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1. Under which major sub-headings, the following items will be placed in the balance sheet
of a company as per Schedule III, Part I of the Companies Act, 2013.
(i)Accrued incomes
(ii)Loose tools
(iii)Provision for employees benefits
(iv)Unpaid dividend
(v)Short-term loans
(vi) Long-term loans (Delhi 2014; Modified)2
2. Under which sub-headings will the following items be placed in the balance sheet of a
company as per Schedule III, Part I of the Companies Act, 2013.
(i)Capital reserves
(iii)Loans repayable on demand
(vi)Loose tools (All India 2014; Modified)
3. State under which major headings the following items will be presented in the balance
sheet of a company as per Schedule III Part I of the Companies Act, 2013.
(i)Long-term borrowings (ii) Trade payables
(iii) Provision for tax (iv) Securities premium reserve
(v) Patents (vi)Accrued incomes (Compartment 2014; Modified)
4. State under which major headings the following items will be presented in the balance
sheet of a company as per Schedule III Part I of the Companies Act, 2013.
(i)Trade marks
(ii)Capital redemption reserves
(iii)Income received in advance
(iv)Stores and spares
(v)Office equipments
(vi)Current investments
5. Under what heads and sub-heads, will the following items appear in the balance sheet of a
company as per Schedule III, Part I of the Companies Act, 2013.
(i) Stores and spares (ii) Proposed dividend
(iii) Computer software
6. Under what heads and sub-heads, will the following items appear in the balance sheet of a
company as per Schedule III, Part I of the Companies Act, 2013
(ii) Loose tools
(iii) Calls-in-advance(All India 2013)
7. Under what heads and sub-heads, will the following items appear in the balance sheet of a
company as per Schedule III, Part I of the Companies Act, 2013
(i)Mining rights
(ii)Encashment of employees earned leave payable on retirement
(iii)Vehicles (Delhi 2013
8. Under what heads and sub-heads, the following items will appear in the balance sheet of a
company as per Schedule III, Part I of the Companies Act, 2013
(i)Tax reserve
(ii)Interest on calls-in-advance
(iii)Stores and spares (Delhi 2013)
9. .Under what heads and sub-heads, the following items will appear in the balance sheet of
a company as per Schedule III, Part I of the Companies Act, 2013.
(i)Premium on redemption of debentures
(ii)Loose tools
(iii) Balances with banks (Delhi 2013; Modified)
10. Under what heads and sub-heads, will the following items appear in the balance sheet of a
11. ny as per Schedule III, Part I of the Companies Act, 2013.
(i)Subsidy reserve
(ii)Mining rights
(iii) Provision for doubtful debts (All India 2013; Modified)
12. State the major headings under which the following items will be put as per Schedule III,
Part I of the Companies Act, 2013.
(i) Long-term investments (ii) Bills of exchange
(iii)Motor car (iv) Discount on issue of shares
(v)Securities premium reserve (vi) Unclaimed dividend (All India 2011; Modified)
13. Give the major headings under which the following items will be shown in a company’s
balance sheet as per Schedule III, Part I of the Companies Act, 2013.
(i)Sundry creditors
(ii)Provision for tax
(iii)Preliminary expenses
(iv)Loose tools
(v)Interest accrued on investments
(vi)Goodwill (All India 2011; Modified)
14. List the items which are shown under the heading ‘current assets’ as per Schedule III, Part I
of the Companies Act, 2013.
15. List the items which are shown under the heading ‘current liabilities’ as per Schedule III,
Part I of the Companies Act, 2013. (Delhi 2011; ModifiED)

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