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Nutrigenomics: From Molecular Nutrition to

Prevention of Disease

trigenomics will lead to evidence-based dietary interven-

ABSTRACT tion strategies for restoring health and fitness and for
Until recently, nutrition research concentrated on nutri- preventing diet-related disease. In this review, we pro-
ent deficiencies and impairment of health. The advent of vide a brief overview of nutrigenomics from our point of
genomics—interpreted broadly as a suite of high through- view by describing current strategies, future opportuni-
put technologies for the generation, processing, and ap- ties, and challenges.
plication of scientific information about the composition J Am Diet Assoc. 2006;106:569-576.
and functions of genomes— has created unprecedented
opportunities for increasing our understanding of how
nutrients modulate gene and protein expression and ul-

xpectations of nutrigenomics (1-8) are extremely
timately influence cellular and organismal metabolism. high, but progress is rather slow. The field of nutri-
Nutritional genomics (nutrigenomics), the junction be- genomics faces the challenge of establishing a strong
tween health, diet, and genomics, can be seen as the basic research foundation while simultaneously sur-
combination of molecular nutrition and genomics. The mounting a number of technological hurdles. The coming
diverse tissue and organ-specific effects of bioactive di- years will likely require patience, realistic expectations,
etary components include gene-expression patterns and strong advocacy for the needed research funding. In
(transcriptome); organization of the chromatin (epi- addition, we must be innovative in our approaches to the
genome); protein-expression patterns, including post- complex problems that nutrigenomics presents. For ex-
translational modifications (proteome); as well as metab- ample, a single nutrigenomics experiment can generate
olite profiles (metabolome). Nutrigenomics will promote an enormous amount of data. We must quickly learn how
an increased understanding of how nutrition influences to extract useful biological information from these data.
metabolic pathways and homeostatic control, how this Nutrigenomics must address management and storage of
regulation is disturbed in the early phases of diet-related different types of data derived from the various techno-
disease, and the extent to which individual sensitizing logical platforms used, development and application of
genotypes contribute to such diseases. Eventually, nu- new biostatistical algorithms, and inaccessibility of tissue
samples from healthy volunteers.
Challenges of this scope and magnitude cannot be
L. Afman is a postdoctoral student in the Nutrition, Me- solved by one research group alone and will likely require
tabolism and Genomics Chair Group at Wageningen collaboration among a number of different research
University and the Dutch Nutrigenomics Consortium at teams. Furthermore, many of the genomics technologies
the Wageningen Centre for Food Sciences, and M. are quite expensive. Not surprisingly, an increasing num-
Müller is professor in the Nutrition, Metabolism and ber of large national and international nutrigenomics
Genomics Chair Group at Wageningen University and research clusters are being formed to jointly address
director of the Dutch Nutrigenomics Consortium at the these and similar challenges. These clusters typically
Wageningen Centre for Food Sciences, Wageningen, The focus on specific aspects of nutrition research and disease
Netherlands. prevention (Figure 1) that can be approached with nu-
Address correspondence to: Michael Müller, PhD, Nu- trigenomics research. For such a collaborative effort to be
trition, Metabolism and Genomics Chair Group, Divi- successful, there must be excellent communication
sion of Human Nutrition, Wageningen University, among scientists from different disciplines (eg, nutrition,
Bomenweg 2, 6703 HD Wageningen, The Netherlands. molecular biology, medicine, genomics, bioinformatics),
E-mail: and there must be a high level of compatibility of the
Copyright © 2006 by the American Dietetic genomics data produced in the various laboratories (9-
Association. 11). Several of these clusters or centers also involve col-
0002-8223/06/10604-0003$32.00/0 laboration between the food industry and academia. The
doi: 10.1016/j.jada.2006.01.001 food industry recognizes the need for nutrigenomics re-

© 2006 by the American Dietetic Association Journal of the AMERICAN DIETETIC ASSOCIATION 569
Consortium Country Focus Web site

Center of Excellence for United States Personalized diet; diet–gene interactions
Nutritional Genomics
Dutch Nutrigenomics The Netherlands Metabolic syndrome; early biomarkers
Network of Excellence in Europe (European Establishment of a European Nutrigenomics
Nutrigenomics (NUGO) Community) Research Network (research, training,
Centre of Excellence in New Zealand Crohn’s disease; new food bioactives
Functional Food Genomics Japan Biomarkers and bioactive food ingredients
Nutrigenomics Network Germany Complex diseases; diet–gene interactions

Figure 1. Overview of selected international nutrigenomics consortia and networks.

