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Lesson Plan Template

Professional Development Plan

(What do YOU need to work on to grow professionally?)
1- The time management while teaching.

1. Choose and describe an aspect from a teaching competency that you need to work on (Goal)
 MST is using the timer to help her preparing her time and activities time. I would like to focus
on this point by putting alarm so I can prepare my time well.
2. Describe what you will do to help achieve your goal (Strategies Used)
 I will use my own strategy which is by Putting alarm before I start the lesson.
3. Describe how you can tell if you’re achieving your goal (Evidence)
- Using the alarm helped me in knowing exactly when the activity is done according to the time that I
planned for which was useful to manage my time during the lesson.

Name: Mahra Bahkeet Mohammed

Grade Level: KG2-7 Subject: Literacy. Learning Outcome (MOE code and words):
 My learning outcomes for the sound “T” lesson
Tittle: Mr. Tooth story are:
“Focuses on sound
“Tt”.  K2. Learn sound “T” and write it.
 K2. Create an illustration of
something they have learned or
 K2. Write and represent using a
variety of tools.

Resources (what materials/equipment will you and Preparation (what do you need to make or check before
the students use? Be specific) class?) I must check the internet connection and the
computer for the song.
1- Toothbrush + Gloves + Medical mask.
2- Picture of a tooth (A4 size).
Key vocabulary:
3- White painting colour.
1- Brush – Teeth - Toothpaste.
4- A4 paper of mouth with 27 teeth letters
flash cards.
5- Marker + Yellow sponge.
6- Playdough +Picture of mouth with
numbered teeth (Teeth numbers game).

Introduction (warmer activity + teacher active engagement):

- I will do the morning circle time for 5 minutes by asking questions such as; Today is what?
\what is the date of today? \who is absent? \who is the helper hand for today? The students
will answer together and the child who is the helper hand will count the students and change
the weather, day and date and put the absent student’s pictures on the board.

I will apply a song about the sound “Tt”, and I will practice with them on the board how to
Time: 5 min

write letter “Tt’ by using the marker and on the air by their fingers.

- I will ask them to sit in the group after I explain the activities and divide them according to
their levels.

What the teacher and the students will do:

- The teacher: - The students:

- I will read the story for the students. - They will listen and responds with the
- I will explain about the sound “T” after
reading the story and ask the students to - They will think and give the teacher words
give me words that have the sound “T”. that have the sound “T” what they already
know or even from the story.
- I will explain and model the activities for
the students in the circle time. - They will watch and listen to the teacher
then do the activities.

Independent Experience (Low level 1 Writing Area)

15 min
- The children will have a picture of a mouth (A4 size), and they will have flash cards that

have letters so they will pick a card and write the letter that on the card on the tooth by using

the marker until they complete all the teeth then they can wipe it by using the yellow sponge

and rewrite another letter either Arabic or English letters.

Independent Experience (Medium level 2 Science Area)

- The children will have a picture of a tooth and they will wear the gloves and the medical

mask. Then, they will use white painting colour and the toothbrush to colour the toot.

Independent Experience (Hight level 3 Math Area)

- The children will have cards that have the mouth pictures with numbers from 1 to 10 and

they will use the white playdough to create the teeth according to the numbers that they have

above the mouth.

- I will bring the children to the carpet again and review with them the sound “T” by putting
5 min

another song and I will do a small activity while applying the song which is about matching
the words that have the sound “Tt” with the pictures.



- Let the students be in the role play and act by using the story and the sticks of the characters.
Reflection 7: (Sound “Tt”)

What went well:

KG2-7 students enjoyed the song because they already knew it and they were

involved and participated with me. Rawaf, came to me, and he said he wants to show

his friends how does he brush his teeth at home which was great to model it in front

of his friend. Moreover, Aman gave me some words that have the sound “Tt” such

as; Telephone, Tv, and Tire which is perfect. All the activities were enjoyable and

they liked more the science activity which was coloring the tooth by using the brush

and the literacy activity which was about writing on the teeth by using the marker

and the letters cards. The time management was proper, and they all finish the

activities on time, and they cleaned up the class by singing with me the cleaning up

song and we did the revision by matching the words that have the sound “Tt” with

the pictures and they did well on that and they were able to say words that have sound

“Tt” and Ahmed find out that his friend “Thani” his name have the sound “Tt” which

is great.
Even better if:

It will be better if I let them draw something that have the sound “Tt” or design the

letter which will be more interest and they will show their creativity and they can take

their works to home and show it to their parents.

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