, I spoke with Sergeant Chalmers who is the
supervisor ofthe Robbery/Homicide unit. Sergeant Chalmers is familiar with the investigation and revealed
to me statements obtained from Stauffer. Sergeant Chalmers said investigators completed a forensic
dowmload of Stauffer's cell phone and found a picture Containing rifles, shotguns, pistols, high capacity rifle
magazines, high capacity pistol magazines, rifle ammo, shotgun ammo, pistol arnmo, blasting caps and C4
explosives. Sergeant Chalmers and his team confronted Stauffer about the photo.

Stauffer revealed he brokered a deal where Mcdaniel was to sell firearms to a person in Reno, Nevada.
During this deal, Mcdaniel was shot to death and the suspect stole Mcdaniel's car which contained all of the
firearms, ammunition, magazines and explosives. Stauffer was eventually released from Reno PD custody
and retumed to Redding, Ca. Reno Police eventually arrested the homicide suspect and recovered most ofthe
items with the exception ofsome blasting caps, one brick ofC4 explosives and the two Glock hand guns.

viewing the photo from Stauffer's phone, Reno PD detectives made note that the rifle magazines were
high capacity and labeled "SCSO". The arnmunition was law enforcement ammunition which included
Homaday Critical Duty .40 caliber, Wolf .223 rifle and shotgun unmunition. fie homicide
investigation is documented under Reno PD case # 18-2837.

Reno PD detectives alerted the Shasta County Sheriffs Office who then checked their storage facilities. They
notified the Sheriff's Office because Mcdaniel and Stauffer were from Redding and Redding is in Shasta
County. Shasn County Sheriff personnel determined a storage mcility located at 4765 Caterpillar Road in
Redding, California had been burglarized. Redding Police were called to investigate the case and documented
the incident under RFD case # 18-10054. ms was discovered on 2/7/18. The County Sheriff initiated a parallel
investigation which was documented under SCSO case number 18-4626.
On 2/14/18 SCSO Detective Maul contacted Stauffer at a residence he associates widl on Vigil Court in
Redding. Detective Maul called me to the scene. was positively identified by his Cal-Photo- Stauffer agreed
to speak me at the Redding Police Department. I transported Stauffer to the Redding Police Department.

Stauffer stated he frequents Reno, Nevada because ofa girlfriend. A few weeks prior to the murder
ofMcdaniel, Snuffer met a person he identified as "Louis" in Reno. "Louis" asked Stauffer if Stauffer wanted
to purchase a gun, but Stauffer said he declined the purchase. Stauffer said he retumed back to Redding where
he met Mcdaniel at Mcdaniel's residence located at 3561 Oasis Road in Redding.

Mcdaniel showed Stauffer a large quantity of firearms, ammunition, explosives and magazines. Mcdaniel
inquired with Stauffer about selling this properw. Staffer said he was aware this property was stolen from the
area of'Nice Shot'. Nice Shot is a shooting located at 4765 Caterpillar Road. The Sheriff's Office storage
container is on the property of 4765 Caterpillar Road. The Sheriffs Offce container contained the items that
were stolen. Stauffer also admits to being in Mcdaniel's vehicle during a drive by of the Nice Shot shooting
range to sée if the burglary had been discovered. Stauffer stated he did not want any part ofthe actual theft so
he did not ask any questions of Mcdaniel.

Stauffer admitted to taking a photograph of the stolen property while it was spread out on Mcdaniel's porch.
Stauffer confirmed this is the same photograph Reno PD recovered from his ceil phone and later provided to
the Redding Police. I showed Stauffer the photo and he identified the photo as the one he took of the stolen
property while he was at Mcdaniel's residence. The photo included all the firearms, magazines, arnmunition,
blasting caps and C4 explosives. I counted 48 high capacity law enforcement magazines in the photograph.
Stauffer said he thought of"Louis" as a person who may want to purchase the firearms since ''Louis"
mentioned buying and selling firearms. initiated contact with "Louis", sent him the picture and they began to
barter a price. Stauffer explained Mcdaniel did not want to initially sell all the items and the first price was for
$1 ,800. After some counter offers, Mcdaniel decided to sell all ofthe stolen property he possessed for $3,500
dollars. After some counter offers, they eventually ayee on a price of 3,500 dollars. Stauffer said he assisted
Mcdaniel in concealing the stolen propeffy undemeath the residence of 3561 Oasis Road. Mcdaniel did not
want to place the explosive material under the residence. Stauffer said the explosives were placed in a non-
operable drying machine located on the front porch.

