3 Altenativas de Transmision 6450 MW (Brasil) PDF

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21, rue d’Artois, F-75008 PARIS B4_306_2010 CIGRE 2010

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HVDC Madeira Transmission System – Planning Development and Final Design





This paper presents the planning development and final design of the 2,375 km Madeira Transmission
System, to interconnect Santo Antônio and Jirau hydroelectric plants, 6,450 MW, located at the
Amazon region, far Northwest of Brazil, to the main load center.

Several alternatives for different transmission technologies were investigated during the feasibility
studies, considering steady-state operation analyses, dynamic performance, and economic evaluation.
The final conclusion of those studies recommended the best solution concerning technical and
economic performance, which was a transmission system with two HVDC + 600 kV bipoles (3,150
MW each) and two back-to-back devices (400 MW each) for local loads connection. In order to
increase competition in the bidding process, the Brazilian authority recommended that at least three
different technical alternatives should be taken into account. In addition to the previous DC
Alternative, the feasibility analysis recommended a Hybrid Alternative, with one DC bipole (3150
MW, + 600 kV) and two AC 500 kV parallel compensated lines, and an AC Alternative, with three
AC 765 kV parallel compensated lines.

All three alternatives were submitted to complementary and detailed analysis including transients
switching simulations, power recovery and blocking of DC bipole. One of the main concerns was to
simulate the accelerating torque submitted to the Madeira bulb type turbo generators. These results
recommended discarding AC Alternative and adopting DC and Hybrid alternatives which competed in
an auction resulting with the DC Alternative as the winner with annual revenues smaller than the
established ceiling. As permitted in the bidding process, the final design solution proposed to be
implemented by the new owners of Madeira Transmission System encompasses modification to
optimize the whole new system. In conclusion, the Madeira Transmission System final design reflects
a criterion and efficient process of planning.


HVDC Madeira Transmission System, Transmission alternatives, Transmission system auction,

Planning development and final design, Bulb generator, Switching surge, Dynamic Analysis.

(*) paulo.esmeraldo@epe.gov.br

Madeira river hydroelectric plant projects, Santo Antônio and Jirau, generating together 6,450 MW,
are the first big hydro plants at the Amazon region, far Northwest of Brazil, near the border with
Bolivia and Peru. The Brazilian power system interconnects 98% of the existing load, which
encompasses now local load at Porto Velho area, site of Madeira. But local load is very small, and
Madeira site distance 2,375 from the main loads located in the Southeast. The generation project was,
then, conceived to supply local load and the energy surplus to be transmitted to a long distance. The
amount of energy and the distance, crossing different regions of the country, made such a transmission
system very challenging and unique to be planned and implemented.

The transmission planning process in Brazil encompasses a technical and economic study to establish
a reference solution, an opened and public auction and a final design to be implemented by the new
owners. It initiates with a first selection of alternatives considering a broad range of conceptions in
terms of technologies, routes, new substations, and points of connection to the existing network.

The feasibility studies starts with steady-state analysis, dynamics performance and economics
evaluation of these alternatives, which takes, to insert a new and complex transmission system in an
extensive network like the Brazilan, a large amount of work and analysis. Then, for the best alternative
selected, and to assure its technical viability, additional complementary and detailed analysis is carried
on. The selected solution is the reference for a public auction when any qualified transmission agent
can dispute. The new owner can implement either the reference solution, with modification on it, or
even a new alternative. Any choice must fulfil the technical bidden process specification.

This paper briefly covers the whole planning process for Madeira Transmission System, since its
conception up to the final design to be implemented.


