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Gautam Institute Of Management and Technology Hamirpur (HP), in the partial
fulfillment for the requirements for the

Degree of

Master of Business Administration

Session 2017
Submitted By
Shubham Sharma
MBA 3rd Semester
Under the Supervision Of
Dr.Ashok Kumar Bansal
Director Of Management Department



Affiliated to


Dr. Ashok Kumar Bansal
Director of Management Department


This is to certify that the major training report entitled, has been carried out by SHUBHAM
SHARMA S/O Sh. SUNIL DUTT having examination Roll No. 1601028044, bonafide student
of Master of Business Administration , 3rd Semester. Department Of Management at Gautam
Group Of Colleges, Hamirpur

The major training report is a record of his work accomplished during 3rd semester of Master of
Business Administration, as a partial fullfilment of the requirement of the Degree of MBA for
the successful completion of the 3rd semester , under my guidance.

I wish happiness and success in the endeavor.


Date: Dr. Ashok Kumar Bansal



MANAGEMENT & TECHNOLOGY HAMIRPUR affiliated to Himachal Pradesh Technical
University Hamirpur. here by declare that the report entitled “Human Resource Management &
Industrial Relations” of The WEBZE TECHNOLOGIES LTD. Mohali, Punjab has been
prepared by me under the supervision of Prof Keshav Tyagi. .and is very first and genuine copy.
I myself originally prepared this report based on the 45 days work period as an internee. The
report has not been published or submitted or published elsewhere before. Any literature, work
or data done by others and cited within this report has given due acknowledgment and listed in
the reference section.

I am ever ready for any penalty or charge if found any fraud regarding this report.


Place : Hamirpur Univ. Roll NO. 1601028044
Gautam Institute of Management & Technology Hamirpur.

With immense please we are presenting “Human Resources Management” training report as part
of the curriculum of ‘Master of Business Administration’. We wish to thank all the people who
gave us unending support.

I express my profound thanks to Director and Prof. Keshav Tyagi, trainer, guide and all those
who have indirectly guided and helped us in preparation of this training report.

We also like to extend our gratitude to all staff and our colleagues of College of Management,
who provided moral support, a conductive work environment and the much-needed inspiration to
conclude the project in time and a special thanks to Dr. Ashok Kumar Bansal .

Thanking you.

Shubham Sharma


After the 2nd semester of Master of Business Administration (MBA) course, an internee was
sent to The Webze Technologies Ltd In Mohali , Punjab to have a practical exposure on
Industrial activities under the program me of 'Internship'.

First chapter to introduction of the report focus on background, objective, and brief introduction
of industry focus on the context of industry, present situation and challenges and opportunities.
And after then brief introduction to the organization focus on The Webze Technologies Ltd's
vision , mission and strategy, present situation of the bank and SWOT Analysis.

The Second chapter focus on Practical part analysis of activities done and problems solved, role
of the internee and fitting in the organization Structure, experience in the internship including
system process. Also Occurrences of problems and how these problems solved and observed

The Final section of the report includes conclusion and overall experience and learning
knowledge gained and recommendations.


Sr. No. Chapters Particulars Page No.

1 Cover Page i
2 Certificate of Bank ii
3 Letter of Declaration iii
4 Acknowledgment iv
5 Executive Summary v
6 Table of Contents vi
7 List of Tables Vii

11 1.2 Objectives of Internship 5
12 General Objectives 6
13 Specific Objectives

17 1.4 Introduction Of Our Company 9

( WebZe Company)
18 History of WebZe Company 9
19 Service Description 10
20 WebZe Projects 11,-12
21 WebZe Team 13-16
22 Objectives of the WebZe Company 17-19
26 2nd Weekly Practical Report 28
27 2 Practical Work Structure. 29-30
30 2.2 Weekly Practical Report In Detail ( 1st-6thWeek) 33-43
31 I. Work Assignment -
32 ii. Work Description -
33 Iii. Objectives -
34 iv Learning of the week
35 3rd Recommendations and Conclusion 44
36 3.1 Overall Experience and Learning Knowledge Gained 45
37 3.2 Recommendations 46

38 3.3 Conclusion 47
39 References And Bibliography 48

List Of Tables

Sr No. Table No. Particulars Page No.

