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Finger Print Based Security System Using IOT



Security is of primary concern and in this busy, competitive world, human cannot find ways to
provide security to his confidential belongings manually. Instead, he finds an alternative which
can provide a full fledged security as well as atomized. In the ubiquitous network society, where
individuals can easily access their information anytime and anywhere, people are also faced with
the risk that others can easily access the same information anytime and anywhere. Because of
this risk, personal identification technology, which can distinguish between registered legitimate
users and imposters, is now generating interest. Generally passwords, identification cards and
PIN verification techniques are being used but the disadvantage is that the passwords could be
hacked and a card may be stolen or lost. The most secured system is fingerprint recognition
because a fingerprint of one person never matches the other. Biometrics studies commonly
include fingerprint, face, iris, voice, signature, and hand geometry recognition and verification.
Many other modalities are in various stages of development and assessment. Among these
available biometric traits fingerprint proves to be one of the best traits providing good mismatch
ratio, high accurate in terms of security and also reliable.

A reliable identity management system is urgently needed in order to conflict the rampant
growth in identity theft and to meet the increased security requirements in a variety of
applications like forensics, government, transportation, health-care, finances, security, public
justice and safety, and education. Information security is concerned with the guarantee of
confidentiality, integrity and availability of information in all forms. There are many tools and
techniques that can support the management of information security. But system based on
biometric has evolved to support some aspects of information security. Biometric authentication
supports the aspect of identification, authentication and non-repudiation in information security.
Establishing the identity of a person is a critical task in any identity management system.
Surrogate representations of identity such as passwords and ID cards are not sufficient for

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Finger Print Based Security System Using IOT

reliable identity determination because they can be easily misplaced, shared, or stolen. Biometric
recognition is the science of establishing the identity of individuals based on their measurable
biological (anatomical or physiological) or behavioral characteristics. Examples of biological
biometrics modalities include fingerprint, hand geometry, iris, face, and ear. Examples of
behavioral biometrics modalities comprise gait, signature, and keystroke dynamics. Biometric
traits have a number of desirable properties with respect to their use as an authentication token,
namely, reliability, convenience, universality, and so forth. These characteristics have led to the
widespread deployment of biometric authentication systems. Biometric authentication has to
have a high level of accuracy (i.e. Genuine Accept Rate (GAR) and False Accept Rate (FAR)) to
be secure and practical for widespread adoption in different applications. The major obstacles to
the adoption of biometrics are the lack of accessibility and scalability of existing biometric
technology and also the high cost of implementing biometric systems. The biometric databases
of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the US State Department, Department of Defense, or the
Department of Homeland Security are expected to develop significantly over the next few yours
to accommodate several hundred millions of identities. The cost of the biometric can be reduced
by the use of a low-cost IOT device, Raspberry. The allure of the Raspberry Pi comes from a
combination of the computer’s small size and affordable price. Raspberry Pi, a credit-card sized
low-cost Linux computer can be used to develop a biometric architecture as it has provision of
connecting with cameras, fingerprint scanners etc. via USB ports. It has an Ethernet port for
Internet connectivity or can be connected to a Wi-Fi hotspot via USB Wi-Fi adapters. In this
project, Raspberry Pi is used as a low-cost, wireless, remote enrolment node. Internet-of-Things
(IOT) or machine-to-machine communication (M2M) or machine-to-human communication
(M2H). The Internet of Things allows objects to be sensed and controlled remotely across
existing network infrastructure, creating opportunities for more direct integration between the
physical world and computer-based systems, and causing in improved proficiency, precision and
economic assistance. The advantages of incorporating IoT are low-cost, low space, low power
and portability of the entire system of implementation. The Internet of Things will redefine
identity management using biometrics to unlock bank apps, email accounts but also cars, homes
and personal health databases. IOT will drive device and user relationship requirements in 20
percent of new identity and access management (IAM) implementations by year-end, according

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to Gartner. Gartner said, "Traditional authentication and authorization for user identities will
continue to include devices and services, but will also incorporate expanded machine-to-machine
(M2M) communications requirements into expanding digital business moments”.

