L22 Rout Nup

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IPv4 and IPv6 IPv6 Address Planning

Vers Type of Vers Traffic

!   Multiple address types for each host: unicast, anycast,
IHL Service Total Length 6 Class Flow Label
Identification Flags Frag Offset Payload Length Next Hdr Hop Limit
Time to
!   Format: 16-byte hexadecimal number fields, e.g.,
Live Protocol Header Checksum 2001:db8:130F:0:0:9c0:876A:130B.
Source Address
TELE 302 - Network Design
Source Address (128 bits)
!   Normally /64 prefix used for unicast IPv6 addresses and
Destination Address even for point-to-point links (where /126 or /127 can be
IP Options
Lecture 22 – Routing Strategy !   Within the system, existing IPv4 addressing schemes can
be used, e.g.,
Destination Address (128 bits)
Source: McCabe 12.5 v4 Header = 20 Bytes + Options !   Translating subnet numbers into IPv6 subnet IDs
Jeremiah Deng, University of Otago, 2013 v6 Header = 40 Bytes
!   Translating VLAN IDs into IPv6 subnet IDs
!   Private addresses in IPv6 are unique!

IPv6 Transition The Long Wait, but Why? NAT64 Technology

!   The Internet clearly must support IPv4 hosts for a long !   “By 2004 all implementations will adopt IPv6 as the

time into the future. standard” (NZ e-Government Interoperability Framework e-GIF,
!   Dual-stack operation: !   IPv4 exhaustion:
!   Some nodes and routers will have both IPv4 and IPv6 !   IANA and ARIN registration exhaustion: 2011 / 2012
!   ISP level: 2015
protocol stacks.
!   The version field will be used to direct a packet to the correct !   NAT
stack. !   Too many changes:
!  Apps and API’s have to change
!   Tunneling IPv6 through IPv4. !  Domain Name System (DNS) changes
!  Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) changes
!   Each IPv6 packet is encapsulated into an IPv4 packet whose
!  Routing protocol changes
address is the address of the other end of the tunnel. !  IPv4 over xxx now needs IPv6 over xxx
Where to Route? Routing Flows in the Design Environment Functional Areas
!   Without a map many a road cannot be found. !   Need to Understand How Flows will likely be Routed !   Earlier focused on regions of the logical design
termed areas based on geography, user
!   Routing protocols are about dissemination of routing through our Design Environment concentrations or information flow hierarchies
data among the routers of the routing network !   These areas are candidates as functional areas for
!   Need addressing and routing
!   Routing algorithms: find a path with minimum cost !   The Logical Layout of the Network Design
sum for sending a packet to receiving node. !   Functional Areas involves combining work groups
!   An Understanding of the Potential Information Flows
(logical groups of users that have common
Within the Network
locations, applications, and requirements, or
!   Numbers, Locations, and Purposes of Routers in the Network belong to same organization) usually centered in a
(e.g., are they general IP packet forwarding engines, or a physical area but possibly not when focus is on
filtering and aggregation point?) applications or sets of requirements.
!   Determine Functional Areas/Boundaries/Flows
Lecture 23: Routing Strategy TELE 302 Lecture 23: Routing Strategy TELE 302 Lecture 23: Routing Strategy TELE 302

Work Groups and Functional Areas Identifying Boundaries Boundaries

Isolation LANs !   Based on Network Administration Requirements !   Autonomous Systems (ASs) have AS numbers
!   Physical Boundaries can be identified from
associated with them (Routing Management
!   Isolation LANs
Domains are often the same as ASs but may be a
Engineering !   Physical Interfaces on Network Equipment subset or superset of one or more ASs)
FA FA !   Physical Security
!   Security Domains are places where security devices
FA !   Logical Boundaries can be identified from are located with public addresses outside and
MAN !   Functional Areas private addresses inside
FAB Operations !   Work Groups
FAB !   Administrative Domains, known as Autonomous Systems !   Routing Protocol Boundaries
Building 1 (ASs)
!   EGPs Exterior Gateway Protocols ~ usually between
!   Routing Management Domains ASs, and
Functional Areas are created !   Security Domains
FA= Functional Area to combine work groups and !   Interior Gateway Protocols (IGPs) ~ usually routing
FAB= Backbone FA are bounded by routers. Building 2 within an AS
Lecture 23: Routing Strategy TELE 302 Lecture 23: Routing Strategy TELE 302 Lecture 23: Routing Strategy TELE 302
Boundaries and Routing Flows Manipulating of Routing Flows Routing Metrics
!   Boundaries are focal points for Routing Flows !   Default route propagation !   Used to determine which path is preferable compared
with others.
!   Between functional areas, hard and soft boundaries are !   Route filtering, used to hide networks from the rest of an
located at routers, which aggregate routing traffic. AS, or add or modify routing table. Defined on traffic that !   Various metrics are supported.
matches one or more parameters (IP addresses)
!   These are also locations where hierarchies are !   Traditional distance-vector routing: hops.
established in the network. !   Route aggregation: simplify routing advertisements using !   Newer protocols: delay, bandwidth, reliability etc.
!   Routing Flows are flows of routing information passing !   Metric can affect scalability.
between functional areas !   Peering: exchange of routing information between ASs, may !   RIP supports only 15 hops.
!   Includes routing initialization, updates, transients, and include policies.
background traffic (ex. hellos or keepalives)
!   Metric can affect performance.
!   Routing flows can be manipulated, and manipulations occur !   Policies and policy enforcement: high-level route filtering
at boundaries defined on traffic that matches one or more AS parameters

