E-Plum Troubleshooting

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E-Plum Troubleshooting – Instructions

Superior Grocers

Periscope Batch

Prepared By: Prab Kaur

Date: 03/18/2018
Version: 1.0

Notice of Confidentiality and Custodial Responsibilities

This Superior Grocers document contains confidential information that is Superior Grocer's intellectual property. As a holder of this
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E-Plum Troubleshooting – Instructions

1. Adding/Removing New PLU’s on the Scale

Adding: no special attention is required.

Removing: Just as long as a user has not read back from a scale which has been setup in
more than one department and merged the batch into E-Plum's master no special attention
is required. If that has occurred item data from an incorrect department will have been
saved to the master and if removed from the correct department, it will be sent back to the
scale if a reload is initiated from E-Plum. To remove an item from an incorrect department:
Clear the store data and initiate a master export from PLUM Host.

2. Adding/Removing New Department(s) on the scale. For Example – the Scale is

loaded with Hot Foods PLU’s and I want to load the Meat Department PLU’s on it

Add the scale to the new department by doing the following.

1. Click the Scales tab. The Scales view appears.

2. Find the scale whose properties you want to copy and right-click the scale. A pop-up
menu appears.

3. Click Copy.

4. Find the Store and Department to which you want to copy the scale and its properties.

5. Right-click the scale list pane on the right. A pop-up menu appears.

6. Click Paste. A pop-up screen appears, which varies based on whether the scale is a
TCP/IP or Serial scale.

7. For TCP/IP scales, specify the Address, IP Address and IP Port of the destination scale
and click Ok. For Serial scales, specify the Address, Device, Port, Protocol, Baud Rate, Data
Bits, Parity and Stop Bits fields for the destination scale.

Change the view to "Scale View"

1. Click the Scales tab. The Scales view appears.

2. Open the View drop down list and choose Scale.

•View: Scale: Left pane displays Division, District and Store. Clicking on any store displays
all scales in the store in the right pane, regardless of department and regardless of whether
or not the scale is shared by multiple departments. Each scale in the store is listed once

Notice of Confidentiality and Custodial Responsibilities

This Superior Grocers document contains confidential information that is Superior Grocer's intellectual property. As a holder of this
document, you may NOT disclose its content or any information derived from it to any person or entity outside of Superior Grocers.
E-Plum Troubleshooting – Instructions

(even if it is shared by multiple departments) sorted by Port Number for serial scales and

IP Address for TCP/IP scales. See about Shared Scales and the Scale View for additional

Note the following when making right-click menu selections for scales shared by multiple
departments using the View: Scale display:

•Choosing Reload Scale will reload the scale with selected items for all departments
sharing the scale.

E-Plum’s scale reloading capabilities are extremely useful when you:

•Need to adjust whole groups of item records when:

•First adding a scale

•Returning a scale from service

•Cannot salvage a scale’s current item data

You can reload all items or individual item types (PLU, Ingredient, and Nutrition facts,
COOL Item, COOL Short List, COOL Custom and COOL Country).

You can reload a single scale, all the scales within a department, or all the scales in all the
departments within a single store. The following options are available:

Reloading a Scale

1. Click the Scales tab.

2. In the Stores-Departments pane on the left, locate the desired node (store or department
within a store).

3. Right-click the node. A pop-up menu appears.

4. Select Scales, then Reload Scale then click the desired data type:

 All Item Data reloads the scales with PLU, Ingredient and Nutrition facts data.

 PLU Data reloads the scales with product look up information.

 Ingredient Data reloads the scales with ingredient information.

 Nutrition facts Data reloads the scales with nutrition information.

Notice of Confidentiality and Custodial Responsibilities

This Superior Grocers document contains confidential information that is Superior Grocer's intellectual property. As a holder of this
document, you may NOT disclose its content or any information derived from it to any person or entity outside of Superior Grocers.
E-Plum Troubleshooting – Instructions

E-Plum reloads all the scales of the selected node as per your selection.

3. Troubleshooting the scale

1. The label is printing out incorrectly (what settings should be applied on the

Label printing is outside of the application in terms of what can be done to troubleshooting
and is best done by consulting with Superiors scale vendor. There are a few things that can
be checked within E-Plum, Label formats and font settings based in the department or scale
propertied to confirm that the correct format has been assigned.

1. Click the Scales tab.

2. In the Stores-Departments pane on the left, locate the desired node (department within a

3. Right-click the Department or Scale node. A pop-up menu appears.

4. Select Properties.

Confirm that the "Font & Label Format" Description Font Size, Ingredient Font Size and
Department Label Format are correctly set to what is expected at the scale.

Notice of Confidentiality and Custodial Responsibilities

This Superior Grocers document contains confidential information that is Superior Grocer's intellectual property. As a holder of this
document, you may NOT disclose its content or any information derived from it to any person or entity outside of Superior Grocers.
E-Plum Troubleshooting – Instructions

Document History

Vers Date Author Summary of Changes

1.0 03/18/18 Prab Initial Draft

Notice of Confidentiality and Custodial Responsibilities

This Superior Grocers document contains confidential information that is Superior Grocer's intellectual property. As a holder of this
document, you may NOT disclose its content or any information derived from it to any person or entity outside of Superior Grocers.

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