Thus this project aims to build a low cost biometric system which is using a low cost wireless
enrollment node and the authentication will be done by Biometric service. The captured
biometric traits are sent to the Biometric Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) by end-to-end encryption
process. Raspberry Pi has verified peripherals for capturing fingerprints and face images:
Fingerprint Scanner Futronic FS 88 Optical Fingerprint Reader with Live Finger Detection and
the USB webcam.

How does fingerprint scanner works:

Fingerprint is a pattern made up of ridges and valleys on our fingertip skin. While storing the
entry in database, scanner takes an image of these patterns and stores in its own memory. Then
while performing search operation, it again takes pattern of fingerprint of that user who needs to
gain access. This pattern is compared with all patterns previously stored in memory. In short it
performs a task which is related to Digital image processing. It performs various iterations and
executes matching algorithms and if it finds exact match then it gives out fingerprint ID number.
Otherwise it gives out error signal.


The advent of fast growing technologies makes users to have high security systems with
electronic identification options. These identification technologies include ATM and other
intelligent cards, user ID s and password based systems, and so on. But, unfortunately these are
unsecure due to hacker attacks, thefts, and forgotten passwords. In spite of all these shortcomings
and malfunctions these systems are still prevailing; however, the biometric or fingerprint
authentication based identification is the most efficient and reliable solution for stringent

This type of identification technology is more reliable, secure and efficient and uses human
physiological processes and behaviors to identifying users’ ID. This biometric-security system is

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human-oriented system and is more accurate than the traditional password-based systems. This
authentication is used in many of the online transactions, confidential financial dealings,
industries, offices, institutes, colleges and security access control systems.

Fingerprint based locks are revolutionary locking systems that open with just the touch of
authorized user’s finger; their increased use in various locking applications can actuate what
would be known as ‘Keyless World’.

• A fingerprint mismatch can be conveniently regarded as an attempt of illegal access In the

wake of such ungratified event, an adjunct siren alarm may be initiated to reveal possible theft.

• For systems demanding more security, such as expensive jewellery items or museum articles,
scanning of multiple fingerprints may be employed

To operate this project first we have to operate this project in “Settings mode or Admin mode”.
In this mode we have to enter data into the database of finger print sensor, for this we have to
take impressions of fingerprints of that person whom we want to give access to our security
system. This can be done once or whenever a new entry has to be added in the system. Then this
project has to be used in “Normal mode or Search mode”. In this mode the system compares
the fingerprint input received at its optical plate with the previously stored fingerprint from its
flash memory. If the entry matches with the memory then it gives out ok signal along with the
identity number of that person. But if the entry does not match with the memory then it gives out
error signal. The output received from fingerprint sensor is given to the microcontroller.
Microcontroller then compares these output data. Function of microcontroller is to turn on the
respective device depending upon the input received. In case of OK signal from fingerprint
module, microcontroller turns on Relay and a Motor. However if the error output is received then
it turns on the Buzzer.


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Finger Print Based Security System Using IOT

Security literally means a way or method by which something is secured through a system of
interworking components and devices. On the other hand, security systems are networks of
integrated electronic devices working together with a central control panel to protect against
burglars and other potential intruders. Security systems work on the simple concept of securing
entry points into a home with sensors that communicate with a control panel or command center
installed in a convenient location. The sensors are typically placed in entrances as well as easily
accessible windows. A typical home security system has the following components: A control
panel, which is the primary controller of a security system, door and window sensors, motion
sensors, wired or wireless security cameras.

Various attempts are made for providing security for all domiciles. Up to date, complete security
is not discovered.

A. Lock and Key System:

First step towards security was Lock and key system. Security protocol followed in this system
was “Single key for a single lock”. Initially, this system was considered to provide atmost
security. But this belief was soon proved wrong by the fact that multiple keys can be easily
made for a single lock. Hence this system is an outdated system to provide security.

B. Password Authentication:

Next level of Security used password as an authenticating tool. This system stores password of
authenticated users for the purpose of validation. System using password authentication provides
considerable security to the users as it acts as a secret of authorized users. This system also have
a pitfall that password can be acquired by unauthorized user by continuously trying all the
possible combinations. This is also one among the hundreds of attempt made for providing

C. Authentication by RFID card:

Next level of technological development for providing security was authentication by RFID
card. This system enriched the level of security. Access is granted only for the user whose RFID

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code matches with the authorized code. This system also have disadvantage of duplication of
RFID card and anyone who possess this card can unlock the door.

