Edlt 301 Assure Model Lesson Plan

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Student Name: JaNiesha Gibson EDLT 301 Lecturer: Ms.

Veronica Collie

ASSURE Model Lesson Plan

Subject: Health Science Date: 09/03/18

Topic: The Human Body Duration: 90 mins
Sub Topic: The Respiration System Class: 10H
Lesson Number: 1 No. of Students: 18 Ability Range: Mixed

Analyze Learners

Learners general characteristics: The lesson is designed for a double period tenth-grade class
consisting of 18 students with various learning styles. These students age range from 14 to 15 years
old. There are 12 males and 6 females with varying levels of academic ability and skills and no
apparent physical, social or emotional problems. The students come from families of various
socioeconomic status however, most are from lower/middle class families.

Special Learning Needs (Differentiation): Two students have Individualized Education Plan (IEP’s).
They are remedial learners with low signs of academic growth. Four students are in the reading pull-out
program and have a special education teacher that assists them concurrently during general instruction.

Entry characteristics: Most students understand that the respiratory system is the system of the body
that makes breathing possible. Many know that the lungs are the main organs of the system, however
few understand the mechanics of breathing. Students at this age can learn by inquiry and therefore,
students may have many misconceptions about this topic; therefore, their understanding of the
respiratory system will need to be enriched. These students have basic computer skills and internet

Learning styles: There are a variety of learning styles within this classroom. Some students are
auditory learners, but the majority are kinesthetic and visual learners. This lesson incorporates a variety
of activities to address the individual learning styles. Many of the students prefer to work in groups and
learn better in cooperative team settings. Some students are not motivated and do not test well thus,
rubrics are given ahead of time to allow them to know what is required of them beforehand so that they
can strive to produce quality work.

State Objectives

Bahamas Ministry of Education Curriculum Benchmarks for Health Science pg. 131:

 State the function of the respiratory system and define breathing

 Observe the chest movements during breathing
 Observe what actions cause the balloons to inflate in a model of the respiratory system.

Instructional Objectives: Students will be able to:

 Verbally explain in their own words to the teachers, the definition of breathing.
Student Name: JaNiesha Gibson EDLT 301 Lecturer: Ms. Veronica Collie

 Identify the organs and muscles involved in breathing using an online test designed by the
 Discuss the mechanics of breathing by analysing the different states of the diaphragm, the chest
and the air pressure within the lungs during inhalation and exhalation during a group activity.
 Draw a Table to compare inhalation and exhalation after using a model lung.
 Identify the three (3) stages of breathing following a chart.

Select Methods, Media and Material

1. Instructional Methods:

 Brainstorming. There will be a class brainstorm activity to create a definition of the term
breathing, followed by a presentation of student ideas.

 Cooperative learning is a teaching technique that has been shown to have positive effects in
the development of students’ social relationships and communication skills. It is used two (2)
times throughout this lesson. At the beginning of the using a model activity and at the end of
the draw a table of comparison activity.

 Discovery and Recording. Using a model lung and drawing a comparison table are both hands
on activities that can be used to teach scientific concepts. This method offers students inquiry
skills such as asking questions, observing, analysing and recording data after observation.
Students can visualize how scientists work; how scientific data is acquired and how scientific
data is shared.

 Facilitated Teacher-led Discussion is a student-centred strategy that seeks to engage students

while also challenging them. This technique will students the opportunity to …

 Game is also a student-centred strategy that will encourage student engagement for the
instruction and student revision of the instruction.

2. Media Used

 Model of the lung

 Three (3) stage chart of Breathing
 Game
 Online quiz

3. Materials needed

Model preparation

 4 bottles
 8 big balloons
 Scissors (to cut the bottom of the bottles)

 Chart (attached)
 Three (3) Stages of Breathing prepared by the teacher
 Laptop computer
 LCD Projector
Student Name: JaNiesha Gibson EDLT 301 Lecturer: Ms. Veronica Collie

 Game
 Package contains question cards, the game board, worksheets and guidelines

 Online Quiz: Teacher-centred online quiz will be used to evaluate students.

Utilize Methods, Media and Materials

 Preview the materials:

 The model of the lung on www.youtube.com/teachers to see if

 Its usage by students is both easy and safe.
 It provides an appropriate representation of the lung and does not lead to
misconceptions of the students.
o Organizational chart prepared on Windows Word 2016
 Examine laptop computer and LCD projector the day before and the morning
of the lesson.
o Game to evaluate if
 The questions on the cards correspond with the learning objectives.
 The rules of the game are easy to comprehend.
 The overall game is attractive to students.
o All other instructional material will be collected and checked before class to ensure
they are sufficient and in proper working condition.

 Prepare the materials:

o Models of the lung for each group (4 models)

o The organizational chart of the three stages of Breathing using the Microsoft Word
o The Game package for each group.
o An LCD projector is connected to a computer and a screen is positioned where all
students can easily view it.
o Other instructional materials will be gathered, divided and packaged before class to
ensure quick distribution to the different groups.

