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Natural and Step Response of Series & Parallel

RLC Circuits (Second-order Circuits)

Determine the response form of the circuit
Natural response parallel RLC circuits
Natural response series RLC circuits
Step response of parallel and series RLC circuits
Natural Response of Parallel RLC Circuits

The problem – given initial energy stored in the

inductor and/or capacitor, find v(t) for t ≥ 0.
It is convenient to calculate v(t) for this
circuit because
Natural Response of Parallel RLC Circuits

The problem – given initial

energy stored in the
inductor and/or capacitor,
find v(t) for t ≥ 0.

dv (t ) 1 v (t )
KCL : C   v ( x )dx  I 0  0
dt L0 R
d 2 v (t ) 1 1 dv (t )
Di fferentia teboths i desto removethe i ntegra :l C 2
 v ( t )  0
dt L R dt
d 2 v (t ) 1 1 dv (t )
Di vi deboths i desby C to pl a cei ns ta nda rdform :  v ( t )  0
dt 2 LC RC dt
Natural Response of Parallel RLC Circuits

The problem – given initial

energy stored in the
inductor and/or capacitor,
find v(t) for t ≥ 0.

d 2 v (t ) 1 1 dv(t )
Describingequation: 2
 v ( t )  0
dt LC RC dt

This equation is
Second order
Ordinary differential equation
With constant coefficients
Once again we want to pick a possible solution to
this differential equation. This must be a function
whose first AND second derivatives have the
same form as the original function, so a possible
candidate is
Natural Response of Parallel RLC Circuits
The problem – given initial
energy stored in the
inductor and/or capacitor,
find v(t) for t ≥ 0.

d 2 v (t ) 1 1 dv(t )
Describingequation: 2
 v ( t )  0
dt LC RC dt
The circuit has two initial conditions that must be satisfied,
so the solution for v(t) must have two constants. Use
v (t )  A1e s1t  A2e s2t V; Subs ti tute:
1 1
( s12 A1e s1t  s22 A2e s2t )  ( s1 A1e s1t  s2 A2e s2t )  ( A1e s1t  A2e s2t )  0
 [ s12  (1 RC ) s1  (1 LC )] A1e s1t  [ s22  (1 RC ) s2  (1 LC )] A2e s2t  0
Natural Response of Parallel RLC Circuits
The problem – given initial
energy stored in the
inductor and/or capacitor,
find v(t) for t ≥ 0.

d 2 v (t ) 1 1 dv(t)
Des cri bi ngequati on: 2
 v ( t )  0
dt LC RC dt
Sol uti on: v (t )  A1e s1t  A2e s2t
Wheres1 ands2 are s ol uti onsfor the CHARACTERISTIC EQUATION:
s 2  (1 RC ) s  (1 LC )  0
s  (1 RC )s  (1 LC)  0

is called the “characteristic equation” because it

characterizes the circuit.
Natural Response of Parallel RLC Circuits
The problem – given initial
energy stored in the
inductor and/or capacitor,
find v(t) for t ≥ 0.

The two solutions to the characteristic equation can be

calculated using the quadratic formula:
 (1 RC )  (1 RC ) 2  4(1 LC )
s  (1 RC ) s  (1 LC )  0;
s1, 2 
s1, 2  (1 2 RC )  (1 2 RC ) 2  (1 LC )     2  02
where  (the neper frequencyi n ra d/s )
2 RC
a nd 0  (the res ona ntra di a nfrequencyi n ra d/s )
So far, we know that the parallel RLC natural
response is given by
v (t )  A1e s1t  A2e s2t
1 1
s1, 2       2 2
0 where   and 0 
There are three different forms for s1 and s2. For a parallel
RLC circuit with specific values of R, L and C, the form for s1
and s2 depends on
A. The value of 
B. The value of 0
C. The value of (2 - 02)
Natural Response – Overdamped Example
Given V0 = 12 V and
I0 = 30 mA, find v(t)
for t ≥ 0.

