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ores |D SECTION (A): TECHNICAL [A 26 KVA, 2000/200 V, to winding transformer is connected as shown in fig. Load aq0 V ‘The fall Joad KVA of connection is a) 125 @) 275 © 3% @) 175 |A single phase transformer has resistance and reactance of 0.2 pu and 0.6 pu respectively. Its pu voltage regulation at 0.8 pf lagging woul be 082 042 (© 092 @) 038 Givon the following nhasor diagram of induction machine, identify its mode of operation Bs ° 1 Moce + Spood L A) Motoring >Ns (B) Generating >Ns (© Motoring Ne D) Gerictating Ns 3 GREET (8)-12 4 Q. Booklet oa [DD ince cw 1.24 10 (4 __-s se, 0.01 wt ® 2 © oa ©) 20%0 ‘An example of a bounded signal is we B® ot @e ©) sins ‘The two signal flow graphs shown in figure are equivalent. The value of @ and H rospoctively are 08 =< x 5 4 5 x x, % x, ex wy oan mm 9.35 ©) 2.8 D) 202 ‘A.transfer function has a second ordor donominator and constant gain in the numerator A) the aystem hae two zeros at the origin (B) the system has two finite zeros (©) the syotem has two zores at infinity (D) the system has one zero at infinity A system is linear ifand only fi satisfies (A) prizeiple of superposition ® (©) both (A) and (B) above oO) principle of homogencity neither (A) and (B) above If rit) has wnits °C and eff) has units nim, the units of K in the figure shown are ro. EO} —o_, « Ee mmc © mm (D) °Cimm °c ® GREET (2-12 4 10. un. 12, 13, M4 15. Q. Booklet ode | LD R ‘The latching current of 7, is | mA. The minimum width of gate pulse required to turn on SCRie 2 usec 1 usec © 05 wove ©) 1.5 psec ‘A single phase fully controlled rectifier has en average output voltage of 200 V when 4 =0. Ite output voltage whon @ 30" is approximately (a) 2009 ® 10V © wav ©) 183V ‘A200 V de-de converter is turned ON for 30 sec and turned off for 10 sec. The output voltage will be (a) 200 ® 10v © 175V ©) 120v In single pulse modulation used in PWM inverters, for eliminating third harmonic ‘component in the output voltage, the pulse width should be 60° . & vw © 0 120° ‘The dynamic resistance of a p-n junction germanium diode at room temperature with ‘current of 1 mA under forward biasing is @) won ®) 18m2 © wa ©) 26a ‘Thermal runway is not possible in FET because as temperature of FET increases (A) mobility increases (B) mobility decreases (© drain current decreases (D) transconductance increases GRERT (F)-19 pm eyo (aslo) 18 (So) fae) 18 se) oeecoa | D Auto reclosing is used in ease of (A) lightning arrester B) bulk oil CB © air blast CB ©) minimum ofl CB A transmission line has 1 P.U impedance on a base of 11 KV, 100 MVA. On a base of 55 KY, it will have a P.U impedance of @ 1PU ® 02PU © oo2P.u @) 01PU A 60 Ha, 4 pole turboalternator rated at 20 MVA, 13.2 KV has an inertia constant H=4 KW sec/KVA. The K.E. stored in the rotor at synchronous speed is (a) 80K ® 80Ms © soma ©) 20MI ‘The inertia constants of two groups of machines which do nat awing together are M, and ‘M,. The equivalent inertia constant of the system is @ MM, ® M,-M, if M,>M, MM, MyM © MM, © en, ‘The following figure shows load characteristics of de generator. Match the characteristic with the type of generator poshunt | 4 flat compound = over compound 8 — differential A @) pL cil iit sav @ pl cll nV st © pill gl et ev ©) pall giv et oll A S6-slot, 4-pole, de machine hes a simplex lap winding with two conductors per slot. The back pitch and front pitch adopted