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Present Perfect – Action in the past, result now

1 Why don’t you want to

see Harry ’’Potter and the
Half Blood Prince’’?
2 Why don’t you have
your book today?
3 Why are you sitting
there doing nothing?
4 Why don’t you ask him
5 Why is your finger
Because I’ve seen it
hundred times.
Because I’ve lost it.
Because I’ve finished my
Because I’ve never met
Because I’ve cut it.
Work out the rule. Circle the correct options.
We use the present perfect to talk about finished / unfinished actions in the present / past with a result in
the present / past. We say / don’t say when.

Present perfect with since and for – Life line

Make sentences about John’s life with the verbs in brackets. Use since and for. Use subject pronouns and
contracted forms in sentences with for.

Example: 1986 – John moves to New York (live)

John has lived in New York since 1986. He’s lived there for 30 years.

1 1992 – John starts working as a teacher (be)

2 1995 – John meets Anna (know)
3 1998 – John and Anna get married (be)
1 1992 – John starts working as a teacher (be)
John has been a teacher since 1992. He’s been a teacher for 24 years.
2 1995 – John meets Anna (know)
John has known Anna since1995. He’s known her for 21 years.
3 1998 – John and Anna get married (be)
John and Anna have been married since 1998. They’ve been married for 18 years.
Complete the rule with the words from the box:

Continue past started now

We use the present perfect to talk about the actions that _______________ in the _______________ and
_______________ up to _______________.
For or since?
When we want to say how long something lasts, we use _______. When we want to say the starting point of
actions, events or states, we use _______.
1 Read the text and find out where Susan lives, what food she likes and where she sometimes has her meals.

My name is Susan. I was born in Liverpool. Liverpool is a city in England. I live in London. London is the capital of the
United Kingdom. I live in a house in a small street. The street is called Knightrider Street and the house is old - more
than 100 years old! I am an English teacher at a school in the center of the city. I like books and taking photographs. I
usually have lunch at school. We have all kinds of food in the school canteen. I like Italian food very much. Sometimes, I
go to an Italian restaurant. The restaurant is called "Mimo La Bufala". Italian food is great! I usually go home by car.

2 Read the text again and complete the sentences with a / an or the.

1 I live in ______ house in ______ small street. ______ street is called Knightrider Street and ______ house is old.

2 I go to ______ Italian restaurant. ______ restaurant is called ’’Mimo La Bufala’’.

Complete the rule:

We use ________ when we mention something for the first time. The next time we repeat that object, we use

Complete the sentences with a / an / the.

1 I live in ________ flat. ________ flat has four bedrooms.

2 She has ________ factory. ________ factory produces sports equipment.


1 6 11 16 21 25
knew fed made told sank began
known fed made told sunk begun

bring feel pay sit ring draw

2 7 12 17 22 26
brought felt paid sat rang drew
brought felt paid sat rung drawn

deal lay eat see ride


3 8 13 18 22 27
bought dealt laid ate saw rode
bought dealt laid ate seen ridden

catch keep say sing be drive

4 9 14 19 23 28
caught kept said sang was / were drove
caught kept said sung been driven

fight leave sell drink break fall

5 10 15 20 24 29
fought left sold drank broke fell
fought left sold drunk broken fallen

feed tell sink begin know

2 The biggest animal ever is: 3 The tallest building in the

1 What is the world’s largest
world is:
a. The Elephant
b. The Blue Whale a. Burj Khalifa in Dubai
a. Greenland
c. The Lion b. Empire state building
b. Madagascar
in New York
c. Australia
c. Taipei 101
Answer: b.
Answer: a.
Answer: a.

4 Which snake is the longest 5 The fastest animal on land 6 The smallest country in the
in the world? is: world (by size) is:

a. King Cobra a. Lion a. San Marino

b. Anaconda b. King Cobra b. Vatican City
c. Reticulated Python c. Cheetah c. Monaco

Answer: c. Answer: c. Answer: b.