1 1
   12,500 ra d/s
2 RC 2( 200)(0.2  )
1 1
0    10,000 ra d/s
LC (0.05)(0.2  )
 2  o2 s o thi si s the overda mpedca s e!
s1, 2     2  02  12,500  (12,500) 2  (10,000) 2
 12,000  7500  s1  5000 ra d/s ,s2  20,000 ra d/s
Natural Response – Overdamped Example
Given V0 = 12 V and
I0 = 30 mA, find v(t)
for t ≥ 0.

v (t )  A1e 5000t  A2e 20,000t V, for t  0

Now we mus tus ethe coeffi ci ents i nthe equa tionto s a tis fy
the i ni tiacondi
l tionsi nthe ci rcui t:
v (t ) t 0 i nthe equa tion v (t ) t 0 i nthe ci rcui t
dv (t ) dv (t )
i nthe equa tion i nthe ci rcui t
dt t 0 dt t 0
Natural Response – Overdamped Example
Given V0 = 12 V and
I0 = 30 mA, find v(t)
for t ≥ 0.

Equa tion: v (0)  A1e 5000( 0 )  A2e 20,000( 0 )  A1  A2

Ci rcui t: v (0)  V0  12 V
 A1  A2  12
dv (0)
Equa tion:  ( 5000) A1e 5000( 0 )  ( 20,000) A2e 20,000( 0 )
 5000 A1  20,000 A2
Now we need the initial value of the first
derivative of the voltage from the circuit. The
describing equation of which circuit component
involves dv(t)/dt?
Natural Response – Overdamped Example
Given V0 = 12 V and
I0 = 30 mA, find v(t)
for t ≥ 0.

dv (0)
Equa ti on:  ( 5000) A1e 5000( 0 )  ( 20,000) A2e 20,000( 0 )
 5000 A1  20,000 A2
dv (t ) dv (0) 1 1
Ci rcui t: iC (t )  C   iC (0)  ( iL (0)  iR (0))
dt dt C C
dv (0) 1  v ( 0)  1  12 
   i L ( 0)      0. 03    450,000 V/s
dt C R  0.2   200 
 5000 A1  20,000 A2  450,000
Natural Response – Overdamped Example
Given V0 = 12 V and
I0 = 30 mA, find v(t)
for t ≥ 0.

v (t )  A1e 5000t  A2e 20,000t V, for t  0

A1  A2  12;  5000 A1  20,000 A2  450,000
us l y, A1  14,
Sol vi ngs i mul taneo A2  26
Thus ,
v (t )  14e 5000t  26e 20,000t V, for t  0
Checks: v (0)  14  26  12 V (OK)
v ( )  0 (OK)
Natural Response – Overdamped Example
Given V0 = 12 V and
I0 = 30 mA, find v(t)
for t ≥ 0.

You can solve this problem using the Second-Order Circuits

1. Make sure you are on the Natural Response side.
2. Find the parallel RLC column.
3. Use the equations in Row 4 to calculate  and 0.
4. Compare the values of  and 0 to determine the
response form (given in one of the last 3 rows).
5. Use the equations to solve for the unknown coefficients.
6. Write the equation for v(t), t ≥ 0.
7. Solve for any other quantities requested in the problem.
The values of the __________ determine
whether the response is overdamped,
underdamped, or critically damped

A. Initial conditions
B. R, L, and C components
C. Independent sources
Natural Response of Parallel RLC Circuits
The problem – given initial
energy stored in the
inductor and/or capacitor,
find v(t) for t ≥ 0.
1 1
s 2  (1 RC ) s  (1 LC )  0; s1, 2     2  02 ;  ; 0 
 2  02 : overda mped, s o v (t )  A1e s1t  A2e s2t
 2  02 : underda mped, s o s1, 2    jd where d  02   2
v (t )  A1e(   jd ) t  A2e(   jd ) t  A1e t e jd t  A2e t e  jd t
Note Eul er's i denti ty: e jx  cos x  j sin x; e  jx  cos x  j sin x
v (t )  A1e t (cos d t  j sin d t )  A2e t (cos d t  j sin d t )
 e t cos d t ( A1  A2 )  e t sin d t ( jA1  jA2 )
 v (t )  B1e t cos d t  B2e t sin d t
When the response is underdamped, the voltage
is given by the equation
v(t )  B1et cos d t  B2et sin d t
In this equation, the coefficients B1 and B2 are

A. Real numbers
B. Imaginary numbers
C. Complex conjugate numbers
Natural Response – Underdamped Example
Given V0 = 0 V and
I0 = 12.25 mA,
find v(t) for t ≥ 0.

