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Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman

Faculty of Engineering and Green Technology

Department of PetroChemical Engineering
UGPA2083 Process Control and Instrumentation

Group: 10 (Temperature process)
Topic: Oil cooler system

Name Student ID Course

Low Yu Zheng 1501351 PE
Goh Le Yuan 1504458 PE
Seow King Wei 1503477 PE
Lee Wei Hern 1503476 PE

Lecturer: Dr. Yeoh Wei Ming

Assignment Report Assessment Rubric
UGPA2083 Process Control and Instrumentation

N 4 3 2 1 Scor (Score/
Category tage
o Excellent Good Fair Weak e/4 4) x
Good Very brief, ant
Either wordy
explanation of not organized, informa
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1 Introduction importance of 15
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Process strategy
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control applied
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2 Control applied in the process 20
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no errors. acceptable
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3 tuned process 15
Controller tuned tuned
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4 Conclusion highlights of highlights of conclus 10
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uniform handwr
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5 Organization eadings with with 10
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7 Language grammar are spelling and in spelling and spelling 10
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References Referen
Most useful References
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8 area relevant citation 10
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Total Marks (%)

According to the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, it stated that heat must be produced
when converting a temperature difference into any kind of energy. In the industrial sector, heat
removal is always a vital part in the production. Therefore, many of the organizations carry out
numerous researches in order to further improve the efficiency. Most of the industrial processes
generate large amount of heat. If the heat is not removed at an ideal rate, it may cause thermal
displacement and structural deformation of the machine tools. Thus, in order to remove the
heat before it ruins the process or the machine itself, the manufacturer need to setup a cooling
system which suits the processes. The cooling system must be able to remove the heat
efficiently, and more preferable if it able to carry out heat transfer to reuse the heat in other
processes. In short, cooling is the transfer of thermal energy via conduction, convection or
radiation. Nowadays, there are a lot of cooling techniques applied in the industry such as oil
cooling, air cooling, water cooling, laser cooling, thermoelectric cooling and much more.

However, we are only going to focus on the control of temperature of oil cooler by hot-
gas bypass method. Oil cooling uses the engine oil as coolant, to remove heat from a machine
or engine. The machine transfers the heat to the oil which then usually passes through a heat-
exchanger. The heat exchanger is a type of radiator which known as oil cooler. (Chan, 2014)

Figure 1: The flow of heat from machine to oil cooling unit.

There are several advantages of oil cooler credit to properties of oil. Firstly, oil is an
electrical insulator. Thus, it can be used in direct contact with electrical equipment such as in
transformers. By using oil cooler, no extra coolant tanks, pumps and radiators required since
oil is already present itself as a lubricant. Other than that, oil can help in prevent of corrosion
of machine, compared to cooling water which can be corrosive to the machine. (Chew, 2015)

On-off method has been generally adopted in the oil cooler system. However, it is not
ideally fit in the system. This is because it is difficult to control the temperature precisely. Other
than that, the electrical energy consumption is increasing due to frequent switching operation
in the compressor of the system. Therefore, variable speed control of a compressor and hot-gas
by pass method were introduced and developed to solve these problems. The side effects
brought by the on-off method such as difficulty to control temperature accurately and high
electrical energy consumption can be overcome by the variable speed control. This is because
the role of inverter in the compressor. However, this control method costs much higher and the
presence of inverter makes the design and structure of the oil cooler system complicated.
Meanwhile, hot-gas bypass method is a simple and affordable method which also can control
the temperature precisely. (Yoon, Jung, Byun, & Jeong, 2009)

Hot-gas bypass method provides an artificial load on the evaporator by introducing an

amount of high pressure and temperature to the evaporator of the system. Hot-gas bypass
method consists of a valve located in the condensing section. The inlet of the hot gas bypass
valve is piped from a tee in the discharge line between the outlet of the compressor and inlet
of the condenser. A check valve is installed in the evaporator section before it enters the suction
side in order to prevent the liquid in the bypass “off cycle” from filling the line. During
operation, if the condition falls below a desired level, the valve will modulate open to introduce
a portion of hot discharge gas to bypass the condenser coil and be injected into the evaporator.
Thus, the temperature can be controlled precisely. (AchrNews, 2007)

