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ROLL NO.: 23






_____________________ ______________________ _____________________

Signature Signature Signature



1 Introduction about NGO 3.
2 Objective 7.
3 Concern law relating to study 8.
4 Study undertaken observation 11.
5 Images of occasion 15.
6 Issues related to NGO & Cases 17.
7 Conclusion & Suggestion 19.
8 Bibliography 20.
9 Appendix -


A Non-Governmental Organisation is the term commonly used for an organization that is neither
a part of a government nor a conventional for profit business. Usually set up by ordinary citizens,
NGOs may be funded by government, foundations, businesses, or private persons. Some avoid
formal funding altogether and are primarily by volunteers. NGOs are highly diverse groups of
organisations engaged in a wide range of activities, and take different forms in different parts of
the world.

Non-Government Organisations (NGO), voluntary group of individuals or organisations, usually

not affiliated with any government, which is formed to provide services or to advocate a public
policy. Although some NGOs are for-profit corporations, the vast majority are non-profit
organization. Some NGOs, particularly based in authoritarian countries, may be created or
controlled by governments. By most definitions, political parties and criminal or violent guerrilla
organisations are not considered NGOs. The issues addressed by NGOs run the gamut of human
concerns, and the scope of their activities may be local, national, or international. Some NGOs
fulfill quasi-governmental functions for ethinic groups that lack a state of their own. NGOs may
be financed by private donations, international organisations, government, or a combination of

NGOs have existed for centuries; indeed, in 1910 some 130 international groups organized a
coordinating body called the Union of International Associations. The term non-governmental
organization was coined at about the time of the founding of the United Nations in 1945 to
distinguish private organisations from intergovernmental organisations. Most NGOs are small,
grassrootorganisations not formally affiliated with any international body, though they may
receive some international funding for local programs.

ESTIMATION: It is estimated that 40000 NGO are working internationally and more than 1
million are in India only.

OBJECTIVE: Main objectives for making NGO are to reduce poverty, increase employment and
support to poor children. Not only that a NGO also works for the poor and illiterate to provide
justice to them and maintain their rights

ROLE: Consumer who buys the product of a company, it is his right to choose the right product
at right price.

Similarly, for the welfare and the social justice, it is the right of every citizen to get social justice.

It has to even ensure proper food, place to live, place for waste, etc. through social welfare

It even ensure rights of the citizens as well as of the government.

LEGAL STATUS: NGO has legal status under following laws:

1. Society Registration Act, 1860

It is a central act for registering not-for-profit organization. Any seven person who subscribe
to Memorandam of Association and register themselves for non-profit motive and muttualy
agree to serve the society can register a society.

EXAMPLE: BalVikasDhara – New Delhi

2. Public Charitable Trust Act (enacted individually by states)

It does not contain any centralized act but states enact Public Charitable Trust Act for
establishing a NGO under public trust. Different states have different rules for such trusts
which are in accordance of the particular state and other rules prevailing. Such NGO can only
be formed by enacting the act. A NGO can register itself in a particular state and can operate
its functioning in different states.

3. Indian Trust Act, 1882 (for private trusts)

This act is formulated for private trusts. It is a centralized act for the country. The NGOs
formed under such private trusts does not get any tax benefit or subsidy from the

4. Companies Act, 2013

Under section:8 of the new Companies’ Act,2013 provides provisions for establishing a
NGO under the act. The NGO neither gets a tax benefit nor any subsidy, not only that it has
to fulfill many requirements and provisions mentioned in the act.

5. Co-operative Credit Societies Act, 1904

The NGO formed under this act is regarded as instruments to mobilize and aggregate
community effort to eliminate layers of middlemen in any supply chain. As word itself
suggests it is a group of person gathered with co-operation and understanding to serve the
society and its credit.

Thus, this a brief about who a NGO works in India, its legal status and goals, the purpose of
its establishment and the act under which it is established.


In Anand, the only approved by Gujarat Government NGO working for consumer rights, and
which files complaints on behalf of the consumer for the betterment of the society is, Pratik
SevaSamaj Trust, Anand. The Trust is a Center for Consumer Protection and District
Information Centre which is approved by the Gujarat Government.

The Trust is in the field of Consumer Protection since 2000, and it is actively carries out its job
towards consumer as a Trust for Consumer Protection. The Trust is a body having 11 members
as its parts and the brain of this body is Mr. S. C. Kapasiya, President, GrahakSurakshaMandal,
Anand. The Trust is the only approved center by the Gujarat Government in the district for
consumer protection.

