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Table of Contents

System Project Management Plan


1.1 Project Overview

1.2 Project Deliverable


2.1 Software Process Model

2.2 Roles and Responsibilities

2.3 Tools and Techniques


3.1 Tasks

3.1. n Task-n

3.1. n.1 Description

3.1. n.2Deliverable and Milestones

3.1. n.3 Resources Needed

3.1. n.4 Dependencies and Constraints 3.1.n.5

Risks and Contingencies

3.2 Assignments

3.3 Timetable


1.1 Product Overview

2.1 External Interface Requirements

2.1.1 User Interfaces

2.1.2 Hardware Interfaces

2.1.3 Software Interfaces

2.1.4 Communications Protocols

2.2 Software Product Features

2.3 Software System Attributes
2.3.1 Reliability

2.3.2 Availability

2.3.3 Security

2.3.4 Portability

2.3.5 Performance

2.4 Database Requirements

3 Additional Material
System Design Documentation

1.1 Design Overview


2.1 Chosen System Architecture

2.2 System Interface Description


3.1 User

3.2 Administrator

3.3 Customer

3.4 Package

3.5 Railway


4.1 Description of the User Interface

System Test Documentation


1.1 System Overview

1.2 Test Approach


2.1 Features to be tested

2.2 Testing Tools and Environment


3. 1 User Login

3.2 User Registration

3.3 User Registration

3.4 Search and book Railways

3.5 Search and book packages


With growing population and advancement in the technology and increasing expectation of the people
especially for quality service, it has now become imperative to provide quality services due to highly
competitive environment. However, to implement a good quality services the company must come out with
new ideas for the betterment of their business so in our project we have included a new module that is
subscription which is to help out the regular travellers without any difficulty that is in booking of ticket
previously. The working of subscription is as follows

Firstly, a subscriber must have an account so, an account is created initially and then the user must deposit a
certain amount.

Whenever the customer comes to the airport, he must give his account number and his email id. Then after
the destination is selected the amount will be deducted from his account and the ticket will be given

The main advantage is that he can travel to any place any time without facing any difficulties


The main purpose of this vision document is to list the requirements of the Airline Reservation System
project. This document also helps us to collect and analyse the ideas gathered for the project. This vision
document will be subject to change, if more requirements are added to the project. This document is mainly
prepared to set stage for the design phase of the project. The document being prepared is the first version of
vision document for the Airline Reservation System project.


The Airline Reservation System project is an implementation of a general Airline Ticketing website like
Orbitz, which helps the customers to search the availability and prices of various airline tickets, along with
the different packages available with the reservations. This project also covers various features like online
registration of the users, modifying the details of the website by the management staff or administrator of
the website, by adding, deleting or modifying the customer details, Railways or packages information. In
general, this website would be designed to perform like any other airline-ticketing website available online.


The following set of deliverables will be submitted at the end of each phase

1. Preliminary Project Plan 2017.03.06

2. Requirements Specification 2017.03.13

3. Analysis [Object model, Dynamic model, and User interface] 2017.03.20

4. Architecture Specification 2017.03.02

5. Component/Object Specification 2017.04.11

6. Source Code 2017.04.18 - 2017.04.23

7. Test Plan 2017.04.23 - 2017.04.26

8. Final Product w/ Demo 2017.04.27 - 2017.04.30


We have used LINEAR SEQUENTIAL MODEL or WATER FALL MODEL for our system which is a software
development model in which development is seen as flowing steadily downwards (like a waterfall) through
the phases of requirements analysis, design, implementation, testing.






Major Professor

The major professor of the project will supervise and evaluate the work of the developer on a regular timely
basis. Along with the other supervisory committee activities, she will also measure the progress being made
by the developer at each meeting.


The developer of the project will be responsible for all the documentation and software development tasks
of the Airline Reservation System project. The developer will also meet the major professor on a timely basis
to report the progress of the project.