A previous paper [ 1] presented the feasibility studies for a transmission system to transfer most of the
power generated at Jirau and Santo Antônio hydroelectric plants (6,450 MW), located at the Madeira
River in the Amazon region (Porto Velho 500 kV new substation), to the main load center distant
2,375 km in Brazil southeastern (Araraquara 500 substation), São Paulo state, as illustrated by Figure



Figure 1 - Madeira Transmission System location

The development and the results of these analyses were carried out considering steady-state operation
analyses, dynamic performance, and economic evaluation. Several alternatives were investigated,
including a number of circuit topologies, voltage levels, and different technologies such as DC
transmission, AC transmission and combinations of both. The final conclusion of those studies
recommended the best solution concerning technical and economic performance, which was a
transmission system with two HVDC + 600 kV bipoles (3,150 MW each) and two back-to-back
devices (400 MW each) for connection with a 230 kV system to feed local loads, as illustrated in
Figure 2. Besides the long distance point-to-point connection, new reinforcements were planned to
integrate the Porto Velho local load with the main Brazilian transmission system.
230 kV
500 kV
LOCAL + 600 kV DC

VELHO back-to-backs
ST Southeast


Figure 2 - DC Alternative solution for Madeira Transmission System

At this stage of the transmission planning process, for the first time in Brazil, considering the large
amount of investment involved in such huge transmission system and to encourage competition, the
Brazilian authority recommended that at least three different technical alternatives should be taken
into account for the bidding process of Madeira Transmission System. Then, after a large amount of
additional studies, including all reinforcement necessary to connect the new transmission system in the
Interconnected National System (SIN), three alternatives were recommended [ 2], briefly described as:
DC Alternative, firstly recommended; Hybrid Alternative (Figure 3), with one DC bipole (3150 MW,
+ 600 kV) and two AC 500 kV parallel compensated lines (series and shunt); AC Alternative (Figure
4), with three AC 765 kV parallel compensated lines (series and shunt).

230 kV
500 kV
LOCAL + 600 kV DC






Figure 3 - Hybrid Alternative for Madeira Transmission System

230 kV
500 kV LOCAL
765 kV




Figure 4 - AC Alternative for Madeira Transmission System

The following stage of analysis, as for any other national grid new transmission system planned in
Brazil, requires the recommended feasible solution to be submitted to complementary and detailed
evaluation, as described in the next item of this article. It must fulfil all technical requirements, in
order to be eligible for the competitive bidding process.


This analysis included transients switching simulation, as energization, reclosing, load rejection and
short circuit, using EMTP-ATP (Alternative Transients Program) and EMTDC programs. For
alternatives with DC bipole, power recovery after short circuits, bipole blocking and overvoltages in
DC side after faults on DC line were also carried out [ 3]. One of the main concerns of the studies was
to simulate the accelerating torque submitted to the Madeira low inertia bulb type turbo generators
(first ever used 83 MW hydro generator), due to fault applications at the AC transmission system
connected to it

The network represented corresponded to 2012/2013 years, first stage of the Madeira Transmission
System, with a small number of generators, and 2017 year, final stage, with all generators at Jirau(46
units) and Santo Antônio(44 units) hydro plants. The study was conducted with planning criteria
usually adopted in Brazil, similar to those considered for the Itaipu Transmission System [ 4].

DC Alternative

Operation points of the AC, HVDC and back-to-back system corresponded to the main configurations
analyzed in the previous planning process with emphasis to the complete scenario of 2017, which
includes the two bipoles transmitting its nominal power of 3150 MW, each.

The pick value of accelerating torque resulted in 2.5 p.u. at Jirau generators, with generator nominal
power as a base, for a three-phase short circuit at the converter 500 kV AC bus in Porto Velho, as
illustrated in Figure 5. For all other conditions simulated, with single or three-phase short-circuits at
the converters AC 500 kV terminals in Porto Velho or Araraquara, maximum values for accelerating
torque were ranged between 0.7 and 2.0 p.u.

