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Organizational Structure and Innovation

Author(s): Harvey M. Sapolsky

Source: The Journal of Business, Vol. 40, No. 4 (Oct., 1967), pp. 497-510
Published by: The University of Chicago Press
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Accessed: 11/06/2014 10:42

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I. INTRODUCTION gopolistic, or monopolistic) is the most

THOSE who are responsiblefor the conducive to innovation.2 Social psy-
design or redesign of large-scale chologists have offered a variety of
business organizations are in a schemes to increase the receptivity of
difficult position. They are constantly individualsto change,but their approach
admonished by social commentators to tends to confuse individual change with
design organizationsthat are both crea- modifications in organizational vari-
tive and innovative, in preparationfor ables.3Applications of these schemes in
a future that will be characterizedby ongoing organizations have not clearly
rapid social and technological changes. increasedthe rate of organizationaladop-
And yet neither conventional wisdom tion of innovations.
nor the scholarlyliterature on organiza- II. ORGANIZATIONAL INNOVATION
tions offers a clear guide to the basic
structureof such organizations. Although there exists no generaltheo-
To be sure, there have been a large ry of organizationalinnovation, a recent
number of case studies of organizations paper by James Q. Wilson representsan
that have confronted situations where important step toward assembling such
innovation was possible, but these stud- a theory.4Wilson'swork, however,offers
ies have been almost exclusivelyconfined no solace for the organizationaldesigner,
to a narrow range of relatively small- since it points out a basic structural
scale organizations (particularly farms dilemma that makes the combinationof
and schools), and they yield little knowl- creative and innovative organizationex-
edge that can be usefully applied at the tremely difficult to obtain. The essence
design stage.) Economists, of course, of the dilemmais as follows:The factors
have studied the rate of innovation in that increasethe probabilitythat organ-
izational participants will devise and
business firms, but their concern is with
present innovation proposals are pre-
the structural characteristicsof markets
cisely those factors that decrease the
that promote innovation, rather than probability that the organization will
with the sturctural characteristics of adopt the proposals. The stimulation
firms that promote innovation. More-
2 See discussionof marketstructureand technical
over, their success in isolating the struc- progress in Richard Caves, American Industry:
tural determinants of innovation is not Structure,Conduct,Performance(EnglewoodCliffs,
great, for it is still uncertainwhich type N.J.: Prentice-Hall,Inc., 1964),pp. 98-101.
of market structure (comDetitive. oli- 3 DanielKatz and RobertKahn, TheSocialPsy-
chologyof Organizations (New York: John Wiley &
* Assistantprofessorof politicalscience,Massa- Sons, 1966),chap. xiii.
chusettsInstitute of Technology. 4 JamesQ. Wilson,"Innovationin Organization:
1The case study literatureis summarizedand Notes toward a Theory," in James D. Thompson
analyzedin EverettM. Rogers,Diffusionof Innova- (ed.), Approachesto OrganizationalDesign (Pitts-
tions (New York:Free Press, 1962). burgh:Universityof Pittsburgh,1966),pp. 193-218.

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of potential innovation, then, is distinct many incentives may in part be con-