The following are the tools that will be used for coding, testing and documentation:

Java - for coding, SQLite - for database management MS WORD 2016 – for documentation



All the tasks performed during the Airline Reservation System project are documented in the project plan.
The supervisory committee will review the project plan along with the software quality assurance plan at the
end of phase and all the changes necessary will be incorporated in the documents and will be submitted at
the end of phase



The Inception Phase is the first phase of a software development life cycle. The main objective of the
inception phase is to establish the business case for the system and define the scope of the system. The
inception phase of the Airline Reservation System project mainly focuses on defining the project
requirements. The primary documents created in the inception phase consist of the Vision document, and
the Project Plan.

The Vision document, which is one of the outcomes of the inception phase, mainly focuses on core project
requirements and the key features. It also discusses the main features of the project along with the
interfaces of the project. The next document, which is an outcome of the inception phase, is the project plan
document. The project plan document as the name says is mainly used to document the schedule of the
project as well as the time required for each phase of the project. This plan, gives us an estimate of when the
project will be completed. The Software Quality Assurance Plan, which is also an outcome of the inception
phase documents the standards and conventions that need to be followed in order to ensure good quality of
the end product.

At the end of the inception phase, the developer will give a presentation to the supervisory committee after
submitting all the documents necessary. This phase will be marked complete, once all the documentation for
the phase I is reviewed and approved by the committee.


The next phase in the software development life cycle is the elaboration phase. The main purpose of the
elaboration phase is to establish a strong architectural foundation for the Airline Reservation System project.
It is the most critical phase of all the phases of the software development life cycle. The entire architectural
design of the Airline Reservation System will be documented using the appropriate UML diagrams. In this
phase, revisions on the initial versions of the Vision document, Project Plan document will be made based on
the suggestions made by the Supervisory Committee members. In the elaboration phase, each component in
the Airline Reservation System architecture will be documented at the interface level. Another deliverable of
this phase is the Test Plan which documents all the testing activities that will be carried out on the project
and also states how to report and track the test results. The two technical inspectors of the project also
perform an architectural review on the project and provide feedback by submitting the formal technical
inspection letters which are based upon their findings.


The production phase of the Airline Reservation System project mainly focuses on the implementation and
testing of the project. In this phase, the entire working code for the project will be constructed and all the
documentation pertaining to the project is completed. In this phase, the entire code for the Airline
Reservation System project will be tested to ensure that it has met all the requirements. All the test results
will also be analysed and documented. A user manual is also produced for the project which describes how
to install, run and use the tool efficiently. At the end of the production phase, the developer of the project
will give a presentation to the committee and will also demonstrate the entire working of supervisory the
software product.


There are no assumptions as of now. To be updated in later versions of the vision document. In case of
changes made to the database, the application should be able to show the updated information on the
website, without much delay. The database for the project is designed to be of moderate size. Currently, the
application is designed to be able to run in Internet Explorer. The Airline Reservation system will be designed
in such a way that, it can be run on a Windows 8/10 and IIS server. The Java technology will be used to code
the project the project will run on Internet Explorer and it should be installed on User’s system.


1) Market risk- risks that affect the organisation developing or procuring the software. For example, a
competitor introducing a new product is a business risk.

2) Financial risk-Risks that are associated with the increase of budget. Technology risk- Risks that derive from
the software or hardware technologies that are used to develop the system.

3) People risk- Risks that are associated with the people in the development team.

4) Structure/process risk- Risks that affect the project schedules or resources

4 Additional Requirements


Document template for Student project in Software Engineering by Declan Delaney and

Stephen Brown

With growing population and advancement in the technology and increasing expectation of the people opt
for fast and quality service, it has now become imperative to provide quality services due to highly
competitive environment. Since the people want to travel quick they choose the airways for which they have
to get the reservations done, tickets booked for their convenience for which we provide the airline
reservation system to do the task for them in the easier way.

Targeted Audience

Though we provide service to all the customers, we mainly focus on two types of end users

1) Customer: who wants to make reservations or subscribe our service?

2) Administrator: the one who modifies customer and Railway information and handles subscribers account
and transactions

Table of Contents

1.1 Design Overview


2.1 Chosen System Architecture

2.2 System Interface Description


3.1 User

3.2 Administrator

3.3 Customer

3.4 Package

3.5 Railway


4.1 Description of the User Interface


1 Introduction
1.1 Design Overview

Software design is a process through which requirements are translated in to a representation of software.
Initially the representation depicts a holistic view of software. Subsequent refinement leads to a design
representation that is very close to source code. Since, we are following an Object oriented Design
technique, we need to identify the classes and their relationships. A class is a description of an object type.
Instances of classes are known as Objects. UML also provides tools for designing the system. Class diagrams
enable us to establish relationship among various classes of the system. Some of the basic tips in identifying
the classes are:

 Analysing the requirement statement.

