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Week Four journal 4

Students name and ID number: Maryam date ( from 11 March To 15 March)

Alblooshi – H00296768.
Journal title:
Classroom routines

Journal body:
Routines are something that students make it daily or weekly for a purpose and
the teacher train them and give students instruction to do certain things form
week one and then learners do it by them self. My MST has four different
routines in the classroom. Firstly, she let learners make a line before they attend
the class and after they finish the class. I think this is a good way to manage
students because when they do a line they don’t hit each other and form this
routine student’s will again this habit and make it for other classes. Secondly, my
MST has three different rules in the classroom and she sticks them around the
class. The first type of rules is general classroom rules which is all teachers follow
these rules and the second type of rules is mathematic classroom rules and the
teacher hung these rules in the blue board were learners can see them and the
last type of rules is personal rules in the classroom and the teacher hung these
rule in each table. I really like this idea because this will build in student’s brain
knowledge about how rules are important. Thirdly, the teacher have a shelve at
the back of the class for homework files and at the end of the week students take
that file and do the homework and return the file on Sunday. From that routine
learners will learn how they can be organized and be discipline to submit their
work on time. Finally, I have a suggestion about the reading corner in the back
the teacher can use it for students how finish the task early and that has many
benefits because learners will improve their reading and don’t make noisy.

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