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FILL IN THE BLANKS 21 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. The acronym used by the United Nation Peacekeeping Operation in Western Sahara in Morocco is known as The famous naval battle between the British and the German navy during is known as Battle of Jutland. From 23 Oct to 03 Nov 1942, Gen Montgomery's of the 8” Army fought Marshall Rommel's African Corps in North Africa at the Battle of The American declared war on the Axis Powers immediately after Japanese fighters attacked = an = American port at in the Pacific. German invasion of Poland in WW2 begins with Lutffwaffe air attack followed with advance by Panzer divisions supported by Motorize infantry divisions known as attack. Baling peace talk belween Tunku Abdul Rahman and CPM during the First Malayan Emergency was rejected by Chin Peng took place in the Government English School at Baling in the year The Peace Agreement to end the Confrontation between Indonesia and Malaysia was signed by Foreign Minister Adam Malik and of both countries respectively. 19 Mech Bn (RMR) that was deployed in Somalia under the UN banner was successful in the rescue of the US Rangers on 4 Oct 1993 at Bukhara Market during the Battle of Sir Henry Gurney was the British High Commissioner of Malaya killed during an ambush by the Communist Insurgents at during the First Malayan Emergency. Plan failed to be activated by the Briti ish Fo block the Japanese Forces that resulted in the swift investor . northern part of Malaya during the Malayan Campaign em (10 MARKS)

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