 Use Cases.
 Application experts.
 Studying the system.


2.1 Chosen System Architecture

The architecture of the Airline Reservation System is based on the three-tier architecture. This three-tier
architecture mainly consists of three layers namely:

• Presentation Tier

• Business Tier

• Data Access Tie

The Presentation Tier converts and displays information into a human legible form. This tier displays
information related to services such as browsing the Airline website, purchasing tickets etc. It communicates
with the other tiers by outputting results to the browser/client tier and all the other tiers. The Business Logic
tier is mainly responsible for information exchange between the user interface and the database of the
project. The final layer of the three-tiered architecture is the Data Access tier, which mainly consists of the
Database servers. The information related to the Airline Reservation System is stored and retrieved from

2.2 System Interface Description

The System interface enables you to:

 Increase agent productivity with intuitive access to frequently performed operations, quick
 and easy access to all pertinent Railway and passenger data, and intelligent error checking
 Increase customer satisfaction by streamlining check-in and reservation functions for reduced
 wait time and providing passengers a more personalized travel experience due to readily
 available passenger profile data
 Reduce cost with advanced error checking features and correction prompts which minimize
 human input error and provide quality control during the reservation process, eliminating time
 and effort to re-work reservations
 Deploy to user desktops easily with minimal disruption or system expertise required

3.1 User

The user class is responsible for handling all the user functions. This user class is the super class or the base
class for two types of users namely the customer and the administrator. The user logging into the system will
be mainly verified for their username and password, which is the email id for the customer and a username
for the administrator.

3.2 Administrator

The administrator class is the sub class of the user class. This class is mainly depicted here to define all the
attributes and functions carried out by the administrator of the Airline Reservation System website. The
attributes for the administrator of the Airline Reservation System website are the userID and password,
which the administrator uses to log on to the Airline Reservation system website. The administrator would
be able to perform the tasks of adding or updating the information for Railways, motels and packages etc.

3.3 Customer

The customer class has been depicted here as it is a sub class for the super class user of the Airline
Reservation System project. The attributes for the customer would be the userid, password, customer name,
email id, credit card number, address, phone number. Subscriber or the Regular Customer where the
subscriber’s data is already present in the system the functions that the customer of the website would be
able to perform are:

 Register() – the customer would be able to register onto the system

 Login() - the customer can login with the email id and password
 Logout() – the customer would be able to logout of the system
 Browse () – the customer can browse through the website
 SearchRailways() and bookRailways() – the customer would be able to search and book
 The Railways available on the website.
 Searchpackages() and bookpackages() - the customer would be able to search and
 book packages available on the website
 Searchhotels() and bookhotels() - the customer would be able to search and book
 for the hotels available on the website
 Subscribe () – Be a prime member of the website thereby gets quick access and
 system holds your data and add money to your subscribers account

3.4 Packages

The class package is depicted in the class diagram to represent the set of packages present in the application.
The customer can book packages using the PackageSearch page. Package generally has the following

 Package id – a unique id given to a package

 Package name – the name of the package
 Package location - the location of the package it indicates the place where the package is designated
 Package price – the price of the package

3.5 Railways

The class Railway is depicted in the class diagram to represent the set of Railways present in the application.
The customer can book packages using the RailwaySearch page. A Railway present in the airline reservation
system, generally has the following attributes:

 Railway number - A unique number is given to the Railway

 airline name – the name of the airline that the Railway belongs to
 source – the place where the Railway has as its beginning point
 destination – the place where the Railway has as its end point
 price – the price of the airline ticket of a particular Railway


4.1 Description of the User Interface
There are two types of users for the Airline Reservation System project. One is the customer and the other is
the administrator. Both the customer and administrator user interface would be a graphical user interface
The Graphical User Interface of the User is shown below.