Santo Antônio Jirau
2.0 3

1.5 2

1.0 1

0.5 0

0.0 -1

-0.5 -2
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
(file 2CC600_3F_PV500_dx16_Estat.adf; x-var Domain) SA_Pacc:1 (file 2CC600_3F_PV500_dx16_Estat.adf; x-var Domain) JIRAU_Pacc:1

Figure 5 - Accelerating torque at Santo Antônio and Jirau after a three-phase fault at S. Antônio
500 kV - DC Alternative

The DC power recovery is limited by the AC system capacity to supply the reactive power
consumption during the DC power transient. Figure 6 illustrates the DC power recovery at the HVDC
Porto Velho rectifier after a 100 ms single phase short-circuit at Araraquara 500 kV AC bus converter.
Potência CC (MW) Potência Reativa (consumo-filtros) (Mvar)
8000 8000

5400 5400

2800 2800

200 200

-2400 -2400

-5000 -5000
0.0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 0.0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0
(file 2CC600_1F_Ara_dx16_Estat.adf; x-var Domain) Pdc_elo:1 (file 2CC600_1F_Ara_dx16_Estat.adf; x-var Domain) Qdc_elo:1

Figure 6 - DC power recovery and reactive power at Porto Velho rectifier after a 100 ms short-
circuit in the 500 kV AC bus inverter.

The DC power recovery was quite fast for short-circuits with impedance. Last than 150 ms was
necessary for the DC power recovery to 90% of its initial value. Nevertheless, for three-phase short-
circuit without impedance applied to AC 500 kV bus of inverter, this time increased to 350 ms. For
these cases was recommended that transmission agent, during project implementation, shall adjust the
controls in order to reduce recovery time. The Porto Velho back-to-back converter has a similar
performance and the same recommendation applied.

For transient switching overvoltage DC Alternative had a good performance. For all disturbance
simulated overvoltage pick values situated under expected values, as resumed at Table 1.

Table 1 - Maximum overvoltages at different points of network - DC Alternative

System represented Disturbance Maximum overvoltage (p.u.)
Last stage, AC and DC 2 bipoles and back-to-back 1.2 to 1.45 at 500 kV network
complete blocked
AC and back-to-back, without Back-to-back blocked 1.15 to 1.45 at 230 kV
HVDC bipoles
Last stage, AC and DC Short-circuit applied at different 1.91 at middle of DC line
complete points of DC line

Hybrid Alternative

Since the two parallel 500 kV lines were planned to start operation two years in advance of the HVDC
link, switching manoeuvres at the AC network were simulated within all segments of the 2,375 km
transmission corridor, from Santo Antônio to Araraquara. The results showed overvoltage (2.05 p.u.
phase to ground) under the admitted criterion limits and ZnO arrester energy limits not violated. For
load rejection, opening of the two lines simultaneously, overvoltages were found in the range of 2.2
(without fault) to 2.8 p.u. (with fault) and a recommendation for multiple arresters columns were done.
In the last stage of the Hybrid Alternative, with HVDC included, all manoeuvres and load rejections in
the AC 500 network were less severe.

Accelerating torque imposed to generators resulted with pick value equal to 3.0 p.u. at Santo Antônio
generators (generator nominal power as a base), for a three-phase short circuit at Porto Velho
converter 500 kV AC bus. At this point of final technical analysis, as accelerating torque was a
permanent concern, the support of an expert consultant was requested. De Mello[ 5] analyzed the
results of Alternatives DC and Hybrid, and had the opinion that the severity of fault torques is not
unusual relative to that found in the industry.

The remaining analysis with the HVDC resulted very similar to the DC Alternative, as the bipoles are
identical. This included active power recovery following short-circuits in the AC network, overvoltage
at the AC network, and overvoltages at the DC lines due to short-circuit in different points of the line.
Even though, there was not doubt about the feasibility of the solution appointed, the analysis
recommended for the future transmission agent to exploit reclosure operations.

AC Alternative

Energization and reclosure of the 765 kV transmission lines were simulated for the first stage of
implementation with one single circuit from Santo Antônio to Araraquara. The results were
overvoltages (1.9 to 2.14 p.u.) and arrester energy under acceptable limits.

For load rejection, final stage with all generators and the simultaneously openness of the three
parallels 765 kV lines were considered, similar to the Itaipu project in the 70s [ 4]. Table 2
summarizes the main results.

