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Guillain-Barre syndrome in Asia

Article in Journal of neurology, neurosurgery, and psychiatry · December 2013

DOI: 10.1136/jnnp-2013-306212 · Source: PubMed


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7 authors, including:

Jong Seok Bae Satoshi Kuwabara

Hallym University Medical Center Chiba University


Jong Kuk Kim Steve Vucic

Soongsil University Neuroscience Research Australia


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Guillain–Barré syndrome in Asia

Jong Seok Bae,1,2 Nobuhiro Yuki,3 Satoshi Kuwabara,4 Jong Kuk Kim,5
Steve Vucic,2,6 Cindy S Lin,2 Matthew C Kiernan7
Department of Neurology, ABSTRACT axonal neuropathy (AMAN) in the 1990s, general
College of Medicine, Hallym Over the past 20 years, the most notable advance in understanding of the syndrome has transformed.
University, Seoul, Korea
Neuroscience Research
understanding Guillain–Barré syndrome (GBS) has been AMAN was first reported from the East Asia region,
Australia, Sydney, Australia the identification of an axonal variant. This advance particularly China and Japan,4 5 with subsequent
Department of Medicine, arose chiefly through studies undertaken in East Asian neurophysiological, pathological and immunological
Yong Loo Lin School of countries and comprised two major aspects: first, the evidence to suggest that GBS could be divided into
Medicine, National University immunopathogenesis of axonal GBS related to anti- two major subtypes, AIDP and AMAN.6 7 As a con-
of Singapore, Singapore,
Singapore ganglioside antibodies and molecular mimicry of sequence, AIDP is no longer considered a synonym
Department of Neurology, Campylobacter jejuni; and second, the observation that of GBS, but rather solely reflects a subtype of the
Graduate School of Medicine, distinct electrophysiological patterns of axonal GBS condition.
Chiba University, Chiba, Japan existed, reflecting reversible conduction failure (RCF). From this perspective, understanding the clinical
Department of Neurology,
College of Medicine, Dong-A
As a consequence, the pathophysiology of acute motor features, pathophysiology and diagnosis of AMAN
University, Busan, Korea axonal neuropathy (AMAN) has perhaps become better remain essential for the overall conceptualisation of
Department of Neurology, understood than acute inflammatory demyelinating GBS. In turn, development of a greater understand-
Westmead Clinical School, polyneuropathy. Despite these more recent advances, a ing may provide clues to the remaining controver-
University of Sydney, Sydney,
critical issue remains largely unresolved: whether axonal sies of AMAN: geographic differences, molecular
New South Wales, Australia
Bushell Chair of Neurology, GBS is more common in Asia than in Europe or North mimicry with infectious agents and the unique elec-
Brain & Mind Research America. If it is more common in Asia, then causative trophysiological patterns. As such, the present
Institute, University of Sydney, factors must be more critically considered, including review will focus on what is known about AMAN
Sydney, New South Wales, geographical differences, issues of genetic susceptibility, and what remains to be established.
the role of antecedent infections and other potential
Correspondence to triggering factors. It has become apparent that the CAMPYLOBACTER JEJUNI, GANGLIOSIDE
Dr Jong Seok Bae, Department optimal diagnosis of AMAN requires serial ANTIBODIES AND MOLECULAR MIMICRY
of Neurology, College of electrophysiological testing, to better delineate RCF, Originally, GBS was defined immunologically based
Medicine, Hallym University,
combined with assessment for the presence of anti- on the inflammatory demyelinating polyneuritis
Seoul, Korea, Kangdong Sacred
Heart Hospital, 150 Seongan-ro, ganglioside antibodies. Recent collaborative approaches linked to a cell-mediated immune response against
Gangdong-gu, Seoul 134-701, between Europe and Asia have suggested that both the unknown myelin protein antigens, considered
Korea; electrophysiological pattern of AMAN and the similar to experimental allergic neuritis.8 Relevant
seropositivity for anti-ganglioside antibodies develop pathological findings in GBS relate to the infiltra-
Received 8 July 2013
Revised 27 November 2013 similarly. Separately, however, current electrodiagnostic tion of inflammatory cells, particularly T lympho-
Accepted 28 November 2013 criteria for AMAN limited to a single assessment appear cytes and macrophages, with areas of segmental
inadequate to identify the majority of cases. As such, demyelination, often associated with secondary
diagnostic criteria will need to be revised to improve the axonal degeneration, detectable in the spinal roots
diagnostic sensitivity for AMAN. or peripheral nerves. These features were, for an
extended period, considered to be consistent across
all GBS presentations. As a consequence, in terms
INTRODUCTION of terminology, AIDP was a term considered inter-
Guillain–Barré syndrome (GBS) is generally charac- changeable with GBS, both in clinical and research
terised as a postinfectious, acute flaccid paralysis communities.
with albuminocytologic dissociation: that is, high However, it has subsequently been demonstrated
levels of protein in the cerebrospinal fluid com- that AMAN was substantially different from AIDP,
bined with a normal cell count.1 Worldwide, GBS particularly in relation to immunological and patho-
is now considered the most common cause of acute logical aspects. Specifically, in AMAN, IgG and acti-
flaccid paralysis and constitutes significant chronic vated complement bind to the axolemma of motor
morbidity.1 Since the first description by Guillain fibres at the nodes of Ranvier, followed by forma-
et al2 in 1916, GBS has been classically linked to tion of the membrane attack complex (figure 1).6
the inflammatory destruction of the myelin sheath The resulting nodal lengthening tends to be fol-
in peripheral nerves and roots, termed acute lowed by degeneration of motor axons, with neither
inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy lymphocytic inflammation nor demyelination appear-
To cite: Bae JS, Yuki N, (AIDP).1 In fact, for an extended period, AIDP ing as prominent features.5 9
Kuwabara S, et al. J Neurol
Neurosurg Psychiatry
became a synonym of GBS, with this term reflect- Perhaps it could be argued that over the past
Published Online First: ing clinicopathological aspects of the disease. 20 years, the most notable advances across the
[please include Day Month However, after the first suggestion about the exist- inflammatory neuropathies have been improve-
Year] doi:10.1136/jnnp- ence of an axonal form of GBS by Feasby et al3 in ments in understanding the immunopathogenesis
2013-306212 1986, and the subsequent definition of acute motor of AMAN. The discovery of anti-ganglioside