The GUI would mainly consist of hyperlinks, Data Entry Fields like the name password, pushdown like login
button etc. However, the Administrator home page would have similar graphic user Interface as of the

5 Additional Material

 References
 Document template for Student project in Software Engineering by Declan
 Delaney and Stephen Brown



With growing population and advancement in the technology and increasing expectation of the people opt
for fast and quality service, it has now become imperative to provide quality services due to highly
competitive environment. Since the people want to travel quick they choose the airways for which they have
to get the reservations done, tickets booked for their convenience for which we provide the airline
reservation system to do the task for them in the easier way.

Targeted Audience

Though we provide service to all the customers, we mainly focus on two types of end users

 Customer :who wants to make reservations or subscribe our service

 Administrator :the one who modifies customer and Railway information and handles subscribers
account and transactions

Table of Contents


1.1 Product Overview


2.1 External Interface Requirements

2.1.1 User Interfaces

2.1.2 Hardware Interfaces

2.1.3 Software Interfaces

2.1.4 Communications Protocols

2.2 Software Product Features

2.3 Software System Attributes

2.3.1 Reliability

2.3.2 Availability

2.3.3 Security

2.3.4 Portability

2.3.5 Performance

2.4 Database Requirements

3 Additional Material

1.1 Product Overview

The Airline Reservation System project is an implementation of an Airline Ticketing website like Orbits, which
helps the customers to search the availability and prices of various airline tickets, along with the different
packages available with the reservations. This project also covers various features like online registration of
the users, modifying the details of the website by the management staff or administrator of the website, by
adding, deleting or modifying the customer details, Railways or packages information. In addition to the
above, we have the subscribers account in our software where we maintain the details of the account holder
there by reducing the task of filling the details during reservation and the transactions made easier for them.

Whatever your vision, we give you the freedom to adapt your business the way you want through our
unique expertise and integrated portfolio in four key areas:

 Market - Creating a compelling product that appeals to your targeted customers

 Sell - Reaching those customers where they shop for air travel
 Serve - Caring for your customers at every touch point
 Operate - Operating efficiently to provide the products customers expect

2.1 External Interface Requirements

2.1.1 User Interfaces.

There are two types of users for the Airline Reservation System project. One is the customer and the other is
the administrator. Both the customer and administrator user interface would be a graphical user interface.
The GUI would mainly consist of hyperlinks, Data Entry Fields like the name password, pushdown like login
button etc.

However, the Administrator home page would have similar graphic user Interface as of the customer’s.

2.1.2 Hardware Interfaces

The Airline Reservation System do not use any Hardware Interface.

2.1.3 Software Interface

The application should run on a Windows 8/10 Operating System. Since the application needs a database to
store all the customer details, airline, motel and package information, SQL Elite would be used.

Visual Studio.NET 2003 would be used for creating the application. All the coding is done in Java.

2.1.4 Communication Interface

Our system is just the simulation of the online Airways reservation system so communication between the
developer and the software is possible through the Java Eclipse Software. (Whereas, the client accesses the
system through a web browser when made online)

2 Software Product Features
The Airline Reservation System has the following features:

This project is mainly intended for two types of audiences. One is the customer or the end user and the
other is the administrator of the website. Some of the major functions of the product can be categorized
under two different categories that are for the administrator and the user.

2.1 Customer Use Case Diagram.

2.3 Software System Attributes
2.3.1 Reliability

The Airline ticket reservation system must be able to run with low mean time to failure.

2.3.2 Availability

The system should be available 24/7 and 365 day per year .In case there is a problem with the system, it
should be able to recover in less amount of time as the longer it takes more money and customer is lost.


Security is one of the most important parts of any system because without it, the entire system is worthless.
Moreover there will large amount of online transaction will be occurring in the system when the customer
purchase the ticket. The system should be designed in a way that the latest security will be integrated to it.
Without a suitable architecture we are not able to achieve security in the system, therefore we need to
evaluate the architecture.

2.3.4 Portability

The current system might be running in the Oracle database and the management might think of changing
the entire database to SQL. The architecture evaluation must be done for the system to run under different
computing environments.