3561 Oasis Road sits directly across Oasis Road from the rear playground of Buckeye school of the Arts. The
Homicide occurred February The explosives would have been at 3561 Oasi' Road likely from February 5th to
February 6ti at 1600 hours. Stauffer said he and Mcdaniel left for Reno at approximately 1600 hours. During
and before this time, school would have been in session at Buckeye School of the Arts placing the children in
danger had the explosives gone off. There was a danger because even Mcdaniel did not want the explosives
under his house. The explosives were left in an inoperable dryer for a period prior to being placed in Mcdaniel's

The route to Interstate 5 is either Oasis Road or Lake Blvd. Either route, Mcdaniel and Stauffer were forced
to cross railroad tracks and drive into close proximity to Rocky Point Charter School on Lake Blvd or Redding
STEM academy on Oasis Road. Both schools would have had children present and the children were placed
in danger with the explosives being unlawfi.llly possessed and unlawftlly transported for the purpose of
unlawfully selling them in an adjacent state. Additionally Redding STEM academy and rail road tracks are in
close pi-oximity to 3561 Oasis Road*

Stauffer admitted to assisting Mcdaniel in loading the vehicle prior to driving to Reno. Stauffer states they
did not load the handguns, some ofthe blasting caps and one brick ofC4. ms is corroborated with RENO PD
as they ultimately located all ofthe stolen property except the Glock handguns, one brick ofC4 and some
blasting caps. Stauffer said the Glock handgun's, one brick ofC4 and some blasting caps may still be located
at 3561 Oasis Road. Stauffer had an equal role in possessing the stolen and prohibited property from Redding
to Reno.
Stauffer admitted to returning to 356] Oasis Road since the homicide, but said he did not remove any
Stauffer states he was not involved in the theft of SheriffOffce properw and only assisted in trying to sell the
stolen property. Stauffer said Mcdaniel disclosed to him that he was responsible for stealing the iterns.
Stauffer also stated he was in Mcdaniel's vehicle with Mcdaniel while Mcdaniel conducted a drive by of' Nice
Shot' to determine security measures prior to committing a follow-up theft. Based on Stauffer's statements, I
believed the storage container belonging to the Sheriffs' Office at Nice Shot to be burglariæd on multiple

Stauffer said Mcdaniel did not have a phone dedicated solely to Mcdaniel. Stuaffer identified "Sarah" as
McdanielEs wife. Stauffer indicated that Mcdaniel commonly used '*Sarah's" celi phone as his cell phone.
On 1 7, SCSO Detective Maul interviewed Sarah Warmington, DOB 11/24/86, and positively identified
her as living at 3561 Oasis Road as well as being the wife of Mcdaniel. SCSO detecüve conducted a search
of the residence and located a "starter pistol" and a container which were stolen from their facility. Maul also
collected a blanket which was seen in the original picture as well as a ''Pay-0'2 which was found in the trash*
Refer to SCSO case # 184626 for further details.

I had learned Probation Officer Goodwin had also conducted a probation search of Mcdaniel at 3561 Oasis
Road on 2/7/18. This seamh occurred earlier in the day and was a completely random probation compliance
search. Goodwin was not aware Mcdaniel was murdered the night before. Goodwin also located the "Pay-O"
at this time. Goodwin questioned Warmingon about the note and she indicated the note belonged to her
husband and son. She said they were playing video games and the note was a list of items they were supposed
to accumulate while playing the video game. Goodwin would have had no reason to suspect anything ftrther
about the note and would not have known Warmington was lying to him. Refer to Shasta County Probation
Department case # 18-014 for ülrther details.