There are two types of valves in the hot-gas bypass method which are mechanical valve
and electrical valve. The mechanical hot gas bypass valve is fed discharge gas teed off from
the discharge line. The output of this valve is directly piped to the inlet of the evaporator. There
are some disadvantages to this type of valve such as improper oil return to the compressor.
While the electronic hot-gas bypass valve uses the same concept as mechanical valve but with
a slightly difference. A controller must be used in conjunction with the valve and be capable
of monitoring temperature. The electronic valve is used for more accurate control of
temperature. (McCreadie, 2018)

In the hot-gas bypass method, the feedback control system plays an important role. The
feedback control system can be expressed as a control system possessing monitoring feedback.
Moreover, the deviation signal formed as a result of the feedback used to control the action in
such a way to tend to reduce to zero. The feedback system ensures the controllers exert a control
action in order to manipulate the process variable to be same as the set point.

Figure 2: A conceptual diagram of feedback system of a process.

Controller is the key of the feedback control system. There are 3 types of controller:
Proportional controller, integral controller and derivative controller. However, the controller
normally used in form such as P control, PI control or PID control. P control is used for fast-
response system with a large transmission coefficient. The output power is directly proportional
to the control error. If there are periodic oscillations in the system, the proportion coefficient
should be increased so that the control error is minimal periodic oscillations decrease to the
limit. For the PI control, the output power is the sum of proportional and integration coefficients.
The higher the proportional coefficients indicates the less output power at same control error.
While higher the integration coefficients indicate slower the accumulated integration
coefficients. The PI controller provides zero control error but it has slow reaction towards the
disturbances. Moreover, for the PID controller, the output power equals to sum of three
coefficients. The proportional and integration coefficients carry the same properties as
mentioned above. The higher the differentiation coefficients indicate the greater the response
of the system toward the disturbance. The PID controller is good due to its relatively short
warm up time, precise set point temperature control and fast reaction toward the disturbances.

The control system acts as the nervous system for the plant. It provides sensing, analysis
and control of the physical process. In most of the cases, it is difficult to obtain the exact
mathematical model of the plant. Thus, we need to reply on the experimentation for sorting out
the optimum setting of the controller. The process of experimentation for obtaining the
optimum values of controller is known as controller tuning. It is very important to make sure
to control system is at properly tuned. This is because at well-tuned condition, the process
variability is reduced, efficiency is maximized, energy costs are reduced down and the
production rates can be increased too. (Buckbee, 2009)

There are number of tuning methods have been introduced but the most popular method
is Zeigler-Nichols Method. In 1942, after carrying out a series of experiments with different
types of processes proposed for tuning rules, this method was accepted and till now is used as
a basic guideline for tuning of PID controller. (Buckbee, 2009) However, there is another
method of tuning which is used frequently nowadays, which is Cohen-Coon Tuning Method.
It was introduced in 1953 and it was a modification of the Zeigler-Nichols method. This method
is suitable and applicable to a wider variety of processes than the Zeigler-Nichols method. This
is because Zeigler-Nichols method only works well on the processes where the dead time is
less than half the length of the time constant, τ. Meanwhile, the Cohen-Coon Tuning Method
works well on the processes where the dead time is less than two times the length of the time
constant, τ. (Smuts, 2011)
a) Describe the process involved.

The process that will be discussed is oil cooler system with hot gas bypass method. This
process is related to temperature control and implemented in most of the industries. An oil
cooler system is used to eject heat from a process or plant. The oil cooler system controls the
oil temperature of machine tools.

Figure 3: Schematic diagram of an oil cooler system

Figure 3 shows the schematic diagram of an oil cooler system. Low temperature oil cooled
by the oil cooler system is supplied to the machining parts to reduce the thermal load. The high
temperature oil which carries thermal load from machine tool is pumped from tank to oil cooler.
The heat of the high temperature oil is extracted at oil cooler. The oil outlet temperature is
retained as constant value to prevent thermal deformation.

