Food Plate

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Developmental Lesson Plan

Teacher Candidate: Selena Garrett,

Brooke Moyer, and Sarah Boccella

Group Size: Whole group

Allotted Time: 30 minutes
Grade Level: 3rd

Subject or Topic: Food Plate

Common Core/PA Standard(s):

Standard - 10.1.3.C
Explain the role of the food guide pyramid in helping people eat a healthy diet.
● food groups
● number of servings
● variety of food
● nutrients
Standard - 10.2.3.D
Identify the steps in a decision-making process

Learning Targets/Objectives:
● Student will be able to identify the sections of the food plate by creating their
own science notebook on each section.
● Students will be able to make better food decision by creating a food plate of
their own.
Assessment Approaches: Evidence:
1. Students will write on 1. If students are able to identify the
whiteboards the name of the food food group that corresponds with
group that corresponds with the the pictures of the foods.
pictures of the foods. 2. If students can choose the best
2. Students will go up to the food choice in the food group,
SMARTboard and decide which explain why, and include a food
foods to put on the plate to make from every food group.
a balanced meal. 3. If students can identify each food
3. Students will create their own group’s portion size and place
MyPlates by cutting out pictures healthy food choices into each
from magazines. category.
4. Students will create a science 4. If students show that they
notebook on each section of the understand each section by being
food plate. able to create their own idea of a
food for each section.

Assessment Scale:
3. & 4. Student will be graded on skills by a rubric on a scale from 0-4:
● Identifying the food groups:
○ 0- could identify one or less of the 5 food groups
○ 1- could identify 2 of the 5 food groups
○ 2- could Identify 3 of the 5 food groups
○ 3-could identify 4 of the 5 food groups
○ 4- could identify 5 of the 5 food groups
● Identifying portion size for each food group:
○ 0- could identify one or less of the portion sizes accurately.
○ 1- could identify 2 of the portion sizes accurately.
○ 2- could identify 3 of the 5 portion sizes accurately.
○ 3- could identify 4 of the 5 portion sizes accurately.
○ 4- could identify 5 of the 5 food groups.
● Identifying healthy choices:
○ 0- could identify 1 healthy choice for 1 out of the 5 food groups
○ 1- could identify 1 healthy choice for 2 out of the 5 food groups
○ 2- could identify 1 healthy choice for 3 out of the 5 food groups
○ 3- could identify 1 healthy choice for 4 out of the 5 food groups
○ 4- could identify 1 healthy choice for 5 out the 5 food groups
Subject Matter/Content:
● Knowing that different food are placed in different groups
● Knowing that different food affect the body
Key Vocabulary:
-Food Pyramid: The old graphic that illustrated six food groups that were the building
blocks to a healthy diet.
-Food Plate: A graphic that illustrates the five food groups that are the building blocks
to a healthy diet.
-Fruits: the food group that makes your body feel full and has vitamins and minerals!
-Grains: the food group that helps with the digestive system and reduces the risks of
-Proteins: the food group that is the main building blocks of the body and is usually
the main part of a meal.
-Vegetables: the food group that provides the body with vitamin C and helps prevent
cardiovascular disease and certain cancers.
-Dairy: the food group that provides calcium to the body, strengthens bones, and
provides body with vitamins and minerals.
-Balanced Diet: eating the right amount and the right types of food that come from the
Food Plate.
-Portion Sizes of each food group
-Different foods from each food group
-history of Food Pyramid and how we now use the Food Plate

Introduction/Activating/Launch Strategies:
Students will watch a brainpop video on the different food groups. The teacher will
ask the students what they know about food groups either from the video or from
their prior experiences.

Development/Teaching Approaches

Mini-Lesson/Guided Practice:
1. The teacher will discuss each slide of the powerpoint:
a. Slide 2: picture of Food Pyramid and Food Plate
i. “We used to use the Food Pyramid diagram but, now we use
the Food Plate to create balanced meals”
ii. “The Food Plate includes fruits, grains, proteins, vegetables,
and dairy and we will talk more about why the Food Plate is
useful and the different food groups”
b. Slide 3: Purpose of Food Groups
i. “The Food Plate is a reminder to make healthy choices in all of
the food groups!”
ii. “The Food Plate explains the five food groups!”
c. Slide 4: Fruits
i. The teacher will discuss the fruits food group and the students
will fill out their journal page that goes along with this slide in
their “Nutrition Book”.
d. Slide 5: Vegetables
i. The teacher will discuss the vegetable food group and the
students will fill out their journal page that goes along with this
slide in their “Nutrition Book”.
e. Slide 6: Grains
i. The teacher will discuss the grains food group and the students
will fill out their journal page that goes along with this slide in
their “Nutrition Book”
f. Slide 7: Proteins
i. The teacher will discuss the proteins food group and the
students will fill out their journal page that goes along with this
slide in their “Nutrition Book”.
g. Slide 8: Dairy
i. The teacher will discuss the dairy food group and the students
will fill out their journal page that goes along with this slide in
their “Nutrition Book”.

1. Slide 9: Make a Balanced Meal

a. The teacher will point to each group of food and the students will write
on their whiteboards what food group they think they belong to and
hold them up.
2. Slide 9: Make a Balanced Meal continued
a. The students will then think about which food they would like to put
on the plate to make a balanced meal. The teacher will remind the
students that there in some of the food groups there are unhealthy
b. The teacher will call on a student to slide the food over to the plate.
The student will explain why they chose that food to move over and
what makes it the best choice.
3. The students will create their own Myplate and use magazines to find pictures
to put into each category. They will use construction paper for each section
and then put corresponding food into each sections.
4. The students will turn in their science notebooks for the teacher to assess. The
teacher will give the science notebooks back so, the students can use this as a
reference for further lessons and as a review for the unit test.

Closure/Summarizing Strategies:

● The students will lay their food plates at their desks and walk around the room
and look at each other’s food plate.
● Students will then come back to their desks and discuss with their
groups/people around them what kind of foods they saw on other food plates,
what they liked about the other food plates, and why what was on the food
plates were good food choices or bad food choices.
● The teacher will tell the students that healthy eating is another factor that
affects the body and that tomorrow they will talk more about nutrition and go
into detail about the different nutrients.
● The teacher will have the students start to think about what they think nutrients
are and how they connect to MyPlate.

● Bob will be given copies of the slides so, that he is able to complete the
nutrition book.
● Bob will be given extended time to complete his Food Plate.
● Bob will be able to bring a classmate up to the board with him to assist him in
choosing a food to put on the plate on the SMART Board.


● Paper Plate
● Construction paper
● Magazine
● Glue
● Scissors
● Notebook
My Plate and Nutrition Journal Rubric

0 1 2 3 4
Identifying Could identify Could identify Could identify Could identify Could identify
Food one or less of 2 of the 5 3 of the 5 4 of the 5 5 of the 5
the five food food groups food groups food groups food groups

Identifying Could identify Could identify Could identify Could identify Could identify
Portion one or less of 2 of the 5 the 3 of the 5 the 4 of the 5 the 5 of the 5 the
the portion portion sizes portion sizes portion sizes portion sizes
Sizes for
sizes accurately accurately accurately accurately
each Food accurately

Identifying Could identify Could identify Could identify Could identify Could identify
Healthy 1 healthy 1 healthy 1 healthy 1 healthy 1 healthy
choice for 1 choice for 2 choice for 3 choice for 4 choice for 5
out of the 5 out of the 5 out of the 5 out of the 5 out of the 5
food groups food groups food groups food groups food groups

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