On 2/14/18, after interviewing Stauffer, authored a search warrant for 3561 Oasis Road. The search warrant
was to search for the unaccounted property and Mcdaniel's cell phone. Refer to search warrant # 18-056 for
ftrther details. I served a search warrant at 3561 Oasis Road and seized a cell phone which Warmington
identified as one she and Mcdaniel shared. I downloaded this phone and found further evidence linking
Mcdaniel to åe theft of firearrns from the Sherifffacility. No firearms or explosives were located at 3561 Oasis
road during this search warrant service.

The search ofMcdaniels cell phone revealed he had begun researching prices ofammunition, blasting caps
and explosives during the early morning of 2/5/18. I believe this coincided with the time that he first came
into possession of the stolen property. I further believed the Mcdaniel had help with the burglary, possibly by
Kuykendall. Kuykendall and Mcdaniel were documented as being stopped in a vehicle on 2/5/18 at
approximately 2017 hours. This occurred at Twin View and Hwy 273. also located call logs showing
Mcdaniel had communication with Kuykendall around midnight on 2/5/1 8 and the mid-morning of 2/5/18.

I also observed the "Pay-O" which was found. One column of numbers with a price of $1.500 was titled '"P"
which I believed signified Mcdaniel. The other column was titled "D' which I believed signified Kuykendall.
The total of the two columns was $3,000. By adding Staffers fake, the total price is $3,500 which matches the
price ofthe sale in Reno.

On 2/15/18 at 1316 hours, Rusty and Mary Mcalexander residing at 3408 Hiatt Dr. reported finding a note
indicating explosives were hidden in a toilet and lawnmower in the yard of'3408 Hiatt Dr. ne homeowners
looked in these places and found explosives similar to "C4". The Shasta County Bomb Squad recovered two
five pound bricks of explosives similar to "C4". •The Bomb Squad deemed the C4 so dangerous that the
Buckeye School of the Arts was evacuated while the C4 was removed. Refer to RPD report [ 8-11982 for
firther detail regarding the bomb call out incident.

Rusty and Mary Mcalexander stated they were picked up by Margaret Nalley on 2/15/18 around 1130 hours.
Nalley drove both of them to a doctor appointment. Upon arrival back at 3408 Hiatt Dr. around 1230 hours,
Rusty and Mary reported finding the note on the front door of their residence. During an interview, Mary
provided the name Justin Greene as a person she thought could be responsible for writing the note or hiding
explosives. I contacted Nalley over the phone and she was hesitant to provide details, but essentially gave the
same statement as Rusty and Mary.
Officer Labbe was contacted by Nalley during the late evening of 2/15/18. Natley disclosed she was at a
residence belonging to Amber (hen on 2/15/18 located on Lake Blvd. Nalley did not provide an address. Nalley
observed a letter which mentioned explosives being hidden at Rusty and Mary's residence. Nalley took the
portion of the letter to Rusty and Mary's residence and the three of them found the explosives. Nalley told
Officer Labbe she believed Justin Greene was somehow involved and mentioned Justin Greene being
incarcerated at the Shasta County Jail. Nalley also mentioned Justin Greene and Amber Greene were brother
and sister.

On 2/19/185 1 conducted research on Justin Greene. I leagned he currently housed at the Shasta County Jail,
housed in cell 2D9. I positively identified Justin Greene by his Cal-Photo. I checked visitor logs for Justin
Greene and learned he had several visits from Amy Greene, Amber Greene and Shayla Adkins. All ofthe visits
and phone calls made byjail inmates are audio recorded. I listened to these visits via the Global Tel Link
(GTL) program which records the audio transmissions making them avaiiable to law enforcement.

