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Assessment 2

Story sack
(Teacher Amna’s Trip)

Amna Abdelkarim AlQassab

Learning through Literature
Antoinette Wiseman
For our “Learning through Literature” course we are assigned to write a story, I wrote a

story about a teacher who take her student on a trip “Teacher Amna’s Trip”. I used Google

images. The story for the target audience 3-5-year old’s. For kindergarten 1 and 2 children. I

choose to write this story because as a future teacher I would like to take the (star of the week

student) in a trip to a cultural place in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The story genre is

Realistic fiction story. Because Realistic fiction is a genre consisting of stories that could have

occurred to people or animals in a believable setting. These stories resemble real life, and

fictional characters within these stories react similarly to real people. The story supports the

UAE culture. Such as Abaya, Liwa oasis and Falcon. I prepare many activities that support

Gardner Multiple Intelligences such as Linguistic intelligence, Logical-mathematical intelligence

and Intrapersonal intelligence. However, I include some creative ideas in the story according to

Duffy creativity lead the child to explore the world and increase the opportunities to make

connection between what he learns in the class with the real life (Duffy, 2006, p.7).

First of all, I get the story idea from my future plan as a future teacher. “Teacher Amna’s

Trip”, The story is about two characters (Teacher Amna and Student Ali), in this story the

teacher strategy is that every week she takes the star of the week student in a trip to a cultural

place in UAE. In this story teacher Amna takes student Ali. I choose Ali because it is one of the

famous local names in UAE. The story starts with “Teacher Amna was wearing (Abaya) and

student Ali was wearing (Kandura)”. Include religion such as Hijabs by made the teacher wear

it. To let the children, know about the UAE traditional clothes and religion. Even I stick a real

cloth of Abaya and Kandura on the story to make the children feel the cloth. Then I wrote the

trip place name, “The trip was in Liwa Oasis, large oasis area in Abu Dhabi United Arab
Emirates. Located in Rub' al Khali Desert. The weather was hot, they saw sand dunes”. As you

can see I provide factual information about the UAE places. Familiarize children with the many,

varied environments in the UAE for instance, sand dunes, hot weather and Liwa Oasis.

After that made teacher Amna and student Ali walk to see and discover desert plants as

Arak, Date palms, Ghaf and desert animals, Such as Camel, Arabian oryx and Falcon. To make

the story more interesting, I stick the Feathers on the falcon picture to make the children feel it.

I wrote that Ali said, “I feel thirsty because of the hot weather, I need to drink water”. This will

make the children think for a solution to help Ali. However, this plot in the story will make the

story more challenging. Then teacher Amna said “Don’t worry we will go now to Liwa Oasis”.

This will make the children feel curious to know what oasis is and how it looks. After walking

few steps, they saw an Oasis, Liwa Oasis. So, they drank the water of the oasis. In the end,

teacher Amna and student Ali felt happy, they enjoyed the trip. They get to know more

information about Liwa Oasis.

On the other hand, I involve some activities during and after reading the story. For

example, I will use stick puppets when I will read the story for the children also made the

children hold it to role play, that support UK EYFS curriculum guidelines in communication and

language. In Addition, I set puzzle game, the children must complete the Arabian oryx picture,

that support UK EYFS curriculum guidelines in physical development. I Put coloring book that

has desert animals and plants pictures for the children to color, that support UK EYFS

curriculum guidelines in expressive arts and design. Along with that I have designed three

activities after the story which are literacy, math and science. two of them is related to STEM
curriculum, which are math and science activities. The STEM philosophy is “a way of thinking

about how educators integrate knowledge across disciplines, to think in a more connected and

holistic way”, Children in the early years develop long- term habits of learning, engagement with

the activities to construct knowledge. STEM focus on the foundation knowledge and skills that

support questioning, observing and communicating. Being open to children’s questions allows

for STEM concepts to be developed in everyday interactions making the links explicit to the

children also lets them understand the ‘work’ they are doing. Inquiry based learning child is

constructor of their own knowledge follows children interests engages children in active

learning, fosters deep learning (Roberts, 2016).

