Scheme of Work

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1 A 11 C 21 A
2 C 12 C 22 B
3 D 13 A 23 D
4 A 14 D 24 C
5 A 15 A 25 A
6 C 16 C 26 D
7 B 17 B 27 C
8 C 18 B 28 B
9 B 19 D 29 D
10 D 20 B 30 A


1 ( a ) When the year increase , the average air pollution index of town X also increase
Tahun bertambah , purata indeks pencemaran udara di bandar X juga bertambah

( b ) Any answer between 101 -129

Sebarang jawapan diantara 101-129

( c ) More open burning activities have been carried out by human

Lebih banyak aktiviti pembakaran terbuka oleh manusia telah dijalankan

( d ) When the change in the rate of air pollution increases , the number of people
with respiratory problems also increases
Apabila perubahan kadar pencemaran udara bertambah , bilangan orang yang
mengalami masalah pernafasan juga bertambah

2 ( a ) To investigate relationship between the number of marbles and the volume

of the water in the measuring cylinder .
Menyiasat hubungan diantara bilangan guli danisipadu air dalam silinder penyukat

(b) i. The size of marbles / Mass of the marbles

Saiz guli / jisim guli

ii. The volume of water in the measuring cylinder

Isipadu air dalam silinder penyukat

( c ) When the number of marbles increase, The volume of water in the measuring cylinder
also icrease
Apabila bilangan guli meningkat , Isipadu air dalam silinder penyukat juga bertambah
3 ( a ) Increases


Or size of the balloon is smaller than the size ballon when air is pumped five times into it
Atau saiz belon lebih kecil daripada saiz belon dipam 5 kali

( c ) Air occupies space

Udara memenuhi ruang

( d ) The balloon become bigger when more air is pumped into it

Belon menjadi lebih besar apabila lebih udara dipamkan kedalamnya

4 (a) 1- The time ( masa )

2- The stages in an eclipse of the moon ( Peringkat gerhana Bulan )

( b ) A total eclipse of the moon occurs at 10.30 Pm

Gerhana Bulan penuh berlaku pada 10.30 malam

( c ) The moon is covered by thick clouds

Bulan ditutupi oleh awan yang tebal

5 ( a ) To investigate relationship between the method of ploughing and the time taken
to plough a paddy field
Menyiasat hubungan diantara kaedah membajak dengan masa yang diambil
untuk membajak sawah padi

(b) i. The method of ploughing

Kaedah membajak

ii. The time taken to plough the paddy field

Masa yang diambil untuk membajak sawah padi

( c ) The more modern method of ploughing is , the faster time taken to plough the
paddy field will be
Semakin moden kaedah membajak, semakin cepat masa yang diambil untuk membajak
sawah padi

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