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Name: Alanah Williams

Student Number: 11577474

Value: 50%

Due Date: Thursday 1st February 2018

Submission Date: Thursday 1st February 2018

Alanah Williams 11577474 EMT445 Assessment 2

Year 11 Unit Descriptions

Unit 1: Introduction to Designing and Producing Duration: 10 weeks

Unit Description: In the first unit of year 11 Design and Technology, students are introduced to design theory and practice, design process
and factors affecting designing and producing. The unit contains many concepts based on design, and how to apply them to design problems
to then come to solutions. They first look at other designers, and the nature of their work – this is where the first assessment task comes
into play. The assessment task for this unit is a case study based on an Australian designer of any area. Students are to research the designer
and gain information on their design processes, their inspirations and the techniques, materials, tools and other resources they use. Once
they have gained information, they are to then present this in a PowerPoint, and present it to the class. Within the presentation, students
are encouraged to use pictures and/or short video clips to increase the quality of the slides and to help keep their audience engaged.

The purpose of the assessment is to allow the students to show their depth of knowledge in research, and communication and presentation
skills. It is an opportunity to also improve student’s oral presentation skills, and to learn how to take on opinions and feedback.

The unit continues with students looking at how to approach design solutions in different ways – depending on the problem – and how
design is affected by the individual, society, the community. Students will also look at how technology is involved within designing, and
coming to solutions, also how to present work from start to finish. As the students are gaining knowledge through weekly lessons, they are
then to apply that to their assessment task. This can include their researching of the designer, the use of technology to communicate their
work – computers, PowerPoint, smartboards to present their assessment on, and design theory and practice.

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Alanah Williams 11577474 EMT445 Assessment 2

Unit 2: Design, Design, Design Duration: 10 weeks

Unit Description: Within the second unit for the preliminary year of design and technology, the content works alongside the end of term –
and unit – assessment task. The idea of the unit is to have students learn about the concepts and then apply it to their assessment as they
go. This includes the major concept of how design and technology impact the individual, society and the environment – the assessment is
hugely based on this concept. This unit is full of design and its steps and contexts, and all the things to consider when thinking of design in a
situation where it’s the solution. This unit also involved the approaches to design – the creative and collaborative. This unit has a pattern of
starting with a concept, then learning the factors that affect it. This is also a strong theme within the assessment, as it’s about knowing the
effect designed object have on landfill, and that there is room for improvement. The assessment task for this unit is project-based, and is
due the last week of the term and unit. It allows the students to put their critical thinking skills to the test as they research, design and
create a prototype of an environmentally friendly version of a former product or object. They are first asked to identify an object or product
that has the potential to become better for the environment. Once they have their object or product, they are then to research and select
alternate materials, that are more environmentally friendly. Students then sketch design ideas and come to a final idea, to then create a
prototype to showcase their final design.

The unit also highly encourages students to use technology throughout the unit and their assessment. Students will learn about how
technology plays a role in all aspects of design. As they learn the concept of technology in the design process, they are applying it to their
assessment task. They are also gaining new knowledge and skills of technology, and realises it’s potential and role in design.

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Alanah Williams 11577474 EMT445 Assessment 2

Unit 3: Assessing and Evaluating Duration: 10 weeks

Unit Description: The third and final unit for year 11 design and technology students is focused largely on evaluation of design product –
including their own from the previous unit, and a variety of other. Students will be exposed to information on assessing and evaluating, by
learning how to do it themselves, and learning how to receive it and work from it. They will look at their last assessment task and take in
their feedback and assess how they can improve, or what they did right – did their product fit within the marking criteria?
It also focuses on design in different scales and settings, taking a more in-depth look at design processes at different levels. In this unit,
students will learn more about how far design stretches in all areas – from how an idea can occur, to production processes.

The final and only task for this term and unit is a final preliminary year examination. In this examination they will be assessed on their
knowledge over the whole three units of year 11. There will be greater detail provided on the content of the exam during lessons, and the
last two weeks of year 11 – until the exam – will be revision lessons. These revision lessons will cover the content of the examination via
each syllabus outcome. There will also be opportunities for students to ask for any extra revision for any withstanding doubt for a syllabus
outcome. Students are strongly encouraged to ask questions, and these last two weeks are their last chance.