 Prepare the environment:

o The lesson will take place in the Biology Science Laboratory. Tables are arranged for
eas of small group interactions.
o Ensure that the lightning and temperature of the classroom environment are
comfortable for the students.
o Ask the students to sit closely within their groups. The 18 students will be separated
into 3 groups. The groups are pre-assigned by the teacher to ensure that the groups are
as heterogeneous in profile as possible.
o Inspect the laptop computer and the projector for displaying the organizational chart of
the three stages of breathing.
o During demonstration ensure that the students can clearly see the chart.

 Prepare the learners:

 Distribute the models of the lungs to the different groups.

 Tell the students what the different parts of the model of the lung represent i.e. the diaphragm,
the lungs and the thoracic cavity (chest).
Student Name: JaNiesha Gibson EDLT 301 Lecturer: Ms. Veronica Collie

 Explain to students the requirements for observing the model and drawing the table of
comparison between inhalation and exhalation. That is, inform them that they should observe
the differences in the air pressure when the diaphragm is contracted or relaxed and its relative
effect on the stages of the lung.

 Provide the learning experiences:

 Introductory brainstorming activity to create and present a definition of what they think the
word breathing means, provides much of the motivation for active participation.
 Students study the model and draw the inhalation vs. exhalation table of comparison.
 Organizational chart of the three stages of breathing will be presented by the teacher and will
include similar information as the table of comparison that students would have drawn.
 The class will discuss the mechanics and breathing to ensure that any misconceptions are
appropriately corrected.
 The students will play the game as a means of revising the lesson and write a summary of the
key points mentioned in the lesson.
 Require Learner Participation

Introductory Brainstorming Activity: (10 minutes)

 Students will create and present a definition of what they think the word breathing means. This will
be done after the brainstorming activity. The teacher will review the definitions and clear up any
misconceptions. Exceptional learners will be given more time to complete this task.  

Observation of the Model and Construction of the Table of Comparison: (15 minutes)

 Students will observe and manipulate the model of the lungs to identify the differences in the
air pressure when the diaphragm is contracted or relaxed and its relative effect on the stages of
the lung. Then, they will draw a table of comparison based on their observations of the model
and record the information in the table. Students with special needs will be monitored and/or
scaffolded by the teacher to ensure that they are able to perform the activity. They will be
provided additional assistance where necessary.

Presentation of the Organization chart of the Three Stages of Breathing: (10 minutes)

 The teacher will present the organizational chart of the three stages of breathing on a screen.
The information included in the chart will be similar to the information in the table of
comparison that students should have drawn. Further explanation will be given by the teacher
about the inhalation and exhalation processes so that the students relate their findings to the
data provided by the teacher and gain a deeper understanding about the stages of breathing.
The teacher will explain the content in several different ways, repeat key concepts, and use
authentic experiences to ensure that exceptional learners grasp the concept. Students will listen
as the teacher speaks in an upbeat tome.  

Discussion: (10 minutes)

 The class will discuss the mechanics of breathing as related to the inhalation and exhalation
process, the stages of breathing and the organs and muscles involved in the process. The
teacher will probe students to ensure that any misconceptions that are presented are promptly
and appropriately corrected. The teacher will continue to repeat concepts, use authentic
experiences and use informal checks for understanding to ensure that all students understand
Student Name: JaNiesha Gibson EDLT 301 Lecturer: Ms. Veronica Collie

the material. Students with special needs will also be monitored by the teacher to ensure that
they are focused on the lesson. 

The Game: (30 minutes)

 Students will play the game in pairs to revise the Respiratory system. For each question both
students will answer their own handout. After answering, both students will read the correct
answer behind the card. The partners will discuss their answers. If students have answered the
question wrong, they will write the right answer on the same handout. Using a check column
on the handout, the students will assess themselves by putting a mark on their correct answers.
At the end, they will have a summing up of all the questions introduced in the game. Thus,
while students fill out their handouts the teacher will guide them to write the correct answers
for it to be a reliable handout for revision at the end of the game. Exceptional learners will be
monitored by the teacher to ensure that they understand the task and will be provided with
additional time if necessary.

Evaluate and Revise

Evaluation methods for each of the following are included:

Student Performance

The teacher will create a rubric for the objectives of this lesson to grade all assignments. The teacher
will also consider the accuracy of student answers on the online quiz. The students will be assessed on
their ability to cooperatively work together to observe of the model of the lung and the comparison
table between inhalation and exhalation. The teacher will observe and note on a checklist, student
participation during class discussions.

Media Effectiveness

Teachers’ evaluation of the lesson will be based on observation of student participation during the
lesson (How does this participation with the lesson compare with that of other lessons with the same
group of students?). Students will be given a simple two-part questionnaire to evaluate the use of the
various forms of media and based on the answers in part one the teacher will develop new ideas to
improve on the delivery of the lesson.

Instructor Performance

Students may write a reflection for the lesson in part two of the questionnaire. Colleagues, supervisors,
coordinators and other educators may evaluate my performance and provide detailed information about
my instruction after watching me during the lesson. Based on the answers provided from the
questionnaire and the evaluations the teacher will develop new ideas to help improve any weak areas.

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