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3 Bakti 7.30 – 8.30 14 2 9.4.2018

SUBJECT English language
THEME World of knowledge
TOPIC People Around Me
ENGLISH SKILLS Listening and Speaking
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to:
1. Listen to the audio based on yesterday’s and today’s technology
and speak about the improvements in our technology.
2. Talk to their friends about the gadget that they love.
Pre listening and Picture puzzle
speaking 1. Teacher divides the pupils into groups of 5.
2. Pupils are given picture puzzle of telephone, cars and wheels.
3. Teacher asks them to fit the puzzle and paste them on the board.
4. Teacher shows an olden day telephone, a better version and a
question mark.
5. Pupils guess the name of the pictures shown.
6. Teacher asks what is the relationship between these pictures.
7. Pupils and teacher talk about the pictures and the current
technology that we have.
Teaching Aids: Picture puzzles.
While listening and Listen carefully
speaking 1. Teacher plays an audio about yesterday and today’s technological
2. Pupils listen to the audio carefully and are given a worksheet to fill in
the blanks based on the audio listened.
3. Teacher replays the audio.
4. Pupils fill in the blanks using appropriate answers.
5. Teacher and pupils discuss the answers.
Teaching Aids: audio clip, worksheet 1.
Post listening and Walk and Talk
speaking 1. Teacher gives the instruction for the next activity.
 Pupils listen carefully to teacher’s instruction.
2. Teacher divides the pupils into 2 groups, one in and one out.
3. Pupils walk and talk about the gadgets that they love.
 The pupils in the outer circle move to the right and the pupils in
the inner circle move to the left.
4. Teacher monitors the pupils and make sure they speak in English
language also help them if necessary.
1. Teacher discusses about the gadgets that they love.
Moral values Tolerance, respect
Assessment Group work
Teaching Aids Picture puzzle, audio clip, worksheet 1

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