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Notes for Fossil Book:


Describe what the fossil looks like?


How is my fossil formed:




1. What was the animal or plant before it turned into a fossil


2. Any interesting facts about your fossil that makes it unique

3. Where is your fossil found?


4. Extra Information:

Notes for Fossil Book:


Describe what the fossil looks like?


How is my fossil formed:




5. What was the animal or plant before it turned into a fossil


6. Any interesting facts about your fossil that makes it unique

7. Where is your fossil found?


8. Extra Information:

Notes for Fossil Book:

Dinosaur Footprint

Describe what the fossil looks like?


How is my fossil formed:




9. What was the animal or plant before it turned into a fossil


10. Any interesting facts about your fossil that makes it unique

11. Where is your fossil found?


12. Extra Information:


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