DISEASE STATE (arbitrary units)

Complex Disease
100 e
Different & similar targets d
80 s yn
bol i a
60 eta arm
M Ph
40 ress
et abolic st
20 on
Homeostasis TIME (months/years)
Figure 2. Development of complex, multifactorial, polygenic diseases, such as metabolic syndrome. Nutrition is primarily focused on health and
on the earliest phases of disease pathology. In order to effectively apply dietary strategies to prevent disease or to recover homeostasis, validated
early biomarkers of the disease state are needed. Nutrition and pharma (pharmacology) are complementary approaches to apply to metabolic stress
or metabolic syndrome. Interestingly, there is considerable overlap between cellular targets for nutritional and pharmacological intervention, such
as peroxisome proliferator activator receptor-␣ or peroxisome proliferator activator receptor-␥, which bind fatty acids and fibrates or fatty acids and
thiazolidinediones, respectively.

search as a basis for developing the concept of “personal- on health and disease prevention and be complementary
ized diets,” for identifying molecular biomarkers or new to pharmacological therapy, which targets the pathophys-
bioactive food ingredients, and for validating the effec- iological aspects of disease. To realize this goal, new
tiveness of these bioactive ingredients as functional food genomics-based phenotypical biomarkers are needed that
components or nutraceuticals. allow early detection of the onset of disease or, ideally,
An important aim of nutrigenomics research is to study the predisease state of the metabolic syndrome, a condi-
genome-wide influences of nutrition, with specific focus tion referred to as metabolic stress.
on the role of metabolic stress in the genesis of the met- To approach this complex condition, molecular nutri-
abolic syndrome, the collection of phenotypes combining tion research on organ-specific dietary response patterns
inflammation, metabolic stress, insulin resistance, and using transgenic and knock-out mouse models is com-
diabetes (12) (Figure 2). This goal is rather ambitious, but bined with genomic technologies. From a molecular
is based on the idea that nutrition should focus primarily standpoint, nutrients are considered to be “signaling mol-

570 April 2006 Volume 106 Number 4

Target Genes
Foods Signatures
Mechanisms Nutrition Profiles
Pathways Biomarkers

Molecular Nutrition Nutritional

& Genomics Systems Biology
•Identification of dietary signals
•Measurement of stress signatures
•Identification of dietary sensors
•Identification of early biomarkers
•Identification of target genes
•Reconstruction of signaling pathways
Small research groups Large research consortia
Small budgets Big money
Figure 3. Two strategies of nutrigenomics research. The first strategy will provide detailed molecular data on the interaction between nutrition and
the genome, whereas the second strategy might be important for human nutrition, given the difficulty of collecting tissue samples from healthy
individuals. The first strategy, typically applied by smaller research groups, will reveal the identification of transcription factors that function as
nutrient sensors and the genes they target; elucidation of the signaling pathways involved, and characterization of the main dietary signals;
measurement and validation of cell- and organ-specific gene expression signatures of the metabolic consequences of specific micronutrients and
macronutrients; elucidation of interactions between nutrient-related regulatory pathways and proinflammatory stress pathways, to understand the
process of metabolic dysregulation that leads to diet-related diseases; and identification of genotypes that are risk factors for development of
diet-related human diseases (such as diabetes, hypertension, or atherosclerosis) and quantification of their impact. The second strategy is the
application of nutritional systems biology to develop biomarkers of early metabolic dysregulation and susceptibility (stress signatures) that are
influenced by diet. This strategy requires large consortia, considerable research funding, and excellent multidisciplinary (and possible multinational)

