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Impulsivity Lesson Plan

Activity/Guided Group Discussion (20 minutes)

 “Looks Like, Sounds Like, Feels Like” lists
o On a board, students brainstorm what Managing Impulsivity
looks like, sounds like, and feels like. It may help for students first to
brainstorm (and possibly share) an example of a time when they managed
 The class then performs the same brainstorming activity for not managing
impulsivity by describing what it looks like, sounds like, and feels like not to
manage impulsivity. Once again, it may be easier if students first brainstorm
an example of a time when they didn’t manage their impulsivity.
If you are using newsprint, keep these lists posted throughout the rest of this
class, and save these sheets for the next class.

Activity/Guided Group Discussion (20 minutes)

 “Reasons I Act Impulsively” lists
o Split the class into small groups of two or three. Give each group three
sheets of paper and markers. The three sheets should be labeled:
“Situations when it is appropriate to act impulsively,” “Situations when it isn’t
appropriate to act impulsively,” and “Reasons I act impulsively.” Ask thegroups
to work together to brainstorm responses to these questions.

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