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COMMON ENTRANCE TEST-2016 _DATE [SUBJECT TIME DAY2 PHYSICS 10.30 A.M. TO 11.50 A.M. MAXIMUM MARKS | TOTAL DURATION | MAXIMUM TIME FOR ANSWERING| o Psominures | ‘70 MINUTES, | MESTiow your ‘QUESTION BOOKLET DETAILS ‘CET NUMBER VERSION CODE | _SERIALNUMBER | |] { Aaa 570769 1 Coe wht the CET No hase re shan erie ils n Si OM awe hs. 2 ThisQucnion Bs noel by th ltr the 2 Bal ay after 10.0.0, 5. The Sol Nonna ie uctin bok ld boned on the OM ane ht {4 Thevenion Coots qn htt shold enon nc OMR ase he andthe epee a ah termed amples 5 Compulsory Spa he tor prio of be OMR nave best he pce pried DONT: Po THE. TIMING AND MARKS PRINTED ON THE OMR ANSWER SHEET SHOULD NOT BE DAMAGED / MUTILATED SPOILED. 2. The Bellrngs at 10.40 am. hens 2 Donat remove te paer cl present onthe ight hand sie ofthis queton bok ‘De mot ok inside he question bookie Donot stat answering on tbe OM answer shee, IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES] 1. This question booklet contains 60 queions and cach qbesion wll ave one sttement and four diate, (orden options choices) 2 Aer the" Bells rung at 1040 asm, remove he paper clon the righthand side of this question booklet nd ‘heck tt his booklet does otha any uric otor or ising og or ites to, replaced by ‘oa aon Radek tem ond sar ting cn hs OM Raves 3. Dune 7 mie Peal eck quowon cut Gites ihe Coes ans ow out ofthe four avalable dsacters (options / choices) given under tach question / ssenent + Gompietly darken {Shae the relevant circle witha BLUE OR BLACK INK BALL POINT PEN faint the question vumber on dhe OM anger set. ae ‘Correct Method of shang the citcle on the OMR answer sheet as shown below = ©@O0 | 4. Picasnoc tev amma unnfendedink Get onthe OM waver set wil alo Be recognize and reerded bythe scuner. Therefore, avoid mliple markings fay kind onthe OMR answer set. 5 Gate nro henner ouh Wek Do eth OMR ame het fore sme 6 ter the last bel is rung at 1.50 aan top writing onthe OM answer shee and alt your LEFT HAND: {THUMB IMPRESSION oa the OMR enower sheet pre instuction apd over tne OMR ANSWER SHEET tothe room inviglatorasitis. tAlersopraing te top shet (Our Copy), the nvgilto wil ers te bot sheet replica (Candidate's copy) toyou um howe fr seevauaon 9, Preset eplicvof the OMR answer sheet ora minimam period of ONE yeas Turn Over body falls freely for 10 se. Is average velocity during this oumey (take 2 10 ms?) @ loms! @ Sms! ‘Three projectiles A, E and C are projected at an angle of 30°, 45°, 60° respectively, If, Rg and Re_are ranges of A, B and C respectively then (velocity of projection is same for AB&C) ( Ry=Ry=Re @) Ry Electi itd, d5 > Area veetn) (1) E-de0 onany surface (2) §8.d% could nothe defined ©) $e -ds=. ifcharge i inside 4) de if charge is outside, Lit charge is inside &0 {An clectron of mass m, charg e falls through a distance h meter in uniform electric field E. Then time of fall ii 2h = @ ae @ ie 1-2 a Oia wt Bay and Bg represents electric fl at point on the axial and equatorial ine of a () Ea Ey @) Bxa-Eq @) En--28q @) Bey =2x Nature of equipotential surface for point charge i (1) Ellipsoid with charge at foci (2). Sphere with charge atthe centre ofthe sphere G) Sphere with charge on the surface ofthe sphere. (4) Plane with charge on the surface. 