ecules” that, through appropriate cellular sensing mech- has to handle a large number of different nutrients and
anisms, result in translation of these dietary signals into other food components and nutrient concentrations can
changes in gene, protein, and metabolite expression (8). be high (micromolar to millimolar) without reaching toxic
Such an approach allows insight into the mechanisms of levels. Each nutrient can also have numerous targets
nutrition at the molecular level (ie, what happens in our with different affinities and specificities. This situation
cells and organs when we eat, when we do not eat, or contrasts starkly with pharmacology, where single agents
when we eat too much). On a genomic level, these molec- are used at low concentrations and act with a relatively
ular changes serve as dietary “signatures” or fingerprints high affinity and selectivity for a very limited number of
that can precisely annotate the phenotype, particularly biological targets. The challenge of nutrigenomics re-
under conditions of metabolic stress and early phases of search is to break down the important but complex re-
organ-specific insulin resistance. Ultimately, the aim is to search problems into small feasible projects that can be
extrapolate findings from studies with mice and cells to handled by normal-sized research groups (Figure 3). One
human beings, where the impact of the genotype must be
possibility is to switch from the most complex system, the
taken into account in order to estimate the disease risk
human being, to simpler or more easily accessible organ-
related to dietary stress, overweight, and obesity. We will
isms, such as yeast and Caenorhabditis elegans, which
discuss strategies that use nutrigenomics to answer nu-
trition problems. can serve as model systems. These organisms have so-
phisticated genetics as well as sequenced genomes, and
researchers have made important discoveries in nutri-
NUTRIGENOMICS: HOW TO GET SIMPLE ANSWERS FOR A genomics using these model systems. Even the fruit fly
COMPLEX SCIENCE Drosophila is an attractive model organism for conduct-
An important challenge in nutrition research is the com- ing nutrigenomics research (2) because it has adipose-like
plexity and variability of nutrition and foods. The body tissues and a lipid transport system, which makes it a

April 2006 ● Journal of the AMERICAN DIETETIC ASSOCIATION 571

closer model to humans with respect to obesity and asso- released from adipose tissue. These fatty acids then
ciated diseases than many other model organisms. An- travel to the liver, where they undergo partial or com-
other possible strategy is to use methods that are well plete oxidation. However, these fatty acids also bind
established in medical or pharmacological research but PPAR␣, which then increases expression of a suite of
are rather new to nutrition research. For example, anal- genes through binding to specific sequences in their pro-
ogous to pharmacology, nutrients or dietary metabolites moter regions. Fasted PPAR␣ null mice (mice that lack
can be viewed as signaling molecules that are recognized functional PPAR␣) suffer from a variety of metabolic
by specialized cellular-sensing mechanisms (8). The in- defects, which include hypoketonemia, hypothermia, ele-
formation that allows nutrients to activate specific sig- vated plasma-free fatty acid levels, and hypoglycemia
naling pathways is contained within their molecular (14,15). Recently, it has been demonstrated that PPAR␣
structure. Minor changes in structure (eg, saturated vs directly regulates expression of genes involved in hepatic
unsaturated fatty acids or cholesterol vs plant sterols) gluconeogenesis and glycerol metabolism (14,16). Be-
can have a profound influence on which sensor pathways cause fatty acids are ligands for PPAR␣, the latter mech-
are activated. The challenge ahead is to further identify anism could explain the stimulatory effect of elevated
the molecular pathways that are influenced by individual plasma-free fatty acids on hepatic gluconeogenesis and
nutrients and to determine the downstream effects of this glucose output. In addition to its important function in
regulation. Nutrigenomics can greatly assist in this iden- the physiological response to food deprivation or starva-
tification because it allows the genome-wide characteriza- tion, the role of PPAR␣ in obesity is less clear, but most
tion of nutritional target genes. With this type of infor- likely relevant to our understanding of the obesity-linked
mation, researchers can comprehensively understand pathophysiology of type 2 diabetes (17). Visceral obesity