The literacy activity called (Letters and Sounds) it is about matching. The materials are

flashcards and magnetic letters, simple for the target age. There are two parts, part one the

student must match the letters with the given words, suitable for low level students. Part two,

match the first sound for the given pictures, Suitable for high level students. The learning

outcome for this activity, the child will be able to match the sounds, that support UK EYFS

curriculum guidelines in literacy. This activity contains the visual aids which support many

areas of a child's language and communication development. Keep the child focus on something

visual whilst listening to instructions, for example the flashcards that contain pictures from the

story (Cheng, 2015, p.641). The science activity called (Desert Animals & Pets) it is about

sorting. The materials are desert animals & pets pictures, 2small baskets, sandbox. First the

child will sort between the desert animals & pets pictures, then put the given pictures in the right

basket that Witten (Desert animals & Pets) last point use the desert animal’s pictures to role play

in the sandbox. The learning outcome for this activity, the child will be able to sort the animals,
that support UK EYFS curriculum guidelines in understanding of the world. In this activity I

include other desert animals outside the story to assess their prior knowledge. The mathematics

activity called My plant. It is about counting. The materials are A4 papers, tree twigs, tree

leaves, number flashcards, glue. The child will stick the tree twigs on the A4 paper, then choose

one flashcards number, stick it on the paper. Last thing sticks the tree leaves according to the

chosen number. The learning outcome for this activity, the child will be able to count the

numbers, that support UK EYFS curriculum guidelines in Mathematics. This mathematics

activity supports the individual work as Montessori approach encourages individual work with

built-in controls of error, without constantly check with a teacher. Individual work makes the

child know his mistakes and how to correct himself (Flavin, 2016).

In the end, I think the mental representation of my story is appropriate for this target age

because, the pictures and the words front are big and clear. The areas of developments in this

story is the emotional and social developments, when Ali feel sad when he will not find water to

drink. Physical development, develops fine motor skills in students. When they will use glue to

stick the pictures, tree leaves. I recommend for the future to put more emotions, plots in the story

to make it more interesting. Second recommendation is to create more activities that encourage

playing together, social interaction and competition. In my opinion I think this story is a

challenging story, because there are many local children and even local adults that do not know

the name of the trees that in UAE. So, I will contain more deep information about UAE culture.

However, I will contain more mathematics activities because mathematics development provides

children with opportunities to develop and improve their skills in counting (Statutory framework,

Cheng, X. (2015). Interlanguage-based error analysis in higher vocational and technological
college EFL education in china. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 6(3), 639-646.
Retrieved from

Duffy, B. (2006). Supporting creativity and imagination in the early years 2e (2nd ed.). GB:
Open University Press.

Flavin, B. (2016, February 29). The basics of montessori schools [Blog post].

Retrieved from Montessori schools vs reggio schools website:


Roberts, P., Dr. (2016). STEM in early childhood: How to keep it simple and fun.

Retrieved from


Statutory framework for the early years foundation stage. (2012). Retrieved from



15 beautiful pictures of the uae's liwa oasis. (2016). Retrieved from Love in

Dubai website:

The ghaf tree – the national tree of the united arab emirates. (n.d.). Retrieved

from Unique Phenomena website:


Heimbuch, J. (2014, March 4). 17 animals amazingly adapted to thrive in deserts.

Retrieved from Mother natural network website:



The liwa mazayin al ratb festival. (2008). The Purple Journal. Retrieved from


Manga arab girl cartoon vector illustration. (n.d.). Retrieved from Dreams time




Pam. (n.d.). Camel. Retrieved from Demon website:


Storybook characters. (n.d.). Retrieved from Meraki website:

Uae. (n.d.). Retrieved from Pinterest website:

Lesson Plan Template

Name: Amna Abdelkarim

Professional Development Plan

(What do YOU need to work on to grow professionally?)

1. Choose and describe an aspect from a teaching competency that you need to work on (Goal)

Behaviour Management
2. Describe what you will do to help achieve your goal (Strategies Used)

First, I will model the appropriate behaviour, then if it didn’t work I will use the nonverbal cues such
as eye contact. The last thing is the time out chair.
3. Describe how you can tell if you’re achieving your goal (Evidence)

If this strategy worked I will keep using it, but if not than I will use the Marble Jar strategy, As the
class behaves well, I will add marbles to the jar. Once the jar is full, they will receive a class prize.
This will lead the class work as group, team and learn the good behaviour together.
Grade Level: Subject: Learning Outcome (MOE code and words):

KG2- 3 Story
(Teacher Amna’s Trip)
At the end of the lesson
- K2. The child will be able to sort the
- K1. The child will be able to match
the sounds
- K1. The child will be able to count the

Introduction (warmer activity + teacher active Preparation (what do you need to make or check before
- The story is available.

I will start my lesson by greeting the - The sand box

students, then I will tell them that we have a - Prepare the story characters stick puppets and
short beautiful story, I will make them puzzle, coloring book.

guess the title and what do they see on the Key vocabulary
cover page, I will read the title while - Abaya
pointing at the words and let them repeat - Kandura
after me. When I finish reading the story I
- Oasis
will ask them if they like it and we will
- Sand dunes
discuss it together and I will ask them few
- Arak
questions like what’s the name of the
teacher? What’s the name of the student? - Date palm

Lastly, Use the sandbox, puzzle and - Ghaf

coloring book during the story telling or - Camle
after it. I will explain the activities for them, - Arabian oryx
then they will stand up and set on the
- Falcon
groups they were assigned too.
- Desert
- Animals
- Plants
Independent Experience (small group activity 1)

(Desert Animals & Pets)

The Child The Teacher
1- Sort between the desert animals & - Will ask the child about the name of the
pets pictures desert animals.
- Ask about differentiation between the
2- Put the given pictures in the right
desert animals and pets.
basket that Witten (Desert animals &
Pets) - Guide the children.

