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Arts Challenge 3 Digital Storytelling – ‘A Moving Self Portrait ’

Weeks 4 – 5

Arts subject Media Arts

Context A Digital Story or Photostory is a short movie which includes still
images and a voiceover. The images and voice-over are supported by
text, music and sound effects. Around the world people are making
interesting and entertaining digital stories about their own lives, their
communities and stories that matter to them – their ‘identity’ and
‘place’. Many of them are personal stories and first-person narratives,
but different forms of digital stories may focus on telling stories about
other topics and subjects.

This is primarily a Media Arts task but draws upon other arts areas as
well. It links thematically to the first and second challenges. It could be
completed by a student in a minimum of 4 hours (however please be
aware that these tasks can take up more time as you explore the
many possibilities). Keep it simple!
Overview This task asks you to create a digital story, of 1 to 2 mins duration,
using still images and other media elements (e.g. voice, music, text).
While playing with the technology is certainly important to this task to
create a good digital story you really need to spend some time
working out the ‘story’ you want to tell, then look back through the
images you created in the first 2 challenges, selecting those you need
to tell that story. If you need more, source or create other images.

Big questions/Enduring Our personal journeys inform our creativity and learning process in the
understandings arts
You have to ‘feed’ your creativity… how can you extend your learning
from what you already know?

Resources 15 Digitised images that relate to your 6 word story and your place – these
can be taken from your arts/media outcomes so far, and also include personal
photographs or earlier artwork. ensure they are your own, or if found on the
Internet have been CC licensed for re-use.
Camera/phone or tablet with camera
Photo manipulating programs or Apps (e.g. Snapseed)
Movie making software (Movie Maker, iMovie) or App (iMovie, Splice)
Animation software (AnimateIT, Animation Desk)
Learning focus Media
Level 2 Explore ideas, characters and settings in the community through stories in
images, sounds and text (ACAMAM054)
Use media technologies to capture and edit images, sounds and text for a purpose
Create and present media artworks that communicate ideas and stories to an audience
Level 4 Investigate and devise representations of people in their community, including
themselves, through settings, ideas and story structure in images, sounds and text
Use media technologies to create time and space through the manipulation of images,
sounds and text to tell stories (ACAMAM059)
Plan, create and present media artworks for specific purposes with awareness of
responsible media practice (ACAMAM060)
Level 6 Explore representations, characterisations and points of view of people in their
community, including themselves, using settings, ideas, story principles and genre
conventions in images, sounds and text (ACAMAM062)
Develop skills with media technologies to shape space, time, movement and lighting
within images, sounds and text (ACAMAM063)
Plan, produce and present media artworks for specific audiences and purposes using
responsible media practice (ACAMAM064)

Links to assessment Skills building and learning outcomes for Task 1

The ethics and legalities of copyright are very important and apply to your own creative
work as well as the creation of resources for the classroom. We expect that you
appropriately acknowledge all content that you use for all your tasks and challenges

Arts Challenges created by Susan Davis for CQUniversity… adapted by Glenda Hobdell 2018
Activity Links & readings
Brainstorm possible content and ideas. Consider the The Center for Digital Storytelling
overarching idea and message you need to convey to successfully (CDS)
tell your story.
ml in California is known for
Consider the Seven Elements of Digital Storytelling developing and disseminating the
Seven Elements of Digital
1. Point of View - The main point of the story and Storytelling, which are often cited as
perspective of the author. a useful starting point as you begin
2. A Dramatic Question - A key question that keeps the working with digital stories.
viewer's attention and will be answered by the end of the
story. Some examples of digital stories:
3. Emotional Content - Serious issues that come alive in a Featured story and lots of others
personal and powerful way and connects the story to the under categories below
4. The Gift of Your Voice - A way to personalize the story An art related one on
to help the audience understand the context.
5. The Power of the Soundtrack - Music or other sounds ew_story.cfm?vid=404&otherid=featu
that support and embellish the storyline. red&d_title=Featured%20Digital%20
6. Economy - Using just enough content to tell the story Stories
without overloading the viewer. A personal/professional story
7. Pacing - The rhythm of the story and how slowly or
quickly it progresses. eos/every-child

Make, find and curate a collection of images to use. (15 images Flickr (click on ‘explore’ then ‘the
is enough for a 1–2 minute story. If you have less, sometimes you commons’ you can do searches then
can reuse images by cropping and focusing in on different details, that will allow you to find images
layering text, or through pan and zoom options) people are happy for you to use as
1. Consider using images that may act as metaphors and long as they are credited and for non
symbols as well – how do the experiences and ideas commercial use)
make you feel? What other images/objects could you
consider using to layer in meaning and not only use literal (scroll down the page to where it
images? says ‘search’)
2. Permissions matter - If you are looking for images online, Google – you can now do a CC
make sure you look for images where the creator has search of google images too. Go to
approved their re-use through creative commons licensing images, then ‘search tools’, then
(CC.). In many cases (such as with flickr) you can do an ‘usage rights’ then choose ‘Labeled
advanced search and look for CC content. As you for noncommercial reuse’.
download images, make sure you keep track of the creator
and location and reference these.