BaeCopyright Article
JS, et al. J Neurol author
Neurosurg Psychiatry(or their employer)
2013;0:1–7. 2013. Produced
doi:10.1136/jnnp-2013-306212 by BMJ Publishing Group Ltd under licence. 1
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Figure 1 Immunopathogenesis of acute motor axonal neuropathy. Molecular mimicry exists between gangliosides(GM1 and GD1a) and
Campylobacter jejuni lipo-oligosaccharides (LOSs). Infection by C jejuni bearing GM1-like or GD1a-like LOSs may induce the production of IgG
anti-GM1 or GD1a antibodies in certain patients, The autoantibodies bind to the nodes of Ranvier, where GM1 and GD1a are strongly expressed,
and activate complement. Membrane attack complex is formed at the nodal axolemma, resulting in the disappearance of voltage-gated sodium
(Nav) channels and the detachment of paranodal myelin. These pathological changes may lead to conduction failure and consequent muscle
weakness. Subsequently, Wallerian-like degeneration may ensue, with macrophages penetrating the periaxonal space at the nodal area, scavenging
the injured axons. In acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy, unknown autoantibodies may bind to the outer surface of Schwann cells
and activate complement-related immunological mechanisms.

antibodies and their relationship with AMAN disclosed the the Campylobacter jejuni lipo-oligosaccharide (LOS) has been
immunogenic target: gangliosides present in the axolemma. established as a trigger to the immunological pathogenesis asso-
Previously serological investigations revealed that approxi- ciated with this disorder (figure 1).11 This critical understanding
mately 60% of the acute-phase GBS sera had anti-ganglioside explained both the development of AMAN after antecedent
antibodies, predominantly IgG class, against at least one infections, mostly gastrointestinal, and the seasonal variability of
ganglioside.10 Molecular mimicry of human gangliosides by GBS and AMAN, probably according to seasonal epidemics of