1 1.2 Functions of HRM 17

2 1.3 Source Of Recruitment 11

3 1.4 Method of Performance Appraisal 18

4 1.5 Performance Appraisal & Performance 19




Men and resources are involved in all activities. Men were taken for granted for a long
time. Greater accent was given to resources, production machinery and top managers. But during
the last few decades, with modern large scale production of innumerable products for a wide
market, the importance of human resources and their development has come to the fore. The
importance of human resources to any organization need not be over-emphasized. Human
resource is the wealth of a nation and an organisation. The development process is wide and
varied. In this lesson, let us understand the importance and concept of Human Resource

Human Resources

In the general parlance, human resources are people and their characteristics at work
either at the national level or organisational level. Megginson has defined human resources as

“From the national point of view, human resources are knowledge, skills, creative abilities,
talents and attitudes obtained in the population; whereas from the viewpoint of the individual
enterprise they represent the total of the inherent abilities, acquired knowledge and skills as
exemplified in the talents and aptitudes of its employers”

Sumantra Ghosal considers human resources as human capital. He classifies human

capital into three categories – intellectual capital, social capital and emotional capital. Intellectual
capital consists of specialized knowledge, tacit knowledge and skills, cognitive complexity and
learning capacity. Social capital is made up of network of relationships, sociability, and
trustworthiness. Emotional capital consists of self- confidence, ambition and courage, risk-
bearing ability and resilience”.

In simple words, HRM is a process of making the efficient and effective use of human
resources so that the set goals are achieved.

HRM can be defined as a process of procuring, developing and maintaining competent

resources in the organization so that goals of an organization are achieved in an effective and

efficient manner. In other words HRM is an art of managing people at work in such a manner
that they give best to the organisation.

Definition of HRM

According to Flippo, ‘Personnel Management, or say, human resources management is

the planning, organizing, directing and controlling of the procurement, development,

According to Flippo, ‘Personnel Management, or say, human resources management is

the planning, organizing, directing and controlling of the procurement, development,
compensation, integration, maintenance, and separation of human resources to the end that
individual, organisational and social objectives are accomplished”.

The National Institute of Personal Management (NIPM) of India has defined human
resources – personal management as “that part of management which is concerned with people at
work and with their relationship within an enterprise. Its aim is to bring together and develop
into an effective organization of the men and women who make up enterprise and have regard
for the well-being of the individuals and of working groups, to enable them to make their best
contribution to its success”.

According to Decenzo and Robbins, “HRM is concerned with the people dimension” in
management. Since every organization is made up of people, acquiring their services, developing
their skills, motivating them to higher levels of performance and ensuring that they continue to
maintain their commitment to the organization is essential to achieve organisational objectives.
This is true, regardless of the type of organization – government, business, education, health or
social action”.

HRM can be defined as a process of procuring, developing and maintaining competent

resources in the organization so that goals of an organization are achieved in an effective and
efficient manner. In other words HRM is an art of managing people at work in such a manner
that they give best to the organisation. their relationship within an enterprise. Its aim is to bring
together and develop into an effective organization of the men and women who make up
enterprise and have regard for the well-being of the individuals and of working groups, to
enable them to make their best contribution to its success”.



 To analyze the practical implication of theoretical knowledge acquired during the MBA
 To gain practical knowledge about the organization.

 To understand the major functions along with product and services of the organization

 Improve the attitude of honest, trustworthy, dedicated and responsible for the task
 To help students to sit in an interview with excellent report experience.


 Able to learn & practice the new knowledge of the company based on learning
acquired in the course of lectures at college.
 To improve the knowledge & self-confidence of students to the working world in
the future.
 To discipline the students in matter of employment in the future.

Uses of Human Resource Management in an organization:

 Human Resource Management (HRM) is the function within an organization that focuses
on recruitment of, management of, and providing direction for the people who work in
the organization. It can also be performed by line managers.
 Human Resource Management is the organizational function that deals with issues
related to people such as compensation, hiring, performance management, organization
development, safety, wellness, benefits, employee motivation, communication,
administration, and training.
 HRM is also a strategic and comprehensive approach to managing people and the
workplace culture and environment. Effective HRM enables employees to contribute