could be respectively 15,13 ®) 19,17 © 21,19 @) 23,21 GREET (B)-12 6 Q. Booklet ode |[D nigh a circuit are represented wen by ‘The alternating voltage (sinusoidal) across and extrrent th by (c+) and (¢+ jd) respectively. The power in watts is CO) ae~bd B) berad © ccsbd D) be~ad ‘The relation between the resonant frequency f, and the half:power frequencies f, and fy @ bik 8 © h=hh O) Kah + In a balanced star network the measured resistance between any two terminal ‘The resistance between any two terminals of the equivalent delta network is (@ 1862 @ 6a © 492 @) 9a Kirchhoff’ current law is based on the law of (A) conservation of energy (B) conservation of charge (© conservation of momentum (D) conservation of mase In the circuit shown which of the following statements is NOT correct? 100 20V 4a (A) ‘Ihe eareuut has a supermesh Bi (©) ~20+6%, +144, =0 (D) ~2046%, +26, ~i,)=0 In the circuit shown. The voltage across 4@ resistance van be expressed as oa : mE o 1a) 49 (A 04E-061 (B) 06E-04T (©) 04E-241 @) 04 E4241 1 GREET (E)-12 gn) AR) wy foe os) Q. Booklet Cote |) 28 The fllving sarge chracrisics ae obtained fr « S-phase inctin moter Pup thecertt mt ef epend corr fem teens eon) 1 N=0 v 5 © control = con wo F & F contrat (©) pole changing with / voustant ©) stave whaye enteul, f consiant 29. ‘The name plate ofa S-phase induction motor reads 8 bp=5 1=50He Con = A N=540xpm ‘The number of poles for which stator winding is wound @ 0 ® 2 © 4 © 16 80, The roior impedance ofa slip ring induction motor is (0.1+0.6)24/ ph. The resistance’ph to be inserted into rotor to get maximurn torque at starting should be @ 01a ® 030 © 040 @ 05a (e) 31. Given the following phasor diagram of salient pole synchronous machine, pick up the on correct mode of operation (A) generator, lagging pt (8) generator, unt (©) motor, with loading pi (0) motor, with up GREET (1-12 8 32. 33. a4. 36. 36. 37. 38, 39. 40 ewes D ‘The tranofer function of a aystem is 1 wie ‘The impulse response of the systom is, ee" B evs © etre" Ina thermal power plant, ash is collected in (4) mills (B) hoppers (© bunkers ) boiler ‘The average life of neutrons after they decay is (A) Lee B Ws © 100 see ©) 1000 see ‘The oparating time of instantancous relay is (A) 0.001 soe (B) 001 see © 0.1 s0e D) 10 For a round wire, the approximate value of fusing current is given by @ wa © ver © de o we Stringing chart is useful for (A) the design of tower (B) the design of insulator string (© finding the sogin the conductor (D)_ Finding the distance between the towers The self GMD method is used to evaluate (A) inductance (B) capacitance (©) inductance and capacitance ©) resistance ‘The velocity of travelling wave through a cable of relative permitivity 36 is (A) 3x 10% m/sec (B) 2x 10%m/sec (C) 0.5.x 10°m/sec (D) 10° misee ‘The cosfficiont af raflaction far current wove ie aoa ® 2 Oa Mo A relay has a rating of 6 A, 2.2 sec IDMT and a relay setting of 125% TMS = 0.6, It is connceted to o supply circuit through a C.T. 400/8 ratio, ‘The fault current is 4000 A. The operating current of the relay is (a) 625.8 5A © 8a @) 224 9 GREET (B)-12 42, 43, 44, 45. 47. 48. 