5 At 20, A particle of mass | gm and charge I iC is held at rest on a frictionless horizontal surface at distance | m from the fixed charge 2 mC. If the particle is released, it will be repelled, ‘The speed of the particle when itis ata distance of 10 m from the fixed charge () 60ms" @) 100ms" @) 90ms" () 180ms! 21. A capacitor of 8 Fis connected as shown. Charge onthe plates ofthe capacitor AN | Pw yw « xe @ wc @) oc @ wc 22, Four metal plates are arranged as shown, Capacitance between X and Y (A Area ofeach plate, d > distance between the plates) Baa ) 2604 iy 24 ay d Dea Send 8) 3 4) ] ‘Space For Rough Work 23, Mobility of fee electrons in a conductor is (1) directly proport @) directly proportional G) inversely proportion (inversely proportion te electron density. relaxation time. fo eletron density, to relaxation Hime: 24, Variation of resistance of the conductor with temperature is as shown a i ‘The temperature co-efficient (a) ofthe conductor is a & @) mR, ™ @ mR, OR 2. Potential difference between A and B in the following circuit = B w 4v @ 56V @) 28v @) 6v ‘Space For Rough Work P 1 At 26, In the following network potential at B av 2V 1c a) 4v Q) 3V @) 6V @) 48v 27. Effective resistance between A and B in the following cireuit 10a 1a 102 jon ] 48 Wa a MW on @ 0a Q) 2a 20 @) sa @ ta 3 28, Two heating coils of resistances 10 0 and 20 0 are connected in parallel and connected to battery of emf 12 V and internal resistance 1 Q. The power consumed by them are in the ratio ay Le @ 1:3 @ 21 @ 41 ‘Space For Rough Work At 8 P 29, A proton is projected with a uniform velocity ‘v’ along the axis of current carrying ico tn the proton will be accelerated along the axis. (2) heproton pa wll be circular about te ax G) the proton move along helical path. @) the proton will continue to move with velocity 'v’ along the axis. 30. In the cyclotron, as radius of the circular path of the charged particle increases (@= argular velocity, v= Finear velocity) {() both @ and v increases @)_ q@only increases, v remains constant G)_vinereases, @ remains constant () Wincreases, @ decreases 31. A conducting wire carrying current is arranged as shown. The magnetic field at t oi [4 ] Or [RR ot [1 o 2h] 32, The quantity of a charge that will be transferred by a current flow of 20 A over | hour 30 minutes period is (1) 108% 10°C @) 108 x108C @) S4xIOC _@) 18x10 “Space For Rough Work 33. A galvanometer coil has a resistance of $0 © and the meter shows full scale deflection for ‘a current of 5 mA. This galvanometer is converted into voltmeter of range 0 ~ 20 V by connecting. (1) 3950 9 in series with galvanometer @) £050 9 in series with galvanometer @) 29500 in paraltel with galvanometer (4) 080 in parallel with galvanometer 34. x, and 7, am susceptibility of a paramagnetic material at temporstres TK and T3k. respectively, then O xem @ at=nh @ ath=nt © fi ave 35. Atcertain place the horizontal component of earth's magnetic field is 3.0 G and the angle dip at that place is 30°. The magnetic field of cath at that location @ 456 @ s1G @ 356 @ 606 36. The process of super imposing message signal on high frequency carrier wave is called (1) Amplification 2) Demodulation @)_ Transmission (4) Modulation 37. A long solenoid with 40 turns perm carries a current of I A. The magnetic energy stored per unit volume is, Jim. () 328 @ ue @) 168 (4) 64 ‘Space For Rough Work 38, A wheel with 10 spokes each of length *L’ m is rotated with a uniform angular velocity “ein a plane normal to the magnetic field ‘B. The emf induced between the axle and the rim of the wheel. Enea? @ door © aL @ NoBL? 39, Therms value of curtent in a 50 He AC circuit is 6 A. The average value of AC current covera cyleis 3 1» 6 ov @ ©) Ze os wt 40, A capacitor