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OMICRON PTL KBCH120 XRIO Converter User Manual


XRIO Converter


User Manual


© OMICRON electronics GmbH 1/10

OMICRON PTL KBCH120 XRIO Converter User Manual


1 General Information ..................................................................................................................................3

2 Quick Start Information ............................................................................................................................3
3 Using the Converter..................................................................................................................................4
4 Required Software Version ......................................................................................................................4
5 Functional Range ......................................................................................................................................4
6 Not Supported Functions .........................................................................................................................4
7 OMICRON Test Strategy ...........................................................................................................................5
8 Converter Structure ..................................................................................................................................5
8.1 AREVA KBCH120 Section ...................................................................................................................5
8.1.1 Relay Parameter Section Block......................................................................................................5
8.1.2 Addition Information........................................................................................................................6
8.1.3 RIOPlus (Advanced View) ..............................................................................................................8 NamePlate...............................................................................................................................8 ProtectedObject ......................................................................................................................8 PowerSystemParameters .......................................................................................................8 TransformerDifferentialProtection ...........................................................................................8
8.1.4 TemplateController (Advance View)...............................................................................................9 Expanded RIOPlus Protection Function .................................................................................9 Circuit Breaker.........................................................................................................................9
8.2 RIO .....................................................................................................................................................10
8.2.1 Differential.....................................................................................................................................10
8.3 Specific Features................................................................................................................................10

© OMICRON electronics GmbH 2/10

OMICRON PTL KBCH120 XRIO Converter User Manual

1 General Information
The AREVA KBCH 120 XRIO converter is designed for testing AREVA KBCH differential protection relays
by using the OMICRON Test Universe 2.22 software but you can also use this converter with version
above 2.20. The converter provides all necessary data for testing the differential protection. The converter
is tested with the following relay:


Note: This converter is tested with the relay described above.

2 Quick Start Information

To work with the KBCH 120 XRIO converter:
1. Start a new OMICRON Control Center (OCC) document or open an existing OCC document.
2. Insert a new test object or open the existing test object.
3. On the File menu, click Import.
4. Browse to the latest AREVA KBCH 120.xrio file.
5. Click Open.
6. Enter all necessary settings in the Relay Parameter section and Additional Information –
General/Power System Parameters/Circuit Breaker Information/Test Parameters (see
section 8.1 ).
7. Click OK.

Figure 1: Opening and importing a AREVA KBCH120 XRIO converter

© OMICRON electronics GmbH 3/10

OMICRON PTL KBCH120 XRIO Converter User Manual

3 Using the Converter

The AREVA KBCH 120 XRIO converter can be used as a stand-alone converter or in association with a
relay specific test template, for example with the OMICRON Transformer Differential Protection template
for the AREVA KBCH 120 relays.
In any way the converter is used, follow the quick start instructions and create your test by using
LinkToXRIO or start using the relay specific test template (for more information, see the test template

4 Required Software Version

To use this converter, you should have a valid license for the OMICRON Test Universe 2.22 software.
However the converter can be used with TU2.20 or above with some limitation.

5 Functional Range
The AREVA KBCH 120 XRIO converter implements the following functions:

87 differential protection for two and three windings transformer with transient over flux (5
harmonic blocking)

Figure 2: Functional range menu of the AREVA KBCH120 XRIO converter

Some of the functions listed above use the RIO interface of the Test Universe software. Consequently, the
test modules are configured automatically without using LinkToXRIO.
The following functions are using the RIO interface:

87 Differential protection and 5 harmonic blocking

For testing the other functions, you must use LinkToXRIO.

6 Not Supported Functions

The following functions are currently not supported:
• Restricted Earth Fault Protection

© OMICRON electronics GmbH 4/10

OMICRON PTL KBCH120 XRIO Converter User Manual

7 OMICRON Test Strategy

The OMICRON test strategy is described in the OMICRON Protection Test Template (PTT) Differential
documentation. For detailed information, see the PTT Differential documentation.

8 Converter Structure
The converter is divided into two sections: the KBCH120 and the RIO section. Both sections consist of
several function blocks. The converter comes up in the standard view; the RIOplus section and the
template controller section can only be seen in the advanced view.

8.1 AREVA KBCH120 Section

The KBCH120 section is divided into four groups: the Relay Parameter Section, the Additional
Information section, the RIO Plus section and the TemplateController section.

