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Mrs. Bashista


April 2018

What We’re Learning

Important Dates
Word Families: oy, ag, in, ug What is
the idea in the story? What did you
learn from the story?
April 16- April 20 School
Vacation Math: Subtraction What
do the different parts of a subtraction sentence mean?
April 23- 2 hour Early ___ - ___ = ___ (How
many you started with.) – (How many were taken away.)
= (How many are left.)
What’s missing? __ - 4 = 3
April 24- School
What does it mean to subtract? Use
Committee pictures to match the number sentence.

Begin sentence with a capital letter.
Spaces between words.
Punctuation at the end of a sentence. Using
the lines.

Social Studies- Earth Day

Things to help at home Math-

Draw a subtraction picture. Have your child write a number sentence to match the picture. Draw a
picture only showing what you subtracted. Write a number sentence to match but leave the first number out.
Have your child figure out the missing number.

Reading- When reading a story to your child, ask them what the big idea of the story is and what
did they learn from the story.
Writing- Write a story with your child. Focus on capitalizing first letter of sentence, spaces
between words and punctuation at the end of the sentence. a fun way to learn them.

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