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-Established 1895-

Merced High School

“Home of Scholars and Champions”

205 West Olive Avenue, Merced CA 95344 (209) 385-6465

February 2, 2018

To Whom It May Concern:

It is with great pleasure that I recommend Damaris Lopez. I have known Damaris for 4 years as she has
been in my AVID class. As a student, Damaris constantly emits a posi ve drive to succeed in everything she does.
This mo va on is obvious not only to me but to the students around her. She challenges herself to tackle
difficult assignments that push her to overcome obstacles that most people avoid. She has pushed herself to be
very successful in the classroom. She is a very mo vated and hard-working young adult. I have no ced the
posi ve a tude she displays in the classroom. She is very assertive and selfless. Damaris is a very friendly,
helpful, and polite young lady. She is well liked by her peers and adults.

Along with being an excellent student, Damaris has also demonstrated many valuable work related skills.
Damaris shows wonderful me management, she has a great eye for detail, she can work in an area with many
distrac ons without losing the quality of her work, and she enjoys a challenge. Damaris has been an ac ve
member of the AVID Club at Merced High School for 4 years (holding officer posi ons), a member of MHS
Leadership, class officer, and she is a member of the soccer team at Merced High School. Damaris has done all of
this while maintaining over a 3.0 GPA.

Damaris is a very ambi ous person who will strive for success in any situa on in which she is presented
with. I feel as an educator that Damaris has the ability and experience to be a great asset for any organiza on or
school. If there are any concerns, please contact me at Merced High School. My phone number is (209) 385-


Lindsay Gentry
AVID Coordinator
Merced High School

Every Bear Counts

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