Amber Greene, Amy Greene and Shayla Adkins were all identified as visitors as their visits were formally
documented in thejaü computer system which I have legal access to. I also positively identified Amy Greene,
Amber Greene and Shayla Adkins via their Cal-Photos. Perjail records Justin Greene lives at 1224 Lake Blvd.
I believe this to be a typo as Justin Green is currently in custody for a revocation of probation. He was arrested
by his probation officer on 1/31/18. I checked probation records and noted his probation address is 12242
Lake Blvd. Jail records ftrther show Shayla Adkins address to be 12242 Lake Blvd. Per DMV record, Amy
Greene's address is listed as 12242 Lake Blvd. During several of the visitation recordings I listened to, there
is mention of Shayla Adkins, Justin Greene, Amy Greene, Amber Green and "Gabby" all living together.
Justin Greene also mentioned being arrested by probation at his home.

I located the individual visitations by researching Justin Greene's visitation record which lists the name of
visitors, date, time, duration and location. I then took the information from jail record and placed it in the
GTL progmm. I first listened to a visit on 2/10/18. During this visit, Amber Greene and Shayla Adkins
visited Justin Greene. They all referenced each other by first name confirming I was listening to the
appropriate visitation recording. After listening to this visitation, I was able to recognize Justin Greene,
Amber Greene and Shayla Adkins voices. I was also able to establish that Justin Greene and Amber Greene
refer to each other as brother and sister. Justin Green and Shayla Adkins refer to each other as intimate
partners. Justin Green and Amy Greene refer to each other as mother and son.

In a later conversation, I leamed Amber Greene is in an intimate relationship with "Gabby". "Gabby" is also
mentioned as living with the rest ofthe involved parties. During a conversation with Justin Greene on
2/20/18, Justin Greene identified "Gabby" as Gabriel Gomez. I conducted a records search and located
record of a fraffc stop on Gabriel GomezEsparm, DOB 7/24/94. Gomez listed his address as 12242 Lake
Blvd and I believe this Gabriel Gomez to be the same person referred to as "Gabby"

During the visitation on 2/10/i 8, Justin Greene began to tell Amber Greene and Shayla Adkins about a letter
he wrote and sent to them in the mail. Shayla Adkins and Amber Greene indicate they have not received this
letter. Justin Greene then summarizes what he wrote in the letter. Justin Greene stated that he acquired
property from various places. Justin Greene said he placed all of this property in the trunk of "Gabby's" car.
Justin Greene also indicated he placed this property in storage, but the location of the storage facility was
not disclosed. Based on my training and experience, I believed Justin Greene was mentioning the location of
property he had previously stolen.

Justin Greene next-explains that he took other stuff to Rusty and Mary's house. Justin Greene explained
that he hid items in a toilet and under a lawn mower. He cautioned to not go to Rusty and Mary's due to the
item being dangerous. He mentioned the item being packaged in plastic, ifthe package starts to sweat, it
could be unstable and explode. He also mentioned Rusty and Mary did not know about this.
Based on the letter found combined with the explosives found in a toilet and under a lawnmower at 3408
Hiatt, I believed Justin Greene to be responsible for this. This would have happened prior to or on 1/3 Ill 8
when Justin Greene became incarcerated. There is no mention ofthe origin ofthese explosives. Later on in
the conversation, Justin Greene spoke with Shayla Adkins and said that she could "blow up" the concrete
wall of thejail so he could escape.

Justin Greene, Amber Greene and Shayla Adkins also discuss meat that is located in their fridge or freezer.
They also spoke of Amber Greene and Shayla Adkins mentioning observing a neighborhood crime watch
posting on social media where one oftheir neighbors or someone in 'the valley" mention someone stealing a
large amount of professionally packaged beef.

I listened to a conversation which occurred on 2/3/18 where Shayla Adkins told Justin Greene that Daniel
Kuykendall came to their residence fo inquire about Justin Greene after Justin Greene was incarcerated.
Shayla Adkins sounded as ifthis visit was threatening in nature. Justin Green stated, "l am about to send
them to Danny's house, give me time served and will tell you where some explosives are". I then heard
whispers which I could not understand. Justin Greene then states, "everyone needs to stay away from there,
they don't even know".

listened to a recording of ajail visitation on 2/17/18 and Justin Greene inquired about whether a letter
Nalley took had his name on it. He sounded concemed.

