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4046 Ann Harrison and Andrés Rodríguez-Clare

equilibrium yields higher wages? In the equilibrium with complete specialization in good 1
the wage is w ¼ l1 p"1 , whereas in the other equilibrium we have w ¼ yl2 p"2 . If condition
(1) is satisfied with strict inequalities then yl2 p"2 > l1 p"1 so wages are higher in the equilib-
rium with complete specialization in good 2 is superior.5
We will say that South has a latent comparative advantage in good i if the opportu-
nity cost of this good given the realization of all Marshallian externalities is
lower than the international price.6 For good 1 this entails yl2/l1 # 1/p" , whereas
for good 2 this is l1/yl2 # p" . Thus, condition (1) with strict inequalities implies
that South has a latent comparative advantage in good 2. The equilibrium with spe-
cialization in good 1 is possible because in this case Marshallian externalities are not
realized, and hence the latent comparative advantage of South in good 2 is not what
determines the pattern of specialization. Thus, the previous results (i.e., existence of
multiple equilibria and the fact that generally the equilibrium with specialization in
good 2 yields higher wages than the one with specialization in good 1) can be rein-
terpreted as saying that a country may be specialized in a sector where it does not
have a latent comparative advantage, and that in this case a policy that induces the
economy to switch to the equilibrium with specialization in the good where there
is a latent comparative advantage could be welfare enhancing (see discussion below).
Figure 1 illustrates the previous results. The curve labeled PPF represents the produc-
tion possibilities frontier for South, which is convex when L 2 < L ! (or Q2 < yl2 L !)
! !
and becomes linear when L 2 $ L (or Q2 $ yl2 L ). The curve labeled PPFNC is the
hypothetical production possibilities frontier when there are no Marshallian externalities
(i.e., a ¼ 0), given simply by a line with slope l1/l2, as in the standard Ricardian model.
Note that the slope of the PPF is the same as the slope of PPFNC at the corner where




θλ2L λ2L θλ2L Q2

Figure 1 Marshallian externalities and multiple equilibria.

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