fromand even antagonisticto the stimu- trolled by groups outside the organiza-
lation of the adoption of innovation. tion, an executive must exert an effort
Wilson conceives of an organization to maintainthe inducement-contribution
as an economy of incentives that con- balance that is proportionalto the drain
venes around a set of tasks. Incentives of an innovation on the store of incen-
are tangible or intangible gratifications, tives.
in exchangefor whichpersonsparticipate Wilson states that the diversity of an
in an organizationand, once membersof organization'sincentive and task struc-
that organization,contribute such valu- tures affect the rates at which an organ-
able resourcesas time, effort, and mon- ization will generate and adopt innova-
ey.5 Tasks are activities that add up to tions. Incentive structuresbecome more
full-timeparticipationof one member in diverse when there is an increase in the
an organization.6Within this scheme, number of membership and reference
the organization'sexecutive is that per- groups, both inside and outside the
son (or group of persons) who is re- organization,with which organizational
sponsible for maintaining the induce- participants are affiliated. Task struc-
ment-contribution balance. Wilson is tures become more diverse when the
interested in explainingimportant inno- number of unprogramedactivities per-
vations, that is, innovations that rep- formedwithin the organizationincreases.
resent a "fundamental change in a Although incentive structures and task
'significant' number of tasks."7 What structures can change independently of
are "fundamental"and "significant,"of one another, changes in them are fre-
course, cannot be defined a priori but quently interrelated.Thus, an organiza-
must be determinedby the organizations tion that hires professionals who have
themselves. Wilson argues, however, both outside reference groups and un-
that the greater the cost in terms of programedtasks discoversthat the com-
scarceinducements,the more radicalthe plexity of its incentive and task struc-
innovation, regardlessof the prospective tures has increased.
benefits.An executive of an organization, Diversity affects all three stages of
assessing the costs of innovation, con- organizational change-the conception
siders the amounts and types of induce- of possible change (invention), the pro-
ments that must be redistributed or posal of change, and the adoption and
obtained in orderto maintain the organ- implementation of change-but differ-
ization in the face of innovation. Since ently. Wilson hypothesizesthat (1) "the
desired incentives include such difficult greaterthe diversity of the organization,
to manipulate variables as prestige, or- the greaterthe probabilitythat members
ganizationalpower, rewardingsocial re- will conceive of major innovations"; (2)
lationships, and organizationalgoals, as "the greater the diversity of the organ-
well as money payments, and since ization, the greater the probability that
major innovations will be proposed";
5 Ibid., p. 196. For an elaboration on this point,
see Peter B. Clark and James Q. Wilson, "Incentive
and (3) "the greater the diversity of the
Systems: A Theory of Organization," Administrative organization,the smaller the proportion
Science Quarterly,VI (1961), 129-66. of major innovationsthat will be adopt-
6 Wilson, op. cit., p. 196. ed."8
7 Ibid. 8 Ibid., pp. 200-204.

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A rigoroustesting of the relationships of subjects were drawn at random from

Wilson has suggested is not possible. As lists of managementpersonnel classified
he points out, precise measures of non- by position. Certain respondents were
material incentives do not exist, and interviewed several times, as they were
changes in these incentives form the participants in innovation projects that
cornerstone of the hypotheses that he were in progress during the field-work
offers.9Thus, while curves can be drawn period. Nineteen interviews were also
to represent the general effects that conducted with management consult-
diversity will have on the rates of the ants, equipment salesmen, and trade
presentation and the adoption of inno- associationpersonnel.
vation proposals,the intersectionof the The firms included in this study are
curves indicating the numberof innova- eastern and midwestern department
tions adopted for given degree of organ- stores that trade sources reported were
izational diversity cannot be uniquely among the ten most innovative firms
located as there is no way to determine in the industry. As a main objective was
the steepnessof the curves.Nevertheless, to examine the origins of proposal for
the evidence supporting Wilson's hy- organizational change, a more repre-
potheses is more than anecdotal. The sentative sample of firms in the industry
experiencesof governmentagencies,vol- would have been less useful. Limitations
untary associations, and business firms in funds prevented the inclusion of
tend to confirm the hypotheses he has western and southernfirmsin this study,
offered. In this paper we examine the but, based on the opinionof tradesources
innovation experience of a number of and publishedreports,there is no reason
large department store organizations. to believe that their experiences with
The specific proposals for changes we innovation differedmarkedlyfrom those
will examine are (1) the separation of of the firms that were examined. In
buying and selling functions, (2) the only one instance was there difficulty in
applicationof computersto merchandise obtaining permissionfor interviews, and
problems, and (3) the introduction of in that case the needed data were pro-
sophisticateddecision-makingtechniques vided by several outsiders who were
in retail operations. The unique struc- familiar with the operationsof the firm
tural features of departmentstores con- and quite willing to release information.
tribute to both the generation of these A general interview guide was followed
proposals and to the frustration of throughout the field work, but as the
attempts to implementthem. interviewsessionswere used to construct
The main source of data for the study the history of decisions unique to par-
is a series of open-endedinterviews con- ticular firms, it was impossible to ask
ducted during1965-66 with management each respondentexactly the same ques-
personnel at nine retail organizations tions.
affiliatedwith six firms. Forty-fourbuy-
ers and a like numberof executives from
other areas of departmentstore manage-
ment were interviewed in sessions rang- The raison d'etre of a department
ing in length from one-half hour to four store is merchandising-the purchasing,
hours. Where it was appropriate,names pricing, promoting, and selling of con-
9 Ibid., p. 205. sumergoods and services.To accomplish