The Trust is a mediating body for the justice of the consumers, by filing their complaint and
providing justice to the consumer. The Trust is an authorized body for filing the case on the
behalf of the affected consumers in District Forums, State Commission as well as in National
Commission. Presently the Trust has 400 complaints jointly in the Consumer Forum, State
Commission and National Commission, which are filed in this year and are pending in the

It also works as a District Information Center, which is an only approved center by the Gujarat
Government for the information related to the consumer goods and services. The Trust actively
works as the Information Center and has immensely contributed to the society by its works in the
field of consumer protection and consumer awareness. It is also an only approved NGO by the
Gujarat Government who is also a Consumer Compilation Agency.

As a part of its awareness programs it conducts various programs in the secondary and higher
secondary schools of the Anand and Kheda districts. For conducting the seminars and other
various awareness programs the Gujarat Government provides the fund of rupees 4000 as an
expense for charts, hoardings, food, etc. per school to carry out such awareness programs.

Every year the Trust celebrates 15th March, 25th June, 15th September and 24th December as
National and International Consumer Day, and celebrates these days by conducting various
programs for consumer awareness.

Thus, the Trust is an only approved center for Consumer Protection and District Consumer
Information and it is actively participating in the awareness programs. Thus, the Trust has
contributed immensely to the society in the field of consumer protection.


 Basic objective of my NGO :

 To fight against exploitation, injustice and corruption if found against any individual, class,
community in the consumer society.
 To educate the people for adoption of the good norms of a good citizenship and to inculcate
into the people's mind, ideals of national Consumer protection.
 To work for uplifting the status of consumer in the society.
 Publish newspaper, magazine, journals and useful knowledge about Consumer problems,
awareness and dispute.
 To organize forums, seminars, camps etc. for spreading awareness among and between the
consumers and customers.
 To provide free legal advice to poor people.
 To educate people against Consumer rights.
 To undertake any other work or assignment which may be for the general welfare of the


- Major Law Relating to NGO is CONSUMER PROTECTION ACT, 1986.

Besides basic necessities, we need a variety of things in our daily lives such as cell phones,
digital cameras, soaps, perfumes, cosmetics and many more things. Thus, all of us are consumers
in the literal sense of the term. When we buy things from the market as a consumer, we expect
value for money, i.e., right quality, right quantity, right price, information about the mode of use,
etc. But there may be instances where a consumer is cheated.

In such a case, most of us don’t know to whom we should approach to seek redressal against our
complaints. Many of us also don't know our “rights” as a consumer and often hesitate to
complaint or even stand up to unfair practices. We also don't have recourse to costly litigation to
seek justice and we continue to bear such injustice. It is here that consumer forums exist which
can help you seek justice against unfair practices without incurring exorbitant litigation costs.
The below article provides basic information of what is Consumer Protection Act, 1986, its
advantages for consumers, basic rights of the consumers and consumer redressal forums among
other things.

Consumer Protection Act, 1986

The Consumer Protection Act, 1986 was enacted to provide a simpler and quicker access to
redress of consumer grievances. The Act seeks to promote and protects the interest of consumers
against deficiencies and defects in goods or services. It also seeks to secure the rights of a
consumer against unfair trade practices, which may be practiced by manufacturers and traders.
The set-up of consumer forum is geared to provide relief to both parties, and discourage long
litigation. In a process called 'informal adjudication', forum officials mediate between the two
parties and urge compromise.

The Act applies to all goods and services unless specifically exempted by the Central
Government. It covers all the sectors whether private, public or cooperative.

This Act has provided machinery whereby consumers can file their complaints which will be
heard by the consumer forums with special powers so that action can be taken against erring
suppliers and the possible compensation may be awarded to consumer for the hardships he has

The consumer under this law is not required to deposit huge court fees, which earlier used to
deter consumers from approaching the courts. The rigours of court procedures have been
replaced with simple procedures as compared to the normal courts, which helps in quicker
redressal of grievances. The provisions of the Act are compensatory in nature.

Please remember, consumer courts provide redress only in cases of products or services for
personal use, defects in products used for commercial purposes are not entertained.

Basic rights of consumers include:

1. Right to be protected against marketing of goods and services which are hazardous to life
and property.
2. Right to be informed about the quality, quantity, standard and price of goods or services
so as to protect the consumer against unfair trade practices.
3. Right to be assured, wherever possible, access to variety of goods and services at
competitive prices.
4. Right to be heard and to be assured that consumers interests will receive due
consideration at appropriate forums.
5. Right to seek redressal against unfair trade practices.
6. Right to consumer education.