D. Face detector lock:

These systems have difficulty in recognizing a face from images captured from two drastically
different views and under different illumination conditions. It is questionable whether the face
itself, without any contextual information, is a sufficient basis for recognizing a person from a
large number of identities with an extremely high level of confidence.

E. Retinal scanner:

The retinal vasculature is rich in structure and is supposed to be a characteristic of each

individual and each eye. The image acquisition requires a person to peep into an eyepiece and
focus on a specific spot in the visual field so that a predetermined part of the retinal vasculature
could be imaged . This device is frequently used for security purpose. The false acceptance and
rejection rates are lower in this device. But the problem of this device is, it is not user- friendly
and the equipment cost is very high.

F. Iris scanner:

Iris recognition is a method of biometric authentication, based on extraction features of the iris
of an individual’s eyes. Each individual has a unique iris; the variation even exists between
identical twins and between the left and right eye of the same person. The advantage of using
iris scanner is, it has very high accuracy and the accuracy of iris scanners can be affected by
changes in lighting. As iris is a small target and a scanner cannot be performed properly for
multiple people of different heights. The main shortcomings with iris recognition technology, is
that the iris scanners are very expensive and requires a lot of memory to store data.

G. Voice recognition:

Voice recognition or speaker recognition is the problem of identifying a speaker from a short
utterance. This biometric technology uses the acoustic features of speech that have been found to
differ between individuals. These acoustic patterns reflect both anatomy (e.g., size and shape of
the throat and mouth) and learned behavioral patterns (e.g., voice pitch, speaking style). A

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disadvantage of voice-based recognition is that speech features are sensitive to a number of

factors such as background noise ..

H. Finger Print Based Security System:

Finger Print Based Security System can be used at many places like Industries, Offices, and
Colleges. This project is a fine combination of “Biometrics technology” and “Embedded system
technology”. Fingerprint sensor is the main part of this system. It makes use of Biometric sensor
to detect fingerprint. It is also called as Biometric sensor. Fingerprint sensor uses various types
of techniques like ultrasonic method, optical method or thermal technique. In this project we
have used optical fingerprint sensor. Main blocks of this project are Raspberry pi, Fingerprint
module, Buzzer, camera module and Motor. As part of this project we are including two security
checks, where first we scan the RFID card using RFID Reader and then User has to place his/her
finger on the optical sensor part of fingerprint module. It means that we are including Biometric
sensor along with RFID security system in order to provide greater security. In case if
unauthorized user tries to access, as we have biometric sensor the access will be denied and
buzzer will get activated. Even we have camera module to have the photography of the
unauthorized user and will be sent to registered mail using IOT. The main feature or specialty of
fingerprint is that it is unique. It gives this project the high level security than other security

Ratha et al. proposed an adaptive flow orientation based segmentation or binarization algorithm.
In this approach the orientation field is computed to obtain the ridge directions at each point in
the image. To segment the ridges, a 16x16 window oriented along the ridge direction is
considered around each pixel. The projection sum along the ridge direction is computed. The
centers of the ridges appear as peak points in the projection. The ridge skeleton thus obtained is
smoothened by morphological operation. Finally minutiae are detected by locating end points
and bifurcations in the thinned binary image.

Asker M. Bazen et al. proposed a correlation-based fingerprint verification system. a correlation

based fingerprint verification system is presented. Unlike the traditional minutiae-based systems,
this system directly uses the richer gray-scale information of the fingerprints. The correlation-

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based fingerprint verification system first selects appropriate templates in the primary
fingerprint, uses template matching to locate them in the secondary print, and compares the
template positions of both fingerprints. Unlike minutiae based systems, the correlation-based
fingerprint verification system is capable of dealing with bad-quality images from which no
minutiae can be extracted reliably and with fingerprints that suffer from non-uniform shape
distortions. Experiments have shown that the performance of this system at the moment is
comparable to the performance of many other fingerprint verification systems.