effectively and productively to the overall company direction and the accomplishment of
the organization's goals and objectives.
 Human Resource Management is moving away from traditional personnel,
administration, and transactional roles, which are increasingly outsourced. HRM is now
expected to add value to the strategic utilization of employees and that employee
programs impact the business in measurable ways. The new role of HRM involves
strategic direction and HRM metrics and measurements to demonstrate value.
 The Human Resource Management (HRM) function includes a variety of activities, and
key among them is responsibility for human resources -- for deciding what staffing needs
you have and whether to use independent contractors or hire employees to fill these
needs, recruiting and training the best employees, ensuring they are high performers,
dealing with performance issues, and ensuring your personnel and management practices
conform to various regulations. Activities also include managing your approach to
employee benefits and compensation, employee records and personnel policies. Usually
small businesses (for-profit or nonprofit) have to carry out these activities themselves
because they can't yet afford part- or full-time help. However, they should always ensure
that employees have -- and are aware of -- personnel policies which conform to current
regulations. These policies are often in the form of employee manuals, which all
employees have.
 HRM is widening with every passing day. It covers but is not limited to HR planning,
hiring (recruitment and selection), training and development, payroll management,
rewards and recognitions, Industrial relations, grievance handling, legal procedures etc.
In other words, we can say that it’s about developing and managing harmonious
relationships at workplace and striking a balance between organizational goals and
individual goals.

Advantages / Importance of HR:

 Meeting manpower needs: Every Organisation needs adequate and properly qualified
staff for the conduct of regular business activities. Imaginative HRP is needed in order to
meet the growing and changing human resource needs of an organisation.
 Replacement of manpower: The existing manpower in an Organisation is affected due to
various reasons such as retirement and removal of employees and labour turnover. HRP
is needed to estimate the shortfall in the manpower requirement and also for making
suitable arrangements for the recruitment and appointment of new staff.
 Meeting growing manpower needs: The expansion or modernisation programme may be
undertaken by the enterprise. Manpower planning is needed in order to forecast and meet
additional manpower requirement due to expansion and growth needs through
recruitment and suitable training programs.
 Meeting challenges of technological environment: HRP is helpful in effective use of
technological progress. To meet the challenge of new technology existing employees
need to be retrained and new employees may be recruited.
 Coping with change: HRP enables an enterprise to cope with changes in competitive
forces, markets, products, and technology and government regulations. Such changes
generate changes in job content, skill, number and type of personals.
 Increasing investment in HR: An employee who picks up skills and abilities becomes a
valuable resource because an organisation makes investments in its manpower either
through direct training or job assignments.
 Adjusting manpower requirements: A situation may develop in; an organisation when
there will be surplus staff in one department and shortage of staff in some other
department. Transfers and promotions are made for meeting such situations.
 Recruitment and selection of employees: HRP suggests the type of manpower required in
an organisation with necessary details. This facilitates recruitment and selection of
suitable personnel for jobs in the Organisation. Introduction of appropriate selection tests
and procedures is also possible as per the manpower requirements.
 Placement of manpower: HRP is needed as it facilitates placement of newly selected
persons in different departments as per the qualifications and also as per the need of
different departments. Surplus or shortage of manpower is avoided and this ensures
optimum utilization of available manpower.

We, at WEBZE TECHNOLOGIES are pleased to introduce ourselves, as a professionally

managed software products & Web Development company with experienced professionals
ready and committed to provide you IT services to turn your IDEAS TO REALITY. Our
mission is to make every part of our business simple for the customers, yet provide them an
effective and Focal Excellence.

Yet, we have vision to be the number one player in Indian IT Industry. Our values determine
how we treat our people, clients, and partners. We are having our clients across the world –
USA, CANADA DENMARK , SPAIN , FRANCE … They define who we are and how we do
our jobs. It also helps us to work together in the most effective way. Our values are integrity
Competence Client Forever Committed Added Value.

WE CAN ASSURE YOU: Top quality. Fast turn around time , Working with deadlines,
Flexible to work in a Team , Support for market submission , Available for communication
everyday , Available for Bug fixes and Future Updates, More than 40 hours working in a week.
This way , we are contributing to the IT Industry by giving its young and promising talent .

At WEBZE TECHNOLOGIES we work on principles , and with high standards that we have
set for our services , Our core strength is our timely, technically and cost effective project
delivery , we strive to work with the utmost professionalism , and our service & product speaks
the rest .