For the purpose to control the temperature precisely and reduce electrical power
consumption, hot gas bypass method is used in an oil cooler system. Hot gas bypass is
recommended when the load on an evaporator varies and operation of the system is desired
below design conditions. Hot gas bypass provides an artificial load on the evaporator by
introducing a portion of high pressure, high temperature gas to the evaporator/suction side of
the system (Yoon, Jung & Byun, 2009).
b) Describe how the feedback control system is used in the selected industry process
control system

Figure 4: Schematic diagram of hot-gas bypass systems (Yoon, Jung & Byun,

Figure 4 shows the schematic diagram of hot-gas bypass system. The oil cooler system
consists of four components which are compressor, condenser, evaporator and expansion valve.
There is a hot gas connection between the compressor exit and the evaporator entrance to
bypass compressor discharge gas through evaporator. The refrigerant which comes from the
compressor's exit is in high temperature and high pressure and it is directed to the evaporator’s
entrance. It is mixed with the low temperature and low-pressure refrigerant. The evaporator’s
temperature is raised, and the cooling capacity is reduced. By using this method, the oil outlet
temperature of an oil cooler can be retained constantly by controlling the hot-gas bypass

The EEV opening angle can be adjusted/controlled by using feedback control. The control
parts of the oil cooler system are composed of

 PT-100 (Temperature sensor)

 Temperature/voltage converter
 PLC (Programmable Logic Controller)
 Stepping motor driver.
The oil outlet temperature is measured by PT-100 (Temperature sensor) and it is converted
to current by converter and it is transmitted to the control unit which is PLC (Programmable
Logic Controller). The actual oil outlet temperature is compared with the set value of
temperature in the control unit.

The control error is calculated by using the equation:

e(t) = Tset point -Tactual

PID controller receives the error signal and the manipulated variable is manipulated using
the equation below to eliminate the error. Different gains Kp, Ki, KD is adjusted to establish
control and achieve stability.

u(t) = Kp e(t) + Ki ∫ e(t)dt + KD
0 𝑑𝑡

The control output signal is sent to stepping motor driver and the stepping motor driver
converts the signal to electrical to control the opening angle of EEV.

Figure 3: Block diagram for EEV control with feedback control system.
c) Draw the schematic diagram and block diagram for the overall feedback control
system for the selected industry process.

Figure 5: Overall oil cooling process schematic diagram

Figure 6: Oil cooler unit schematic diagram

Figure 7: Oil cooler unit block flow diagram

d) Describe how the controller with different mode (P, PI and PID) is applied in the
selected industry process control system.

Proportional Controller

Firstly, proportional is also recognized as P controller mode. It is a type of linear

feedback control system that changes the controller output proportionally to the control error.
The error is the difference between the set point value and the process variable value. It has the
transfer function of = Kc. When the P controller detects an error, immediate corrective

action is executed to eliminate the control error but with the trade-off of steady-state error.

However, inn general plants, there are still many processes are utilizing on/off
controller but the cycling effect is one of the biggest issue encountered. The cycling effect
associated with on/off control can be eliminated using proportional controls. A proportional
controller decreases the average power being supplied to the cooler as the temperature
approaches setpoint. This has the slowing down effect the cooler, so that it will not undershoot
the setpoint and maintain a stable temperature. In the process of oil cooling, the opening angle
of EEV is adjusted according to deviation of oil outlet temperature (controlled variable) from
set point. If the oil outlet is below the set point, hot refrigerant (manipulated variable) is fed
back to mix with inlet cold refrigerant at evaporator entrance to obtain the desired refrigerant
temperature. This reduces the temperature in the evaporator so that it won't overshoot the
setpoint, but will approach the setpoint and maintain a stable oil output temperature. Oil is gone
through heat transfer between hot oil and cold refrigerant down temperature gradient provide
a cold oil output which the temperature approaches the setpoint (AZO Materials, 2017).

The proportioning action can be achieved by turning the output off and on for short
durations. The “time proportioning” varies the ratio of the “on” time to “off” so that the
temperature is controlled. The proportioning action takes place around the setpoint temperature
within a "proportional band." (OMEGA, 2003) Within the band, the output is turned off in the
ratio of the measurement differences from the setpoint. Outside of this band, the controller
works like an on/off unit with the output fully off when above the band or fully on when below
the band. (OMEGA, 2003) The output on:off ratio is 1:1 at the proportional setpoint which
represent the off-time and on-time are equal. The off-times and on-times changes in proportion
to the temperature difference as the temperature is further from the setpoint. When the
temperature is below the setpoint, the output is on for a longer time. Meanwhile, when the
temperature is too high, the output is off for a longer period.