Shunshan li et al. proposed the Image Enhancement Method for Fingerprint Recognition System.
Fingerprint image enhancement method, a refined Gabor filter, is presented. This enhancement
method can connect the ridge breaks, ensures the maximal gray values located at the ridge center
and has the ability to compensate for the nonlinear deformations. It includes ridge orientation
estimation, a Gabor filter processing and a refined Gabor filter processing. The first Gabor filter
reduces the noise, provides more accurate distance between the two ridges for the next filter and
gets a rough ridge orientation map while the refined Gabor filter with the adjustment parameters
significantly enhances the ridge, connects the ridge breaks and ensures the maximal gray values
of the image being located at the ridge center. In addition, the algorithm has the ability to
compensate for the nonlinear deformations. Furthermore, this method does not result in any
spurious ridge structure, which avoids undesired side effects for the subsequent processing and
provides a reliable fingerprint image processing for Fingerprint Recognition System. In a word, a
refined Gabor filter is applied in fingerprint image processing, then a good quality fingerprint
image is achieved, and the performance of Fingerprint Recognition System has been improved.

David G. Lowe proposed an approach to distinctive image features from scale-invariant key
points. A method for extracting distinctive invariant features from images that can be used to
perform reliable matching between different views of an object or scene. The features are
invariant to image scale and rotation, and are shown to provide robust matching across a
substantial range of affine distortion, change in 3D viewpoint, addition of noise, and change in
illumination. The features are highly distinctive, in the sense that a single feature can be correctly
matched with high probability against a large database of features from many images. This paper
also describes an approach to using these features for object recognition. The recognition

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proceeds by matching individual features to a database of features from . Chandra Prakash

Singh1 IJECS Volume 3 Issue 1 January, 2014 Page No.3805-3812 Page 3810 known objects
using a fast nearest-neighbor algorithm, followed by a Hough transformation to identify clusters
belonging to a single object, and finally performing verification through least-squares solution
for consistent pores parameters. This approach to recognition can robustly identify objects
among clutter and occlusion while achieving near real-time performance.

Overall Object The main aim of this project is to design and develop a security system that
includes features such as verification of RFID card, finger print based authentication and
emailing or SMS to facility owner. The system is to be based on Raspberry Pi. The specific
objectives are:

 To study and describe how the Raspberry Pi can be interfaced with a arduino and camera
 To study how a Raspberry Pi can be programmed so as to be able to send an email to a
prescribed mail hub.
 To develop and build a prototype based on the Raspberry Pi.
 To develop security system, in which Performance can be increased in terms of speed and
 A buzzer can be used to indicate the unauthorized person access.
 This project has many of the future scopes for developing very high security system.
 We can use this type of access control system in many areas such as bank locker system ,
car ignition system , punch card system, electronic safe for vehicles, to secure some
important system in company and also in government office, etc.
 High Adaptation to Fingerprints When reading fingerprint images, it has self-adaptive
parameter adjustment mechanism, which improves imaging quality for both dry and wet
fingers. It can be applied to wider public.
 Low Cost Module adopts optical fingerprint collection device, which dramatically lowers
the overall cost
 Easy to Use and Expand User does not have to have professional know-how in
fingerprint verification.

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 User can easily develop powerful fingerprint verification application systems

 Low Power Consumption Operation current <80mA>, specially good for battery power

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The review of literature gives the clean picture of the problem to be solved as being a
prerequisite to actual planning and conducting the study. The review of past investigation serves
as a guide to the researchers as it avoids duplications in the field. The knowledge of what has
already been done in the area of investigation regarding the methods used for data. Collections
and results of their analysis keep a researcher systematic in his own endeavor. Thus, the review
of related literature is an indispensable step in research.

The purpose of Information Security is to protect the valuable resources of an organization such
as hardware, software and skilled people. Through the selection and application of appropriate
safeguard, security helps the organization to meet its business objectives or mission by protecting
its physical and financial resources, reputation, legal position, employees and other tangible and
intangible assets. Information systems security begins and ends with the people within the
organization and with the people that interact with the system, intentionally or otherwise. The
end-users who try to access the information which the security professionals are trying to protect
could be the weakest link in security chain. By understanding some of the behavioral aspects of
organizational science and change management, security administrators can greatly reduce the
levels of risk caused by end users and create more acceptable and supportable security profiles.
These measures, along with appropriate policy and training can substantially improve the
performance of end users and result in a more secured information system. Information security
is concerned with the assurance of confidentiality, integrity and availability of information in all
forms. Advances in the field of Information Technology also make Information Security an
inseparable part of it. In biometrics, human being needs to be identified based on some
characteristic physiological parameters. A wide variety of recognition schemes are used to either
confirm or determine the identity of an individual requesting their services. This Researcher has
collected comprehensive information from various books, manuals, magazines, journals, articles
and research websites. Information gathered through various seminars and conferences attended
also helped lot for the researcher.