Consumer redressal forum

Under the Consumer Protection Act, every district has at least one consumer redressal forum also
called a consumer court. Here, consumers can get their grievances heard. Above the district
forums are the state commissions. At the top is the National Consumer Disputes Redressal
Commission in New Delhi.

A written complaint to the company is taken as proof that the company has been informed. The
complaint must be backed by copies of bills, prescriptions and other relevant documents, and
should set a deadline for the company to respond. Consumers can also complain through a
consumer organisation.

Claims of less than Rs. 5 lakh should be filed with district forum, claims of Rs. 5-Rs. 20 lakh
directly with the state commission, and claims of more than Rs. 20 lakh with the National

To file the complaint:

 Complaint is to be filed within two years of buying the product or using the service.
 Complaint needs to be in writing. Letters should be sent by registered post, hand-
delivered, by email or fax. Don't forget to take an acknowledgment.
 The complaint should mention the name and address of the person who is complaining
and against whom the complaint is being filed. Copies of relevant documents must be
 The consumer must mention details of the problem and the demand on the company for
redressal. This could be replacement of the product, removal of the defect, refund of
money, or compensation for expenses incurred and for physical/mental torture. Please
ensure that the claims are reasonable.
 You should preserve all bills, receipts and proof of correspondence related to the case.
Avoid using voice mail or telephone because such interactions are normally difficult to
 The complaint can be in any Indian language, but it is better to use English.

 There is no compulsion to hire a lawyer. Main cost consists of correspondence and
travelling to the consumer forum for the hearing
 Maintain a complete record of the emails and documents sent by you.


Appeal is a legal instrumentality whereby a person not satisfied with the findings of a court has
an option to go to a higher court to present his case and seek justice. In the context of consumer

1. An appeal can be made with the state commission against the order of the district forum
within 30 days of the order which is extendable for further 15 days. (Section 15)
2. An appeal can be made with the National Commission against the order of the state
commission within 30 days of the order or within such time as the National Commission
allows. (Section 19)
3. An appeal can be made with the Supreme Court against the order of the National
Commission within 30 days of the order or within such time as the Supreme Court
allows. (Section 23)


The consumer courts (district court, state commission and National Commission) are given vast
powers to enforce their orders. If a defaulter does not appear in court despite notices and
reminders, the court may decide the matter in his absence. The forum can sentence the defaulter
to a maximum of three years' imprisonment and impose a fine of Rs. 10,000. Forums can issue
warrants to produce defaulters in court. They can use the police and revenue departments to
enforce orders.

The rights of consumers’ needs to be protected since they avail services given by the service
providers based on trust and faith and thus it’s a necessity to keep a check on the service
providers for the sake of service recipient.


 Day – 1 (1st December,2015) – From very first day of my internship in the morning at
9:00am is started with introductory session, Mr. S.C. kapasiya chairman of NGO,
personally introduce himself and ask me about a brief introduction about myself and
college education, and some random questions about basic interest about the topic.

 Day – 2 (2nd December,2015) - The second day of my training was Orientation Day
where our training coordinator Mr. S. C. Kapasiya introduced us to the people working
with that organization and to the CONSUMER PROTECTION ACT, 1986 & about
NGO Pratik SevaSamaj Trust, Anand. It is an only Government approved organization in
districts of Anand and Kheda.

 Day – 3 (3rd December,2015) –On the third day sir told me about the case board in
which the dates of the courts are examine & with the help of the board they have to
decide the work of the day, in the office hours I have trained with the procedure that
ought to be followed for filing the cases related to such consumer matters. Along with the
procedure for filing the cases also trained regarding how to deal with the people who
approached the organization with the hope that their disputes will be dealt by this
organization in a well-planned and satisfactory manner.

 Day – 4 (4th December,2015) – On the fourth day of the internship sir give me some files
to read about the previous judgments, I have gone through the files, starting with notice
and ending with a judgments, he made me understand all the things step by step how to
adjust papers in the files in case.

 Day – 5 (5th December,2015) – On the fifth day of internship was very much valuable
for me, sir took me to the consumer court for visit in anand. The Consumer Forum for
Anand district is located near Borsad Cross Roads and it has jurisdiction to entertain the
cases which involves claims up to Rs. 20 lakhs. In consumer forumthere is bench of
judge appointed to impart justice at various levels which consists of 3 Judges out of
which 1 woman is compulsorily to be appointed.

 Day – 6 (6th December,2015) – Sunday

 Day – 7 (7th December,2015) – On the seventh day I have facilitated to attend the
Consumer Forum proceedings which gave me a wholesome practical experience which
was not at all possible elsewhere.