PI Control

Secondly, proportional and integral or PI controller mode. PI controller is the

combination of the P controller and I controller. It has the transfer function of = Kc(1 +
). I controller mode integrates the error over a period of time until error value reaches to

zero. The error will sum up over time, even the error term is small, it will still increase slowly.
The integral response will continually increase over time unless the error is zero, this is the so-
called integral action that eliminates steady-state error. Hence, the addition of I controller to
the P controller will eliminate the offset error that exists in the proportional controller alone.
When PI controller is implemented in the oil cooling process, it can eliminate the offset error
that existing in the P controller and achieve steady state. When the P controller is used alone,
normally to obtain the desired response, the set point is set higher to compensate the offset
error, with PI controller, this problem is no longer existing. The I controller is used to collect
the small errors in the system, accumulate the error to a certain amount that pass the threshold,
and respond with corrective action. This ensure the outlet temperature of the cooling oil to
maintain at the set point temperature. However, I controller has relatively slow response
towards disturbance (inlet oil temperature). So, the proportional gain is decreased in order to
improve the speed of response (Rao & Mishra, 2014).
PID Control

Lastly, this controller provides proportional with integral and derivative control. With
the combination of proportional control with two additional adjustments, the unit is able to
automatically compensate for changes within the system. The additional of D controller can
anticipate the future behaviour of error. This makes PID is more responsive and has less
fluctuation response compares to PI controller. Both integral and derivative adjustments are
expressed in the time-based units. The integral and derivative are also referred to by their
reciprocals, reset and rate respectively. (AZO Materials, 2017) By using trial and error method,
the proportional, integral and derivative terms is individually tuned to a particular system. If
the disturbance changes often and the controller is expected to compensate automatically due
to frequent changes in setpoint.

The temperature error is determined by e = T* - T and the PID controller will generate
input value of control to reduces to error to zero, finally send it to a driver. The PID controller
will generate an output through proportional- integral equation:

In the oil cooling process, PID controller can be used with relatively small derivative
time constant (𝜏d) to minimize the noise level as D controller amplifies higher frequency
measurement that can cause large amount of change in output. With the presence of D
controller, the fluctuation of outlet temperature from set point is greatly reduced. Hence, the
cooling process is more effective and stable with PID controller (TERA, n.d.).
e) Suggest better controller mode (P, PI, PID) for the selected industry process
control system. Justify your answer.

P controller present in alone is not suggested and suitable for oil cooler system with the
consideration of several factor despite the simplicity of the controller. First, the main
disadvantage of the P-Only controller is the propensity for offset which having a sustained
differences between a loop’s set point and its input.(Control Station, 2017) The offset may
result in undesired output temperature of oil from the unit. Offset is arises from a set point
change or a sustained disturbance. The offset cannot be eliminated with P-only controller but
offset can be reduced by introducing a higher gain (Kc). However, after a certain value of
reduction on the steady state error, increasing K only result in overshoot (Sena, 2007). The P
controller is more responsive when applied to inner loop of cascaded controller. It can quickly
counter process disturbances. Oil cooler system is not tolerable to a constant steady state error,
thus P-Only controller is not suggested.

According to a study by Yoon, Jung, Byun, & Jeong, a PI controller is the most suitable
controller in this unit. The oil cooler’s components in the cycle are connected with various
pipes and valves which showing a nonlinear characteristics. The dynamic characteristics is
unable to determine and eventually unable to obtain applicative mathematical model. Hence,
the critical oscillation method is applied to this system. Critical gain (Kcr) and critical period
(Pcr) are obtained through critical oscillation response of different control period. Kcr and Pcr
are obtained for gain tuning as shown in equation below: (Oh S.T, 2009)

According to the experiment done by Yoon, Jung, Byun, & Jeong to obtained the gain due to
the system is a nonlinear system. The set point temperature is set at 35°C, the step response,
critical oscillation response and relay auto tuning response is obtained in this experiment. The
result is shown in figure below:
Figure 1: Step response, Critical oscillation response and relay auto-tuning response
(Yoon, Jung & Byun, 2009).