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1. Anil K.Jain (2007) focused on biometric template security which is an important issue
because, unlike passwords and tokens, compromised biometric templates cannot be revoked and
reissued. Protecting the template is a challenging task due to intra-user variability in the acquired
biometric traits. He presents an overview of various biometric template protection schemes and
discusses their advantages and limitations in terms of security, revocability, and impact on
matching accuracy.

2. Brindha, V.E. (2011) presented about protection of fingerprint template from creation of
physical spoof and replacement by imposter's template to gain unauthorized access by
transformation based approaches and biometric cryptosystems. The security of the fuzzy vault
depends on the infeasibility of the polynomial reconstruction and the number of chaff points. In
the proposed system an even more secured fuzzy vault is generated with combined features of
fingerprint and palm print to enhance the security of the template stored.

3. Comesana, P (2006) in his paper proposed a new version of the sensitivity attack based on a
general formulation; this method does not require any knowledge about the detection function
nor any other system parameter, but just the binary output of the detector, being suitable for
attacking most known watermarking methods.

4. C Cid (2006) presented an attack which exploits the cipher’s initialization procedure to
recover the 128 bit secrete key, the cipher is of cascade clock control sequence generator based
on notion of jump registers. Jump registers are autonomous Liner finite state machines built on
14 memory cells which behave as delay shift cells or feedback cell depending on the value of
jump control signal.

5. Dacheng Xu and Bailiang Li (2009) presented a pseudo-random sequence fingerprint key

algorithm based on fuzzy vault is proposed. It is usually difficult to transform template and
generate cancelable fingerprint template. In this method, the distribution of the minutiae can be
changed, which overcomes vulnerabilities. Further, a bounding box of variable size minutiae
matcher during decoding to account for nonlinear distortion is used and this leads to find out
reliable minutiae to improve the genuine accept rate.

6. Daesung Moon,Sungju Lee,Seunghwan Jung,Yongwha Chung (2006) presents an

implementation to improve the security of the typical PKI-based authentication by protecting the

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private key with a fingerprint also the privacy issue of the fingerprint data by storing the
fingerprint data not in a database, but in a user-carry device such as a smart card or a USB token.
Furthermore, the fingerprint data stored in the user-carry device is conglomerated with the
private key, and the private key is released only with the valid fingerprint.

7. Dake He (2008) presents about a AKA scheme (SPAKA) based on self-certified public key is
proposed for the coming 4G system to reduce the storage, computation and communicational
load of existing public-key based user authentication schemes while improving the security of
3G AKA scheme. Three authentication protocols including first time authentication, re-
authentication and handoff authentication are designed respectively for different authentication
scenarios. It had outperformed related schemes by providing better flexibility and scalability
while maintain the expected security and efficiency.

8. Hailun Liu (2010) proposes a new fuzzy vault method based on cubic spline interpolation.
The piecewise low-degree polynomial of spline interpolation could overcome poor convergence
problem and much longer key could be generated. Because the security of the fuzzy vault arises
from the number of chaff points in the vault, the same security level could be guaranteed
compared to polynomial reconstruction based fuzzy vault. Experimental results based on HA-
BJTU palm print database show the feasibility of the proposed method and performances are

9. Hogan, M.T (2006) in his paper, had described about to construct blind classifiers capable of
detecting steganography in JPEG images and assigning stego images to six popular JPEG
embedding algorithms. The classifiers are support vector machines that use 23 calibrated DCT
feature calculated from the luminance component.

10. Jian-Shuen Fang (2007) this paper presents a novel biometric system for real-time walker
recognition using a piezoelectric infrared sensor, a Fresnel lens array and signal processing based
on the linear regression of sensor signal spectra. In the model training stage, the maximum
likelihood principal components estimation (MLPCE) method is utilized to obtain the regression
vector for each registered human subject. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves are
also investigated to select a suitable threshold for maximizing subject recognition rate.