Lecture 23: Routing Strategy TELE 302 Lecture 23: Routing Strategy TELE 302 Lecture 23: Routing Strategy TELE 302

Static Routing Dynamic Routing Distance Vector Routing

!   Dynamic routing reflects the changes in traffic/network
!   Features conditions (as stored in the status variables)
!   Very common
!   Appletalk, RIP, AODV, etc.
!   Fixed routes: no use of status variables; DGs and VCs Effects:
follow the same route
!   !   This is the routing that comes enabled on most kinds of
!   More complex computers
!   All static routs are maintained in Central Routing !   Will work OK for most LANs
Directory (Routing Control Center) !   Additional communication overhead due to status information

!   Local part of the routes are stored at each node

gathering [and exchange] !   Dynamic calculation of routes
directory (consists of destinations and next node to !   Distributed (best for moderate communication load) !   Support update in forwarding table
them) !   Adjacent nodes status information (sometimes wider) !   Send updates to direct neighbours
!   Simple, smallest overload, no flexibility !   Local decision making according common rules !   Problems:
!   Application for reliable networks with small variation of !   Centralized (best for heavy but stable load) !   May fail to converge with broken links
traffic parameters !   Requires loop-breaking techniques
!   Global status gathering (i.e. subnet range or internet range)
!   Decision making by devoted node

Lecture 23: Routing Strategy TELE 302 !   Distance Vector & Link State Lecture 23: Routing Strategy TELE 302 Lecture 23: Routing Strategy TELE 302
Link State Routing Hierarchical Routing Developing a Routing Strategy
!   Distance vector no longer used on large WANs !   Hierarchy of routing protocols used at different !   Characteristics of popular routing protocols
!   Link State Procedure !   Criteria for making selections among protocols
!   Find neighbors !   This is what happens in practice
!   Test delay to neighbors-- send echo !   Lowest level, workstations, use default router !   Where to apply and mix protocols
!   Broadcast to all routers
!   LAN routers use SPF
!   Each router computes shortest path to all other routers
(using e.g. Dijkstra) !   First level WANs use private Link State
!   Corporate WANs, small ISPs
!   Problems !   Core Internet networks use link state
!   Distribution of updates !   Exterior protocols (RGP) exchange data with first level
!   Network can partition if update breaks WANs.
!   Keeps router table size manageable on core Internet and on
first level networks.
Lecture 23: Routing Strategy TELE 302 Lecture 23: Routing Strategy TELE 302 Lecture 23: Routing Strategy TELE 302

Some Characteristics Other Protocol Criteria Interior Gateway Protocols

!   Typical Characteristics for Evaluating Routing !   Relative Complexity !   Used to configure and maintain routing tables within
Protocols, somewhat distant from the overall design !   Complexity related to scalability. ex. RIP pretty much plug an Autonomous System
are: and play. More features implies more complexity. Some are
!   Convergence Time, how long it takes the network to !   Historically three routing protocols
assimilate a routing change properly !   Ease of Use !   RIP (Routing Information Protocol)
!   Protocol Overheads, in terms of capacity (bandwidth),
!   Interoperability !   OSPF (Open Shortest Path First)
CPU utilization, memory use, stability
!   Support for operations, performance, and features across !   Cisco’s proprietary EIGRP (Enhanced Interior Gateway
!   Indirectly related to design through Redundancy and multiple vendor platforms
Hierarchy Routing Protocol)
!   Embrace of STANDARDS, necessary but not sufficient, must
always test to verify
!   Sometimes interoperability should be sacrificed to achieve
specific performance gains but always with caution. It may be
expensive to change later.
Lecture 23: Routing Strategy TELE 302 Lecture 23: Routing Strategy TELE 302 Lecture 23: Routing Strategy TELE 302
Exterior Gateway Protocol Static Routes RIP/RIPv2
!   Not really part of a routing protocol because fixed,
!   Border Gateway Protocol version 4 BGPv4 (RFC 1711, !   Routing Information Protocol (version one defined in RFC
1772, 1773) is the de facto standard inter-AS routing often useful when a protocol is not needed 1058, version two, backwards compatible in RFC 1723)
protocol today !   Distance vector protocols
!   Often useful when there is only one route out of an
!   A path vector protocol, sees internet as a graph of ASs area ~ Why use a protocol when there is only one !   RIPv1 uses hop counts with maximum cost 15 hops limiting
route? use to ASs less that 15 hops in diameter
!   Immediate neighbors are called peers and BGP
information is propagated by message exchange !   Such areas are called stub areas !   Routing tables RIP advertisements exchanged about every
!   OPEN, UPDATE, NOTIFICATION and KEEPALIVE stub areas — 30 seconds
messages no transient traffic
!   Some problems with route convergence and stability
addressed using mechanisms such as split horizon, poison
reverse, hold-down timers