2 Bae JS, et al. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2013;0:1–7. doi:10.1136/jnnp-2013-306212

Downloaded from on January 23, 2014 - Published by


infectious pathogens.5 12 This seasonal pattern has also been dispersion, a process termed reversible conduction failure
reported in other countries, even those with a low incidence of (RCF).18 This rapidly reversible block, which typically resolves
AMAN.13 within days to weeks, is frequently encountered in AMAN
Theories of pathogenesis have been further explored using patients. Such a time course may suggest functional or micro-
animal models of AMAN, including the sensitisation of structural changes at the node of Ranvier, rather than segmental
Japanese white rabbits with a bovine brain ganglioside mixture demyelination and subsequent remyelination. As such, serial
or isolated GM1.14 In these landmark studies, rabbit models NCS are required to identify this important feature. Such a
developed IgG anti-GM1 antibodies associated with acute finding remains consistent with animal models of AMAN that
monophasic flaccid limb weakness. Pathological findings in the established the presence of microstructural changes at or near
peripheral nerve established prominent Wallerian-like degener- the node of Ranvier, specifically disruption of nodal sodium
ation, without lymphocytic infiltration or demyelination. Cauda channel clusters, and detachment of paranodal terminal myelin
equina and ventral root specimens revealed IgG deposits at the loops, mimicking paranodal demyelination, before macrophage
nodes of Ranvier and macrophage infiltration in the periaxonal invasion and resultant axonal degeneration ensued.27 28 The
space,15 similar to the situation identified in AMAN autopsy immune attack may in turn lead to the disappearance of parano-
cases. Immunisation of animals with C jejuni LOS also produced dal adhesion molecules, such as contactin, contactin-associated
AMAN,11 further supporting the molecular mimicry mechanism protein and neurofascin-155, indicative of impaired tight para-
in this autoimmune disease process. nodal axo-glial junctions.27 The possibility of a non-
Until recently, there was no clear evidence as to which anti- demyelinating, ‘physiological’ CB in AMAN has also been raised
ganglioside antibodies were associated with the specific clinical by autopsy studies that showed minimal structural changes at
characteristics of GBS. However, some anti-ganglioside anti- the node of Ranvier in patients with severe muscle weakness,
bodies such as anti-GM1, GM1b, GD1a and GalNAc-GD1a anti- leading to death from respiratory failure.9
bodies appeared in high frequencies in GBS from Asian
countries as representative markers of AMAN.16 17 More PROBLEMS WITH EXISTING ELECTRODIAGNOSTIC
recently, these antibodies were identified as important in deter- CRITERIA
mining the unusual electrophysiological characteristics.18 The lack of distinction between RCF and demyelinating CB
Additionally, although not the case in typical GBS, which is from a single NCS may lead to the incorrect classification of
accompanied by limb weakness, unusual presentations such as AMAN as AIDP.18 In these AMAN patients, CB in intermediate
ataxia may be attributed to the various differences across the nerve segments may promptly resolve, distal CMAP amplitudes
spectrum of anti-ganglioside antibodies.19 may rapidly increase and distal motor latencies, when pro-
longed, may return to normal values without the development
AMAN AND REVERSIBLE CONDUCTION FAILURE of excessive temporal dispersion. Such features are clearly differ-
Across the spectrum of peripheral neuropathies, an important ent from what is usually expected in AIDP patients without anti-
utility of conventional nerve conduction studies (NCS) relates to ganglioside antibodies (figure 2).
the differentiation of axonal loss from apparent demyelination. It is now accepted that some AMAN patients, as distinct from
When AIDP was used as a synonym of GBS, the electrodiagnos- the classical axonal degeneration pattern, may exhibit transient
tic criteria for demyelinating neuropathy were identical to those CB and conduction slowing, thereby mimicking demyelination,
for GBS. Several electrophysiological criteria primarily used but without components characteristic of remyelination, suggest-
parameters associated with conduction velocity and evoked ing impaired conduction at the node of Ranvier, presumably
amplitude based on a single electrodiagnostic assessment.20–23 related to the effects of anti-ganglioside antibodies. Until now,
However, development of an understanding of AMAN as a there have been no electrodiagnostic criteria based on results
distinct entity leads in turn to the need to determine new electro- obtained from serial NCS. Clearly, serial electrophysiological
diagnostic criteria to delineate the axonal variant of GBS. For the studies remain essential for the diagnosis of GBS subtypes, the
first AMAN diagnostic criteria, a slightly modified version of the identification of pathophysiological mechanisms and assessment
Albers criteria20 was introduced by Ho and colleagues to differ- of prognosis. As such, more reliable electrodiagnostic criteria
entiate between AIDP and AMAN in a Chinese population.23 In need to be devised to distinguish axonal from demyelinating
the Ho criteria set, ‘unequivocal’ temporal dispersion, but not subtypes of GBS, taking into consideration the RCF pattern and
conduction block (CB), was considered important. Hadden and focusing on temporal dispersion.29
colleagues further modified diagnostic criteria, not considering
temporal dispersion, but reintroducing CB, defined as >50% IS AMAN MORE COMMON IN ASIA?
reduction in proximal compound muscle action potential Although there are only slight differences in the total worldwide
(CMAP) amplitude compared with distal CMAP.22 Currently, the incidence and prevalence of GBS,30 the incidence of AMAN
Ho and Hadden criteria remain the most widely used in clinical appears to vary considerably between countries. Across Europe and
practice to delineate AIDP from AMAN. In some series, in an North America, AIDP is the dominant subtype of GBS31 32 and
attempt to overcome discrepancy, unequivocal temporal disper- represents up to 90% of total GBS.22 However, there is discrepancy
sion was set at >30% increased duration of proximal CMAP of such incidence in Western and Central Asian countries33 34 and
compared with distal CMAP.24 25 This seemingly arbitrary cut-off perhaps even Central America.35 Specifically, reports of AMAN
was established to distinguish between the effects of temporal dis- are relatively common in Asian countries,16 23 36–39 especially
persion due to demyelination when compared with axonal loss.26 Eastern Asia, where the frequency of AMAN is high, perhaps
The initial diagnostic criteria sets were based on an initial even higher than AIDP (table 1)23 36 38and also in Central and
assumption that AMAN was characterised simply by axonal South America, where the frequency ranges from 40% to
degeneration. However, previous electrophysiological studies 65%.23 25 35 36 40
revealed that some AMAN patients exhibited transient CB and Given that C jejuni is the most common antecedent infection
slowing in intermediate and distal nerve segments, mimicking of GBS worldwide41 and the suggestion from molecular
demyelination, although without features of abnormal temporal mimicry studies that C jejuni infection may be expected to