how nutrients act and explain how diet has such an is linked to increased free fatty acid levels (18) and,
impressive effect on health and disease, which is now interestingly, these molecules may be recognized by the
widely acknowledged. Ultimately, nutrigenomics re- liver as “hunger” or “in need of glucose” signals, resulting
search will lead to development of evidence-based health- in increased gluconeogenesis in a PPAR␣-dependent
ful food and lifestyle advice and dietary interventions for manner, particularly under conditions of hepatic insulin
contemporary humans. resistance.
In addition to the group of sensing transcription factors
DIETARY SIGNALS AND NUTRIENT SENSORS that directly interact with DNA by binding to specific
The main agents through which nutrients influence gene response elements, the importance of corepressor and
expression are transcription factors. Among the most im- coactivator proteins became more evident because a sub-
portant group of nutrient sensors is the nuclear receptor stantial component of gene control is directed at the ex-
superfamily of transcription factors, with 48 members in pression of coactivators. Coactivators exist in multipro-
the human genome. Numerous receptors in this super- tein complexes that dock on transcription factors and
family bind nutrients and their metabolites (8,13). For modify chromatin, allowing transcription to take place.
example, nuclear receptors, such as peroxisome prolifera- Recent data on two coactivators of PPAR␥, called perox-
tor activator receptor-␣ (PPAR␣) (binding fatty acids) or isome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma coactiva-
liver X receptor ␣ (binding cholesterol metabolites), bind tor-1 (PGC-1␣ and PGC-1␤), are fascinating. PGC-1␣ has
as heterodimers together with retinoid X receptor to spe- been associated with energy homeostasis, diabetes, and
cific nucleotide sequences (response elements) in the pro- lifespan regulation (19). Polymorphisms in the genes en-
moter regions of a large number of genes. During ligand coding PGC-1␣ and PGC-1␤ have been associated with
binding, nuclear receptors undergo a conformational development of type 2 diabetes (20-22). Recently, high-fat
change that results in coordinated dissociation of core- feeding in a mouse model has been shown to induce
pressors and recruitment of coactivator proteins to enable hyperlipidemia and atherogenesis and to stimulate ex-
transcriptional activation. In metabolically active organs, pression of PGC-1␤ in liver. Through molecular studies,
such as the liver, intestine, and adipose tissue, these the authors linked this mechanism to increased lipogen-
transcription factors act as nutrient sensors by changing esis and very–low-density lipoprotein excretion because
the level of DNA transcription of specific genes in re- of enhancer effects of PGC-1␤ on gene transcription gov-
sponse to nutrient changes. Nuclear receptors have im- erned by the transcription factors sterol regulatory element
portant roles in regulation of numerous processes, includ- binding protein 1 and liver X receptor ␣. From these results,
ing nutrient metabolism, embryonic development, cell a mechanism has been proposed by which dietary saturated
proliferation, and cellular differentiation. and transfatty acids can stimulate hyperlipidemia and
Not surprisingly, nutrients, by activating these recep- atherogenesis (23). This study demonstrates sensitivity of
tors, are able to influence a wide array of cellular func- state-of-the-art microarray analysis and is an example of
tions. As an example, the PPAR group of nuclear recep- nutrigenomics research because it allows straightforward
tors acts as nutrient sensors for fatty acids and influences detection of profound changes in hepatic gene-expression
expression of specific genes. One of the three PPAR iso- patterns because of an adaptive response by the organism to
forms, PPAR␣, is present primarily in the liver (14). The changes in dietary macronutrient composition.
more than 3,000 to 4,000 target genes of PPAR␣ are
involved in numerous metabolic processes in the liver, SIGNATURES OF HEALTH AND DISEASE
including fatty acid oxidation, ketogenesis, gluconeogen- A major focus of nutrition research is on prevention of
esis, amino acid metabolism, cellular proliferation, and chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, meta-
the acute-phase response (14). Hepatic PPAR␣ is partic- bolic syndrome, and cancer. These disorders are partly
ularly important during fasting, when free fatty acids are mediated by chronic exposure to certain food components