Lecture 23: Routing Strategy TELE 302 Lecture 23: Routing Strategy TELE 302 Lecture 23: Routing Strategy TELE 302


!   Slow convergence !   Open Shortest Path First (see RFC 2178) !   OSPF should be considered where there is high
!   10s seconds to minutes !   Link state protocol, router constructs a complete topological redundancy and high hierarchy
(directed graph) map of the entire AS !   6:1 or greater hierarchy and >2 alternates or symmetric
!   May not be optimal where high degrees of redundancy and no service disruption allowed
!   Can be configured into areas and structured hierarchically
or hierarchy are indicated (supports area abstraction hence hierarchy)
!   Other features include
!   Use indicated when there is low to medium !   Convergence in seconds (one or two orders of magnitude !   Equal cost multipath, i.e. multiple paths allowed to the
redundancy and hierarchy in the network faster than RIP)
same destination when their costs are the same
!   i.e. 1:1 to 5:1 hierarchy, and !   Connects areas via backbone !   Route summarization (i.e. route aggregation or
!   1 asymmetric or 1 or 2 slightly asymmetric alternates !   Tradeoffs include complexity and configuration. supernetting)

!   Interoperability is an issue.

Lecture 23: Routing Strategy TELE 302 Lecture 23: Routing Strategy TELE 302 Lecture 23: Routing Strategy TELE 302
Choosing and Applying Routing
BGP-4 Protocols
Keep It Simple
!   Border Gateway Protocol version 4 !   A simple strategy:
!   Three basic rules of thumb for applying routing
!   Use static routing for stub areas
!   Path vector-based EGP using route policies and rules to protocols to your design
allow peering between ASs !   For non-stub areas consider RIP/RIPv2
!   Minimize the number you use. Two routing protocols should
generally be the maximum number, one IGP is best. !   Where high hierarchy or redundancy is a consideration
!   Uses AS numbers, providing an abstraction layer above use OSPF
the network addresses of OSPF and RIP !   Start with the simplest routing strategy/routing protocol.
!   Use BGP-4 when an EGP is required
!   As complexity in the routing design and choice of routing
!   Natural for applying policies to ASs because one can protocol increase, reevaluate earlier decisions.
develop policies for collections of networks

Lecture 23: Routing Strategy TELE 302 Lecture 23: Routing Strategy TELE 302 Lecture 23: Routing Strategy TELE 302

Combining Routing Protocols Applying Routing Protocols Then What?

!   Sometimes multiple IGP protocols are indicated despite desire to !   Writing an Implementation Plan for the design
minimize cost. !   Evaluate Protocols for each Functional Area based
on redundancy and hierarchy for that area
!   Apply BGP-4 when network is so large that it needs to be divided into !   Developing RFIs (Request for Information) and/or
multiple ASs or when organizations in the AS want administrative, !   Superceding Order OSPF/RIPv2/Static RFPs (Request for Proposals) for network
management or security autonomy. equipment and services
!   Combine protocols if indicated
Point-to-point !   Evaluation of Products and Vendors
!   FAs containing only backbone networks should be
considered last, require the most complex !   Design and Performance of Acceptance Tests on
protocols equipment and services
!   Consider protocol common to FAs first
!   If multiple protocols, the more complex should be !   Determining how to tune your installed network to
Static considered for the backbone first optimize performance
OSPF !   If hierarchy is 6:1 or greater use BGP-4 for backbone
RIP !   Testing.
Lecture 23: Routing Strategy TELE 302 Lecture 23: Routing Strategy TELE 302 Lecture 23: Routing Strategy TELE 302

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