SERVICE DESCRIPTION iPhone /iPod/iPad, Web Services interaction (XML, JSON ,
SOAP,REST, PHP Facebook /Twitter/Google/Linkdin , or Code Integration , In- app purchase
and push notifications , Ad service such as admob ,adwhirl, iAd, google map services , core
data , core graphics , animation , Cocos2D, 2D, 3D graphics , Angularjs, nodejs, Expressjs,
Hapijs, Meteor, Laravel, yii , .net, PHP Core, PHP , CakePhp , Codeignator, Wordpress,



1. FindYourFine (E-Commerce Website ) USA

2. Dark Skies Weather App (Mobile app) USA

3. SAI Insurance(Corporate Website) USA

4. Fit Tea (Mobile app) USA

5. Café Beirut(Mobile app) Denmark

6. Engros Biler(Mobile app) Denmark

7. MyCallTime(Mobile app) USA

8. SumDay(Mobile app) USA

9. Shaply Weather(Mobile app) USA

10. Blended Time(Mobile app) USA

11. Vitus-Guld(Mobile app) Denmark

12. Ajuntament Sant Celoni ( Mobile App) Spain

13. Sant Antoni de Vilamajor(Mobile app) Spain

14.Twisted Pieces(Company website) USA

15.Entrepreneur Confessions USA


16.Keys For Music(Mobile app) USA

17.Epic Collage Maker(Mobile app) USA

18.Insane Jumpers(Mobile Game) USA

19.Just Swipe(Mobile App) USA

20.Buy Source Codes (Company website) USA


Our Technical team of professionals handing, designing & delivering of projects has a strong
presence in the North India& other countries . Our engineers are already working on all the
emerging technologies .



He is the Backbone of WEBZE and A person with more than 9 year rich practical
experience who believes in taking up new ventures and projects.



A women who has been professionally attached with Multinational companies for more than
6-7 years solid Industrial Experience in different IT Companies & is very innovative in her
technical approach.



A Person who has more than 5-6 years of Industrial Experience in Marketing field , handling
Presentations / Seminars in North India and smooth handling of the entire business.



A woman who believes that “Honour Time & Place, then you will be honoured.” She has
more than 3years solid industrial experience in a software companies & is very hardworking
and innovative


 We offer each student a Part-Time/Full-Time Job for each student during Industrial Training
so that students can bear their own expenses and can have live job exposure
 Free Spoken English, IELTS, Personality Development and Interview Preparation classes on
daily basis for each student
 Life-Time Validity Learning.
 Guaranteed Job Interview offers on regular basis and 100% Placement Assistance
 Industrial Training from IT Software Company not just from an Institute.
 Training from Developers/Industry experts rather than Trainers/ Teachers.
 Projector-basedClass-Room/Lab,Wi-FiLab



2.0 Weekly Progress Report Structure.
In Table 2.0
All the work are Accomplished by us with Hard Working which can be given to us.
Status of Work Assigned
Table 2.0

Week Name of Work Assignment Work Status

1stWeek Know about how actually the interview session held in Accomplished
the company.

2ndWeek Know, how Induction program operate in the company. Accomplished

3rdWeek Know about different forms used in the company. Accomplished

4thWeek How to conduct a Performance Appraisal Program in the Accomplished


5thWeek Know about the whole process of Recruitment function. Accomplished

6th Week I know about how to make salary sheet in the excel Accomplished

7thWeek At the last week, I know about some practical Accomplished

knowledge about HR functions.

1st WEEK : (12 JUNE – 17 JUNE)

Work Assignment: Interview session

Objective: To gain the practical knowledge of Interview session in the company.To know
the basic communication skills for introducing yourself in the interviews or anywhere.

Work Description:


On 12,June we started our intership training in the Webze Company (mohali) punjab. It is a
software development company. The main trainer of our training was Mr.Keshav Tyagi sir.

So, on 1st day of our training we reached in our company at 10.00AM. and there we go to our
training room. Our trainer came to us and introduce himself and took ours introduction also. He
gave some tips regarding general introduction as given below :-

Name:- I am ………….. OR Hello, Shubham here.

Work:- working as a……………… OR I work in a ……………………

Place:- I live at………. OR I am from……….. OR I belong to ………

Greetings:- Nice meeting you. OR Pleasure to meet you.

Etiquettes :-

Firm Handshake
Straight Gesture
Eye Contact

Learning of the week:

1. I learn the skills of how to give introduction particularly in the interviews.

2. I also learn about the content used in the Interview speech.
3. I also learn about some etiquettes while facing an interview session.
4. And most important learning of this assignment of interview session is that also how to
communicate in the company with all the staff holding various position.
2nd WEEK : (19 JUNE – 24 JUNE)

Work Assignment: Induction Program.