572 April 2006 Volume 106 Number 4

and, therefore, a critical part of the prevention strategy intraindividual variations in blood cell gene expression in
concerns changing food habits. Causal relationships be- healthy volunteers have already been performed. The
tween those bioactive dietary components and prevention interindividual variation in gene expression is important
or outcome of a disease can only be assessed by long-term among healthy individuals, but less distinct than the
intervention trials, which are time-consuming and costly. variability observed in the disease state (30,31). Expres-
Other conventional nutrition intervention studies use bio- sion patterns within a healthy person over a 24-hour
markers like disturbed lipid profiles (eg, cholesterol, tri- period and at different intervals over a 6-month period
glycerides), increased blood pressure, or reduced insulin were highly concordant, but variation in gene expression
sensitivity as predictors of diseases, such as cardiovascu- between persons varied significantly (31,32). This large
lar disease or metabolic syndrome. These biomarkers are interindividual variation makes it challenging to distin-
mainly single proteins or metabolites or certain body guish gene-expression signatures of a healthy subject
functions that can be used as indicators for pathophysio- from a prediseased subject. Once those predisease signa-
logical changes that can ultimately lead to a variety of tures (8) are defined and validated, nutrition interven-
chronic diseases, depending on the individual genotype. A tions that focus on those predisease biomarkers can be
complete biomarker profile will be more characteristic for developed, with the goal of regaining healthful expression
the health status of an individual than single markers. patterns and subsequent improved physical conditions.
The ability to assess these so-called “signatures” of health Hopefully, in the near future it will be possible to increase
and disease hold the promise of a more complete pheno- the power of such genomics-based tests by combining
typing of humans and the ability to monitor health status multiple genomic approaches, such as uniting transcrip-
using a noninvasive tool. Biomarker profiles can be de- tome profiling with metabolome profiling in a systems
termined on a genomics-transcriptome, proteome, and biology approach.
metabolome level, all having their own specific advan- A limiting factor right now to the applicability of gene-
tages as markers of body health status. Metabolomics expression signature analysis is the quantity of human
(3,4,6,24-26) is the study of the sum total of endogenous blood or tissue material that is available. Generally, this
and exogenous metabolites in a cell, organ, or body fluids approach requires RNA amplification procedures before
and is a useful tool for generating individual metabolite whole genome microarray expression analysis can be per-
profiles, such as complete plasma lipid (ie, cholesterol, formed. Another limiting factor is the heterogeneity of
triglycerides) and vitamin profiles. This technique is the blood cell population in terms of specific metabolic
quite innovative, and validation of accuracy and sensitiv- response and gene-expression profiles (31). The propor-
ity, especially in the predisease state, has yet to be ex- tional presence of the cell subpopulation is subjected to
plored. Similarly, research on proteomics, studying the internal and external triggers like infection or physical
proteome (all proteins in a cell or tissue at a given time), activity, thereby affecting the total gene-expression pat-
is under development. tern. Finally, the method of isolation of blood cells and
A nutrigenomics tool that is both sensitive and well subsequent cell-type selection further influences final sig-
validated is transcriptomics, which employs microarray nature outcome (30,31). Nevertheless, despite all techno-
analysis to study the number of messenger RNA copies logical problems that must first be overcome, nutri-
per gene for virtually all actively transcribed genes. This genomics-based signature analysis is a promising
technique enables determination of expression levels of strategy for learning more about phenotypic responses to
thousands of genes at the same time and within one a nutrition intervention.
study. However, these types of studies require significant
quantities of tissue material for isolation of the needed FROM GENOTYPE TO PHENOTYPE
RNA. The accessibility of human tissues is limited and Most chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular disease,
has been a major drawback to this type of analysis. How- metabolic syndrome, and cancer are multifactorial disor-
ever, biopsy samples from adipose tissue and muscle can ders caused by multiple genetic and environmental fac-
be taken with relatively low risk and may offer one solu- tors. Multigenic or polygenic diseases are caused by a
tion, with the limitation that gene expression can reflect combination of genetic variations in multiple susceptibil-
a tissue-specific effect of a pathophysiological phenotype. ity genes. Different combinations of gene variants can
For example, the proinflammatory response observed in lead to a similar disease phenotype, further complicating
adipose tissue of obese people is reflected by increased the picture. Moreover, several modulator effects of di-
expression of proinflammatory genes in this tissue (27). etary components on the phenotype by a genetic variation
Another less-invasive possibility is to isolate RNA from have been described and are referred to as gene-nutrient
white blood cells, which travel throughout the body and effects (33). Investigation of combinations of genetic vari-
respond to internal and external threats to body ho- ants and the effect of nutrients in relation to a disease
meostasis. Gene-expression patterns in peripheral blood requires large study populations of patients and controls.
cells have been shown to be specific for disease states. The known gene variants and the modulator effects of
Disease-specific gene-expression patterns in blood cells nutrients in relation to a disease have recently been dis-
have been identified for breast tumors (28) and leukemia cussed in an excellent review by Ordovas and Corella
(29), and those patterns now serve as biomarkers for the (33). Most genetic variations, such as single-nucleotide
disease and as the basis for useful diagnostic tools. polymorphisms (SNP), insertions, or repeats have been
However, the question remains as to whether a predis- found by sequencing genes coding for enzymes or trans-
ease or nutritionally specific state can be distinguished in porters related to the disease of interest. With sequencing
blood cells. So far, studies focusing on identification of of the whole human genome, knowledge about genetic
these profiles are lacking. However, studies on inter- and variations has increased, and microarrays containing