8.1.1 Relay Parameter Section Block

In this block, all relay setting parameters are included. The parameters are grouped and named as in the

Figure 3: Setting the parameters in the Relay Parameter section

© OMICRON electronics GmbH 5/10

OMICRON PTL KBCH120 XRIO Converter User Manual

8.1.2 Addition Information

This block contains additional data for testing the M-3425A relay functionality. The block is divided into the
following sections:
• General section – includes detailed information needed for the test report like manufacturer,
device type, substation name etc. This section includes parameters which have to be changed by
the user according to the customer relay type and substation.
• Power System Parameters section – includes power system configuration information which is
needed for testing the relay protection function with OMICRON Test Universe software, e.g. CT or
VT connection and dimensioning settings. This section includes parameters which have to be
changed by the user according to the customer power system.
• Relay Information – for relay specific parameters such as tolerances and the tripping time. All
values set in this block can be found in the chapter “Technical Data” of the relay’s documentation.
Typically, these blocks do not have to be changed.
• Circuit Breaker Information – Information required for the CB test.
• Test Tolerance – additional test tolerance given to beginnings and ends of ramps, time
measurements and etc.
• Transformer Information section – includes additional transformer data for testing, like e.g. rated
power or voltage. This section includes parameters which can be changed by the user according
to the customer power system. For more information see Note 2.
• Test Parameters section – includes additional test parameters for testing adaptive functions
witch are not directly supported by the OMICRON TU test modules e.g. trip contact condition or
transformer model mode. This section includes parameters which have to be changed by the

Note 1: The parameter “Trip Contact Condition” is used in case the tripping contact on the relay is
defined as Single Phase Trip.

Figure 4: Additional Information – Test Parameters section

Note 2: The parameter “Transformer Model” can be used to define the transformer data. This parameter
can be found under Additional Information – Test Parameters. If the parameter Transformer Model is
selected as “TR model with additional Transformer Information”, the information of transformer needs
to fill in under Additional Information – Transformer Information. In another way, if this parameter is
selected as “TR model calculated with the relay settings” then the transformer model is calculated
according to the setting of “Vector Correction” and “Ratio Correction”, assumed rated of transformer 20
MVA and the setting of the vector group according the instruction manual, as table below.

Note: The setting of the interposing CT should be in the line with the recommend from instruction manual.

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OMICRON PTL KBCH120 XRIO Converter User Manual

Figure 5: Transformer information – AREVA instruction manual

Figure 6: Additional Information – additional Transformer Information section

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OMICRON PTL KBCH120 XRIO Converter User Manual

8.1.3 RIOPlus (Advanced View)

The RIO Plus section contains the interface, which provides the link between the XRIO converter and all
test modules which have no access to RIO functions. All tests using basic test modules like Ramping or
State Sequencer have to be linked to the parameters in the RIO Plus section of the converter. NamePlate
The NamePlate block contains all necessary information to identify the protection device to be tested. This
block contains the relay vendor, serial number, model, the relay location, hardware revision, software
revision and a description. ProtectedObject
This block contains all necessary information about the protected object (here the transformer). The
ProtectedObjectElements – Transformer1 contains 3 sub blocks with the winding information for two- or
three winding transformers. Each sub block consists of the nominal values Vnom, Inom and Snom, the
WindingType, the StarpointGrounding and the WindingPhaseShift. PowerSystemParameters
The number of phases, phase rotation and the nominal frequency are stored in this block. TransformerDifferentialProtection
This block contains the information needed for differential protection tests. This includes the differential
characteristic and the harmonic restraint elements. As the differential characteristic is identical for all
protected transformer windings, the special test values for each transformer winding are collected in this
block, too.

© OMICRON electronics GmbH 8/10

OMICRON PTL KBCH120 XRIO Converter User Manual

8.1.4 TemplateController (Advance View)

The TemplateController block contains special values needed for some tests, especially for tests using
LinkToXRIO. These are mainly calculated values which cannot be calculated using LinkToXRIO and
therefore have to be stored in this section. Other values needed for customer designed test can be stored
in this block. Expanded RIOPlus Protection Function

The red market converter blocks contain special values and functionalities needed for some tests and for
the easy handling of the RIO part, e.g. zero sequence calculation and additional parameter for testing the
differential function.

Figure 7: TemplateController structure Circuit Breaker

The circuit breaker block contains all necessary data for testing protection functions together with the
circuit breaker. The modeled parameters are the trip time, the close time and the 52ab-%.

© OMICRON electronics GmbH 9/10

OMICRON PTL KBCH120 XRIO Converter User Manual

8.2 RIO
The RIO section of the converter contains all specialized RIO functions which are needed to use the more
specialized test modules (like Advanced Distance or Differential) provided by the OMICRON Test
Universe software.

Warning: Do not change any values in this section. The values have been set using the relay settings of
the Customer Input section.

Note: Do not activate the former test object view in the advanced mode of the XRIO test object. Changing
parameters in this view will disable formulas in the RIO section.

8.2.1 Differential
This RIO Differential function provides the necessary values for testing the differential protection functions
of the AREVA KBCH120/130/140 relay. The RIO differential function contains all values needed for using
the following OMICRON Test Universe modules:
• Diff Configuration
• Diff Characteristic
• Diff Trip Time
• Diff Harmonic Restrain

8.3 Specific Features

This section deals with special requirements of some of the converter's functions. Functions not listed
here have no known limitations to their functionalities. Currently there are no specific features known.

© OMICRON electronics GmbH 10/10

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