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Name: Alyaa Naser Grade Level: KG1 Date: 19\3\2018

Subject: Science Number of Students: 25 MCT: Ms Caroline

CCSS Standards:
Plants are living sustaining resources for living things

Main Lesson Aims (Concepts, Procedures, & Processes): By

the end of the Lesson the Student will be able to:
1. Classify how do we care for the plants.
2. Explain why we should care for the plants.


Teacher books

Student book(s)

Worksheets/ papers Blank papers made like small books, T chart papers, several pictures
(sun, water, scissor..etc.)
Teacher materials Teacher`s board

Student materials/ Gules, pencils, big cups



Other Seeds

Key vocabulary with definitions (and pictures if appropriate):

Word glossary definition Image

Plant an herb or other small vegetable growth, in
contrast with a tree or ashrub.

Flower the blossom of a plant.

Petals one of the often colored segments of the c
orolla of a flower.

one of the expanded, usually green organs

Leaves borne by the stem of a plant.

Roots a part of the body of a plant that develops,

typically, from the radicleand grows down
ward into the soil, anchoring the plant and
absorbingnutriment and moisture.

Stem is one of two main structural axes of

a vascular plant

Water the liquid that descends from the

clouds as rain, forms streams, lakes,
and seas, and is a major constituent of
all living matter

the star that is thecentral body of the solar

Sun system, around whichthe planets revolve
and from which they receivelight and heat
Students’ Prior Knowledge (What do the students already know that enables them to
understand the lesson?):
Most of the students can identify some parts of flower\ plant
Minority of students know what living and non-living things.

Possible Problems and Misconceptions (What are some problems that students will face
because it is assumed that they have the previous knowledge?):

1- If some students misbehave during the lesson.

2- If a student has a struggle with explaining how we should care for plants

Solutions (How/ What can be done to resolve the problems/misconceptions?):

1- I will remember them about the good and bad choices by asking him\her is that a bad or
good choice?
2- I will use pictures to show how do we care for plants like water, sun and remind them about
the planting song that they knew it.
Lesson Schedule
Targeted teacher language (What will the teacher say throughout the lesson?):

Plant \flower
why do we care for plants?
Why do we need plants?
Why we need food?
What do the plants need to grow?
Student language (What language will the students use throughout the lesson?):

Engage (warm up, review prior knowledge): time:

The student teacher will review what the students have learned which is about parts 5
of flower\plant. She will ask the students different questions to show the parts of a minutes
plant in themselves, such as can you show me where are\is your roots\leaves\ petals
\flower and they will point at their feet\hands\hair..etc
Core (introduce and practice new concepts & procedures): 35
She will introduce the lesson by saying "today we are going to learn about why do we
care for plants? She will draw a circle and write inside it the question to make a mind
map has the students' answers. She will ask some students the question and give
them some seconds to answer it. Also, if they have struggle to answer it, she will ask
other questions that lead them to answer directly that main question.

After that, she will let the students go to the centers they prefer and figure out what
they should do there.
She will explain the centers and ask the students some questions such as why do we
care for plants?
Why do we need plants?
Why we need food?
What do the plants need to grow? She will go around the students and go to each
center if possible to observe and scaffold them. Also, she write notes( their answers)
in the assessment sheet for each student.
- Center 1: the students will classify pictures represent how do we care and don’t
care for plants. They will stick pictures (sun, water, scissor, legs walk on a
flower..etc.) in T chart papers.

- Planting center: the student teacher will demonstrate and model how we
replant\replace our plants in bigger cups that makes the plants grow better.
Some students will take their small cups and replace\replant it in big plastic
cups if their seeds grew but some of them if their seeds didn’t grow they will
replace\replant their zip lock bag plants into big cups.

- Book center: in this center the students will make their own tiny seeds book.
They will draw\write about why\how we should care for plants. They will
draw\write in small books and the student teacher will ask them about their
drawing. This center is related to the book week, so the students will encourage
to make their own book and read it through pictures and some words they

- Provocation for math: the students will count the seeds depending on the
written number on the cups.

- Provocation for unit of inquiry: seeds, soil, plants (the students will observe and
explore things by using sensory skills.
Close (wrap up, discussion, brief review activity or assessment):

The student teacher will ask the students to write or draw how can they
care for plants in stickers. That to assess their learning about how to care
for plants\ what do the plants need to grow.

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