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The predictions we make, are not necessarily true. Guessing something

and drawing conclusions are somethings we humans can not isolate ourselves
from. We consider it as a safe precaution for your better future to keep making
assumptions about the future in order to be prepared for the coming
circumstances. 0ur understanding about the future is dependant on our present
situation. Presently, what kind of technological advancement can be perceived is
directly related to the technology in future.
According to my prespective, we are living in a world is self
sustaining. Mostly, theories have been proved already. We have a scientific logic
behind everything that used to scare us. Back in the ages we humans were scared
of diseases and we used to relate it to magic and stuff. But, now we have research
, we have logics , we have a practical approach toward things. Almost, all the
important inventions have been made. People have started to book lands on
mars, we have best customized health products, open heart surgery is a reality
these days. We have things pretty much sorted.
The world after 100 years is the world of technologically defined
chaos. There is a world of robots, machines and other plastic things within our
world. We would be surrounded by robots that looked like humans. Our military
will be using these robots for the safety and security of the world. These robots
will be doing jobs, house hold chores etc etc. From a simple task on individual
level to the complex task we will be using robots and machinery and drones for
warfare. Their will be a society of robots between us that will soo look like us in
resemblance that we can not distinguish between humans and robots.Humans
will be the masters of these robots, or the slaves of these robots who knows?
Travelling will be more advanced. Distances will be made shorter.
We will be travelling with the speed of light. Also there would air traffic, there
would be proper rules and regulations to handle the air traffic. Humans will be
flying. They would have a way to fly across the country with very little effort on
individual level. Gravity free zones would help us in this respect. Humans will be
handling gravity within earth for their own purposes and would fly in this respect.
Travelling within seas will be made possible.
Construction would become easier an easier and we will be setting
new heights all over the world. Things with are adapted to all the conditions will
be designed so that they are more practical and useable. Also, with little input we
can get the more output and output of different types from the similar input. The
cities will be made in stories. Vertical cities will be the new thing. A single city will
be having floors and life of a person on first floor is not at all influenced by the life
of a person on ground floor.
An unknown yet known virtual world will be covered around us or
more like earth of different species within the earth of humans is guessed.
Computers, social media, robots, networking everything will be there for the
assistance of the man but, their privacy will not be maintained. Humans will start
to get more attached to the robots and machinery and the virtual world. People
will be escaping from the reality of life and will create their own life within their
virtual world and will remain in that world.
Because of this advancement, people will start to think differently.
Their religions will alter. Nothing like morals will exist. They will be justifying their
wrong doings. Infact, there will be laws defined by the government to justify the
wrong. Ignorance, oppression, murder, theft, rape including all other crimes will
be officially legal. The human psyche would change to this level where if a person
wants to murder another person because of hatred the government will be
making arrangements for the task, considering it a natural task. Laws would be
followed very strictly but those laws will affect the humanity as whole.
Life on other planets will be discovered and the settlements might
shift there as human race is still experimenting a new planet for human race.
Humans may be able to get in touch with the other life on some other planet in
some other galaxy. So, inter galaxy communication may start to a very basic step.
Everthing in life is like a parabolic curve. This is a materialistic world
and everything has a shelf life. It is only a matter of how much. Every sun sets,
every night has a dawn, everything fades away. Like the parabolic curve whatever
goes up, has to come down.Even after the zenith, everything goes back to the
initial stage where it had begun in the most primitive form.

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