of capacitance 10 UF is connected to an AC source and an AC Ammeter. If the source voltage varies as V = 50/2 sin 100t, the reading of the ammeter is () 50mA, Q) 70.7 mA @) 5.0ma 707 mA 41, Ina series LCR sircuit, the potential drop across L, C and R respectively are 40 V, 120 V and 60 V. Then tke source voltage is () 20V @ 160V @) 180V @ lov 42, Ina series LCR circuit an alternating emf (v) and current (i) are given by the equation (ont “The average power discipated inthe cireuit over a eycle of AC is y= vp in a, Sig Mia oO a | 0 Sua te = ‘Space For Rough Work 43, Electromagnetic radiation used to strilise milk is WO %ay Q) try @) UVnys (4) Radiowaves 44. A plane glass plate is placed over a various coloured letters (violet, green, yellow, red). The letter which appear o raised more (1) Red @) Yellow @) Green (Violet SA Rey ll pe Ci oe er ech sara ea as shown. The surfaces of all media are parallel If the emergent ray DE is parallel toineident ray AB, then () n= ny Q) many @ aon “ 46. Focal length of a convex lens is 20 cm and its RI is 1.5. It produces an erect, enlarged image if the distance of the object from the lens is Q) 40m Q) 300m G) 150m @) 206m 47. A ray of light suffers a minimum deviation when incident on an equilateral prism of refractive index V2. The angle of incidence is ) 30° @) 45° _8)_ 60" (@)_s0° AD a Pr 48. In Young's double slit experiment the source is white light. One slitis covered with red filter andthe other with blue filter. There shall be (1) Alternate red & blue fringes (2) Alternate dark & pink fringes G3) Alternate dark & yellow fFinges (4) No interfercuve 49. Light of wavelength 600 mn is incident normally ona slit of width 0.2 mm, The angular ‘with of ental maxima i the difaction pater is (encasured from miaimum to minimum) (1) 6x 107d @) 4x10 9d @) 24x10 nd @ 45% 105 rd 50. For what distance is ray optics is good approximation when the aperture is 4mm and the ‘wavelength of light ie 400m ? (24m @) 40m 3 G) 18m @) 30m ‘51, The variation of photo-curret with colletor potential for different frequencies of incident radiation v,, V, and Visas shown in the graph, then ~ "AP Photo-curent Satuntion Curent Callector Potential (i y-m=% @ ve" % f @ y34ev (@) K=+1020v 136eV ‘54. When electron jumps fiom n = 4 level to n= | level, the angular momentum of electron changes by n 2h os o 2 3h 4h oF oF 55. A radio-active sample of half-life 10 days contains 1000 x nuclei. Number of origi ‘nuclei present after 5 days is (107s 2) 750x G) 500% @) 250% ‘56, An element X decays into element Z by two-step process. 4 x— Ye'He a Y¥—— 2426 then () X&Zareisobars 2) X BY areisotopes. @) X&Zareisotones. (A) X& Zareisotopes. ‘Space For Rough Work Ad “ P ‘57. A nucleus of mass 20 u emits photon of energy 6 MeV. If the emistion assume to ‘occur when nucleus is ftee and rest, then the nucleus will have kinetic energy nearest to (take Lu» 1.6% 1027 kg) (1) 10Kev. @ 1 Kev @) 01 Kev (@) 100Kev $8, Constant DC voltage is required from a variable AC voltage. Which ofthe following is correct order of operation? (1) Regulator, filter, rectifier 2) Rectifier, regulator, filter (3) Rectifier, filter, regulator (4) Filter, regulator, rectifier 59. In a transistor, the collector current varies by 0.49 mA and emitter current varies by 0.50 mA. Current gain f measured is wo” @ 150 @) 9 (4) 100 (60. Identify the logic operation carried out by the following circuit, Soe a >— (AND (@)NAND @) NOR (@) OR ‘Space For Rough Work

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