Complete The Questions With The Correct Form of The Verbs in Past Simple

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Complete the questions with the correct form of the verbs in Past Simple.

1. ____________________ (you / go) to university?

Yes, I did.

2. What ____________________ (the girls / buy) at the shopping center?

The girls bought some fashionable clothes.

3. Where ____________________ (she / be born)?

She was born in Spain.

4. When ____________________ (the film / begin)?

It began at 9:00.

5. What ____________________ (she / study)?

She studied Science.

6. Where ____________________ (she / be) on Sunday?

She was in the supermarket.

7. What ____________________ (he / eat)?

He ate some pasta.

8. ____________________ (you / be) a good student at school?

No, I wasn't.

Choose the correct alternative from the words in italics.

1. We invited some / some of friends over to our house for a barbecue.

2. Most / Most of the cakes were baked the day before.
3. The teacher gave all / all of us a piece of paper.
4. Some / Some of people are very unfriendly with strangers.
5. I like many of her songs, but a few / a few of them aren't very good.
6. All / All of cars have wheels. No / None of cars can fly.
7. A few / A few of the shops were open but most / most of were closed.
8. I wasn't well yesterday. I spent most / most of the day in bed.

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