1 1
   200 ra d/s
2 RC 2( 20,000)(0.125 )
1 1
0    1000 ra d/s
LC (8)(0.125 )
 2  o2 s o thi si s the underda mped ca s e!
d  02   2  (1000)2  (200)2  979.8 ra d/s
 v (t )  B1e t cos d t  B2e t sin d t
 B1e 200t cos 979.8t  B2e 200t sin 979.8t V, t  0
Now we evaluate v(0) and dv(0)/dt from the
equation for v(t), and set those values equal to
v(0) and dv(0)/dt from the circuit, solving for B1
and B2. The values for v(0) and dv(0)/dt from the
circuit do not depend on whether the response is
overdamped, underdamped, or critically damped.
A. True
B. False
Natural Response – Underdamped Example
Given V0 = 0 V and
I0 = 12.25 mA,
find v(t) for t ≥ 0.

Equation: v(0)  B1e 200( 0) cos 979.8(0)  B2e 200( 0) sin 979.8(0)  B1
Circuit: v(0)  V0  0 V
 B1  0
Natural Response – Underdamped Example
Given V0 = 0 V and
I0 = 12.25 mA,
find v(t) for t ≥ 0.

Equation:  ( 200) B1e 200( 0) cos 979.8(0)  979.8B1e 200( 0) sin 979.8(0)
 ( 200) B2e 200( 0) sin 979.8(0)  979.8B2e 200( 0) cos 979.8(0)
 B1  d B2  200 B1  979.8B2
dvC (0) 1 1 V 
Circuit:  iC (0)    I 0  0 
dt C C R
1  0 
   ( 0.01225)    98,000 V/s
0.125  20,000 
  200 B1  979.8B2  98,000 V/s
Natural Response – Underdamped Example
Given V0 = 0 V and
I0 = 12.25 mA,
find v(t) for t ≥ 0.

v (t )  B1e t cos d t  B2e t sin d t

v (0)  B1  V0  0;
dv (0)
 B1  d B2  200 B1  979.8B2
  I 0  V0 R   98,000
 B2  100
 v (t )  100e 200t sin 979.8t V, t  0
Natural Response of Parallel RLC Circuits
The problem – given initial
energy stored in the
inductor and/or capacitor,
find v(t) for t ≥ 0.

1 1
s 2  (1 RC ) s  (1 LC )  0; s1, 2     2  02 ;  ; 0 
 2  02 : overda mped, s o v (t )  A1e s1t  A2e s2t
 2  02 : underda mped, s o v (t )  B1e t cos d t  B2e t sin d t
where d  02   2
 2  02 : Cri tica l l yda mped,s o s1, 2    0  
When the response is critically damped, a
reasonable expression for the voltage is
v(t )  A1et  A2et V, t  0

A. True
B. False
Natural Response of Parallel RLC Circuits
The problem – given initial
energy stored in the
inductor and/or capacitor,
find v(t) for t ≥ 0.

When the circuit’s response is critically damped, the assumed

form of the solution we have been using up until now does
not provide enough unknown coefficients to satisfy the two
initial conditions from the circuit. Therefore, we use a
different solution form:
 2  02 : Criticallydampeds o
v(t )  D1te s1t  D2e s2t  D1te t  D2et
Natural Response – Critically damped Example
Given V0 = 50 V
and I0 = 250 mA,
find v(t) for t ≥ 0.

1 1
   500 ra d/s
2 RC 2(100)(10 )
1 1
0    500 ra d/s
LC (0.4)(10 )
 2  o2 s o thi s i s the cri tica l l yda mpedca s e!
 v (t )  D1te t  D2e t  D1te 500t  D2e 500t V, t  0
Natural Response – Critically damped Example
Given V0 = 50 V
and I0 = 250 mA,
find v(t) for t ≥ 0.