 Day – 8 (8th December,2015) – On the eight day sir has given me case to be submit to an
advocate at Consumer forum, after the end of proceedings the advocate who is from side
of the sir he had given us brief introduction about the president of forum R.N.Patel.

 Day – 9 (9th December,2015) – On the ninth day sir had told me to stay in NGO and
listen to the complains they get day to day by consumers. Whole day I have gone through
many of complains, Most of complains about insurance and gadgets.

 Day – 10 (!0th December,2015) – On the tenth day there was awareness program settled
by the D.N. High school, the program is of International seminar many of leaders across
the world had arrived there, so we have to aid with our awareness to all the students who
had attained the seminar.

 Day – 11 (11th December,2015) – On the eleventh day same program of International

seminar continues, whole day we have worked there to aware the students of school, and
people of anand about consumer problems and solution.

 Day – 12 (12th December,2015) – On the 12th day I was in office dealing with the
complains, I have sit all the day and to see how sir deal with complainant, it gives me
basic knowledge of how to treat the people in right way and guild them in proper

 Day – 13 (13th December,2015) – Sunday

 Day – 14 (14th December,2015) – On the 14th day sir teach me how to submit a case
online when judgment has been done by the court. I have submitted judgments on trust
website for whole day on computer.

 Day – 15 (15th December,2015) – On the 15th day sir have told me to go nadiad
consumer forum to take a date of one of his case. so, I have gone to nadiad for taking the
date from consumer forum of nadiad city.

 Day – 16 (16th December,2015) – On the 16th day I have done submission of cases on
computer, by doing submission work on the computer sir had told me to listen to
complainant coming with complains.

 Day – 17 (17th December,2015) – On the 17th day I have gone to consumer forum with
sir to observe the proceedings, and on that lucky day I have meet the president R.N. Patel
in consumer forum. I have asked some questions relating to proceeding and there

 Day – 18 (18th December,2015) – On the 18th day sir introduced me with the basic form
to fill by the complainant when he arrive at the NGO, this form contains the basic details
of the complainant, problem he is facing, Name, address, birthdate, place he lives, and
against whom he want to complained. After teaching how to fill that form sir ask me to
help the complainant to fill there forms regarding complain.

 Day – 19 (19th December,2015) –On the 19th day I have told by the sir to sit at NGO and
go through the cases and how to do a basic notice to other party in case.

 Day – 20 (20 Demeber,2015) – Sunday

 Day – 21 (21st December,2015) –On the 21st day is some sort of introductory about the
instruments which use by the sir to check that duplicate sweets, fruits, other packed
items, instruments are some laboratory toolkit, weighting machine to check proper
measure, when sir drops one-two drops of the chemical on the duplicate sweet which
made up by duplicate ghee, that changes the color the sweet, it gives us proof that sweet
it duplicate, different chemicals are use for different products, sir is having that
laboratory kit.

 Day – 22 (22nd December,2015) – On the 22nd day again I have done some office work
on the computer, submitting cases, after lunch I have gone to court with sir to see the

 Day – 23 (23rd December,2015) - Because of my training in the month of December, I

get the privileged to be a part of various functions organized by this organization at
different places. With these functions, Pratik Seva sSamaj Trust takes a step forward
every year on 24th day of December which is popularly known as National Consumer
Day, to enlighten the people of this district in various aspects related to Consumer
Protection. It distributes knowledge to various groups of the society in the field of
Consumer Protection and even helps them to know their rights and powers at various
stages of their life when they are consumers. On the 23rd day we have to do pre planning
for the Nation consumer day which is celebrate by our trust on every year. On this
24thdec we are celebrating this day with other NGO Mahila Mandal, Anand. So for the
function we have to arrange chairs and stage, all the staff and sir were there with me at
pre-arrangement of function.

 Day – 24 (24th December,2015) – On the day of the 24th December “The National
Consumer Day” had been celebrated by the trust to aware the consumers about there
rights, I am very lucky to be part of that function which is celebrated by my NGO. Photos
of the function are attached forthwith.

 Day – 25 (25th December,2015) – National holiday of Christmas festival

 Day – 26 (26th December,2015) – linked holiday

 Day – 27 (27th December,2015) – Sunday

 Day - 28 (28th December,2015) – On the 28th day arrangement of two functions I have to
do, sir had told me to stick the banners to the college which we are going on 29th and 30

 Day – 29 (29th December,2015) – Awareness function at Home science college.