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11. Jinyang Shi (2009) in this paper, a new fuzzy cryptographic technique without use of chaff
data, Randomized Dissolvent Template (RDT), is proposed for biometric set modalities. The
proposed technique is designed to dissolve the enrolled biometric set into a random secret
resource, so as to construct robust secured templates by exploiting at least two resources of
randomness. In this way, when one fingerprint is used for multiple applications, each time the
additional information leakage by secured templates will not exceed the new introduced random
information, so RDT is reusable.

12. J. Nechvatal (2000) Described about AES, the algorithm may be implemented in software,
firmware, hardware, or any combination thereof. The specific implementation may depend on
several factors such as the application, the environment, the technology used, etc. The algorithm
shall be used in conjunction with a FIPS approved or NIST recommended mode of operation.

13. J Zhang (2006) proposed a secure buyer seller watermarking protocol without the assistance
of TTP (Trusted third party) is proposed in which there are only two participants a seller and a
buyer. Based on the idea of sharing a secret, a watermark is embedded in digital content to trace
piracy is composed of two pieces of information one by seller another by buyer they cannot
remove it thus tracing piracy and protecting the customers rights.

14. Khan, M.K. (2008) demonstrates that their scheme is vulnerable and susceptible to the attack
and has some practical pitfalls. Their scheme performs unilateral authentication (only client
authentication) and there is no mutual authentication between user and remote system, so their
scheme suspects from the server spoofing attack. Furthermore, their scheme is slow in detecting
the wrong input-password, and users cannot change their passwords. To solve the problems
found in Wu-Chieu's scheme, they propose an efficient and secure remote mutual authentication
scheme by using one-way hash functions. The computational cost and efficiency of the proposed
scheme are better than other related published schemes.

15. Kumar D (2008) Discussed about the problem that a person has to take many cards and has
to remember their passwords or secret codes and to keep secure to take with him all time. Here a
biometric the fingerprints payment system is used for various kinds of payment system.
Biometric fingerprints payment system is much safe and secure and very easy to use and even
without using any password or secret codes to remember as compare with previous system like

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credit card payment system, wireless system and mobile system etc. Biometric fingerprints
payment system is reliable and expensive and it has more advantages as compare with others.

16. Li Fen, Wuhan, Liu Quan,Pang Liaojun,Pei Qingqi (2011) presented a secure “strong two
factor identity authentication” which stores digital certificate in smart card, and then protects the
PIN of smart card with fuzzy fingerprint vault. Only the legal user can release the securely stored
PIN to open the smart card and acquire the stored digital certificate with its private key by
inputting his/her fingerprint. This scheme further perfects the safe authentication of PKI, and can
be applied in the identity authentication of high-end user or the user with special safety

17. M Jamzad (2006) had discussed the advantage of using Julian set pattern as a watermark,
instead of using pseudorandom noise pattern. Julian set pattern can be regenerated in a receiver
with few parameters such as coefficient of its function and an initial point. These parameters can
be embedded in the key. It not only manipulates lower number of pixels but also compared with
pseudorandom noise pattern. It increases the robustness of watermark against attacks.

18. Mrunal Fatangare and K.N.Honwadkar (2011) discussed about Reliable information security
mechanisms are required in the today’s era of cyber theft. Current cryptographic algorithms have
a very high proven security but they suffer from the key management problem. Therefore a blend
of cryptography and biometric can becomes a upcoming security tool. Using unique biometric
identity of a person the keys for cryptosystem can be made secure. Iris is one of the proven and
accurate means to identify person and it does not change throughout life of a person. A biometric
solution to cryptographic key management problem using iris based fuzzy vault can be more

19. Mulyono, D. (2008) In this paper, he introduce preliminary process to enhance the image
quality worsened by light effect and noise produced by the web camera, then segment the vein
pattern by using adaptive threshold method and matched them using improved template
matching. The experimental result shows that even the image quality is not good, as long as our
veins are clear and also with some appropriate process it still can be used as the means of
personal identification.

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20. Nagar, A. (2009) show that the security of fuzzy vault can be improved by encrypting these
polynomial evaluations using a fuzzy commitment scheme which makes it difficult for an
adversary to decode the vault even if the correct set of minutiae is selected. He used minutiae
descriptors, which capture orientation and ridge frequency information in a minutiapsilas
neighborhood, for securing the polynomial evaluations. This modification leads to a significant
increase in both the security (number of tries an adversary has to make in order to guess the
secure key) and matching accuracy of the vault.