Use the initial conditions from the equation and from the
circuit to solve for the unknown coefficients.
Equation: v(0)  D1 (0)e500( 0)  D2e500( 0)  D2
Circuit: v(0)  V0  50 V  D2  50
Natural Response – Critically damped Example
Given V0 = 50 V
and I0 = 250 mA,
find v(t) for t ≥ 0.

dv (0)
Equation:  D1e 500( 0)  D1 ( 500)(0)e 500( 0)  D2 ( 500)e 500( 0)
 D1  500 D2
dvC (0) 1 1 V0 
Circuit:  iC (0)    I 0  
dt C C R
1  50 
   0.25    75,000 V/s
10  100 
 D1  500 D2  75,000 V/s
Natural Response – Critically damped Example
Given V0 = 50 V
and I0 = 250 mA,
find v(t) for t ≥ 0.

v (t )  D1te 500t  D2e 500t

v (0)  D2  V0  50;
 D1  D2  D1  500 D2
  I 0  V0 R   78,000
 D1  50,000
 v (t )  50,000te 500t  50e 500t V, t  0
Natural Response of Parallel RLC Circuits – Summary
The problem – given initial
energy stored in the
inductor and/or capacitor,
find v(t) for t ≥ 0.
Use the Second-Order Circuits table:
1. Make sure you are on the Natural Response side.
2. Find the parallel RLC column.
3. Use the equations in Row 4 to calculate  and 0.
4. Compare the values of  and 0 to determine the
response form (given in one of the last 3 rows).
5. Use the equations to solve for the unknown coefficients.
6. Write the equation for v(t), t ≥ 0.
7. Solve for any other quantities requested in the problem.
Natural Response of Series RLC Circuits

The problem – given initial energy stored in the

inductor and/or capacitor, find i(t) for t ≥ 0.
The difference(s) between the analysis of
series RLC circuit and the parallel RLC circuit

A. The variable we calculate.

B. The describing differential
C. The equations for satisfying the
initial conditions
D. All of the above
Natural Response of Series RLC Circuits

The problem – given initial

energy stored in the
inductor and/or capacitor,
find i(t) for t ≥ 0.

di (t ) 1
KVL : L   i ( x )dx  V0  Ri (t )  0
dt C0
d 2i ( t ) 1 di (t )
Di fferentia teboths i desto removethe i ntegra :l L 2
 i ( t )  R 0
dt C dt
d 2i (t ) R di (t ) 1
Di vi deboths i desby L to pl a cei ns tanda rdform :   i (t )  0
dt 2 L dt LC
The describing differential equation for the series
RLC circuit is 2
d i (t ) R di (t ) 1
  i (t )  0
dt L dt LC

Therefore, the characteristic equation is

A. s2 + (1/RC)s + 1/LC = 0
B. s2 + (R/L)s + 1/LC = 0
C. s2 + (1/LC)s + 1/RC = 0
Natural Response of Series RLC Circuits
The problem – given initial
energy stored in the
inductor and/or capacitor,
find i(t) for t ≥ 0.

The two solutions to the characteristic equation can be

calculated using the quadratic formula:
s 2  ( R L) s  (1 LC )  0; s1, 2     2  02
where  (the neper frequencyi n rad/s )
and 0  (the res onantradi anfrequencyi n rad/s )
Natural Response Series RLC Problems
The problem – given initial
energy stored in the
inductor and/or capacitor,
find i(t) for t ≥ 0.
You can solve these problem using the Second-Order Circuits
1. Make sure you are on the Natural Response side.
2. Find the series RLC column.
3. Use the equations in Row 4 to calculate  and 0.
4. Compare the values of  and 0 to determine the
response form (given in one of the last 3 rows).
5. Use the equations to solve for the unknown coefficients.
6. Write the equation for i(t), t ≥ 0.
7. Solve for any other quantities requested in the problem.
Natural Response Series RLC Example
The capacitor is charged
to 100 V and at t = 0, the
switch closes. Find i(t) for
t ≥ 0.