Table 2 - Bus overvoltage and arrester energy due to load rejection - 765 kV AC Alternative
Subsequently Max transient Temporarily Max
Terminal overvoltage (p.u.) overvoltage arrester
Case Line rejected single-phase
rejected Fase to Fase to (at the end of energy
short-circuit at
ground fase simulation) (MJ)
1 Porto Velho- Porto Velho ---- 1.79 1.94 1.25 4
2 Ji Paraná P. Velho 1.93 2.14 - 38
7 (1 ) A. Vermelha- ---- 1.80 2.02 1.75 ∞
7a (1,2) Araraquara ---- 1.80 2.02 1.75 28
8( ) Araraquara 1.93 2.16 - 57
9 Rio Araguaia- Água ---- 1.82 2.01 1.60 ∞
9a (2) A.Vermelha Vermelha ---- 1.82 2.01 1.60 9
10 (2) A. Vermelha 1.93 2.35 - 40
11 (3) Rio Araguaia- Água ---- 1.84 2.23 1.77 ∞
11a (2,3) A. Vermelha Vermelha ---- 1.84 2.23 1.77 44
12 (2,3
) A. Vermelha 1.93 2.34 - 77
Notes ( ) - With openness of 765/500 kV transformer in SE Água Vermelha at the same time of rejection.
(2) - With openness of the three 765 kV lines in SE Cuiabá, 300 ms after rejection.
(3) - With openness of 765/500 kV transformer in SE Cuiabá.

The adequacy of such criterion was reinforced by two recent triple rejections of the Itaipu 765 kV
transmission system. The last one, in November/2009, provoked one of the biggest black-out in the

Brazilian interconnected power system, nevertheless with no equipments damages as previously
designed. The openness of 765/500 kV transformers connected at two substation along the 765 kV
route (Água Vermelha or Cuiabá) were imposed by the overcurrents at these transformers during load

Temporarily overvoltage resulted high, and consequently with high level of energy at arrester,
imposing a prohibitive number of arrester columns (near 10, considering 7.96 MJ per column), even
when the openness of the lines at the opposite terminal of rejection was an operation strategy. If such
manoeuvre is not considered energy results extremely high anyway (cases 7, 9 and 11).

The analysis recommended a necessity to re-design the AC Alternative, once typical solutions to
mitigate the identified problems were not applied. Planning should point out to feasible solutions with
small risks for implementation. The AC Alternative was, then, discarded.


DC and Hybrid alternatives competed in an auction promoted by ANEEL (Brazilian regulatory

agency) in November 2008, resulting with the DC Alternative as the winner with annual revenues
smaller (7.15% average) than the established ceiling. The Brazilian regulatory model considers a
ceiling annual payment for each new transmission element put in auction.

In order to improve competition, ANEEL split the transmission system in parts to be offered in that
auction, as illustrated in Figure 7, for the DC Alternative, with seven different lots, including the
necessary reinforcements to accommodate the main transmission system in the national network.

The bidding process resulted with different owners for pair of converters (rectifier and inverter) and
DC lines. Also each one of the pair of converters was granted to different manufacturers. The
integration of these two DC bipoles, two back-to-backs and a master control has become a challenge
since then.

SE Porto Velho +600kV CC SE Araraquara

Filtro AC 4x2312MCM – 2375km

Pólo 1
Pólo 1
1575 MV A


1575 MV A
Pólo 2 Araraquara
Pólo 2 1475MW (Furnas)
Filtro AC
-600kV CC 4x2312MCM – 2375km

+600kV CC
44x71,6MW Filtro AC 4x2312MCM – 2375km
Pólo 1 Pólo 1
S. Antônio 1575MW 1475MW
1575 MV A 3x1250MV A
4x954MCM - TC - 105km

1575 MV A
Pólo 2
Pólo 2 1475MW
Filtro AC 4x2312MCM – 2375km
-600kV CC

-120/250 Mvar
Jirau LOTRibeirãozinho
Cuiabá Rio Verde Araraquara
Jauru 364 km
3x(-70/100) Mvar 242km (CTEEP)
1x750MVA 1x750MVA
Back-to-back 1x136 M var

