CAT 2002 DI With Soln

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DI CA 2002

CAT 2002 – DI & DS

Questions 1-3:
The table gives the data about the crops produced in various regions:

High R1,R3, R7
Crop – 1 Medium R4,R5, R6
Low R9,R16, R15, R17
High R5,R7, R18
Crop – 2 Medium R9,R10, R11
Low R10,R12, R13
High R2,R8, R10
Crop – 3 Medium R10,R11, R12
Low R8,R13, R14
High R3,R6, R5
Crop – 4 Medium R10, R11
Low R9, R7
1. How many regions produces crop 1 or crop 2 in medium quality and crop 3 or crop 4 in
low quality?
1) 0 2) 1 3) 2 4) None of these

Solution : Crop 1 or 2 (medium quality) regions 4,5,6,9,10,11 and crop 3 or 4 (low quality)
regions 8,13,14,9,7. So, 1 region is common – region 9

Ans (2)

2. Which of the following is true?

1) Region R1 and R2 produces al types of crops.
2) Same number of region produce crop 2 and crop 4.
3) There are exactly four regions producing crop1 also produces crop 4 but not crop 3
4) None of these

Solution: Statement 1 – not true – R1 produces only crop 1 and R2 produces only crop 3.
Statement 2 – not true – crop 2 : 9 regions and crop 4: 7 regions.
Statement 3 – not true – regions common between crops 1 and 4 are 3,6,5,9,7
and none of these do crop 3.

Ans (4)

3. How many regions produces crop 3 medium and crop 2 or crop 4 high?
1) 0 2) 1 3) 2 4) None of these

Solution : Crop 3 medium – regions 10,11,12

Crop 2 high – regions 5,7,18
Crop 4 high – regions 3,6,5
No common region.

Ans (1)

Directions 4-10:
1. If only one of the statements can be used to answer the question not the other one.
2. If either of the statements is sufficient to answer the question.
3. If both the s statements have to be used.
4. If the question can not be answered using both the statements.

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DI CA 2002

4. There is a match between India and Korea. India is lagging behind by two goals. Last
five minutes are remaining. Would India lose?
A- In the last five mins, Deepak Thakur scored 3 goals.
B- Korea scored 3 goals in the match.
1) 1 2) 2 3) 3 4) 4

Solution : No definite information about Korea’s goals in last 5 minutes. So both

statements are even together not suffiecient.

Ans (4)

5. Is I x – 2 I < 1?
A- I x I < 1
B- I x - 1I < 2
1) 1 2) 2 3) 3 4) 4

Solution : From A, it is clear that Ix-2I > 1. So, A alone is sufficient.

Ans (1)

6. Is x = y?
A- (x + y)(1/x + 1/y) = 4
B- (x-50)2 = (y-50)2
1) 1 2) 3 3) 2 4) 4

Solution : From solving A, x=y. Hence A alone is sufficient.

Ans (1)

7. Is average (arithmetic mean) score of GMAT 500?

A- Half of the students scored more than 500 and half less than 500.
B- Highest is 800 and lowest is 200.
1) 1 2) 2 3) 3 4) 4

Solution : A gives 500 as median and B gives 600 as range.

Ans (4)

8. If the teacher adds four students to the class can he evenly distribute the class in group
of 8 students?
A- If 12 students are added to class, then the teacher can divide students evenly in group
of 8.
B- Initially the no. of students is not divisible by 8.
1) 1 2) 2 3) 3 4) 4

Solution : From A, if by adding 12 students, the total no. of students is divisible by 8, then
by adding 4 students, it will be divisible by 8.

Ans (1)

9. Of the 300 students who speak French, Russian or both, how many speak only French?
A- 196 students speak both French and Russian.
B- 58 students speak Russian only.
1) 4 2) 2 3) 3 4) 1

Solution : By combining the data from A and B, we get the answer as (300-196-58)= 46
who speak only French.

Ans (3)

10. Total amount of 38500 was distributed among Praveen, Ranjan and Nitesh.
A- Praveen gets 2/9 of what other two get.

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B- Ranjan gets 3/11 of what other two get.

1) 1 2) 2 3) 3 4) 4

Solution : There are 3 variables and 3 equations from the above 2 statements.

Ans (3)

Directions Q no. 11 – 12.

The Pie Charts give the data about a textile manufacturing unit exporting to different
The total value is 5760 million Euro and the total quantity is 1.055 million tonnes.

11. Which country has the highest price for its supply?
1) Pakistan 2) Turkey 3) Switzerland 4) India

Solution : Ratio of share of value to share of quantity for

Pakistan – little less than 1
Turkey – little greater than 1
Switzerland – much greater than 1
India – less than 1
Hence Switzerland has the highest price for its supply.