R 560
   2800 ra d/s
2 L 2(0.1)
1 1
0    10,000 ra d/s
LC (0.1)(0.1 )
 2  o2 s o thi s i s the underda mped ca s e!
d  02   2  9600 ra d/s
i (t )  B1e 2800t cos 9600t  B2e 2800t sin 9600t A, t  0
Natural Response Series RLC Example
The capacitor is charged
to 100 V and at t = 0, the
switch closes. Find i(t) for
t ≥ 0.

i (t )  B1e 2800t cos 9600t  B2e 2800t sin 9600t A, t  0

Now we mus tus ethe coeffi ci ents i nthe equa tionto s a tis fy
the i ni tiacondi
l tionsi nthe ci rcui t:
i (t ) t 0 i nthe equa tion i (t ) t 0 i nthe ci rcui t
di (t ) di (t )
i nthe equa tion i nthe ci rcui t
dt t 0 dt t 0
Natural Response Series RLC Example
The capacitor is charged
to 100 V and at t = 0, the
switch closes. Find i(t) for
t ≥ 0.

i (t )  B1e 2800t cos 9600t  B2e 2800t sin 9600t A, t  0

Equati on: i (0)  B1 (s ame a s the paral l elcas e!)
Ci rcui t: i (0)  I 0  0
 B1  0
Natural Response Series RLC Example
The capacitor is charged
to 100 V and at t = 0, the
switch closes. Find i(t) for
t ≥ 0.

di (0)
Equa ti on:  B1  d B2 (s a me a s the pa ra l l elca s e!)
 vL (0)   vC (0)  vR (0)    V0  RI 0 
di (0) 1 1 1
Ci rcui t:
dt L L L

 ( 100)  560(0)   1000 A/s
  2800(0)  9600 B2  1000  B2  0.104
 i (t )  0.104e 2800t sin 9600t A, t  0
Natural Response of RLC Circuits – Summary

Use the Second-Order Circuits table:

1. Make sure you are on the Natural Response side.
2. Find the appropriate column for the RLC circuit topology.
3. Make sure the initial conditions are defined exactly as
shown in the figure!
4. Use the equations in Row 4 to calculate  and 0.
5. Compare the values of  and 0 to determine the
response form (given in one of the last 3 rows).
6. Use the equations to solve for the unknown coefficients.
7. Write the equation for v(t), t ≥ 0 (parallel) or i(t), t ≥ 0
8. Solve for any other quantities requested in the problem.
Step Response of Second-order RLC Circuits

The problem – find the response for t ≥ 0. Note

that there may or may not be initial energy stored
in the inductor and capacitor!
The circuit for the parallel RLC step response is
repeated here. Consider how this circuit behaves
as t  ∞. Which component’s final value is non-

A. The resistor
B. The inductor
C. The capacitor
D. All of the above
Step Response of a Parallel RLC Circuits

As t  ∞:

The only component whose final value is NOT zero is the

inductor, whose final current is the current supplied by the
source. We now have to construct a response form that can
satisfy two initial conditions and one non-zero final value.
We can satisfy the final value directly if we specify the
inductor current as the response we will solve for:

iL (t )  I F  (the form of the naturalresponse)

Step Response of a Parallel RLC Circuit
The problem – there is no initial energy stored in this circuit; find
i(t) for t ≥ 0.

To begin, find the initial conditions and the final value. The
initial conditions for this problem are both zero; the final
value is found by analyzing the circuit as t  ∞.
Step Response of a Parallel RLC Circuit
The problem – there is no initial energy stored in this circuit; find
i(t) for t ≥ 0.

t  ∞:

I F  24 mA
Step Response of a Parallel RLC Circuit
The problem – there is no initial energy stored in this circuit; find
i(t) for t ≥ 0.

Next, calculate the values of  and 0 and determine the

form of the response:

1 1
   50,000 rad/s
2 RC 2(400)( 25n)
0  1 LC  1 (25m)( 25n)  40,000 rad/s
We just calculated  = 50,000 rad/s and
0 = 40,000 rad/s, so the form of the
response is

A. Overdamped
B. Underdamped
C. Critically damped
Once we know the response form is overdamped,
we know we have to calculate

A. d
B. s1 and s2
C. Nothing additional
Step Response of a Parallel RLC Circuit
The problem – there is no initial energy stored in this circuit; find
i(t) for t ≥ 0.