3- Use the desert animals pictures to role

play in the sandbox
Time: 15 min

Independent Experience (small group activity 2)

(Letters & Sounds)

The Child The Teacher
Part 1: Match the letters with the given - Will ask the child about the say the
words. (Suitable for low level students) desert animals and plants and other
Part 2: Match the first sound for the
- Ask about the sounds in each word.
given pictures.
(Suitable for high level students) - Assess the child about the new sounds.
Independent Experience (small group activity 2)

(My Plant)
The Child The Teacher
1- Stick the tree twigs on the A4 paper. - Will ask the child about the numbers and
2- Choose one flashcards number, stick - Ask about the drawing.
it on the paper.
- Assess the child about counting.

3- Stick the tree leaves according to the

chosen number.
15 min

- I will close the lesson by made them sit on the carpet


- Then let the children sit on the carpet. To discuss with them about what they did in each

activity, display the children art work. Review the new words by the data show.


- Observe the children during the activities

- Use checklist.
- Take some picture of children work, after they finished.
- Document children work. For example, hang it on the wall.
Activities pictures

Activity Name: My Plant Activity Name: Letters & Sounds

Subject: Literacy (Matching)

Subject: Mathematics (Counting)
Activity Name:

Desert Animals & Pets

Subject: Science (sorting)

Coloring Book & Puzzle Example of Coloring Book

Table 1 checklist to support your justification of the choice of props, activities and materials for
the ‘story sack’ with respect to the culture, age, stage of cognitive development, reading ability,
the type of activities that generally interest the target audience.

Target audience 3-5-year old’s:

Culture: e.g. does it ….

1. Support local culture and tradition including clothes, religion and cultural events?

In my story I include tradition clothes such as Abaya and Kandura, in addition, include religion such Hijabs.

2. Provide factual information about the UAE including places, flags, wildlife etc.?

In “Teacher Amna’s Trip” story I mention some UAE places such as Liwa Oasis, in Abu Dhabi Located in Rub'
al Khali Desert.

3. Familiarize children with the many, varied environments in the UAE?

In this realistic fiction story, I include environments in the UAE for instance, sand dunes, hot weather and Liwa
Oasis. Moreover, mention UAE plants, Arak, Palms and Ghaf.
Age and stage of development: Does it support learning within the Preoperational stage of development? e.g.
Does it encourage…

1. Mental representation?

I think it is appropriate for this target age because, the pictures and the words front are big and clear.

2. Role play, Imagining and pretending?

The children will use sticks puppets (Teacher Amna & Ali) to role play. Use the desert animal’s pictures to play
and pretend in the sand box.

3. Moving away from egocentrism - developing social skills/turn-taking etc.?

The areas of developments in this story is the emotional and social developments, when Ali feel sad when he will
not find water to drink. Physical development, develops fine motor skills in students. When they will use glue to
stick the pictures, tree leaves.

Interests: e.g. does it ….

1. Encourage playing together (Social interaction)?

Yes, they will work together with the stick puppets, sorting Desert animals & Pets

2. Encourage competition?

Yes, in the Literacy activity the children will have competition, in who will finish first in matching the letters.

3. Include things that can be built or made, are visual and colorful?

During the story telling there will be a puzzle for the Arabian oryx. And coloring book that has pictures of the story
animals and plants. Moreover, the children will touch a real feather and a real Palm branch to feel it.

4. Is it challenging, novel or ‘different’?

In my opinion I think it is a challenging story, because there are many local children and even local adults that
don’t know the name of the trees that in UAE.
Reading ability: e.g. does it support……

1. Top down reading strategies - predicting from context?

Yes, it contains pictures that shows the context

2. Bottom up reading strategies: decoding/word recognition skills?

Yes, it contains pictures that shows the context

Skills, concepts Stick Desert Puzzle Coloring My Plant Letters &
and attitudes Puppets Animals & Book Activity Sounds
derived from Pets Activity
the following
areas of
learning as
outlined in the

Communication The child

language and will

Literacy The child will

match the
sounds with
the letters
The child will
Understanding be able to
of the World discover the
animals and

Personal, social
and emotional
The child
Mathematics will be
able to
count the
of leaves
The child
Physical will develop
development his fine
motor skill
by solving
the puzzle
The child
Expressive Arts will be
& Design able to
show his

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