I listened to an audio recording of a visit that occurred on 2/19/18. This visit was between Justin Greene and
Shayla Adkins. Shayla Adkins told Justin Greene that Mcdaniel was murdered. Shayla Adkins explained
this occurred in Reno. Greene mentioned reading a recent news article where guns were missing. Shayla
Adkins had a lot of stress in her voice when she mentioned Mcdaniel, Justin Greene dismissed this saying he
thought it was a different person and did not want to talk about it
This previous documented traffc stop, combined with the jail visitation recordings indicate that Mcdaniel,
Kuykendall and Justin Greene ali have a connection to each other, specifically to the theft of firearms and

On 2/20/18, Investigator Garnero # 195 responded to the Shæta County Jail and brought Justin Greene to
the Redding Police Investigations offce. Justin Greene voluntarily came to the office. initiated an interview
with Justin Greene. I explained to him he was not under arrest, but that I wanted to speak with him. I read
him his Miranda righG and he voluntarily spoke with me.

Justin Greene stated he knew Mcdaniel as a drug addict> admitted to associating with him. Justin Greene was
not aware of the circumstances in which Mcdaniel was murdered. Justin Greene did pot recognize Stauffer's
name, but recognized a Cal-Photo of Stauffer.

Justin Greene pointed out Kuykendall's house at 4502 Honeycomb. He did this via the google maps website.
Justin Greene also positively identified a Cal-Photo depicting Kuykendall. Justin Greene told me he is

associates with Kuykendall and knows Kuykendall to be a drug dealer and thief

Justin Greene told me during mid-January 2018, he bought Dewalt tools from Kuykendall. Justin Greene
also told me he accompanied Kuykendall to a residence in Happy Valley in mid-January 2018. Kuykendall
went to this residence to retrieve more Dewalt tools to give to Justin Greene since the earlier Dewalt tool set
was a partial set. Justin Greene said he waited at his uncle's residence on Strawberry Ln. for Kuykendall to
go to this house. Kuykendall returned to meet with Justin Greene and Justin Greene noted that Kuykendall
possessed a wooden box. 'Ihis wooden box contained five bricks of"C4" like explosives, two genades and a
large amount of items Justin Greene described as being bpttle caps, possibly blasting caps.
Greene identified the residence where the tools and explosives came from. Greene identified this place on the
map and this location was üie south side of Happy Valley Road between Warwick Dr. and Shawn Dr. Greene
said he knew where this place •was because he drove by with Kuykendall before the burglary, but they were
in separate cars.

Shortly after this incident, Justin Greene stated he was at 3408 Hiatt Dr., Rusty and Mary's residence.
Greene said he was working on a car and this car is parked at 3408 Hiatt Dr. While working on the car,
Kuykendall arrived and was newous because he believed law enforcement was following him. Kuykendall
possessed a rifle, shotgun and some explosives. Justin Greene said he and Kuykendall placed the explosives
in a toilet and lawnmower on the property of Rusty and Mary's residence at 3408 Hiatt. These were same
explosives which were later located on 2/15/18. Justin Greene said he believed there were more blasting
caps that were placed by his vehicle or in a storage shed at 3408 Hiatt Dr. Justin Greene said Rusty and
Mary had no knowledge ofthese items being hidden on their property. These items were placed during mid-
January 2018. Blasting caps were not originally located at this location on 2/15/18

Justin Greene filrther mentioned that he was at KuykendalPs residence at 4502 Honeycomb. This was prior
to dropping items offat Rusty and Mary's. Justin Greene told me Kuykendall was "tweeking out' and
showing Justin Greene places around the exterior of 4502 Honeycomb where Kuykendall had buried
blasting caps. Justin Greene said Kuykendall placed blasting caps under random pieces of property.

Justin Greene further stated that Kuykendall has a history of hiding important stolen property at the
residence directly across the street of 4502 Honeycomb. Justin Greene described this place as a trailer with a
carport. This residence has a white picket fence surrounding the property. I retrieved a google maps photos
Honeycomb and showed it to Justin Greene. Justin Greene positively identified 4510 Honeycomb a place .
to find stolen property that Kuykendall was responsible for stealing.