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Alanah Williams 11577474 EMT445 Assessment 2

Year 11 Program Map

Unit 1
Unit 2 Unit 3
Design, Assessing
to Designing
Design, and
Design Evaluating
(10 weeks) (10 weeks)
Students Learn About: Students Learn To: (10 weeks)
Examines design theory and practice, and considers the factors affecting designing and producing in design projects
 Design theory and practice  Investigates at least one designer and the
-range of design professions nature of their work
-nature and variety of work of a range of design  Identify a range of career opportunities in
professions design and production X
-interaction and overlap of design professions
-Australian and international designers and their
 Design processes  Describe and analyse the processes undertaken
-design processes used in domestic, community, when designing
industrial and commercial settings from initial  Apply a design process when developing design X
contact with clients to final presentation projects

 Factors affecting designing and producing  Identify factors affecting design

including: -analyse design products
-appropriateness of the design solution -compare and contrast the factors to be
-needs considered in the design and production of
-function design projects
-aesthetics -appraise the aesthetic and functional qualities
-finance of a variety of design products, systems and/or
-ergonomics environments
-work health and safety
-short-term and long-term environmental

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-life cycle analysis
Identifies design and production processes in domestic, community, industrial and commercial settings
 Design and production processes in domestic,  Compare and contrast technologies and
community, industrial and commercial settings processes used in design projects to activities of
 Technologies in industrial and commercial settings design and production in industrial and
commercial settings
Explains the impact of a range of design and technology activities on the individual, society and the environment through the development of projects
 Environmental and social issues including:  Assess the impact of the activities undertaken in
-personal values the development of design projects on the
-cultural beliefs individual, society and the environment
-sustainability Evaluate examples of design and production
-safety and health and relate these to environmental and social
-community needs issues
-individual needs
Investigates and experiments with techniques in creative and collaborative approaches in designing and producing
 Creative approaches including:  Select and apply a variety of cognitive
-cognitive organisers organisers
-strategies for problem solving and solution  Apply problem solving techniques to identified
creating problems
-ideas generation  Identify the factors that contribute to successful
work and collaboration
 Collaborative approaches  Collaborate and participate in design teams
-design teams: roles and tasks of members Work cooperatively
-communication between and within design X
-team responsibilities
Uses design processes in the development and production of design solutions to meet identified needs and opportunities
 Project analysis  Formulate and analyse design briefs
-design briefs  Identify the parameters of design X
-appropriateness of design solutions  Identify criteria for success of design projects

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-criteria for evaluation and factors to consider  Produce functionally and aesthetically
appropriate design projects
 Marketing and market research  Conduct market research to identify needs and
-purpose of market research opportunities
-sources of data and information gathering X
-marketing environment
Uses resources effectively and safely in the development and production of design solutions
-using materials, tools, techniques and other  Select appropriate materials, tools, techniques
resources and other resources
-characteristics and properties  Justify and explain the selection and use of
-functions and uses resources in design projects X X
-criteria for selection
-consequences of use
 The realisation of ideas through the manipulation  Develop and demonstrate proficiency in using
of materials, tools and techniques and other an appropriate range of materials, tools,
resources techniques and other resources

 Safety  Implement safe work practices when designing

-safety in the use of materials, tools and and producing
techniques X X
-legislative requirements including work health
and safety
Evaluates the processes and outcomes of designing and producing
 Evaluation  Establish the parameters for design and identify
-developing and refining ideas criteria for the evaluation of design projects
-criteria for evaluation  Examine processes undertaken in design
-methods of evaluation projects
 Conduct continual evaluation throughout
design and production

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 Assess the impact of designing and design

projects on society and the environment
 Test and evaluate the appropriateness of design
Uses a variety of management techniques and tools to develop design projects
-project management  Identify a variety of management techniques
-management techniques and tools, including and tools
those used by designers in industrial and
commercial settings
 Factors affecting management including:  Plan, implement and evaluate a sequence of
-identifying available resources operations for the completion of design
-clarifying values projects
-setting goals
-setting standards
-evaluating the costs and benefits of each
-making and implementing decisions
-take descriptions and sequencing
-documentation of plans
Communicates ideas and solutions using a range of techniques
 Communication  Use appropriate design and technology
-forms of communication including verbal, terminology
written, graphical, visual, audio  Experiment with a range of techniques and
-elements of the communication process which forms to visualise and communicate ideas and
include sender, receiver, medium, message solutions
-criteria for evaluating communication including  Communicate design ideas and solutions
clarity of message, appropriateness of method
effectively using a range of technologies
chosen, ease of interpretation  Use appropriate standards and conventions to
-communicating information through a variety of visualise and communicate ideas and solutions
media Justify the selection and use of communication
-visualising solutions techniques
-the purpose of prototypes and/or models

