Survey: Technology in The Classroom

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6th of November, 2017 Report draft Andrea Aguirre González

Survey: Technology in the classroom


The purpose of this writing is to report the results of a survey done recently that focuses on how
technological advances can be implemented in the classroom, as well as the description of the
questions presented on the survey itself. One hundred people were asked to fulfil this task.

General opinion on technology.

According to the results shown in both questions one and five, people stated their opinion on their
personal experiences with technology. The first question was geared towards their enjoyment on
using technology. While 50% agreed, 25% percent disagreed completely and the other 25% agreed
completely. On the fifth question it was asked if these people agreed that technology breaks down
often, meaning it cannot be used properly most of the time. 75% disagreed, 25% agreed.

Benefits of technology in class.

In questions three, six and seven people were asked to answer a few questions on their thoughts of
the positivity of technology being used inside the classroom. On question three is asked if students
should know how to use technology inside the classroom. 50% agreed, 25% disagreed and 25% were
neutral about it. On the sixth question people had to answer if they believed that technology can
enhance learning in the classroom. 50% agreed, 25% disagreed completely & 25% agreed
completely. The last question asked if the people surveyed thought that technology was important
as a way of practice for working life. 50% agreed and 50% were neutral about it.

Downsides of technology.

In questions two and four, people were asked to answer if they agreed with two negative statements
on technology. On the second question, people were asked if they believed in the following
statement “Using technology in the classroom takes too much time”. 50% were neutral about it,
25% agreed, 25% disagreed. On the fourth question, people stated if they believed in that there is
no need of technology when learning a new language. 50% were neutral, 25% disagreed & 25%
disagreed completely.


Thanks to the results shown, it is clear to see that people have a positive outlook on the use of
technology, however, their general opinion on the use of it inside the classroom is rather neutral
than negative.

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