April 2006 ● Journal of the AMERICAN DIETETIC ASSOCIATION 573

around 500,000 SNPs (500 K-arrays) are already avail- allel use of these methods will allow us to describe the
able. These chips can be used in association studies to phenotype of a biological system, such as a human being,
identify new candidate loci for a disease (34). Nutrition in all its complexity, which is the major goal of nutritional
research has until now focused mainly on no more than a systems biology (3,40,41). Without a doubt there is no
few SNP simultaneously and on the opportunity to abol- “one and only” technology to solve all our research ques-
ish possible harmful consequences of the SNP by nutri- tions, so one has to be very clear about the aim of a study
tion intervention. Research into these so-called and its possible limitations. Given the many complex
nutrient⫺gene interactions with genome-wide SNP ar- activities of the human liver, transcriptome and proteome
rays are complicated by multiple genes, dietary compo- analysis would be desirable, but tissue samples of human
nents, and gene-nutrient interactions (35). Before tech- liver from healthy individuals are not readily available.
nologies such as this can be applied in nutrition research, Alternatively, researchers may be able to use plasma
they first have to be proven and validated in disease- profiling of metabolites that might specifically serve as
association research studies. biomarkers for liver health or dysfunction.
Transcriptomics is a relatively mature technology
compared with other “-omics” technologies. At this
CAN A BIOINFORMATICIAN MAKE SENSE OF YOUR point, it is possible to get an overview of the expression
MICROARRAY EXPERIMENT? of virtually all genes in a single microarray experi-
Another limitation in nutrition research is the relatively ment, but it is not yet possible to measure the whole
small effect of dietary interventions on physiological pa- proteome or metabolome. However, research in pro-
rameters. Similarly, effects of nutrition on gene-expres- teomics is progressing rapidly (6,42). Studies of protein
sion patterns are also hard to detect. Consequently, a structure, expression level, cellular localization, bio-
suitable study approach is required along with the need chemical activity, protein⫺protein interactions, and
to develop state-of-the-art sensitive microarray analysis cellular roles are underway and considerable progress
systems. Although a major technological advance, mi- in novel instrumentation, experimental strategies, and
croarray technology has strengths and limitations that bioinformatics methods has been achieved. Research
must be factored into the research design. A robust re- progress in plasma proteomics is of particular interest
search hypothesis and study design will help to ensure to nutrition and nutrigenomics research because, if
the research question is adequately addressed by the successful, a wealth of information could be generated
experimental design (avoiding the so-called “fishing ex- about important proteins, such as various cytokines or
periments”). hormone levels, from a small plasma sample. In order
Important factors that can influence gene expression in to achieve this, the major plasma proteins have to be
humans as well as in animals are age, sex, nutritional separated and remaining plasma proteins must be re-
status (30,36,37), and other possibly unknown (patho)- covered in a quantitative way for further analysis. Re-
physiological parameters. In addition, these methods cent progress in this area is promising (42-45) and
work best when genotype variation is minimal, which is suggests that proteome-derived biomarkers useful in
feasible in animal studies with inbred strains but not determining nutrition status may be identified before
with human beings. The most easily obtained information too long.
in human intervention trials is race and family history. Metabolomics (3,4,6,24-26) is also in the early stages of
Once a transcriptomics study is performed, RNA quality development. It is not known how many endogenous metab-
and quantity should be verified and subsequent labeling olites exist or how many exogenous food-derived metabo-
and hybridization of RNA should preferably be conducted lites can be measured in human samples (urine, plasma).
by the same technician and within the same microarray Scientists must first overcome a number of hurdles, such as
experiment. In order to enhance accuracy, pooling of sam- full recovery of all metabolites from body fluids or tissue
ples is not desirable, but increasing the number of biolog- samples and the need to develop extensive databases with
ical replicates will decrease the false-positive rate and the required information about the nutritionally relevant
result in reliable data (38). Another area requiring atten- metabolome. Metabolomics produces enormous amounts of
tion is the preprocessing of data. Because dietary studies data that require sophisticated instrumentation and soft-
result in small gene-expression changes, they require a ware to allow researchers to extract meaningful information
highly reliable algorithm (11). The most challenging part from the data. Existing instrumentation is quite sophisti-
of the process occurs after the array data are obtained, cated; the present limitations appear to be with the soft-
when the data must be interpreted in terms of its biolog- ware needed to handle metabolomic data. The potential for
ical meaning. Several commercial and noncommercial nutritional applications of metabolomics is considerable,
tools have been developed that assist with extraction of and a number of research teams are addressing these lim-
markedly changed genes and visualization of changed itations (26,46).
pathways or related networks (39).
Will nutrigenomics stay exciting enough over the next
FUTURE OF NUTRIGENOMICS: TRANSCRIPTOMICS, PROTEOMICS, several years to sustain development of an extensive re-
METABOLOMICS, OR SYSTEMS BIOLOGY? search foundation? We are sure this will be the case
Different genomic technologies, namely transcriptomics, because it is widely appreciated that further develop-
proteomics, and metabolomics, are complementary in the ments in nutrition and food development are impossible
types of information they generate, but are at different without exploring the mechanisms underlying nutrition.
points in their development at this time. Ultimately, par- Will it then be possible from nutrigenomics research to

574 April 2006 Volume 106 Number 4

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