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1.   Gallbladder  compound  :  
•   70%  Bile  salt  +  acid  
•   10%  Cholesterol  
•   5%  Lethicin  (phospholipids)  
•   5%  Proteins  
•   1%  Bilirubun  
•   ~%  Water,  Electrolyte,  
2.   Etiology   Admirand’s  Triagle>>  
•   Cholesterol  Stone    
o   75-­‐90%  of  cases  
o   Percipitation  of  
Cholesterol  because  bile  is  not  sufficient  to  hold  cholesterol  anymore  
in  the  solution  
o   Cause  
§   Increase  in  Cholesterol  or  
§   Decrease  in  Bile  Salt  or  
§   Stasis  
o   Usually  radiolucent  (Cholesterol  precipitation  only)  but  if  there’s  a  lot  
of  precipitation  of  CaCO3  +  Cholesterol  =  radiopaque  
o   Characteristic  
§   Yellow  –  Green  Color  
•   Pigmented  Stone  
o   <10-­‐20%  of  cases  
o   Precipitation  of  UN/DECONJUGATED  bilirubin  with  CaCO3  creating  
CalciumBilirubinate  (deconjugating  of  bilirubin  happened  normally  in  
gallbladder…  just  really  slow)  
o   Characteristic  
§   Black  
§   Small  
§   Spiculated  
§   Brittle  
•   Brown  Stone  
o   Common  in  Ecoli  infection  /  Ascaris  lumbricoides  /  Liver  Fluke  
o   Ecoli  infection  change  conjugated  bilirubin  to  unconjugated  and  
precipitate  with  dead  cell  of  Ecoli  +  CaCO3  
o   Characteristic  
§   Brown  color  
3.   Risk  Factor  
•   Women  (>  men)  is  at  risk  because  Estrogen  increase  cholesterol  precipitation  
o   Thus  oral  contraceptive,  Estrogen  replacement  therapy,  Pregnant    
•   4  F’s  
o   Female  
o   Forty  (Obese)  
o   Fat  
o   Fertile  
•   Rapid  weight  loss  also  increase  precipitation  due  to  decrease  of  lipid.  
•   Decrease  intake  of  fats  =  stasis  
•   Decrease  emptying  of  gallbladder  
o   Decrease  intake  of  fats  /  fasting  
o   Spinal  cord  injury  
4.   Clinical  
•   Cholelithiasis  /  Cholecystolithiasis  (No  Jaundice  )  
o   Stones  in  Gallbladder  
o   Usually  asymptomatic  until  it  blocks  the  neck  
§   Colic  Pain  at  epigastric  region  
§   Pain  after  eating  (±2  hours)  
o   Investigation  
§   USG  
§   CT/MRI  
o   Treatment  
§   If  asymptomatic  –  no  treatment  
§   Symptomatic  
•   Oral  bile  acid  
•   Cholecystectomy  
o   Complication  
§   Gallstone  ileus  (fistula  created  between  gallbladder  and  ileus.  
stone  got  through  and  stuck  in  ileum)  
§   Steatorrhea  
§   Choledocholithiasis  
§   Pancreatitis  
•   Choledocholithiasis  (Jaundice)  
o   Stone  in  Bide  Duct  
o   Clinical  
§   Symptomatic  
•   Jaundice  (highly  increase  in  Direct  Bilirubin  and  slight  
increase  in  Undirect  bilirubin  –post  hepatic  jaundice)  –
if  arrived  at  common  bile  duct  or  large  enough  to  
block  common  hepatic  duct  
•   Colic  RUQ  pain  radiate  to  right  scapula  and  shoulder  
•   Stool  Acholic  Stool  
o   Investigation  
§   ERCP  to  detect  and  also  remove  
o   Treatment  
§   Analgesic  
§   Antibiotic  
§   ERCP  
§   Sphincterotomy  
o   Complication  
§   Pancreatitis  
§   Steatorrhea  
1.   Acute  
o   Due  to  Cholecystolithiasis  =  Stasis  of  gallbladder  
§    Mucosa  wall  of  gallbladder  secrete  mucus  and  cytokines  
•   Increase  in  pressure  and  Inflammation  
§   Bacterial  Growth  
•   EColi  (most  common)  
•   Enterococci  
•   Bacteroides  fragilis  
•   Clostridium  
o   Clinical  
§   Mid  epigastric  pain  and  if  later,  shift  to  right  upper  quadrant  radiate  
to  right  scapula  and  shoulder  
§   Nausea  +Vomiting  
§   Peritonitis  due  to  ecoli  =  Rebound  tenderness  around  RUQ  area  
§   Murphy  sign  +  
§   Neutrophilic  leukocytosis  
§   Fever  
§   Jaundice  in  mirrizi  syndrome  (<10%)  
o   Inflamed  gallbladder  
§   Recover  because  the  stone/blocking  falls  back  to  gallbladder  
§   Or  got  worse  
•   Due  to  increase  pressure  and  size  
•   Blocking  gallbladder  artery  =  ischemia  –  necrosis  –  rupture  –  
o   Diagnose  
§   USG  
•   Stone,  mucus  buildup,  wallthickness  
•   Cholescintigraphy  
§   Xray  
•   Radio  opaque  
•   Pneumonia  if  disseminated  
§   CT  
•   Perforation  
o   Treatment  
§   Conservative  
•   IV,  Analgesic,  Antibiotic,  Non  per  Oral  
§   Cholecystectomy  
2.   Chronic  
o   Constant  inflammation  because  of  stone  in  gallbladder  
§   Rockitansky  Aschoff  sinus  in  mucosa  (histology)  
§   Pain  in  RUQ  to  shoulder/scapula  
§   (Porcelain  gall  bladder)  Fibrosis  and  necrosis  and  calcification  
o   Treatment  
§   Removal  (Cholecystectomy)  
1.   Etiology  
a.   Obstruction  
i.   Choledocholithiasis  
ii.   Stricture  
2.   Clinical  
a.   Charcod’s  Triad  
i.   Jaundice  
ii.   Fever  
iii.   Abdominal  Pain  
b.   Reynald’s  Pentad  (Shock)  
i.   Charchod  Triad  
ii.   +  Hypotension  
iii.   +  Altered  mental  State  
c.   Acholic  Stool  
3.   Investigation  
a.   ESG  
i.   Dilated  bile  duct  
b.   ERCP    
i.   To  see  the  block  and  remove  
c.   Lab  
i.   Leukocytosis  
d.   Pancrease  amylase  >1000  iu/ml  
e.   Bilirubin  (post  hepatic)  
4.   Treatment  
a.   IV  
b.   Analgesic  
c.   Antibiotic  
d.   Hemodynamic  monitoring  
e.   ERCP  

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