Since the response form is overdamped, calculate the

values of s1 and s2:

s1, 2     2  02  50,000  50,0002  40,0002

 50,000  30,000 rad/s
 s1  20,000 rad/s and s2  80,000 rad/s
 iL (t )  0.024  A1e 20,000t  A2e 80,000t A, t  0
Step Response of a Parallel RLC Circuit
The problem – there is no initial energy stored in this circuit; find
i(t) for t ≥ 0.

iL (t )  0.024  A1e20,000t  A2e80,000t A, t  0

Next, set the values of i(0) and di(0)/dt from the equation
equal to the values of i(0) and di(0)/dt from the circuit.

From the equation: iL (0)  0.024  A1  A2

From the circuit: iL (0)  I 0  0
Step Response of a Parallel RLC Circuit
The problem – there is no initial energy stored in this circuit; find
i(t) for t ≥ 0.

iL (t )  0.024  A1e20,000t  A2e80,000t A, t  0

diL (0)
From the equati on:  20,000 A1  80,000 A2
diL (0) vL (0) V0
From the ci rcui t:   0
dt L L
Step Response of a Parallel RLC Circuit
The problem – there is no initial energy stored in this circuit; find
i(t) for t ≥ 0.

iL (t )  0.024  A1e20,000t  A2e80,000t A, t  0

Sol ve: 0.024  A1  A2  0

and  20,000 A1  80,000 A2  0
 A1  32 mA; A2  8 mA
 iL (t )  24  32e 20,000t  8e 80,000t mA, t  0
iL (t )  24  32e20,000t  8e80,000t mA, t  0

We can check this result at t = 0 and as t  ∞;

from the equation we get
A. iL(0)=32 mA, iL(∞)=0
B. iL(0)=0, iL(∞)=0
C. iL(0)=0, iL(∞)=24 mA
iL (t )  24  32e20,000t  8e80,000t mA,t  0

If we now want to find v(t) for t ≥ 0, we need to

A. Find the derivative of the
current and multiply by L
B. Find the integral of the
current and divide by C
C. Multiply the current by R
Step Response of RLC Circuits – Summary
Use the Second-Order Circuits table:
1. Make sure you are on the Step Response side.
2. Find the appropriate column for the RLC circuit topology.
3. Find the values of the two initial conditions and the one
non-zero final value. Make sure the initial conditions and
final value are defined exactly as shown in the figure!
4. Use the equations in Row 4 to calculate  and 0.
5. Compare the values of  and 0 to determine the
response form (given in one of the last 3 rows).
6. Write the equation for vC(t), t ≥ 0 (series) or iL(t), t ≥ 0
(parallel), leaving only the 2 coefficients unspecified.
7. Use the equations provided to solve for the unknown
8. Solve for any other quantities requested in the problem.
Step Response of a Series RLC Circuit
The problem –
find vC(t) for t ≥ 0.

Find the initial conditions by analyzing the circuit for t < 0:

15 k
V0  (80 V )
9 k  15 k
 50 V
I0  0 A
Step Response of a Series RLC Circuit
The problem –
find vC(t) for t ≥ 0.

Find the final value of the capacitor voltage by analyzing

the circuit as t  ∞:

VF  100 V
Step Response of a Series RLC Circuit
The problem –
find vC(t) for t ≥ 0.

Use the circuit for t ≥ 0 to find the values of  and 0:

  R 2 L  80 2(0.005)  8000 ra d/s
0  1 LC  1 (0.005)( 2  )
 10,000 ra d/s
 2  02  underda mped
d  02   2  10,0002  80002
 6000 ra d/s
Step Response of a Series RLC Circuit
The problem –
find vC(t) for t ≥ 0.

Write the equation for the response and solve for the
unknown coefficients:
vC (t )  100  B1e 8000t cos 6000t  B2e 8000t sin 6000t V, t  0
vC (0)  VF  B1  V0  100  B1  50
dvC (0) I0
 B1  d B2    8000 B1  6000 B2  0
dt C
 B1  50 V, B2  66.67 V
vC (t )  100  50e 8000t cos 6000t  66.67e 8000t sin 6000t V, t  0

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