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-presentation techniques suited to the needs of

design clients and design projects
Uses a variety of research methods to inform the development and modification of design ideas
 Research methods  Select and use a variety of research methods to
-qualitative and quantitative research inform the generation, modification, and
-questionnaires development of design ideas
-tests and experiments
-statistical analysis
-information research including print and
electronic sources
 Interpreting and presenting data  Analyse, interpret and apply research data to
Ethics in research the development of design projects
Investigates a range of manufacturing and production processes and relates these to aspects of design projects
-manufacturing and production  Account for practices undertaken in industrial
-selection of processes appropriate to a need and commercial settings
-development of appropriate skills and techniques  Demonstrate quality production skills in the X
development of design projects
Evaluates and uses computer-based technologies in designing and producing
 Computer-based technologies and their  discriminate in the choice and use of computer-
application including: based technologies to develop, communicate
-Modelling and present design ideas and processes
-Research X X X
-Simulation and graphics

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Alanah Williams 11577474 EMT445 Assessment 2

Year 11 Fully Resourced Unit of Work

Year 11 Unit 2: Design, Design, Design

Design Project: Students are given the opportunity to take an object or a product and produce a prototype of a more
Duration: 10 weeks
environmentally friendly version of the original object or product. The context of the solution is open to the student.
Unit description: In this unit, the content works alongside them in their assessment. The idea of Design Brief: In an effort to reduce the
the unit is to have students learn about the concepts and then apply it to their assessment as they amount of landfill, students are to
go. This includes the major concept of how design and technology impact the individual, society identify an everyday object that could
and the environment – the assessment is hugely based on this concept. This unit is full of design potentially become environmentally
and its steps and contexts, and all the things to consider when thinking of design in a situation friendly. They begin the task with
where it’s the solution. This unit also involved the approaches to design – the creative and researching and select
collaborative. This unit has a pattern of starting with a concept, then learning the factors that environmentally friendly materials as
affect it. The unit also highly encourages students to use technology throughout the unit and their alternative to the original object or
assessment. Students will learn about how technology plays a role in all aspects of design. As they product. Students are to then begin
learn the concept of technology in the design process, they are applying it to their assessment task. sketching ideas and come to a final
They are also gaining new knowledge and skills of technology, and realises it’s potential and role in design idea. With a final design,
design. students are to create a prototype of
their final design.
Outcomes: A student:
P1.1 examines design theory and practice, and considers the factors affecting designing and producing in design projects
P2.2 explains the impact of a range of design and technology activities on the individual, society and the environment through the
development of projects
P4.1 uses design processes in the development and production of design solutions to meet identified needs and opportunities
P4.2 uses resources effectively and safely in the development and production of design solutions
P5.1 uses a variety of management techniques and tools to develop design projects
P5.2 communicates ideas and solutions using a range of techniques
P5.3 uses a variety of research methods to inform the development and modification of design ideas
P6.2 evaluates and uses computer-based technologies in designing and producing

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Outcomes: Students learn about: Students learn to: Strategies and activities: Resources:

WEEK 1  design and technology  recognise the syllabus  Handout the syllabus,  Board of Studies
syllabus requirements requirements for the and a preliminary NSW, (2009)
and preliminary course course outline. As a  Preliminary course
course outline class, read and outline

P 1.1 examines design  factors affecting  identify factors  Discuss as a class the  Excel Design and
theory and practice, and designing and affecting design factors affecting Technology Study
considers the factors producing including: -analyse design design Guide
affecting designing and -appropriateness of products
producing in design the design solution -compare and  Compare and contrast  A power point
projects -needs contrast the factors to products that have presentation with
-function be considered in the the same/similar pictures of various
-aesthetics design and production function and identify water bottles
-finance of design objects the factors affecting
-ergonomics their design e.g. water
-work health and bottles – glass, plastic,
safety aluminium
-short-term and long- -appraise the  /  /
term environmental aesthetic and
consequences functional qualities of
-obsolescence a variety of design
-life-cycle analysis products, systems
and/or environments

