Legal Ethics 2

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Eric, a labor federation president, represented Luisa, a dismissed WXT employee, before the
NLRC. Atty. John represented Luisa's two co-complainants. In due course, the NLRC reinstated
the three complainants with backwages and awarded 25% of the backwages as attorney’s fees,
15% for Atty. John and 10% for Eric, a non-lawyer. When WXT appealed to the Court of Appeals,
Atty. John questioned Eric’s continued appearance before that court on Luisa’s behalf, he not
being a lawyer. Is Eric's appearance before the Court of Appeals valid? Explain.

2. A difficult client directed his counsel to bring up to the Supreme Court the trial court’s dismissal
of their action. Counsel believes that the trial court acted correctly and that an appeal would be
futile. Which of the following options should counsel take? Explain.

3. Define private practice.

4. Although not counsel in a particular case, Atty. Anthony asked Lisa, the RTC clerk of court, if
the case records have already been remanded to the MTC as the Court of Appeals directed.
Lisa said no, saying that the RTC had not yet received a certified copy of the Court of Appeals’
decision. When Lisa suggested that Atty. Anthony first secure such a copy, the latter scolded
her. Shamed by this, Lisa filed a disciplinary action against him for encroaching on the work of
the lawyers of record. Anthony defends his follow-up action by claiming good faith and the
possibility of entering his appearance later. Is Anthony liable for his record follow up? Explain.

5. Counsel for Philzea Mining appealed a decision of the Bureau of Mines, which was adverse to
his client, to the Environment Secretary. At about the same time, he filed a special civil action
of certiorari with the Court of Appeals for the annulment of the same decision. Did counsel
commit any ethical impropriety in his actions? Explain.

6. Atty. Melissa witnessed the car accident that resulted in injury to Manny, a friend of hers. While
visiting him at the hospital, she advised him about what action he needed to take regarding the
accident. Is Atty. Melissa subject to disciplinary action if she eventually handles the case for
7. When will Atty. Antonio's notarial commission expire if he applied for and was given such
commission on 12 November 2010?

8. A Court Administrator's auditing team found that Judge Ruby used business cards which
stated, in addition to her official title as presiding judge of her court, that she is bar topnotcher,
her law school’s "class valedictorian," and "one of the most sought after private law
practitioners" before she joined the judiciary, all of which are true. Asked to explain this
seeming impropriety, Ruby pointed out that business cards can include the person’s "title"
which is broad enough to include in her case her standing in the bar and all the honors she
earned. Did Ruby commit an impropriety? Explain.
9. Is the practice of law a matter of right? Explain.

10. Define “ambulance chasing”.

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