2.3.5 Performance

 Performance is not a big problem, it gets most of the spotlight in the crowded quality attribute
community. Performance usually manifests itself in the following measures.
 Throughput: It is a measure of the amount of work our system will perform in unit time. Work is
typically measured in the transactions or database it fetches per second.
 Response Time: It is the time taken by our system for the query or the task of the customer or the
 Deadlines: It is the capacity of our system to complete the task within the particular time
 E.g.: Reservation/Booking of ticket, Financial Transactions should not take more time.

2.4 Database Requirements
Data Description

A List of Airports including:

 Airport Name
 Abbreviation
 Location
 City
 State
 zip code (If possible)
 Time zone

• The information about several Railways, more specifically:

 Railway id
 Airline
 Railway number
 Departure/Arrival Date/Time
 Departure/Destination Airport
 Seats
 Total / Vacant
 Seat Number
 Type plane
 Fare

Information of Reservations made:

 Railways id
 Email
 Passenger names
 Credit card type/number
 Address o Total Price

• User Information, most importantly containing:

 Username
 Password
 Reservations

4 Additional Requirements

 Document template for Student project in Software
 Engineering by Declan Delaney and Stephen Brown

4 Additional Requirements
 Document template for Student project in Software Engineering by Declan Delaney and Stephen



With growing population and advancement in the technology and increasing expectation of the people opt
for fast and quality service, it has now become imperative to provide quality services due to highly
competitive environment. Since the people want to travel quick they choose the airways for which they have
to get the reservations done, tickets booked for their convenience for which we provide the airline
reservation system to do the task for them in the easier way.

Targeted Audience

Though we provide service to all the customers, we mainly focus on two types of end users

5) Customer: who wants to make reservations or subscribe our service?

6) Administrator: the one who modifies customer and Railway information and handles subscribe
account and transactions

Table of Contents

1.1 System Overview

1.2 Test Approach


2.1 Features to be tested

2.2 Testing Tools and Environment


3. 1 User Login

3.2 User Registration

3.3 User Registration

3.4 Search and book Railways

3.5 Search and book packages


1.1 System Overview


Requirements are prone to issues of the ambiguity, incompleteness and inconsistency techniques such as
rigorous inspection have been shown to help deal with these issues. Ambiguity, incompleteness and that can
be resolved in the requirement phase typically cost orders of the magnitude less to correct than when these
same issues are found in later stages of product development. The purpose of developing the specified
software is to describe the analysis involved in the reservation of air ticket

 INPUT: Collecting the information of the person who is going to travel.
 OUTPUT: The issue of ticket on the particular date specified by the traveller

 Enter the details of the traveller.
 Check for availability of tickets.
 Inform the traveller the position of the available seat.
 Ask his/her decision whether to reserve the ticket or not.
 __________Positive reply-book ticket after receiving the amount for the cost of ticket.
 Issue the ticket.
 Ask the traveller to check in time so that he/she does not miss the plan because of delay.
 Update the database before the next booking is to be done


In the existing system,

 there is no provision for senior citizen concession

 There is no facility for the subscription of the account in the agency.


The main implementation requirements for this project are.

 Some functionality, like check digit validation, time, stamps etc.

 Are supplied by already existing routines which we are obliged to use.
 The format of communication in modules are fixed and non-changeable.
 All the technical documentation formats are also fixed and have to be followed.
 Some customer implementation techniques have to be followed.
 A facility for the passengers to subscribe to the agency
 We have made concession in ticket fair for senior citizens.

1.2 Test Approach

This section of the test plan describes the overall approach for testing the Airline Reservation System
project. The approach followed for testing the Airline Reservation System ensures that the major features of
the project are adequately tested. All the testing will be done with the help ANTS (Advanced .NET Testing
System). The testing would be carried out on the Airline Reservation System while logging into the system as
a customer or a normal user of the system.