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P2.2 explains the impact  environmental and  assess the impact of  Teacher to break  Owen-Jackson, (2015)
of a range of design and social issues including: the activities down the general
technology activities on -personal values undertaken in the activities undertaken
the individual, society -cultural beliefs development of in the development of
and the environment -sustainability design projects on the design projects on a
through the development -safety and health individual, society and white board. Students
of projects -community needs the environment are then asked to
-individual needs contribute in
-equity discussion on the
impacts they may
leave on the
individual, society and
the environment.
Teacher to clarify any

 evaluate examples of  Teacher to bring up

design and production samples of design and
and relate these to production and ask
environmental and students to identify
social issues the environmental
and social issues that
surround them.

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P4.1 Uses design  project analysis  formulate and analyse  Hand out and discuss  Assessment Task 1
processes in the -design briefs design briefs Preliminary Design
development and -appropriateness of Project (due term 2
production of design design solutions week 10).
solutions to meet -criteria for evaluation
identified needs and and factors to  identify the  Teacher to give notes  Trimmer et al. (2011)
opportunities consider parameters of design on the parameters of
 identify criteria for design, and criteria for
success of design success of design
projects projects

 produce functionally  Teacher to present on

and aesthetically the smart board past
appropriate design assessment tasks,
projects ranging from poor to
excellent marks. Give
students a visual on
what a quality
assessment looks like.

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WEEK 3 -project management  identify a variety of  Teacher to provide  Trimmer et al. (2011)
P5.1 uses a variety of -management management notes on management
management techniques techniques and tools, techniques and tools techniques and tools,
and tools to develop including those used and follow up note
design projects by designers in taking with a class
industrial and discussion and
commercial settings questions

 factors affecting  plan, implement and  Teacher to provide an

management evaluate a sequence example of a design
including: of operations for the project, with a
-identifying available completion of design detailed explanation
resources projects of the sequence of
-clarifying values operations for the
-setting goals completion of it. Have
-setting standards students copy it, and
-evaluating the costs take guesses as the
and benefits of each teachers explains.
-making and

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-task descriptions and

-documentation of

WEEK 4  research methods  select and use a  Teacher to put a mind  Wesley et al. (2015)
P5.3 uses a variety of -qualitative and variety of research map on the board
research methods to quantitative research methods to inform surround the words:
inform the development -questionnaires the generation, “research methods”,
and modification of -surveys modification, and and asks the class to
design ideas -interviews development of contribute in answers.
-observation design ideas Teacher to give verbal
-tests and feedback to each
experiments answer. Teacher to
-statistical analysis give formal answer
-information research and examples to
including print and research methods and
electronic sources have students copy it
down. Students are
now to identify which
research methods
they are to use for
their assessment task.

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WEEK 5  interpreting and  analyse, interpret and  Students are to take 

P5.3 uses a variety of presenting data apply research data to the identified research
research methods to ethics in research the development of methods they have
inform the development design projects chosen from the prior
and modification of week and now start
design ideas the research on their
assessment using
their laptops. They are
to continue collecting
their research, and
checking in with the
teacher for clarity and

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WEEK 6 -using materials, tools,  select appropriate  Teacher is to get

P4.2 uses resources techniques and other materials, tools, students to pair up
effectively and safely in resources techniques and other and give them a
the development and -characteristics and resources sample design brief.
production of design properties  justify and explain the Students are to select
solutions -functions and uses selection and use of appropriate materials,
-experimentation resources in design tools, techniques and
-criteria for selection projects other resources for
-consequences of use this design brief. They
are to justify their
decision, and present
to the class

 the realisation of  develop and  Verbal feedback from

ideas through the demonstrate the teacher within the
manipulation of proficiency in using an lesson of presenting
materials, tools and appropriate range of each pairs sample
techniques and other materials, tools, design brief and their
resources techniques and other choices of appropriate
resources materials, tools,
techniques and other

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WEEK 7  safety  implement safe work  Students to type up a  Wesley et al. (2015)
P4.2 uses resources -safety in the use of practices when risk assessment table
effectively and safely in materials, tools and designing and (a template will be
the development and techniques producing provided by the
production of design -legislative teacher) for their
solutions requirements assessment using
including work health their laptops, where
and safety they are to show how
they would act safely
with the use of
materials, tools and
techniques – the
assessment entails the
students to create a
prototype, but for this
activity, students are
to act as though they
were to be creating
the actual product.
For example: If a
student were to
create an object of
product within a
textile context, their
risk assessment would
include risks in the
textiles room