On 2/20/1 8, I authored search warrant number 18-057. This warrant was to search Kuykendall and Greene.
It included the seizure of their DNA, the seizure and search oftheir cell phones, the search of Greene's jail
property, their residences and a search of3408 Hiatt Dr. Officers located additional blasting caps at 3408
Hiatt Dr. Kuykendall's cell phones and DNA were collected.

I interviewed Kuykendall and he denied any involvement in the theft. Kuykendall admitted to knowing Justin
Greene and Mcdaniel. Kuykendall said he lent tools to Greene. Kuykendall described himself as a person who
would give advice to Mcdaniel. Kuykendall said Mcdaniel obviously got in over his head as he was murdered
in Reno. When I asked Kuykendall about how Mcdaniel acquired the stolen firearms, Kuykendail refused to
talk and stated he wanted an attomey. Kuykendall eventually walked out of the interview.

Investigator Gameto interviewed Clarissa Fulk- Fulk is the wife ofKuykendall. Fulk said Kuykendall was
not involved in breaking into a Sheriff container. Fulk said Greene brought C4 to her residence at 4502
Honeycomb Dr. Fulk said Greene said he acquired the C4 from his old boss who lived in Happy Valley. Fulk
then mentioned she thought the items were mortars or fireworks and she told Greene to get them away from
their residence. Investigator Garnero believed since Kuykendall knew Greene, Kuykendall was able to get
explosives from Greene and give to Mcdaniel so Mcdaniel could sell all the items in Reno.

On 2/22/1 8, I received an emaif from Reno Detective Herrera. The email contained photo yaphs ofMcdaniel
while he was lying on a bed in an emergency room. Ihe picture appeared to be taken before
Mcdaniel died based on the amount of medical personnel surrounding him. In this picture, I was able to
view the bottom ofthe shoes Mcdaniel wore. The shoe sole pattem matched pictures of shoe prinG which
were taken inside the Sheriff conex box confirming Mcdaniel was at least one of the involved burglars.
There were no other shoe prints documented except the ones matching Mcdaniel. These prints were
located on a table

below the enry/exit point on the interior to the container. They were also located on a ballistic vest panel
located inside the container.

reviewed a cell phone download of Stauffer's phone which Reno Police provided to me. Stauffer and
Mcdaniel had several contacts with each per the call log. Stauffer also had cah history with Kuykendall,
but this was in December 2017.

I reviewed Mcdaniel's phone and again observed numerous contacts with Mcdaniel's phone and
Kuykendall's phone on 2/5/18. One call was at 0001 hours and a second call at 0808 hours both on 215/18.
There were intemet searches on 2/5/18 during the times between the two phone calls. The searches were for
prices of the same ammunition stolen from the Sheriffs Office, how to remove fingerprints, a search of the
Sheriffs Offce and prices of demolition blocks.

I reviewed the contents ofKuykendalls phone and-kfiE&iÄ0fd ofphone calls between Mcdaniel and
Kuykendall on 2/5/18 at 0439 hours and 0557 hours. observed re ord of phone calls between Kuykendall
and Justin G and. 1/31/18. A pct-ure was ittached one ofthese communication records which . picted
Fulk smoking meth and a Dewalt drill next to he .
Because reene had a conversation about meat being stolen from the neighbors in ;'the valley",
combined with Fulk's and Justin Greene's statement, I canvassed the area ofHappy Valley to determine if
anyone was familiar with a social media posting about a theft ofmeat. believed the theft of meat and the then
ofexplosives occurred at the same time and affected by Kuykendall and Greene. A female lemembered
reading the post and said it was on a public Facebook page titled Happy Valley Neighborhood Watch.

I located and reviewed this Facebook page and located a post made by Steven Joseph on ID8/18. The post
mentioned a person who stole freshly packaged beef from a freezer and Dewalt tools. I located an address
for S. Joseph on Fuzzy Lane in Happy Valley. I attempted contact at their listed address and lea a thisiness
card. then received a phone call from Tarnmy Joseph. I spoke with T. Joseph over the phone and we agreed
to meet on 2/26/18 to discuss their theft of beef.