 Day – 30 (30th December,2015) – Awareness function at Imamdar College.

 Day – 31 (31st December,2015) – The last day of our internship, sir was very happy
about my work of dedication, sir shared some of his life experience and ask about my
next semester, staff members are also happy with my work. Everyone had given me good
farewell. On the 5th date of January sir had given me certificate.


At D.N. High School International seminar:

At 24th December – Celebrating National consumer day

S.C.Kapasiya sir is giving lecture about consumer rights.


The C.P.A. was passed by the Parliament in 1986 and it came into force from 1987. Its purpose
is to protect consumers against defective goods, unsatisfactory services, unfair trade practices,

The Act provides for three tier machinery consisting of District Forum, State Commission and
National Commission within a given time frame for disposal of cases. It also provides for the
formation of consumer protection councils in every state.

The consumers can file their complaints at the appropriate forum for quick redressal. The
complaint may relate to defective refrigerator or T.V. set, non-functional telephone, lack of due
car? In medical treatment and so on. It can be filed against the manufacturer, selling organisation
or the person who provides the goods and services for a price. Any service or product given free
of change is not covered by the Act.

What is Consumer Protection?

Consumer protection implies assurance against anti-consumer trade practices by the producers or
traders. Anti-consumer trade practices include adulteration, sub-standard quality, fractional
weights and measures, overcharging, misleading, claims in advertisements, etc. Naturally,
curbing such practices through legislative and other measures and taking action against the
procedures and traders indulging in such practices is the essence of consumer protection.

Rationale of Consumer Protection:

The government policy of economic liberalization since 1991 has brought welcome changes for
the consumers. Entry of private sector including multinational corporations into the production
of goods and services has turned sellers’ market into buyers’ market in many areas. The buyer,
for example, has now a wide choice in goods like two-wheelers, cars, refrigerators, T.V., cell
phones, computers, etc.

But still, the consumer can’t be considered free from the malpractices of the dishonest producers
and traders. The rationale of consumer protection lies in the need of saving the consumer from
the unfair trade practices and exploitation by the producers and traders.

Issue related to consumer protection are as follows:

(i) The traders may sell goods that do not conform to the claimed standards of quality, size,
weight, design, etc.

(ii) The traders may supply inferior or duplicate products to the consumers.

(iii) The goods supplied to the consumers may not be safe for human consumption or use.

(iv) The producers may advertise a low price for the goods on offer. But when one goes to
purchase the goods, he ends up paying more than the advertised price because it did not include
the price of accessories or other things that are necessary to use the goods.

(v) The consumers may find goods weighing less than the ‘quantity printed on the package.
Producers escape responsibility by claiming that the package indeed contained the printed
quantity at the time of packing and the loss could be in transit.

(vi) The producers may cause ecological and environmental hazards for the consumers and
society by causing water, air and noise pollution.

(vii) Some producers promote goods that are injurious to public health through surrogate
advertising. For instance advertisement of a Soda brand may be carried out to promote the sale of
liquor with the same brand name.

The consumer seeks protection, advice and information when his rights are adversely affected.
The shift from buyer beware to seller beware has increased the role of Government in promoting
the consumer’s right to safety, the right to be informed, the right to choose, the right to be heard


My NGO training was in a well-known NGO working in the area of Anand viz. Pratik
SevaSamaj Trust, Anand. It is an only Government approved organization in the field of
‘CONSUMER PROTECTION & CONSUMER AWARENESS’ in the districts of Anand and

My training period was from 1st to 31st December, 2014 with this NGO. I got privileged to get
trained under the organization, which is vested with immense powers of settling the consumer
disputes without entering into cumbersome litigation procedure.

I can conclude that In my one month training period with this organization I dealt with many
cases and attended District Forum proceedings also. I received lot of practical knowledge and it
also helped me in knowing in reality that how actually a Consumer Protection Forum functions. I
attended the District Forum for three weeks continuously and witnessed almost all the cases
which came on the Board during this period.

I have tried to narrate this experience through the photographs that were clicked during these
functions which involved even my co-trainees.

The Trust is in the field of Consumer Protection since 2000, and it is actively carries out its job
towards consumer as a Trust for Consumer Protection, So I don’t think to give any suggestion
about my NGO, it was best in his sense. Lot of knowledge have been added by this NGO to my
knowledge. Lucky to have a NGO as Pratik SevaSamaj.


 Consumer protection Act, 1986 (book)

 Pratik samajseva trust newsletter (Magazine)
 (web)
 (web)
 (web)
 Report about Consumer issue (web-Google based)


No Attachments-


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