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WEEK 8  communication  use appropriate  Teacher to set up a  Owen-Jackson, (2015)

P5.2 communicates ideas -forms of design and technology mind map on the
and solutions using a communication terminology forms of
range of techniques including verbal,  experiment with a communication –
written, graphical, range of techniques gather answers from
visual, audio and forms to visualise students, providing
-elements of the and communicate oral feedback.
communication ideas and solutions
process which include  communicate design
sender, receiver, ideas and solutions
medium, message effectively using a
-criteria for evaluating range of technologies
communication  use appropriate
including clarity of standards and
message, conventions to
appropriateness of visualise and
method chosen, ease communicate ideas
of interpretation and solutions
-communicating  justify the selection
information through a and use of
variety of media communication
-visualising solutions techniques
-the purpose of
prototypes and/or
techniques suited to
the needs of design
clients and design

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WEEK 9  computer based  discriminate in the  Teacher to gives notes  Kimbell, (2002)
P6.2 evaluates and uses technologies and their choice and use of on the importance of
computer-based application including: computer-based using technology in
technologies in designing  modelling technologies to designing and
and producing  research develop, producing
 simulation and communicate and
graphics present design ideas
 communication and processes

WEEK 10 – Assessment Task 2 is due on Monday 02/07/18, and with one week left of the term, the class begins to look at past examination
papers to give them an idea of what to expect. The teacher is to address what the next term holds in store for the students, but only very
briefly. It is merely a mild introduction to next term.

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Alanah Williams 11577474 EMT445 Assessment 2

Risk Assessment/Safe Work Method Statement

Workplace location:
Name of class/teacher responsible for
Equipment: Various pieces of equipment Various classrooms
compliance with SWMS: Year 11 Design
specific to each classroom around the high
and Technology/Miss Alanah Williams Appropriate footwear

What are the tasks involved? Describe the What are the possible hazards and risks? Against How will hazards and risks be controlled? List the
steps required to perform the task in the each step, list the potential hazards that could control measures required to eliminate or
sequence they are carried out. cause injury/damage when the task step is minimise the risk of injury arising from the
performed. identified hazard
Walking into any classroom Anything falling onto the teachers or student’s feet Appropriate footwear (enclosed leather shoes) to
be worn at all times
Enter the classroom, remove bags and take Bags left all over the floor – trips, falls Keep bags underneath desks to ensure that the
out what you need for the lesson. floor and walkways are clear

Laptops have been removed from bags to Electrical cords hanging off the side of a desk or in Students to move their desk close to an electrical
use within a lesson, some students’ laptops the air from an electrical socket to the desk, or socket to reduce the exposure of a hanging cord.
require charging. exposed to walkways and the floor. Ensure that cords are not hanging in the way of a
walkway or on the floor.
Remind students to charge laptops at home before
The use of the smart board for interactive Eye strain from looking at a smartboard – Ensure there is another source of light in the room
class activities. headaches blurred vision to take the pressure off one central light source,
and limit time spent using the smartboard
Sign Off Name Signature Date
I have provided site-specific risk controls to manage the hazards identified above and will comply with the controls listed above.
Teacher Alanah Williams A.Williams 30/01/18
I understand the risk controls listed above to be implemented to manage the identified hazards associated with the works to be undertaken.
Management WHS Nominee
While this unit is project-based, the assessment only requires a prototype, so there isn’t a variety of specialty classroom exposure, meaning that the hazards are limited
to a normal classroom setting. Despite this, there are still potential hazards and risks.