49. Q. Booklet D Code A differential amplifier has « differential gain of 20,000, CMRR : 80 dB. Tae common mode gain is given by wi. Bue © 2 D) 250 An amplificr has input power of 2 microwatts. The power gain of the amplifier is 60 dD, ‘The output power will be (A) 2milliwatis —R)_Gmierwatte (C) Owatte (D) 120 miorowatte ‘The voltage gains of the amplifior with and without feedback are 20 and 100 respectively. ‘The percentage of negative feedback would be A 40% B) 80% © 4% @) 8% For OPAMP in differential configuration, open loop gain is 100000, and differential input voltage is 2 sV. Power supply for OPAMP is +12V. Then ontput voltage will be @ +RV ® -2Vv @ ov D) 24 A 6-stage ripple counter has Flipflop with propagation delay of 25 nsee and pulse width of strobe input 10 nsec. Then the maximum operating frequency at which counter operates: reliably is (®) 1667MHz = (B)-176MHz = (©) 12.67 MHz) 1.76 ME ‘The percent resolution of an 8-bit DIA converter is (0.392, 1956 (© ass ©) (A) and (B) both The diode used mn a chppling crcutt has ft, =252 and R, =1MQ. The external resistor Ris (a) 50Ka. ® 5KO © 125Mo @) %5Ma Which cirouit io wood ao amplitude comporaton? (A) Bistable (B) Monestablo (C)_Astable (D) Schmitt trigger GREET (B)-12 10 Q Booklet Code WO) 80, Ade series motor is connected as given below = + [ ‘The por unit values of R and Ry to get the above speed torque characteristic would be (4) 0,05 ®) 05,05 © 05, @) #05 (Ae) 51.8 200 V ee shunt motor is running at 1000 rpm and drawing @ enrmont Af 10 A Te amature winding resistance is 20. Tt is braked by phigsing The resistance to be connected in sores with armature to restrict armature current. 10, is a) 32a ® 36a © aso (). 402 (OE) 52. A transformer has maximum elfci ney at Sm of full load. The ratio of its iron loss (p;) and full load copper loss (p,), is 4 16 ws ® > og o sie /Q\e) 58. The following connection of three single phase transformer bank results in A B © a, les pr, «| lee (A) 3.phase to 2-phase conversion (B) S.phase t0 3 phase (C)_ 2-phase to &.phaso conver (D) 3.phaco 10 6 phase conversion i GREET (B)-12 4 58. oe code LD sel ‘The initial value ot ((), with transform F(6)=7— S41 — is 0, Ga @o wm 1 © os ‘The tworport parameter hay isealled (A) open-circuit output admittance (B) short-circuit input impedance (©) ovenceiresit reverse voltaze sain (D)_ short-circuit forward current gain ‘Tho Norton's resistance of the cizeait shown ia 40 12 3° ay a0 Dax om ° @ 110 @® 30 © 40 ase ‘The impedance of a two-element series circuit is represented by (20-/10}0. at a certain feequeney. If the frequency ic doubled, the now wali of impedance ie A) (20-j8)0 B®) (40-j20)0 © 0-j10)Q_——D)_ (20- j20)0 A.unity feedback control system has forward-path transfer function 0-H Ir the design specification is that the steady-state error due to a unit ramp input is 0.05, the value of K€ allowed 20 ® 4 © 10 @) 80 yA very high frequencies the Bode gain curve has a slope of (A) babvoctave () IZ dbioctave (C) bdBiocave — (D) 12 ABWoctave A. nity feed-backe system has opon-loop transfer function Guts J. eras) 1s root lous plot intersects the jw axis at (ti mH +4 © +8 (D) does nt intersect the jw axis GREET (6)-12 12 ®) 62, @ Booktet ode |D ‘The potier triangle of synchronous generator is as shown in figure Volts A occ ia ‘The segment DE refers to field current to compensate (A) leakage reactance drop (8) armature reaction (© saturation (@) resistance drop In clip test on ealient pole synchronous machine, the stetor mmf alignment for ‘maximum/minimum curront drawn from maine ie Maximum current 4 Minimum current 4 (A) along 45° to q-asic along a-axis (8) along a-axis along 45° to d-axis (©) along axis ‘along q-axis (D) along qvaxis along d-axis ‘Two synchronous eenerators G,.Gz are overating in parallel and are equally sharing KVAR (Lag) component of load. To shift part of KVAR from G, to G,, while keeping terminal voltage fixed, the fellowing action must be done (A) Raise 1f, and lower If (B) Lower I, and raise tf © Lower Ih or ise I, (D) Raise If, or lower Ip 13 GREET (6)-12 @® ® ot, er. Q. Booklet Code [DD Lois inte avn sans (A) linear algebraic equations (B) non Linear algebraic equations (© Tinea differential equations (D) non linear differential equations 4:12 bus power system has 3 voltage controlled bases. The dimensions of the Jacobian matrix will bo @) 2txat @® 2x19 © 919 ©) 10621 ‘The est function ofa 50 MW generator is given by (p, isthe generator loading) F(p,)=225+53p, + 0.0292 When 100% loading is applied, the Incremental Fucl Cost (LEC) willbe (4) Re, 85 por MWh (Bs, 55 por MW (© Rs.28 por MWK (D) Re. 28 por MW ‘The ABCD constants ofa 3 phase transmission line are A=D~0s|t" B-170|86°0 .002| 90.4" mo ‘Tae sonding ond voltage ie 00 KV. Tho receiving ond voltage under no load condition is a) 400KV (®)500KV © 320KV ) 47K © Bundled conductors are used for BHV transmission lines primarily for reducing the (A). Sarge impedance ofthe line BER bsses © Voltage drop across the line (D) Corona loss all the sequence voltages at the fault point in a power system are equal, then the fault (A) three phase fault (B) Tine to ground fault © line wo tine faule (D) double Line to ground fault Swvore over voltages are produced during arving faults in a power system with the neutral (@) isolated (B) solidly earthed (©) earched through alow resistance (D)_ earthed throagh an inductive coil GREET (8-12 i) © °) a. @ Q. Booklet Code | SECTION (B) : APTITUDE. entity the number which should come in the place of question mark? > 4 7 229 6 13, = 58 (a) 452 454 (© 446 @) 482 Identify the number which should come in the place of question mark? 8 9 7 64 (B) 92 © 6 © 76 X introduces ¥ saying, “He is the husband of the grand daughter of the father of my father”. How is ¥ related to X? (A) brother (B) unde (©) corbrother —(D)__ brother-in-law Ravi is 7 ranks ahead of Sumit in a class of 39. If Sumit’s rank is seventeenth from the last, what is Ravi'a rank from the start? @ ® 15 © 13 o 9 In a cortain code, ‘hi nie pis! moane ‘enme goad jakas”, ‘nie hat Til? moans “sama real stories: pie lik tol’ means “many good stories". Which word in the code means ‘jokes’? nie ® pie © ik @) bi ‘Thore are five bus stops, A, B,C, D, Eat equal intervals, Cis not the middle stop. A and E are not terminal stops. C comes twice as many stops before D in upward journey as B comes atter A. D is the frst stop in downward journey. The eotrect sequence of stops a downward journey ia (8) ABDCE (B) CDAEB (© DACEB () DEBAC 15 GREET ()-12 re) 85, » 86. Q. Booklet coue | DD Identify the odd one (A) heart ®) liver (©) nose (D) kidneys 18, 10,6, 4,3,? @ 8 @ 4 © 35 D) 25 Which makes the best comparison? ‘TOMATO: MTOOTA :: 128412: ? @ siz ® 123456 (© s21124 (D) 213814 ‘My brother is standing 40 m South-West of my sister. I am standing 40 m South-East of my brother. I am in which direction of my sister? (South - (B) West (© Kast (D) North-East Find the next letters in series : BCZ, DEY, FGX, HIW, —————— @ JKL ®) JKV (© JKU ©) JKT Find related word Conscience : Wrong: : Police : thet ® kw (©) discipline (D)_criawe A shopkeeper sells one transistor for Rs. 840 at a gain of 20% and