Gymnastics Day 3

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Lesson Plan

Grade/Subject: Phys. Ed. Unit: Lesson Duration: 33 Min

Date: April
Grade: 7s


General Learning Outcomes:
Specific Learning Outcomes:
Learning Objectives
Students will:
- Demonstrate control of their bodies while performing complex movements
and balances
- Demonstrate good static and dynamic balance
- Demonstrate control during locomotive skills
- Demonstrate safety while performing balances and movements
Observations: Key Questions:
- Are the students being safe - What are keys to balancing?
- Are the students demonstrating - What ways help keep our body
control while moving and stable in motion?
balancing? - What are ways we can be safe
- Are the students demonstrating when doing gymnastics?
proper technique in the complex - What is a spotter and what are they
movements? there for?
Written/Performance Assessments:
As they come in from changing: Immunity Tag 8:35-8:45
Say: You are trying to run away from those who are ‘it’. You are SAFE if you get into a
front or back support, however, you can only stay in one for 5 seconds before you
need to move around again.
The ‘it’ cannot hover around those who are in a support but must remain at least 4
big steps away from them.
If you get tagged, your teammates can sit on your hips to let you up.
Expectations for Learning and Behaviour: You must be respectful of your classmates
and be safe while running around the gym.
Low-Management Time: Have mats ready for use when needed.
Transition to Body: Bring everyone in.
Learning Activity #1: Pyramid Challenge (10 Minutes) 8:45-8:55am // 9:27-9:37
Info: Students will be given a sheet with specific pyramid patterns on it. They must
work together as a team to complete each of the pyramids.
Say: You will be getting into these pyramid positions with your groups and you must
complete 1 before you move to number 2. In order to move forward, you must get
my attention and I have to give you the go ahead to move to the next one.
Each group has the same sequence of pyramids to complete and the first group to get
all of them done with my okay wins.
Do: Have the mats doubled so that they are wider and cover more surface. Have one
sheet with the pyramids on them numbered 1, 2, etc., Have ANOTHER sheet for them
to complete if they get through the first round quickly.

Learning Activity #2: Cartwheels 7 Minutes 8:55-9:02 // 9:39-9:44

Do: Move the mats off to the side (NO Cartwheels on the mats!)
Say: There are two different types of cartwheels. 1) Front to Back / 2) Side to Side
1) You are going to face forwards in the direction you want to be going.
You will lunge with your strong leg out in front of you.
As you swing your body, place one hand down on the ground while kicking up
one of your legs
Then place the other hand down as the other leg also comes up.
Continue to swing your body so that your feet travel above your head.
You will land facing the opposite direction in which you started.
2) You will be standing sideways so that the end of your shoulder is facing the
direction you would like to go.
You will place your hand down in the direction you wish to go
As you put your hands down, you are going to kick up your other leg
You will then place your hand parallel to the other hand and kick up the
opposite leg.
You should land facing the same direction in which you started.

Learning Activity #3: Round Off (5 minutes) 9:02-9:07 // 9:44-9:49

Say: this is the same principle as a cartwheel except at the end of your wheel, you are
going to be rotating your hips quickly and landing on two feet side by side (rather
than in a lunge like you do for cartwheels)

Learning Activity #4: Tripod Stance (5 minutes) 9:07-9:12 // 9:49-9:54

Say: This requires a lot of core strength and balance. We are going to be taking the
mats back and getting on them for this activity.
You will start with you legs spread out while sitting on your heels. You are going to
put the bony part of your elbow in the crook of your knee.
Then, you are going to try and lift your feet off the floor and balance in that position
Consolidation/Assessment of Learning: So, we have one more full day of gymnastics
before we combine it with dance. The final project that I’m going to have all of you do
is to put together a dance routine that incorporates certain gymnastics things

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