Ans (3)

12. What is the price in Euro/Kg. for Turkey?

1) 6.3 2) 5.6 3) 4.8 4) 4.5

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Solution : Since the quantity and value share are almost equal it will be approx
(5760/1055) euro/kg = 5.6 Euro/kg

Ans (2)

Directions 13 – 18:
There are seven Depots namely, AA,AB,AC,AD,AE,AF, AG supplying gas by following
refineries BA, BC,BD,BE,BF,BG and these depots supply the gas to the districts AAA,
AA 125 525 50 346 67 248
AB 220 0 63 224 213 69
AC 327 320 170 123 225 735
AD 0 237 525 108 447 567
AE 434 1154 0 1167.3 175 335
AF 323 469 447 871 375 537
AG 323.5 523 1024 989 567 1025
AAA 571.1 205 352 159 434.5 178 337
AAB 200 337.5 291 201 0 980.7 434
AAC 100 0 275 277 850 770.5 835
AAD 0 415.7 350 760 300 560 444.7
AAE 223.5 300 440 1035 880 325 526.5
AAF 577.5 725 443.5 560 1025.7 570 530
AAG 340 410.6 886.7 0 800.7 680.5 800
AAH 627 556.5 1023 1124 759 1025.7 300
AAI 439 738 980 1031.7 1024 1200 757
13. What is the least cost to transport one unit from any refinery to any district?
1) 253 2) 357 3) 0 4) None of these

Solution : From the chart it is 0 for BC-AB-AAC, BA-AD-AAG and BD-AE-AAB

Ans (3)

14. What is the minimum cost of transportation of one unit from refinery BD to any district?
1) 125 2) 0 3) 375 4) None of these

Solution : From the chart it is 0 for BD-AE-AAB

Ans (2)

15. What is the minimum cost of transportation from any refinery to AAG district?
1) 0 2) 137 3) 140 4) None of these

Solution : From the chart it is 0 for BA-AD-AAG

Ans (2)

16. What is the maximum cost of transportation of one unit from any refinery?
1) 1800 2) 1130.5 3) 2193 4) None of these

Solution : From chart 1 maximum is BE-AE (1167.3) and from chart 2 maximum is AE-
AAF (1025.7) Total max cost = 2193

Ans (3)

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17. How many ways can you transfer the oil from any of the refinery to any of the district?
1) 42 2) 63 3) 378 4) None of these

Solution : For any refinery there are 7 depots and for each depot there are 9 districts.
Total number of ways = 7 x 9 = 63 ways

Ans (2)

18. What is the minimum cost of transportation from refinery BE to district AAA?
1) 327 2) 267 3)123 4) None of these

Solution : From chart 1 minimum from BE is BE-AD (108) and minimum to AAA from chart
2 is from AD (159). Hence total minimum = 267

Ans (2)

Questions 19 – 21 The questions are based on the table

Argentina Buenes Aires 34 S 58 E
Australia Canberra 35S 149 E
Austria Vienna 48N 16 E
Bulgaria Sofia 42N 23 E
Brazil Brasilia 15S 48 E
Canada Ottawa 45N 75 E
Cambodia Phnom Penh 11N 105 E
Equador Quito 0S 78 E
Ghana Accra 5N 1E
Iran Teheran 35N 51 E
Ireland Dublin 53 N 6E
Libya Tripoli 32 N 13 E
Malaysia Kuala Lampur 4N 101 E
Peru Lima 12S 77E
Poland Warsaw 52N 21 E
New Zealand Wellington 41S 174 E
Saudi Arabia Riyadh 24 N 46 E
Spain Madrid 40 N 3W
Sri Lanka Colombo 7N 80 E
Zambia Lusaka 15 S 28 E

19. What percentage of cities within 10 E to 40 E lie in the southern hemisphere?

1) 15% 2) 20% 3) 25% 4) 30%

Solution : 5 cities lie between 10E and 40E – Vienna, Sofia, Tripoli, Warsaw, Lusaka. Out
of these, only Lusaka lie in southern hemisphere.

Ans (2)

20. Number of capital cities name starting with consonants in the northern hemisphere in
the table
1) exceeds the no. of cities starting with consonants in the southern hemisphere by 1

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2) exceeds the no. of cities starting with consonants in the southern hemisphere by 2
3) is less than the no. of cities starting with consonant in the east of the meridien by 1
4) is less than the no. of country name starting with consonant in the east of the meridien
by 2

Solution : No. of cities starting with consonant and in the northern hemisphere = 11
No. of countries starting with consonant and in the east of the meridien = 13

Ans (4)

21. What is the ratio of names of country starting from a vowel and situated in southern
hemisphere to the number of countries whose capitals begin with a vowel is
1) 3:2 2) 3:3 3) 3:1 4) 4:3

Solution : 3 countries starting with vowels and in southern hemisphere – Argentina,

Australia and Ecuador and 2 countries with capitals beginning with vowels – Canada and
Ans (1)