Objective: To gain the practical knowledge of Induction session in the company. An

effective induction ensures that new staff can quickly learn the company's policies,
processes and practices.

Work Description:

A typical induction program will include at least some of the following:

 any legal requirements (for example in the, some Health and Safety training is obligatory)
 any regulatory requirements (for example in the banking sector certain forms need to be
 Introduction to terms and conditions (for example, holiday entitlement, how to make
expense claims, etc.)
 a basic introduction to the company, and how the particular department fits in
 a guided tour of the building
 set-up of payroll details
 introductions to key members of staff
 specific job-role training

Learning of the week:

1. I learn about how actually Induction program conduct in the company.

2. I also learn in this assignment that how to introduce yourself in corporate world in better
3. I learn different departments of the company and their whole working in this brief
induction program.

3rd WEEK : (26 JUNE – 01 JULY)

Work Assignment: Different Forms used in the company.

Objective: To achieve the knowledge of different forms for various operations

performed in the company.

Work Description:

PF :

 Form 2: Nomination & Declaration Form

 Form 5: Consolidated New Joinee Form
 Form 10: Consolidated Exit Employee Form
 Form 13: EPF Transfer Form
 12 A Form
 PF Challan
 Form 31: PF Withdrawal
 Form 10 C: EPS Withdrawal


 Form 1: Declaration Form

 Form 6: Half yearly responsibility
 ESIC Challan

Learning of the week:

1. I learn about different forms used in the company for different purposes.
2. I gain the knowledge of different forms related to Provident Fund, Pension Scheme Fund,
Employees state insurance scheme fund etc.
3. I learn that how and when the different forms are required in a financial year under Govt.

4th WEEK : (03 JULY – 08 JULY)

Work Assignment: Performance appraisal program in the company

Objective: To maintain records in order to determine compensation packages, wage structure,

salaries raises etc.

Work Description:

A performance appraisal is a systematic general and periodic process that assesses an

individual employee's job performance and productivity in relation to certain pre-established
criteria and organizational objectives.

Performance Appraisal

Focus is on top down assessment

Performed annually

Usage of ratings is very common

Focus is on traits

Are very much linked with pay

So from above given methods of Performance Appraisal, In our company 3 methods are
mostly used for appraising the performance of the staff.
These are :
1. Paired Comparison Method
2. Confidential Report
3. 360-degree appraisal.

Learning of the week:

1. In this assignment I am able to learn that how actually this performance appraisal
program is carried in the companies.
2. I also learned the purpose of this performance appraisal program as it is conducting for
determine compensation packages, wage structure, salaries raises etc.
3. I learned from this assignment about how this program bring development in the staff
behavior by identifying their deficiencies.
4. I also learned that it is the most critical function of HR from all the function.

5th WEEK : (09 JULY – 14 JULY)

Work Assignment: Recruitment Process of the Company.

Objective: To attract with multi dimensional skills and experience that suit the present and
future organization strategies. To search or headhunt people who fill the company values.

Work Description:

In the WebZe Company, the recruitment process for hiring the staff is mostly done by
Headhunting and Internet advertisement.

In Headhunting, new staff is hired on the recommendation of the existing staff and call for
interview for selection process.

In Internet Advertisement, our company login to different recruitment website portals and then
call the prospective employees for interview stage.


Learning of the week:

1. I learn the whole process of recruitment in the company by being the part of
recruitment staff.
2. I also learn how to manage human resource inventory i.e. demand and supply of
man power by knowing when to conduct recruitment program in the company.
3. I also learn how to make advertisement on the internet for recruiting the staff and
the content required for advertising the recruitment post

6th WEEK : (16 JULY – 21 JULY)

Work Assignment: Making Salary Sheet.

Objective: To achieve the knowledge of making salary sheet of staff. It is the assignment of
structuring salaries correctly, reduces your liability as an employer as well as an employee.

Work Description:

While creating the ideal salary structures, there are three things you should keep in mind

 It should be tax efficient: This means that it should give employees the opportunity to
save as much tax as possible. Salary amounts should be divided into components giving
the employee the opportunity to avail as much tax deduction as possible.
 Reduce the employer’s liability: The salary structure should reduce the liability of the
employer. The employer’s contribution to PF, Gratuity etc. should be kept as low as
 It should be compliant: Compliance norms like minimum wages and PF laws should be
kept in mind while drafting the salary structure.