Brainstorm possible ideas for voice-over, text and music

1. Voice-over When you start working on your story, it is often a
good idea to draft your text and read it out aloud. Up to 300
words is usually enough. You can adapt it then to align with the
images and interweave with sound and music as you go.
2. Text - If you are not going to use a voiceover, but are using
text, you also need to carefully plan this (and spell check it!).
Consider if you will use text on images or text on their own
between images. If you are using text on images make sure
there is there room on the image for text. Also explore font
colour options. Keep it simple.

Music and sound – A well selected piece of music really helps set Check out music on various sites…
the mood and engage the viewer. Creative Commons audio
1. Search for music that helps suggest the mood or moods you
wish to convey. Consider the impact of using words (or not).
2. Permissions – once again it is really important you ccMixter
acknowledge the creators of any music you use. In the past Free Music Archive
videos uploaded to YouTube were blocked if it was published Magnatune
music, however now due to licensing agreements, in most Simuze
Arts Challenges created by Susan Davis for CQUniversity… adapted by Glenda Hobdell 2018
cases you can upload content which includes commercial music BeatPick
– though it is important that you still acknowledge the creators. CASH Music
Podsafe Audio
Pre-production Digital storyboard… here’s one
Use the storyboard supplied to plan your story. Consider the option
framing and composition of the image – rule of thirds, shot size,
camera angle, duration, audio, video and sound effects, transitions board-creator
(between shots)
Editing and exporting. Different editing programs and Apps will
have different icons and names for processes but most will allow
you to do the following. Make sure you try them all out.
 Import images
 Manipulate and add effects to images
 Sequence images
 Add movement (e.g. zoom in / out, pan)
 Add transitions
 Import sound
 Add titles
 Record sound e.g. Click on the ‘microphone’ AND…
 Save the project
 Export a video file

NOTE: In many programs there is a difference between saving the

project file and saving and exporting a final product. The project file
is often like a framework which assembles the various parts.
However the export file renders the video and ‘glues’ all the bits
 Often the final option is called something like ‘export’ or
‘share’. While there is often a default save option setting.
Look for different options for saving different size files or
different formals .wmv file for pc) or share ‘quicktime’ for
mac, or save as a .mov or .avi or .mp4. The best option
for viewing on Mac and PC is H264 video and ACC

Share your work Uploading videos to Youtube

1. If you haven’t yet done so, consider setting up a YouTube or
Vimeo account to upload and share your work. You might need nswer/57407?hl=en
to use another gmail account to do this (rather than uni account
as YouTube option is not enabled for uni google accounts) lxqk0iHp5w
2. You can then share and embed your video in multiple sites, Uploading videos to Vimeo (often
including on your blog. good for longer, HD videos, though
Youtube also accepts them now too)
Reflect on what you’ve learnt. Consider what kind of
digital story you could make for your arts resource to-vimeo
package. Also identify how you could adapt this activity
for the age group your resource package is targeting.

VARIATION: Tell a digital story using Claymation or stop

motion animation. There are many Apps and programs now
available! Animations would by nature of the process be
shorter in duration (eg 30 secs) but a lot more work!

Arts Challenges created by Susan Davis for CQUniversity… adapted by Glenda Hobdell 2018
Title: I will always love you

Shot Image (drawing, image or link) Shot details & use of media
1 Image:

Text or voice over:
Dad didn’t want to stay with us. But that’s ok because I had

Artist: Carrie Underwood
Song: Mama’s Song

Effects – video / audio: Zoom In

Duration: 00:07.00
Transition: Crossfade
2 Image:

Text or voice over:
I knew from the start all I needed was you…

Artist: Carrie Underwood
Song: Mama’s Song

Effects – video / audio: Zoom in

Duration: 00:07.00
Transition: Crossfade
3 Image:

Text or voice over:
You were always there when he wasn’t…

Artist: Carrie Underwood
Song: Mama’s Song

Effects – video / audio: Zoom in

Duration: 00:07.00
Transition: Crossfade
4 Image:

Text or voice over:
So now you have to let your baby fly…

Artist: Carrie Underwood
Song: Mama’s Song

Effects – video / audio: Zoom in

Duration: 00:07.00
Arts Challenges created by Susan Davis for CQUniversity… adapted by Glenda Hobdell 2018
Transition: Crossfade
5 Image:

Text or voice over:
You’ve given me a home and family to call mine…

Artist: Carrie Underwood
Song: Mama’s Song

Effects – video / audio: Zoom in

Duration: 00:07.00
Transition: Crossfade

6 Image:

Text or voice over:
I could always trust you were always right there behind me…

Artist: Carrie Underwood
Song: Mama’s Song

Effects – video / audio: Zoom in

Duration: 00:07.00
Transition: Crossfade
7 Image:

Text or voice over:
And I know you’ve watched me grow up and only want
what’s best for me…

Artist: Carrie Underwood
Song: Mama’s Song

Effects – video / audio: Zoom in

Duration: 00:07.00
Transition: Crossfade
8 Image:

Text or voice over:
And I think I found the answer to your prayer…

Artist: Carrie Underwood
Song: Mama’s Song

Effects – video / audio: Blur to image

Duration: 00:07.00
Transition: Crossfade

Arts Challenges created by Susan Davis for CQUniversity… adapted by Glenda Hobdell 2018
9 Image:

Text or voice over:
He is GOOD…

Artist: Carrie Underwood
Song: Mama’s Song

Effects – video / audio: Zoom in

Duration: 00:07.00
Transition: Crossfade
10 Image:

Text or voice over:
I know he had to leave but…

Artist: Carrie Underwood
Song: Mama’s Song

Effects – video / audio: Zoom in

Duration: 00:07.00
Transition: Crossfade

11 Image:

Text or voice over:
He treats your little girl like a REAL man should…

Artist: Carrie Underwood
Song: Mama’s Song

Effects – video / audio: Zoom in

Duration: 00:07.00
Transition: Crossfade

Arts Challenges created by Susan Davis for CQUniversity… adapted by Glenda Hobdell 2018
12 Image:

Text or voice over:
He makes promises he keeps…

Artist: Carrie Underwood
Song: Mama’s Song

Effects – video / audio: Zoom in

Duration: 00:07.00
Transition: Crossfade
13 Image:

Text or voice over:
I know you worry about me…

Artist: Carrie Underwood
Song: Mama’s Song

Effects – video / audio: Zoom in

Duration: 00:07.00
Transition: Crossfade
14 Image:

Text or voice over:
Don’t you worry about me…

Artist: Carrie Underwood
Song: Mama’s Song

Effects – video / audio: Zoom in

Duration: 00:07.00
Transition: Crossfade
15 Image:

Text or voice over:
I will ALWAYS love you mum…

Artist: Carrie Underwood
Song: Mama’s Song

Effects – video / audio: Zoom in

Duration: 00:07.00
Transition: Crossfade

Arts Challenges created by Susan Davis for CQUniversity… adapted by Glenda Hobdell 2018
If other images/music are used ensure you are permitted to use it and record
details for acknowledgement

Image/sound Creator/subject URL

title who should be
Day of Birth Kaye Thompson 30261233_1619323021491708_162398361343754240_n

Day of Birth Kaye Thompson 30127191_1619322588158418_6589227779143761920_n

First Birthday Rachael Duncan 30124210_1619327644824579_395742500016357376_o

First time flying Zoe Watson 30127969_1619338454823498_335516991123095552_o

over seas (Grandmother)

Mum’s Wedding Cameron Castle nk117

(Wedding Guest)
Formal 2015 Christine Lowrie DSC09158

Formal 2015 Christine Lowrie DSC09161

Leadership Chaverim Staff 29695312_1617773438313333_1534618344873787392_n

Camp 2015 Member

Jace turns 18 Louise Stallard 30124016_1619340798156597_1175697600213417984_n

(Jace’s Mother)
Saying Goodbye KRISTEN IN tumblr_inline_nliwk1bxew1t0seww_500
Airport Anxiety
Posted on March 28,
2017 by Kristen
Keepsake Photo Kiah Cameron 22243822_1446336395457039_680850289_o

(Local Photographer)
Keepsake Photo Kiah Cameron 22291902_1446336792123666_1412150229_n

(Local Photographer)
Formal 2015 Christine Lowrie DSC09010a

Arts Challenges created by Susan Davis for CQUniversity… adapted by Glenda Hobdell 2018

Arts Challenges created by Susan Davis for CQUniversity… adapted by Glenda Hobdell 2018

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