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Tarea 4
Mecánica II
Osciladores acoplados

Fecha de entrega: Viernes 30 de octubre, 2015. Al principio de la clase

A) Problemas del Marion-Thornton, Classical Dynamics

15.8 Problems 453

For the special case in which b = 4a/5, find the normal frequencies and the forms of the
normal modes. Is the general motion periodic?

Three or more degrees of freedom

15 . 4 Triple pendulum A triple pendulum has three strings of equal length a and the three
particles (starting from the top) have masses 6m, 2m, m respectively. The pendulum performs
small oscillations in a vertical plane. Show that the normal frequencies satisfy the equation

12µ3 − 60µ2 + 81µ − 27 = 0,

where µ = aω /g. Find the normal frequencies, the forms of the normal modes, and a set of
normal coordinates. [µ = 3 is a root of the equation.]
B) Problema tomado de Gregoy, R. D., Classical Dynamics, Cambridge (2006)

15 . 5 A light elastic string is stretched to tension T0 between two fixed points A and B a
distance 3a apart, and two particles of mass m are attached to the string at equally spaced
intervals. The strength of each of the three sections of the string is α. The system performs
small oscillations in a plane through AB. Without making any prior assumptions, prove that
the particles oscillate longitudinally in two of the normal modes and transversely in the other
two. Find the four normal frequencies.

15 . 6 A rod of mass M and length L is suspended from two fixed points at the same horizontal
level and a distance L apart by two equal strings of length b attached to its ends. From each
end of the rod a particle of mass m is suspended by a string of length a. The system of the rod
and two particles performs small oscillations in a vertical plane. Find V and T for this system.
For the special case in which b = 3a/2 and M = 6m/5, find the normal frequencies. Show
that the general small motion is periodic and find the period.

15 . 7 A uniform rod is suspended in a horizontal position by unequal vertical strings of lengths

b, c attached to its ends. Show that the frequency of the in-plane swinging mode is ((b +
c)g/2bc)1/2 , and that the frequencies of the other modes satisfy the equation

bcµ2 − 2a(b + c)µ + 3a 2 = 0,

where µ = aω2 /g. Find the normal frequencies for the particular case in which b = 3a and
c = 8a.

15 . 8 ∗ A uniform rod BC has mass M and length 2a. The end B of the rod is connected to a
fixed point A on a smooth horizontal table by an elastic string of strength α1 , and the end C is

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