another for Rs. 960 at a loss of 4%. His total gain or loss percent is 15 15 2 oni “62 33 96 tos 522% gain 62% gain (D)_ 6 = % Joss A Fp %loss — B) Fp% gain (OC) OF toes @) 65 A boatman goes 2 km against the current of the stream in 1 hour and goes 1 km along the current in 10 minutes. How long will it take to go 5 km in stationary water? (% 40minutos (BL hour (© Lbridmin (D) 1hr30min In bow many ways can the letters of the word LEADER can be arranged? a 2 B) 144 «© 360 () 720 One pipe can fill e tank three times as fast as anothor pipe. If together, the two pipes can fill the tank in 36 minutes, then the slower pipe alone will be able to fill the tank in Simin ®) 14 min (108 min (D) 192 min I log27 A) 0.934 ®B) 0.954 © 0945 (D) 0.958 431 , then the value of log9 is GREET (B)-12 16. Q. Booklet ode | DD H(s)=1-x,0<2<1 =, x21 =0, otherwise H,(«)= H,(-2) for all x Hi, (e)~-H() for all x How many of the following products are necessarily zero for every value of x? Hy(x)* Hy (e); Ho(2)* Hale): A(x) He) fo ® 1 ©2 © 3 In the following diagram, how many triangles are there? @ 2 (B13 ou @) 10 ‘The length of the bridge, which a train 130 m long and traveling at 45 km/hr can cross in 30 sec is, (A) 200m (B) 225m (245m () 250m If PAPER’ ie 11.20, ‘PENCIL is 9.83, what will be the PEN? (a) 12.80 (®B) 11.60 © 1.66 @) 138 What is the sum of all the numbers less than 100 that can be written as the sum of 8 consecutive positive integers? a) 612 (B) 630 © 702 (D) 504 7 GREET (E)-12 Q. Booklet Code |) 93. An observer 1.6 m tall is 20/3 away from a tower. The angle of elevation from his eye to the top of the tower is 20°. The height of the tower is 816m ©) 202m © 272m oO 2am +94. ‘The sam of a three digit number and the number formed by reversing its digits is 989. ‘The sum of its digits 13. Find the middle digit ao ® 6 O4 O 2 95. ABC is a three digit number. The sum ofits digits is 9. If each of BA and BC are two digit ‘numbers such that BA = BC. How many values C ean take? @ 16 ® 6 (© 2% ©) 36 $6.) A test consists of 50 questions. Each correct answer fetches 1 mark and for each wrong answer 1/2 mark is deducted. A candidate who wrote this ost attempted all the quostions and scored 41 marks. Find the number of questions he answered cocrecty? we ® 2 ou o ¥ 97. When the numerator of a fraction is increased by 7 and denominator ie increased by 13, the resulting number is equivalent to the obrained when the numerator is decreased by 2 and denominator is decreased by 11. The sum of numerator and denominator is 24. Find the fraction 1 os u wo t ot oO. €8) Two siraight lines can divide a circular disk into a maximum of four parts, Likewise, into how many maximum parts can four straight lines divide a circular disk? @ un (® at © 31 @ 4 99, If (ABCD), =D'a"0+C'a"l + Bia’2+ Arad (6448), (2112), =(9),, then y is @ om ® wi © 110 @ m1 7100. Five persons namely, Yasin, Arafat, Rasheed, Ali and Rehman are to be seated in five out of the six seats numbered from 1 to 6. Tho following tablo provides information about the serial numbers of the seats (given in the table under their name) on which each of the ‘mentioned friends cart possibly sit. Names Yasir Arafat Rasheed Ali Rehman SeatNo. 1 or. 30rd dors bor [fone of the seats numbered 2 or 4 is unoccupied, then the number of different ways five rmenticnod persons ean be seated is wi Be ws w) 4 GREET ()-12 18.

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