8 The best tennis player in

7 Which is the most
the world is: 9 The farthest planet from
common food eaten in the
the sun is:
a. Andy Murray
b. Rafael Nadal a. Jupiter
a. Pizza
c. Novak Đoković b. Pluto
b. Rice
c. Neptune
c. Hamburger
Answer: ?
Depends on the point of Answer: c.
Answer: b.

Name paint swim 200 m surf play football play pool run 1 km

Name paint swim 200 m surf play football play pool run 1 km

Name paint swim 200 m surf play football play pool run 1 km

Name paint swim 200 m surf play football play pool run 1 km

Name paint swim 200 m surf play football play pool run 1 km

Name paint swim 200 m surf play football play pool run 1 km

Name paint swim 200 m surf play football play pool run 1 km

Name paint swim 200 m surf play football play pool run 1 km

Name paint swim 200 m surf play football play pool run 1 km

Name paint swim 200 m surf play football play pool run 1 km


RUN 1 km

One half of the classroom is some, the other half is any. Read some sentences from a grammar lesson on countable and
uncountable nouns aloud, omitting some and any. Students listen and move to the correct side of the room. Any
student who moves the wrong way or the last student to move has to sit out. Continue until there is a winner.
Alternatively, students can stand up for some and sit down for any.

1) We need some bananas.

2) You can't buy any posters in this shop.

3) We haven't got any oranges at the moment.

4) Peter has bought some new books.

5) She always takes some sugar with her coffee.

6) I have seen some nice postcards in this souvenir shop.

7) There aren't any folders in my bag.

8) I have some magazines for you.

9) There are some apples on the table.

10) Pam does not have any pencils on her desk.


Based on the classic TV game show, this game will require your students to put on their thinking caps. Divide your
whiteboard into columns for grammar categories and rows with different point values. Like this:

£25 £25 £25 £25
£50 £50 £50 £50
£100 £100 £100 £100


We ordered a book. I could read and I don’t have enough He suddenly

It was very write when I was money. I can’t buy a appeared.
expensive. seven. new car. (show)

Help me with the

A monk is a man. The I met my ex
You should visit a dishes and I will help
man has devoted his boyfriend yesterday.
doctor. you with your
life to God. (run)

A midwife is a Sue was trying to

I didn’t study
woman. She assists We have to wear find her keys when
enough, so I didn’t
other women in uniforms. her mobile rang.
pass the exam.
childbirth. (look)
Divide your students into two teams. Each team chooses a category and the the sum of money they want to play for: We
choose relative clauses for 25 pounds. Supply a clue or definition: We ordered a book. It was expensive. They must join
these two sentences together to make a relative clause (We ordered a book which was very expensive.) If they answer
correctly you erase the points from the chart and add them to the team’s tally until they’re all wiped off. Adapt this game
to any level of difficulty and include as many categories as you wish.


Write a list of answers about yourself on the board. Divide the class into groups of approximately three. Students are to
write logical and grammatical questions that correspond to your answers. Accept any question that fits the answer. For
example, if you write “1995” on the board, you would have to accept questions such as When did you get married?
When did you move here? When did you begin teaching? The questions can be humorous as long as they match the


Answer: Belgrade

Questions: Where are you from?

Where did you go on vacation?

Where did you live before you moved here?

Where were you arrested?

Answer: 20

Questions: How old are you?

How old were you when you got married?

How many sweaters do you own?

How long have you been teaching?


Get students stand up and make a semi circle or a circle. Mime a series of linked everyday activities - coming home from
work, opening the front door, enetring the hall, taking off a coat, putting away a bag, washing hands, going to the
kitchen and opening a fridge, taking out some food to make a sandwich, making a sandwich, eating a sandwich, pouring
some water into a glass, drinking water.

Sts sit down. Two volunteers come to the front. One of them is a secret detective following a suspect. The ’suspect’
mimes putting on his / her on binoculars and adjusting them. He / She wathes what ’the suspect’ is doing and runs a
comentary. The rest of the Sts listen to him / her and wirte down the sequence of actions ’the suspect’ is doing.

As a follow up, they can write a report using the past simple tense.

It allows teachers to track the

It summerizes Ss’ learning at some
ongoing progress of their Ss regularly
point of time.
and often.