400 MVA
P. VelhoSamuel Ariq. J. Paraná P.Bueno Vilhena Coxipo
400 MVA 2x954MC M
12 km 41km 150km 165km 118km 160km 354 Itumbiara
Rio BrancoAbuna Univers. CE
-25/50 Mvar -25/50 Mvar

305km 160km 30km

Figure 7 - DC Alternative lots offered in auction


The planning final stage activity requires a demonstration from the new owners that the proposed
transmission system fulfills all technical requirements established before. In a complex transmission
system like the one proposed to Madeira a potential number of details have to be discussed with
manufacturers and the new owners, in order to guarantee that the final design conceived by the
planners is ready to be implemented without any constraints.

According with the bidding process rules, however, auction entrepreneur winner has the freedom of
design optimization of the whole new transmission system, provided that its performance is
maintained equal to or better than the originally planned conceived. As a result, the final solution
proposed to be implemented by the new owners of Madeira Transmission System has some changes,
such as:

 Operation schedule anticipation to match with generation hydro plants schedule.

 CCC type back-to-back converters instead of conventional type for local load, with no need of
synchronous compensation in Porto Velho.
 DC transmission lines bipoles provided with All Aluminum cables instead of ACSR type.
 DC transmission lines divided in three sections, with distinct project, in accordance with local
environment, as the long lines cross distinct region of the country.
 Change in converter filters lay-out reinforcing islanding conception.
 One of the converter stations provided with three-winding transformers instead of two-
 Minor changes, like the smooth reactor split with main part installed at lower level voltage.


The planning process of the Madeira Transmission System within such amount of power to be
transmitted, and the long distance crossing different regions of Brazil, was effectively a challenge. In
addition, selection of three transmission alternative, instead of the tradition one, largely increased the
amount of analysis.

Even though, the feasibility studies indicated DC Alternative as the most efficient solution, the
complementary and detailed analysis reinforced this indication and cleared recommended a necessity
to re-design the AC Alternative, which was discarded.

A new transmission system put in competition, with the actual rules, can contribute to reduce
transmission costs, as indicated by the bidding results, with annual revenues for the new transmission
owners averaging 7.15% less than the established ceiling. And even considering a reference solution
selected by the planners, the new transmission owner had the possibility to optimize this solution and,
consequently, improve its efficiency.

The Madeira Transmission System final design reflects a criterion and efficient process of planning,
when the best technical and economical alternative was selected by the planners and its choice
reinforced by transmission agents and their financial supporters.


The authors acknowledge the participation and contributions of the Working Group members
compounded by the main transmission companies in Brazil (Eletrobras, Furnas, Chesf, Eletrosul,
Eletronorte, Cepel, Cemig, Cteep, ONS).


[ 1] Esmeraldo, Paulo C. V. et all. Feasibility Studies for Madeira Transmission System - Technical
and Economics Analysis, CIGRE Session 2008, paper B4-103.
[ 2] Integrated system analysis for the Madeira river hydroelectric plants and reinforcements in the
Interconnected National System - Reports R1 - Detailing alternatives. Report n. EPE-DEE-
RE055r1, May/2008 - in Portuguese.
[ 3] Carvalho Jr., Dourival S.; Esmeraldo, P.C V.; Working Group of Reports R2; Madeira
Transmission System - Switching Manoeuvres Evaluation, Cigrê XX SNPTEE, Recife, Brazil,
2009 - in Portuguese.
[ 4] Peixoto, C.A. et all. Sistema de Transmissão de Itaipu CA/CC - Sobretensões Dinâmicas e
Transitórias e suas Influências nas Características dos Equipamentos, VI Seminário Nacional de
Produção e Transmissão de Energia Elétrica, Camboriu, SC, Brasil, 1981.
[ 5 ] Mello, F.P.; Considerations on the Capability of the AHE Madeira Bulb Type Turbo-Generators
of Withstanding Accelerating Torque Transients, Consulting Engineer Report, June 2008.

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