Learning of the week:

1. Write “Sr. No, Name, Position, Salary, Join date, Experience, Phone no and Address” at the
top of Excel Row.
2. Now select your text then “bold” and “color” your text and also make a “border” from
“Home” menu.
3. Now fill your information at the below of “Sr. No, Name, Position, Salary...”
4. Now select two cells down and then go to “Home” menu and then click on “Merge &
Center” command.
5. Now write “Total Salary” in this cell.

7th WEEK : (23 JULY – 28 JULY)

Work Assignment: Basic Functions of HR Manager.

Objectives: To achieve the knowledge of various functions performed by the HR Manager.

To know the human resources department necessary functions which can provide your
organization best growth and the ability to meet business needs through managing your
company's most valuable resources -- its employees.

Work Description:

In our company, I found that human resources department handles many necessary functions of
your business. As it is instrumental in providing labor law compliance, record keeping, hiring
and training, compensation, relational assistance and help with handling specific performance

Learning of the week:

1. I learn about all different functions performed by our HR manager in our

2. I also learn more about some HR manager function by performing these functions
in the company on the advice of our HR Manager.
3. I am able to learn about how to manage balance between different functions when
performed by a single person on the same time.

2.4 Emergence of issues Problem Faced and How these were Solved
2.4.1 Problems Faced during internship

During the internship, as a internee I faced some following problems:-

1. I had no idea about real practical work in the companies yet before so it is difficult to
meet the gap between what we till now study with the theoretical perspective and how it
actually performed in the companies.

2. As I had no knowledge of companies rule and regulations so it was difficult to me for

cope up with this new environment and perform there with the unknown companies

2.4.2 Solution for Each Problems:-

1. I asked regularly to my trainer and our HR Manager for difficulties faced in the
2. I gain as much as knowledge that i could and try to sort out problems at my own level
by working on it for long time.


3.1 OVER ALL EXPERIENCE & LEARNING (During the Training Period)

The duration of internship for 45 days and during the course of internship there were various
lessons and I am able to learn. The internship was a great opportunity for me to face real life
work scenarios after two semesters in classroom and it must be said that it was a great learning
experience. Some of the lessons learn during the time of internship are summarized below :

1. Knowledge base learning and experience gained :

Learn the process of making salary sheet of the employees.(Payroll system)

Learn the knowledge of recruitment, induction program and performance appraisals system.

Learn the different forms used in the company such as EPF,PS etc.

2. Skill base learning and experience gained :

Learn the communication skills in the company.

Learn to use theoretical knowledge in practical working situation.

Learn to use photocopy machine, printer, scanner.

3. Behavioral based learning and experience gained :

Learn to handle clients visiting in the company at different department with different modes
and queries.

Learn the importance of time management and developed interpersonal skills and
communication skills.

Learn the correlation among the operation of various departments for the overall profitability
of the company.


 The purpose of Human Resource Management is to improve the productive contribution

of people.
 To get effective and efficient employee, the organization should arrange proper training
and development programs.
 The entire HR department should be well informed regarding the employment personal.
 The organization should provide well direct compensation as well as direct to its staffs.
 The management should have job evaluated salary structure, which is most competitive
than other organizations in the country.
 To evaluate employee’s performance; the management should follow promotion policy
 In order to get competitive advantage and to deliver quality service, top management
should try to modify the services.
 Periodical performance appraisal and giving recognition and rewards to the qualified
employees to keep motivating them.
 Proper training needed for ensuring efficient performance of the employees.
 The management should create customers database and continuously informing the
investors about the available facilities or opportunities which will work to achieve twin
goal at a time; one is direct marketing and another is large pool of customers database.

From the above discussion it can conclude such a way that since human resource
management is a continuously practicing issue so it plays a significant role on
organizations overall performance. If an organization wants to gain full benefit from
human resource management it should follow all the sections of HRM. As a small AMC
few persons are recruited for its operations and performances. But it will expand soon or
later and then the number of HR employee may not be enough to run the company.

The main reason for which the internee had selected corporate field to learn about how
working environment in the corporate world. The prime objective is to obtain the
professional experience by exposing the corporate culture and implementing the
knowledge that has been learnt.


 Mamoria C.B and Gankar S.V (2004), Personal Management Text and Cases.
Himalaya Publication.

 Rao P.Subba(2007)Personnel and Human Resource Management –Himalaya

 Rao V S P (2013)Human resource Management text and cases.

 Sinha S.S (2017) Industrial relations, Trade Unions And Labour Legislation. Pearson


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