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Alanah Williams 11577474 EMT445 Assessment 2

Year 11 Course Assessment Plan

Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3
Task 1 Task 2 Task 3
Designer Case Study - Preliminary Design Yearly
Oral Presentation Project Examination
Term 1, Week 8 Term 2, Week 10 Term 3, Week 8
P1.1 examines design theory and practice, and considers the factors affecting
designing and producing in design projects
P2.1 identifies design and production processes in domestic, community,
industrial and commercial settings
P2.2 explains the impact of a range of design and technology activities on the
individual, society and the environment through the development of projects
P3.1 investigates and experiments with techniques in creative and collaborative
approaches in designing and producing
P4.1 uses design processes in the development and production of design
solutions to meet identified needs and opportunities
P4.2 uses resources effectively and safely in the development and production of
design solutions
P4.3 evaluates the processes and outcomes of designing and producing X
P5.1 uses a variety of management techniques and tools to develop design
projects X X

P5.2 communicates ideas and solutions using a range of techniques X X

P5.3 uses a variety of research methods to inform the development and
modification of design ideas
P6.1 investigates a range of manufacturing and production processes and relates
these to aspects of design project
P6.2 evaluates and uses computer-based technologies in designing and

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Task 1 Task 2 Task 3

Designer Case Study - Preliminary Design
Assessment Tasks Yearly Examination
Oral Presentation Project
Submission Time Term 1, Week 8 Term 2, Week 10 Term 3, Week 8
P1.1, P2.2, P3.1, P4.1, P1.1, P2.2, P4.1, P4.2, P2.1, P3.1, P4.3, P6.1,
Outcomes Assessed
P4.2, P5.1, P5.2, P6.2 P5.1, P5.2, P5.3, P6.2 P6.2
Components Weighting %
Knowledge and
understanding of 20 10 10 40
course content
Knowledge and skills
in designing,
managing, producing 10 30 20 60
and evaluating design
Total % 30 40 30 100

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Year 11 Assessment Task
Assessment Task
No. 2: Date Issued: Date Due: Weighting %: Total Marks:
Preliminary 05/05/18 02/07/18 40 /40
Design Project

Outcomes to be assessed:
P1.1 examines design theory and practice, and considers the factors affecting designing and
producing in design projects
P2.2 explains the impact of a range of design and technology activities on the individual, society and
the environment through the development of projects
P4.1 uses design processes in the development and production of design solutions to meet identified
needs and opportunities
P4.2 uses resources effectively and safely in the development and production of design solutions
P5.1 uses a variety of management techniques and tools to develop design projects
P5.2 communicates ideas and solutions using a range of techniques
P5.3 uses a variety of research methods to inform the development and modification of design ideas
P6.2 evaluates and uses computer-based technologies in designing and producing

The Task Weighting

In an effort to reduce the amount of landfill, students are to identify an
object or product, and recreate it as a prototype that is more
environmentally friendly. Students need to do as follows:

a) Identify an object or product that can become more environmentally 5


b) Research environmentally friendly materials that could be used as an 10

alternative to your already existing object or product

c) Select the materials you wish to use and justify your reasons 10

d) Sketch designs and fully label their design features 5

e) Create a prototype of your newly reinvented, environmentally 10

friendly product or object
In this task you will be assessed on your ability to:
 Identify an object or product that can be improved environmentally
 Research thoroughly for environmentally friendly materials as an alternative
 Select and justify your selected environmentally friendly materials
 Sketch and fully label your designs
 Produce a prototype of the newly reinvented product or object
Marking Rubric
Design Project /40 0-13 14-27 28-40
Student provides little or fails to Student identifies, describes and Student identifies, describes and
Identify, describe and justify the
identify, describe and justify an justifies an object or product that justifies an object or product in
object or product that you have
object or product that has the has the potential to become more great detail that has the potential to
chosen to improve environmentally
potential to become more environmentally friendly become more environmentally
environmentally friendly friendly
Provides evidence of research for Student provides little or no Student provides evidence of Student provides evidence of
alternate materials evidence of for alternate materials research for alternate materials of substantial research for alternate
/10 of the existing product the existing product materials of the existing product
Student does not select or justify Student selects but does not justify Student selects and justifies
Selects and justifies materials used
appropriate materials to use for the appropriate materials to use for the appropriate materials to use for the
final design of the object or product final design of the object or product final design of the object or product
Provides fully rendered sketches Student provides little or no Student provides sketches with Student provides fully rendered and
and labelled design features sketches and little or no labels some labels identifying some design clear sketches, with labels
/5 identifying no design features features identifying design features
Student has presented an Student has presented a complete Student has presented a complete
Constructs a prototype of the final incomplete prototype, or has not prototype of the newly improved and exemplary prototype of the
design presented any evidence of a object or product newly improved object or product
/10 prototype of the newly improved
object or product
Board of Studies NSW. (2009). Table of objectives and outcomes. In Design and technology:
Stage 6 syllabus. Retrieved from:

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