Bae JS, et al. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2013;0:1–7. doi:10.1136/jnnp-2013-306212 3

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Figure 2 Serial recordings of the motor nerve conduction studies in various Guillain–Barré syndrome subtypes. Superimposed compound motor
action potential (CMAP) recordings over the abductor pollicis brevis muscle, following stimulation of the median nerve at the wrist and elbow. The
procedure was performed by Dr N. Kokubun (Dokkyo Medical University, Japan). Acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (A). Although
clinical nadir was reached at day 10, progressive prolongation of distal motor latency (DML) and decrease in CMAP amplitude with excessive
temporal dispersion were seen by week 6, indicating that the conduction slowing is primarily a sign of remyelination. CMAP amplitudes began to
show gradual improvement by week 11, but slight prolongation of DML remained at week 47. Acute motor axonal neuropathy (B). A rapid,
progressive decrease in CMAP amplitudes was present in the early stage of the disease. Clinical nadir was reached by day 10. As well as clinical
recovery, CMAPs were seen to improve gradually without prolongation of the DMLs, conduction slowing or excessive temporal dispersion. Acute
motor-conduction-block neuropathy (C). On day 5, conduction blocks (CBs) were present at the forearm and upper arm segments of the median
nerve. The CBs rapidly resolved, with no remyelination features, such as excessive temporal dispersion or conduction slowing, by day 14. Clinical
nadir was reached at day 3, and complete recovery was seen by week 14. The result of the normal nerve conduction study at week 14 is shown
(modified from Yuki and Hartung1 with permission from Massachusetts Medical Society).