21. Nandkumar K. and A K Jain presented a fully automatic implementation of the fuzzy vault
scheme based on fingerprint minutiae by extracting high curvature points derived from the
fingerprint orientation field and use them as helper data to align the template and query minutiae.
They applied a minutiae matcher during decoding to account for nonlinear distortion and which
leads to significant improvement in the genuine accept rate. The performance of the vault
implementation on two different fingerprint databases shown the performance improvement can
be achieved by using multiple fingerprint impressions during enrollment and verification.

22. Nithyanandam,Thanjavur, Gayathri,Raja, K,Priyadarsini presents various approaches to

generate a unique and more secure cryptographic key from iris template. The iris images are
processed to produce iris template or code to be utilized for the encryption and decryption tasks.
The various cryptographic techniques such as AES, DES, Add/Subtraction operations, Reed-
Solomon error-correcting algorithm, Layered order Encryption techniques and Fuzzy logic
implementations are employed to directly encrypt and decrypt the data. Recently, biometric
cryptosystems have been introduced as a reliable way of concealing private keys by using
biometric data.

23. Ryan Henry and Ian Goldberg (2011) discuss the existing approaches in detail, they first
propose a formal definition for anonymous blacklisting systems, and a set of security and privacy
properties that these systems should possess. They also outline a set of new performance
requirements that anonymous blacklisting systems should satisfy to maximize their potential for
real-world adoption, and give formal definitions for several optional features already supported
by some schemes in the literature.

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24. Scheirer, Walter; Boult, Terrance (2010) covers the ethics, privacy and security of
biometrics. Also an in-depth review of the state of the art in what is sometimes called biometric
template protection, including biometric encryption, fuzzy vaults, fuzzy extractors, biometric
hashing, and cancelable biometrics. Also covers a security analysis of these technologies
including the published attacks.

25. T. Allasiry (2006) described a forgery in which Bob able to forge Alice’s Signature without
knowing the keys required. Bob use his long term private key

26. U. Korte and R. Plaga (2007) shown how to use the approach of a cryptographic protection
of biometric templates in connection with biometric databases. they commented on how to
combine it with centralized PIN verification procedures in online banking scenarios as a new
application scenario and suggested a suitable integration in existing protocols.

27. Xin Lai (2008) described about a scheme of ID-based signcryption key encapsulation.
Security properties of proposed scheme are proven in random oracle model. The proposed
scheme is ID-IND-CCA secure in confidentiality and ID-UF-CMA secure in unforgeability.
Owing to Sakai-Kasahara identity based keys contracture no paring computing and no MapTo-
Point hash function are required in the encapsulation phase of proposed scheme. According to
the recent advances in pairings optimized computing and point reduction, his scheme is not only
security but also have advantage on performance.

28. Xianfeng Guo (2008) proposed two improved schemes. One works in clock synchronization,
and the other can work without synchronization. The schemes are secure against replaying
attacks and can establish a shared session key. However, and point out that all the
aforementioned schemes are Non-contributory, i.e. the malicious party can predetermine the
shared session key by the vice of several Chebyshev polynomials passing through the same
point. In particular, we demonstrate that the asynchronous key agreement protocol can't resist
replaying attack. Therefore, the use of these schemes for secure applications may be discouraged.

29. Yu Zheng (2008) in this paper, he embark a new study on constructing a TMP according to
ME's feature, and performing mutual authentication in mobile user domain. A Smartphone’s
processor is used as an example to demonstrate the constructing of TMP, along with which three
methods for adding trusted platform module (TPM) in ME are presented respectively. In the

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framework of TMP, he also proposes a user authentication scheme combining password and
fingerprint with the USIM (universal subscriber identity module). The validation result shows
that better efficiency and advanced security over the authentication scheme presented in TMP's
draft standard.

30. Z.-M. Lu (2006) had presented in his paper about Hybrid video compression (HVC) that
adopts both transform domain vector quantization (VQ) and scalar quantization(SQ) where the
VQ is employed for encoding intra- coded frames which achieve better rate distortion
performance than SQ adopted in H.263. The digital fingerprint, robust and fragile watermarks
are embedded in compressed video for pirate tracing, ownership identification and content
authentication respectively.

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