The cotroller gain according to tuning method is determined according to the tuning method.
Each controller with their respective tuning method and the stability of the system is then
obatined in the figure below.

Figure 2: PI control response by critical oscillation, PID control response by relay auto
tuning and PID control response by critical oscillation (Yoon, Jung & Byun, 2009).

A comparison can be made according to the control performance of two different type of
controller and tuning method. The critical oscillation of both PI and PID controller showing a
better performance so the critical oscillation gain tuning method is selected. At the same time,
the PI controller showing a small overshoot and settling time and the least error as compared
to PID controller. In addition, PI controller will give a more stable response to the system as it
is not as sensitive as PID controller towards disturbance. A stable temperature output is
dominant to the machinery in order to increase performance and prevent machinery breakdown.
PI controller have solve the problem of offset present in the P-only controller. A desired
temperature of the oil output can be obtained easier as the steady state error is eliminated. P
controller take an immediate corrective action to error and used in conjunction with I controller
to remove offset which provide the most suitable controller action for oil cooler.
PID controller is rejected due to several factors which affect the controller output. PID
controller is not suggested to use due to any abrupt changes in output will upset other loops. In
PID controller, the derivative of the measured action will amplify the noise of process
measurement. The error from the oil cooler will not change consistently where no additional
control action is needed, thus PID is not suitable. As the changes in the temperature is the
disturbance, the oil inlet stream temperature will depend on the machinery which is inconsistent.
Hence, a false rate of change of the future error is identified result in unstable controller output.
The controller is fluctuate greatly in the PID controller due to the great sensitivity of the
controller towards the error.
e) Consider a following process with the transfer function of 𝑮𝒑 = , Gv = Gm = 1

(The value of K, θ, and τ are for each group in according to Table 1.1).

i) Design a PI controller based on the Ziegler-Nichols and Cohen-Coon tuning relations.

𝐾𝑒 −𝜃𝑠
𝐺𝑝 = 𝜏𝑠 +1

K = 15, τ = 50, θ = 9


𝑃 1
For PI Controller: 𝐺𝑐 = 𝐸 = 𝐾𝑐 (1 + 𝜏 𝑆)

𝐾𝐾𝑐 = 0.9 (τ / θ)

10𝐾𝑐 = 0.9 (50/9)

𝐾𝑐 = 0.5

1  
 3.33 
  

1 9
 3.33 
50  50 

𝜏𝐼 = 29.97
𝑃 1
𝐺𝑐 = 𝐸 = 𝐾𝑐 (1 + 𝜏 𝑠)

= 0.5(1 + 29.97𝑠)


𝐾𝐾𝑐 = 0.9(τ/θ) + 0.083

10𝐾𝑐 = 0.9(50/9) + 0.083

𝐾𝑐 = 0.5083

𝜏𝐼 𝜃(3.33 + 0.33 ( 𝜏 ))
𝜏 𝜃
1.0 + 2.2( 𝜏 )

𝜏𝐼 9(3.33 + 0.33 ( ))
= 50
50 9
1.0 + 2.2( )

𝜏𝐼 = 1092.57

𝑃 1
𝐺𝑐 = 𝐸 = 𝐾𝑐 (1 + 𝜏 𝑠)

= 0.5083(1 + 1092.57𝑠)

ii. Determine, if only P controller based on Zieger-Nichols tuning relation, is enough to

results in a stable closed-loop system for process in Part 2(f).

𝐺𝑣 = 𝐺𝑚 = 1

𝐾𝑒 −𝜃𝑠
𝐺𝑝 = 𝜏𝑠 +1

For P controller,

𝐾𝐾𝑐 =𝜃

10𝐾𝑐 = 50/9

𝐾𝑐 = 0.5556

𝐺𝑐 = 𝐾𝑐 =0.5556

Characteristic Equation:

1 + 𝐺𝑐 𝐺𝑣 𝐺𝑝 𝐺𝑚 = 0

𝐾𝑒 −𝜃𝑠
1 + (𝐾𝑐 )(1) ( ) (1) = 0
𝜏𝑠 +1

𝐾𝑐 (10)𝑒 −9𝑠
1+ =0
50𝑠 + 1

50𝑠 + 1 + 10𝐾𝑐 𝑒 −9𝑠

50𝑠 + 1

50𝑠 + 1 + 10𝐾𝑐 (1 − 9𝑠)

50𝑠 + 1

50𝑠 + 1 + 10𝐾𝑐 − 90𝐾𝑐 𝑠

50𝑠 + 1

(50 − 90𝐾𝑐 )𝑠 + 10𝐾𝑐 + 1 = 0

50 − 90𝐾𝑐 > 0 10𝐾𝑐 + 1 > 0

50 > 90𝐾𝑐 10𝐾𝑐 > −1

𝐾𝑐 < 0.5556 𝐾𝑐 > −0.1

−0.1 < 𝐾𝑐 < 0.5556

The important constraint is −0.1 < 𝐾𝑐 < 0.5556 . Any 𝐾𝑐 out of the range will cause

In conclusion, for the controllers in oil cooler using hot-gas bypass method, the type
of controller which fit the most in the system is the PI controller. This is because the
components in the oil cooler are connected with different pipes and valves. Hence, it shows
the non-linear characteristics. By applying the critical oscillation response of different control
period, critical gain (Kcr) and critical period (Pcr) can be determined. Now, the PI controller is
designed by the tuning method. First, we carried out the tuning based on the Ziegler-Nichols
method. After all the calculation, we have determined the 𝜏𝐼 with a value of 29.97, 𝐾𝑐 with a
value of 0.5 and 𝐺𝑐 with a relation of 0.5(1 + 29.97𝑠). Meanwhile, by using Cohen-Coon

method in the tuning, we obtained the 𝜏𝐼 with a value of 1092.57, 𝐾𝑐 with a value of 0.5083
and 𝐺𝑐 with a relation of 0.5083(1 + 1092.57𝑠).

1. AchrNews. (9 July, 2007). Retrieved from Understanding Hot Gas Bypass:

2. AZO Materials. (2017). Introduction to Temperature Control. Retrieved from

3. Buckbee, G. (2009). Best Practices for Controller Tuning.

4. Chan, D. (20 December, 2014). The Basic Functions of an Oil Cooler. Retrieved from

5. Chew, S. (21 August, 2015). Oil Cooler Advantages and Disadvantages. Retrieved

6. Control Station. (2017). W hat is Pro port ion al - Onl y Contro l? When
Shoul d P - Onl y Cont rol be Use d? Retrieved from

7. McCreadie, G. (6 January, 2018). Retrieved from The Hot Gas Bypass Valve Explained:

8. OMEGA. (2003). Temperature Process Controllers. Retrieved from
9. Rao,K,S. & Mishra,R. (2014). Comparative Study of P, PI and PID Controller For
Speed Control of VSI-Fed Induction Motor. Retrieved from


Retrieved from Middle East Technical University

11. Smuts, J. (24 March, 2011). Control Notes: Reflections of a Process Control
Practitioner. Retrieved from Cohen-Coon Tuning Method:

12. TERA. (n.d.). P, PI and PID Control. Retrieved from

13. Yoon, J.-I., Jung, Y.-M., Byun, J.-Y., & Jeong, S.-K. (2009). A Study on High Precision
Temperature Control of an Oil Cooler for a Machine Tools By Using Hot-gas Bypass

Table 1.1 Details for each group

Group Type of Process Information for Gp
K τ θ
1 Level / Flow 1 10 5
2 Heating / Temperature 2 20 6
3 Mixing 3 30 7
4 Pressure 4 40 8
5 Level / Flow 5 50 9
6 Heating / Temperature 6 10 5
7 Mixing 7 20 6
8 Pressure 8 30 7
9 Level / Flow 9 40 8
10 Heating / Temperature 10 50 9
11 Mixing 11 10 5
12 Pressure 12 20 6
13 Level / Flow 13 30 7
14 Heating / Temperature 14 40 8
15 Mixing 15 50 9
16 Pressure 16 10 5
17 Level / Flow 17 20 6
18 Heating / Temperature 18 30 7
19 Mixing 19 40 8

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