Directions 22-28:
Following table gives the data about operations performed by a company in different
Year Total Spain Africa Far North Australia Argentina North Other
East America Sea World
Income 98 3790 169 106 408 709 690 806 300 611
99 2832 91 215 340 680 306 454 716 30
2000 4357 324 660 1354 1094 66 224 419 216
Expenses 98 2996 129 53 340 594 409 744 82 645
99 1372 38 142 296 450 2 298 146 44
2000 2960 205 465 1024 818 126 115 23 184
Profit 98 794 40 55 68 115 281 62 218 -34
Before 99 1460 53 73 44 230 304 256 570 -14
2000 1397 119 195 230 276 -60 119 396 30
Tax 98 487 16 30 33 63 209 31 105 -
& 99 727 30 35 21 137 176 134 280 -
2000 888 59 153 184 218 - 72 196 6
Net Profit 98 307 24 20 35 52 72 31 113 -34
After Tax 99 733 23 38 23 93 128 122 290 -14
Charges 2000 509 60 42 46 58 -60 47 200 24
22. How many operations has increase of more than 200% in expenses from 1999-2000 ?
1) 3 2) 4 3) 5 4) none of these.

Solution: 2000 expense will be more than 3 times that of 1999. This is true for Spain,
Africa, Far east, Australia and Other world

Ans (3)

23. If ratio of Net profit to Tax & charges is defined as profitability then which of the
following has shown highest profitability in 99?
1) Far East 2) North America 3) Argentina 4) North Sea

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Solution : Far East = 23/21

North Sea = 290/280
Hence Far East has highest profitability

Ans (1)

24. How many operations have less than 5 % contribution to total revenue in 98?
1)4 2)5 3)6 4)none of these.

Solution : 5% of 3790 = 190. Only 2 operations have less than this turnover – Spain and

Ans (4)

25. If income to expenses ratio is defined as efficiency, which operation has the least
efficiency for year 99?
1) Spain 2) Africa 3) Far East 4) none of these.

Solution : Of all the operations, Other world only has income less than expense.

26. Which of the following is not true?

1) Spain has higher efficiency in 99 than 98.
2) North America profitability has decreases from 98 to 99.
3) Efficiency of Far East has increased from 99 to 2000.
4) None of these.
Solution : Statement 1 – In 99 effy = (91/38) which is greater than in 98 (= 169/129)
Statement 2 – In profitability in 99 (=93/137) is lower than in 98 (=52/63)
Statement3 - Fara East effy in 2000 (=1354/1024) is higher than in 999

Ans (4)

27. For which of the following the profitability has shown maximum % increase in year 98-
1)Spain 2) Africa 3) North America 4) Argentina

Solution : For Africa only it is increasing (20/30) in 98 to (38/35) in 99

Ans (2)

28. For how many countries profit before tax increase in every year in given period?
1) 3 2) 4 3) 5 4) none of these.

Solution : It is true for Spain , Africa, North America, Other world.

Ans (2)

Directions 29 – 32:
The table provides information about the salary and the number of working days of
employees in a company. Employment will be paid only if he works with minimum required
CODE (in Rs.)
Complex Medium Simple Total Complex Medium Simple Total
200040 149 - 50 199 10 0 3 13
200050 236 536 - 772 9 11 00 20
200060 350 - 100 450 11 0 4 15
200070 500 405 76 981 13 6 4 23
200080 600 - 20 620 10 0 11 21
200090 450 700 120 1270 8 10 6 24

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200100 550 377 200 1127 9 7 9 25

200110 140 50 176 366 11 2 9 22
200120 250 - 126 376 4 0 1 5
200130 330 100 86 516 9 6 2 17
200140 390 - 56 446 10 0 10 20
200150 360 166 46 572 6 1 1 8
200160 160 - 89 249 15 0 6 21
200170 490 120 129 739 8 5 6 19
200180 1234 600 300 2134 19 2 1 22
29. How many employees are getting more than Rs. 50 per day in complex work?
1) 2 2) 5 3) 7 4) None of these

Solution : More than 50/day is true for 7 employees – 80, 90,100,120, 150,170,180

Ans (3)

30. Which employee has received maximum salary per day in complex work?
1) 200180 2) 200080 3) 200170 4) 200040

Solution : For 180, it is (1234/19) = 65 / day. For others it is around 60 or less

Ans (1)

31. How many employees are having more than 80% attendance and earning more than
Rs. 600 in the month of June which consists of 25 working days?
1) 5 2) 7 3) 8 4) 10

Solution : 80% of 25 = 20 days. The attendance criteria is met by 7 people – 70,80,90,

100, 110, 160, 180. out of these 5 have earned more than 600 – 70,80,90,100 and 180.

Ans (1)

32. How many people worked for complex and medium both and earn more in complex
work than in medium work?
1) 7 2) 4 3) 5 4) 9

Solution : It is true for the 5 employees – 70,100,110,130, 150, 170 and 180.

Ans (1)

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