invariably induce AMAN, AMAN may be expected to be the some Asian countries. What then could cause this apparent
predominant subtype of GBS. However, AMAN was previously discrepancy?
considered a rare variant and, even now, remains the less There may be a number of explanations. First, although
common subtype in most world regions, with the exception of C jejuni is a common enteric human pathogen, epidemiological
differences in C jejuni infection across world regions must be
considered.42 For instance, although C jejuni grows best at
42°C, it cannot be pathologically active at freezing temperatures
Table 1 Relative frequencies of acute motor axonal neuropathy for long periods, characteristics that will clearly limit transmis-
(AMAN)/acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (AIDP) sion.43 C jejuni infection occurs year-round, but with a sharp
subtypes worldwide peak in the summer and early autumn. Infection is higher when
Proportion of AMAN Proportion of air temperatures rise44 and is influenced by rainfall in tropical
to total Guillain–Barré AIDP to total Number of countries. The epidemiology of infection in developing coun-
Country syndrome (GBS) (%) GBS (%) reference tries is markedly different. Indeed, in developing countries,
North America 4 90 22 C jejuni is often isolated from healthy individuals, and infection
and Europe* is especially common in children or immunocompromised
England* 7 – 31 individuals.45 46 Thus, AMAN may be apparently more fre-
Slovenia 11 79 32 quent in countries with a higher incidence of diarrhoea and a
Israel 22 63 33 poor hygienic infrastructure.36
Pakistan 31 46 34 Climate may also underlie differences in AMAN occurrence.
Japan† 36 36 16 Most countries with higher AMAN percentages, particularly
Turkey 40 – 37 across Asia, have extremely hot and humid summer seasons,
Korea* 50 – 39 whereas Europe and North America have relatively dry summer
Northeast China 54 8 38 seasons. Thus, the vulnerability of C jejuni to dry conditions
Bangladesh* 56 22 36 may contribute to a lower incidence of infection, especially in
China* 65 24 23 the summer months across Western countries.23 35
*Study using the anti-ganglioside assay only.
A further consideration relates to factors associated with the
†Study using both serial nerve conduction studies (NCS) and anti-ganglioside assays. individual host. Given that GBS is generally considered a spor-
Bars with no marking indicate use of neither serial NCS nor anti-ganglioside antibody adic disease, an association of AMAN and AIDP with the
genetic background of the host seems unlikely. Although some