2.1 Features to be tested

The system has two main audiences among them the features that have to be tested in the system are
 Customer
 Home Page
 Login and Register
 Booking Railways
 Book Packages
 Administrator
 Login/Logout
 Add/Modify Customer Information
 Add/Modify Railway Information
 Add/ Modify Motel Information
 Cancellation of Reservations
 Subscribers confirmations

2.2 Testing Tools and Environment

There are two important factors for airline software testing in ensuring their overall quality;

2.1.1 System integration

Travel booking services are usually based on one of the following: Global Distribution System (GDS), also
sometimes called Computer Reservation System (CRS), and the Internet Booking Engine (IBE) combined with
a payment system. Each of these components has evolved over time to have more and more functionality as
well as complexity. As is the case with any system with multiple components, their integration is critical so
requirements need to be specified clearly along with testing requirements. One method to alleviate this
situation and avoid unexpected issues in systems interaction is using a simple test harness that can
efficiently call on every interface with variables and parameters so that issues can be quickly detected. In
addition, GDS/CRS and payment systems have very strict tolerances for performance. Slow response when
retrieving information may result in the UI not rendering correctly or a failed ticket transaction, so seamless
integration with low overhead is critical.

2.1.2 Business rules implementation

Customized business rules, packaging and pricing rules should be accurately implemented in the booking
process. Parameters such as passenger amount limitation, infant tax calculation, selling insurance policy,
loyalty service, etc., each as individual rules and in combination leads to complexities in test case design. So

domain knowledge is required. For instance, the rule for destination and insurance needs to be applied so
that certain destinations are not provided a Railway insurance option depending on rules and regulations
which could change in the back end system as well. The re booking process increases the booking process
complexity further. Additionally, processes in a ticketing system are not serial. A variety of business rules and
systems’ mutual and concurrent calls within the booking process should all be taken into account using a
coherent test strategy. Functionality, adherence to regulations, and ease of use (preventing user mistakes)
are critical quality factors when designing the test strategy and plan.

A smart test strategy should also account for:

 End user preferences including browser and behaviour.

 Test case design using orthogonal analysis, cause-effect graphing, state transition, etc.
depending on the user scenario and application functionality design.

The following are the test cases for the Airline Reservation System:


• Incorrect Input: Incorrect username, which is the email-id in the case of the Airline Reservation
• Pass Criteria: An appropriate message should be generated to indicate that an invalid username has
been typed.
• Correct Input: The correct input would be a valid e-mail id of the user and a correct password
associated with the email-id which he uses to log in.
• Pass Criteria: The user should be directed to the webpage that the customer is intended to go to
after he logs into the system.


• Incorrect Input: Wrong format entered in the input fields for the registration page.
• Pass Criteria: An appropriate message should be generated to the user saying that he has entered
wrong format in the specific input field.
• Correct Input: The correct input would a correct format entered by the customer into the input
fields of the registration page.
• Pass Criteria: The pass criteria for this test case would be a successful registration of the customer
into the Airline Reservation System website. The system would log the user into the system after


• Incorrect Input: The data fields left out empty in the registration page.
• Pass Criteria: An error message should be generated to the user saying that he has to fill out those
fields in order to be registered into the system.
• Correct Input: The correct input in this case, would be that the customer would enter the data in all
the fields in the registration form.
• Pass Criteria: The pass criteria for the system would be that it accepts all the customer details and
then registers the customer and helps him log into the system.

• Incorrect Input: Incorrect input in this case, would be incorrect search criteria entered or incorrect
format of data entered into the data entry fields of the Railway search and booking page.
• Pass criteria: A message has to be generated to the user indicating the wrong entry that he has
made in the fields.
• Correct Input: A correct input would be entering the data into the data entry fields in a correct
• Pass Criteria: The pass criteria for this test case would be that the search would return valid results
and then when the customer made the booking, the system has to generate a confirmation to the
customer and indicate that an e-mail has been sent to the customer.


• Incorrect Input: Incorrect input in this case, would be incorrect search criteria entered or incorrect
format of data entered into the data entry fields of the package search and booking page. In this
case, a wrong input would be an incorrect package id etc.
• Pass criteria: A message has to be generated to the user indicating the wrong entry that he has
made in the fields.
• Correct Input: A correct input would be entering the data into the data entry fields in a correct
• Pass Criteria: The pass criteria for this test case would be that the search would return valid results
and then when the customer made the booking, the system has to generate a confirmation to the
customer and indicate that an e-mail has been sent to the customer.

4 Additional Requirements

• Document template for Student project in Software Engineering by Declan Delaney and Stephen


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