1 telephoned T. Joseph on 2/26/18 to confirm we mm-Eld meet at 1130 hours at her residence. T. Joseph
informed me the burglary actually occurred at 5747 Happy Valley Road. This was a residence they did not
live in and were remodeling. I looked this address up on Google Maps and noted it was the same location
Justin Greene pointed out to me as Kuykendall stealing Dewalt tools and explosives from.

met with the Josephs in person and they advised me they had filed a burglary report with the Shasta
County Sheriffs Office, Refer to SCSO report # 18-3285. The Joseph's said they bought 5747 Happy Valley
Road within the last year and had started remodeling it within the last four months. 'They said the barn and
property had contents on it that. belonged to the original owner. ne barn was full of items belonging to the
original owner who passed away in 2012. They did not have an inventory of what was in the barn, but the
bam had also been ransacked.

conduced a consent search of the bam with both T. and S. Joseph. I located a spooi ofdet cord, and two
boxes containing Dupont blasting caps. I notified the Bomb Squad who eventually took control over the
scene. The Bomb Squad located thousands of feet ofdet cord, thousands of blasting caps, hundreds
ofpounds of dynamite, 'INT, C4 and a grenade. The Bomb Squad deemed these explosive dangerous and
conducted evacuations for a halfmile in all directions of 5747 Happy Valley Road. Like Buckeye School,
the Happy Valley elementary school was also evacuated.
corücted a neighbor at 5747 Happy Valley Road identified as Gay] Wear. Wear said her father who passed
in 2012 had been the previous owner and possessor of items in the bam. Wear said her father was a WW 11
vet After the war, her father became a Shasta County Sheriff Deputy. He was evenmally promoted and
placed in charge ofevidence. Wear said it was common for her father to bring explosives home when
people would tum them into him because the Sheriff did not have storage capability during his
career. Wear last recalled explosives being used at their property in the 70's.

The Happy Valley incident concluded on 3/6/18 after the Bomb Squad burnt down the barn rendering it
safe. Refer to SCSO case # 18-6766 for fin-ther details

I reviewed the contents of Greene's phone. On 1/27/18, there is an outgoing text messaging asking for
"Danny's number". On 1/28/18 at 1232 hours, Greene's phone began to conduct internet searches of Dupont
Basting caps. The intemet searches began approximately four hours after the reported burglary timeframe.

I listened to ajail visitation that occurred on 224/18 between Justin Greene, Amber Greene and Adkins.
They all three spoke about the service of search warrants and Justin Greene is heard mentioning ail the
evidence has been destroyed and that it was not a big deal because they were not going to get rich offof it,
therefore, no one has anything to worry about regarding receiving new charges of theft,

I listened to ajail visitation that occurred on 2/27/18 between Justin Greene, Arny Greene and Adkins.
During this conversation, Justin Greene is heard talking about the Happy Valley incident and it sounds like
Justin Greene asked Amy Greene if his uncle Brian knew he was responsible for the Happy Valley incident.

On 3/6/18, r was advised by jail staffof a letter from Fulk to Justin Greene. I responded to the jail and read
this mail. The letter was from Fulk telling him not to lie about KuykendalPs involvement and that she and
Kuykendall were currently clean and sober. This circumstances in this note were not likely and believed
this note was intended for investigators to find,

Based on all the information, I concluded Greene and Kuykendall are responsible for the burglary of 5747
Happy Valley Road where they obmined tools, C4 and blasting caps. Mcdaniel was responsible for the
burglary of the Sheriff's Offce con-ex container which contained firearms, magazines and arnrnunition.
Stauffer made a connection with a person in Reno to sell these items. Kuykendall took C4 and blasting caps
from the Happy Valley burgiary and combined them with fre Sheriffs OMce burglary so Mcdaniel and
Stauffer could complete a sale of all ofthe items out ofstate.
During the COUtse ofthis investigation, I obtained DNA samples from S/Greene, S/Stauffer and
S/Kuykenda]L am currently awaiting DNA comparisons to evidence in this case.

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