4 Bae JS, et al. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2013;0:1–7. doi:10.1136/jnnp-2013-306212

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cases of familial GBS have been described,47 48 there is no method of choice for diagnosing a recent C jejuni infection.
strong human leukocyte antigen (HLA) linkage,49 although one Although the sensitivity and specificity of serological assays vary
study suggested a link with a CD1 polymorphism.50 Recurrence between laboratories, Dutch–Japanese collaborative studies have
of pure GBS also remains rare. However, some peculiar features suggested that the incidence of antecedent C jejuni infection in
of the sequelae of C jejuni infection may suggest a possible role Japanese GBS was no higher than Dutch GBS.56
for host factors, probably via immunological processes. After Few trials have investigated the third hypothesis, although
recovery from C jejuni infection, reactive arthritis or Reiter’s one study suggested that C jejuni infection occasionally induced
syndrome may develop in some hosts, related to genetic factors AIDP,57 using serological assays from both a Dutch laboratory
(eg, HLA-B27-positive patients), as seen in other gastrointestinal and also from a Japanese laboratory. This was the same proced-
infections, such as with Yersinia, Salmonella and Shigella ure used in a previous Japanese study that reported an exclusive
species. On the other hand, non-specific rheumatologic symp- relationship between C jejuni and AMAN.58 However, these
toms may inexplicably persist for several months or even years comparative studies showed three probable demyelinating GBS
in a few affected people.51 cases tested positive by the Dutch assay, of which only one was
Finally, there remain other relatively untested theories asso- positive by both the Dutch and Japanese assays. Overall, it
ciated with host factors: C jejuni strains with C jejuni sialyl seems unlikely that C jejuni infection elicits typical AIDP, but
transferase (Cst-II) (Thr51) express GM1-like and GD1a-like the possibility that C jejuni infection may induce unique myelin
LOS, whereas strains with Cst-II (Asn51) expressed GT1a-like damage cannot be excluded.53 Separately, the development of
and GD1c-like LOS.52As such, Cst-II (Thr51) strain also induce AMAN without C jejuni infection has been suggested.
IgG anti-GQ1b antibodies. In such cases, GBS may also overlap Specifically, despite the lack of a precise pathophysiology and
with Fisher syndrome. If geographical differences in genetic specific categorisation of its clinical laboratory features, some
polymorphisms of C jejuni strains exist, such ‘bacterial’ factors reports have described the development of AMAN after infec-
may make differences in the phenotype or subtype of GBS tion with other agents, such as mycoplasma or Haemophilus
across different regions of the world. However, host factors are influenzae. Thus, a certain proportion of AMAN patients may
also important, in that infections by the aforementioned strains be related to antecedent infections by organisms other than
do not always induce GBS. As such, it would be helpful to C jejuni.59 60
resolve these issues about host factors and to determine the rela-
tive proportion of AMAN or Fisher syndrome that may develop
in Asian immigrants living in Western countries.
At present there is little information concerning the incidence of
acute motor sensory axonal neuropathy (AMSAN) across Asia,
although it appears to represent up to 4% of GBS in Japan,61 62
6% in India25 and 11% in Bangladesh.36 It has been suggested
To explain the apparent discrepancy of frequent C jejuni infec-
that patients with AMAN and AMSAN may share serological
tion and less frequent axonal GBS in Western countries, it
markers.61 Indeed, AMSAN has the same immunological
remains plausible that
markers, IgG anti-GM1 and anti-GD1a antibodies that differen-
1. AMAN could be underestimated;
tiate AMAN from AIDP. This common immunological profile
2. C jejuni infection could be overestimated or
supports the notion that AMAN and AMSAN may arise as a
3. C jejuni infection may lead to both AIDP and AMAN.53
result of the same immune response against the axon, rather
The first hypothesis is closely related to a false-negative diag-
than two separate disease entities. Perhaps of relevance, serial
nosis of AMAN. As discussed in previous sections, the present
sensory NCS have identified that sensory fibres are often subcli-
electrodiagnostic criteria for AMAN leave a high likelihood of
nically involved in AMAN63 and that RCF occurs in sensory
misdiagnosing AMAN as AIDP. Additionally, many previous
and motor fibres in AMAN and AMSAN. As such, AMSAN
studies of AMAN did not use assays for anti-ganglioside anti-
may be considered an extreme sensory-predominant form of
bodies, potentially leading to underestimation of true AMAN
incidence. Concerning immunological aspects, a previous
It was previously proposed that acute motor conduction
Dutch–Japanese collaborative study identified a similar propor-
block neuropathy (AMCBN) was an axonal variant of GBS.64
tion of ganglioside positivity.54 However, this comparative study
However, AMCBN and AMAN may share antecedent C jejuni
identified a different range of cross-reactivity and isotype distri-
enteritis and IgG anti-GM1 and anti-GD1a antibodies in
bution among various anti-ganglioside antibodies. This study
common. Furthermore, AMCBN patients may demonstrate the
revealed a different reaction between antecedent infection and
RCF pattern described in some nerves of AMAN patients
antibody formation in relation to the different geographic
(figure 2). As a consequence, it has been hypothesised that
factors. From an electrophysiological perspective, an Italian
AMCBN represented an ‘arrested’ form of AMAN, in which
group determined that sequential NCS resulted in a significant
anti-ganglioside antibodies bound to the nodal axolemma to
increase in the frequency of AMAN, from 18% to 38%.13 This
thereby induce RCF, although nerves do not progress to more
group subsequently reported their findings in a collaborative
severe axonal degeneration.64
study with Japanese colleagues using the same procedures,
incorporating anti-ganglioside assays and a serial NCS protocol.55
Interestingly, approximately 30% of both Japanese and Italian CONCLUSIONS
patients with a positive ganglioside antibody demonstrated an Recognition of AMAN and the development of meaningful
AIDP pattern at their first NCS, whereas sequential studies animal models have facilitated an understanding concerning the
determined that most ultimately developed AMAN. immunopathogenesis associated with ganglioside antibodies and
With regard to the second hypothesis, the gold standard for also C jejuni infection. Identification of different electrophysio-
C jejuni infection remains a positive stool culture, but because logical profiles of AMAN, particularly by means of serial NCS
of the delay in GBS onset from a preceding infection, such cul- testing, has resulted in the establishment of a new concept of
tures are often negative. Consequently, serology remains the conduction failure due to nodal pathology, the so-called RCF.

Bae JS, et al. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2013;0:1–7. doi:10.1136/jnnp-2013-306212 5

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Competing interests None. 29 Uncini A, Kuwabara S. Electrodiagnostic criteria for Guillain-Barré syndrome: a
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Guillain−Barré syndrome in Asia

Jong Seok Bae, Nobuhiro Yuki, Satoshi Kuwabara, et al.

J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry published online December 19, 2013

doi: 10.1136/jnnp-2013-306212

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