It provides a more well-rounded It does not usually reflect Ss’ true

picture of Ss’ skills and abilities. content knowledge, skills or abilities.

Ss are monitored and assessed All asessment is reduced to tests

during the process of work. attached to high stakes.

It provides the judgement of learning

It provides immediate feedback to
that has occurred and helps
both the teacher and students
determine to what extent teaching /
regarding the learning process.
learning goals have been met.

It supports the development of self- Assessment is done mainly by

and peer-assessment skills. teachers with very little or no
participation of Ss.

It’s assessment for learning. It’s assessment of learning.


1 Language performance 2 Participating (How active they 3 Patience

5 = can do independently VG = always patient
4 = can do with little help VG = active all the time G = moderately patient
3 = can do with more help G = moderately active F = could be more patient
2 = can do, but needs help F = could be more active W = needs to develop the skill
all the time W = almost never active
1 = needs further instruction

4 Сommunication 5 Collaboration-readiness to 6 Respect for other people’s

collaborate and share ideas
VG = listens carefully to his/her VG = always ready to collaborate
partner, never interrupts and share VG = always shows respect
G = listens to his/her partner, G = sometimes shows reluctance G = sometimes shows no respect
interrupts occasionally S = often shows reluctance S = rarely shows respect
F = listens to his/her partner, but P = almost never wants to P = shows no respect at all
often interrupts collaborate and share
W = rarely listens, always


5 4 3 2 1
Speaks too Speaks with
Fluency Speaks fluently. generally at Speaks slowly.
slowly. many pauses.
normal speed.
Speaks with
Speaks with Pronunciation
Speaks with many
Speaks with incorrect errors make the
few pronunciation
Pronunciation mostly correct pronunciation, speech
pronunciation errors which
pronunciation. but still incomprehensib
errors. affect
understandable. le.
The errors in
The errors in speech occur The errors The serious
The speech is
speech are so from time to present in errors present in
still understood
minor that the time, but the speech would speech make
Accuracy although it
message is message is frequently the message
consists of
always easily almost always create difficult to
many errors.
comprehended. easily confusion. understand.
Speaks clearly Speaks clearly
Speaks clearly Often mumbles
and distinctly and distinctly The speech is
Clarity and distinctly at or cannot be
nearly all the most of the rarely clear.
all times. understood.
time. time.
Speaks in
Speaks in soft
volume that is
voice, but can Mumbles; no
Speaks loudly, Speaks in low almost
be understood. facial
Performance good facial voice; flat facial inaudible; flat
Good facial expression, not
skills expression, expression, less facial
expression, communicative
communicative. communicative. expression, not
communicative at all.
Outstanding Very good
Effort Good effort. Could be better. Lack of effort.
effort. effort.
Marking Code

C – Capitalization P - Punctuation Gr1 - Apostrophes, Personal pronouns

Gr2 - Singular/plural, WT - wrong tense TF - tense form


Sp - Spelling Pr – Prepositions Art – Articles S/v - Subject/verb agreement

WO - Word order


5 4 3 2 1
The message is The message is
partially incomplete. The message is
All parts of the communicated, Some pieces of totally
All parts of the
message are some pieces of information are incomplete.
Task message are
more or less information are missing (eg. 1 None of the
completion clearly
clearly missing (eg. 2out out of 3 questions /
communicated. of 3 questions / requests are
questions/requestsrequests are answered.
are answered). answered)
Constructs Text Impossible to
sentences with understood with understand text
sentences with Grammatical
Grammar some non- great difficulty due to
minor grammar errors affect
and spelling impeding due to frequency of
and spelling understanding.
grammar and inaccurate grammatical
spelling errors. grammar. errors.
Uses understood with
Shows pretty
appropriate Use of vocabulary great difficulty Extremely poor
good mastery of
Vocabulary vocabulary affects due to use of
most of the understanding. inappropriate vocabulary.
time. use of
Text is Organization of Organization of
Text difficulties with Incoherence of
organised text pretty text very
organization organization of organization.
coherently. confusing. confusing.
Very good Good content Satisfactory Poor content
Content and Irrelevant
content and and content and and
presentation content.
presentation. presentation. presentation. presentation.

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