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Function Generator

Dhea Fiky Fatchatur Rizky

M Iqbal Ar-rasyid
A function generator is an electronic test
equipment used to generate different
types of electrical waveforms over a wide
range of frequencies and different amplitudes
Function Generator used to generate
various kind of waveform like………

O 1) Triangular Wave
O 2) Sine Wave
O 3) Square Wave
O 4) Saw tooth Wave etc…
O Sweep Generator Output
O Frequency Counter, to
calculate the frequency.

Other function of
function generator is for
Typical specifications for a general-purpose
function generator are:
O Function generator consists of
a. main generator
O b. modulator generator
1. power switch : to turn on the
signal generator
2. Frequency regulator : to
adjust the output frequency
3. Frequency indicator : shows
the frequency value
4. TTL/CMOS output terminal :
produces output that
compatible with TTL / CMOS
5. Duty function: to adjust the duty
cycle of the wave
6. TTL/CMOS selector : produce a
wave that compatible with the TTL
7. DC Offset: To give offset (DC
voltage) on signal +/- 10V..
8. Amplitude output: to adjust
the output voltage.
9. Selector function: Press one
of these keys to select the
output waveform
10. Main output terminal: the
terminal that generates the
main output signal
11. Display counter : display
frequency value in 6 × 0.3 "
12. Selector range of
frequency: to select the
required frequency range.
the use of function generator is always relates to the
Oscilloscope. first, connect the function generator with the
Oscilloscope using the copling cable, set the Generator function
using sinus, triangle or square wave, set the amplitude
contained in each part with ampliude button, and don’t forget
also to set the frequency using frequency regulator. then the
waveform will be displayed by the oscilloscope with the specs as
we have set
Select the required wave Select the frequency
type by press the range by press the
selector function button button of selector

Connect signal from main

output to Channel-1
With the regulator button,
Oscilloscope and signal from
set the signal frequency,
Sync Output to Channel-2
the oscilloscope will
Oscilloscope. Set the Trigger
display the frequency.
Source that found on Channel-
2 Oscilloscope.

Through the amplitude

Using OFFSET switch set DC
control button, adjust
Offset as needed (interval
the amplitude of the
from -10 Volt to +10 Volt).

Before connecting
Function Generator to
external load
(Oscilloscope, audio
circuit), check load

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