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this task a departmentstore is normally chandisedivision is composedof experts

organizedinto five functionaldivisions- in merchandise categories rather than
operations,control, personnel,sales pro- in functional skills. Its hierarchyalso is
motion, and merchandising.'0The opera- based upon merchandise rather than
tions division is concerned with the upon function. Each department is
physical movement of merchandiseand headedby a merchandisespecialistcalled
with general store maintenance activi- a "buyer." Similardepartments (budget
ties. The control division is concerned dresses, coats, sportswear) are grouped
with financial and credit activities. The into merchandise divisions (women's
personnel division has formal responsi- ready-to-wear,furniture) under the di-
bility for employment, training, deploy- rectionof merchandisemanagers;similar
ment, and union relations. The sales merchandise divisions form "stores"
promotion division handles advertising, (store for fashion, store for homes) under
displays, and public relations, while the "store managers," and all ultimately
actual ordering and selling of goods is reportto a generalmerchandisemanager.
the responsibility of the merchandise All merchandising functions relating
division. Each division is further sub- to a particularcategory of goods are the
dividedby subfunction.The controldivi- responsibilityof the departmentalbuyer.
sion, for example, normally has subunits The buyer selects the goods to be offered
for accounts receivable, accounts pay- for sale, prices them, arranges for dis-
able, expense control, statistical work, plays and advertising to promote their
and payroll. sale, and then supervises the actual
sales transaction. The term "buyer," of
The exceptionto this neatly functional
course, is a misnomer, for the buyer is
pattern of organizationis the merchan- the buyer, the seller, and much of what
dise division, which is subdivided by lies between.12
productclass." Instead of subunitscalled 12 This organizationalformis not capricious.The
"Purchasing"and "Sales," it has from lack of functionalspecializationin the merchandise
100 to 150 departmentsknown by such divisionarisesfromthe departmentstore'sinventory
titles as "Swim Wear," "Junior Budget problem. Departmentstore merchandisedecisions
are risky becausethey concern,to a large extent,
Dresses," and "Umbrellas." The mer- fashion merchandise,and fashion merchandiseis
perishable.Goodspurchasedon what appearto be
10A descriptionof departmentstore organiza-
ideal termscan be quicklyconvertedinto unsalable
tional arrangementsin currentuse is containedin inventory due to market and taste changes. The
BrucePayne and associates,Surveyof Organization more a store emphasizesfashion,encouragingstyle
of Multi-UnitDepartment andSpecialtyStores(New preferencesto influencetheir customers'purchase
York: National Retail Merchants Association, decisions,the greateris its inventoryproblem.
1963). By placingthe responsibilityfor both the buying
11The distinction between departmentalization and the sellingof merchandiseon the sameindivid-
or specializationby functionand by productused in ual, the departmentstorereducesthe risksof inven-
our analysiscorrespondsto the processand purpose tory accumulation.In managingtheir departments,
distinctionofferedby Luther Gulickin his classic, the buyersare forcedto becomefamiliarwith both
"Noteson the Theoryof Organization," in L. Gulick produceroffersand consumerpreferences.To avoid
andL. Urwick,Paperson theScienceof Administra- inventory accumulation,purchasesin the market
tion (New York:Institute of PublicAdministration, must be basedon salesforecasts.Everymerchandise
1937),p. 15. Functionalspecializationrefersto or- ordermade by a buyermust includehis calculation
ganizationby job or professionalskill (e.g., selling, of the consunmers'attitudestowardthe merchandise,
cost accounting, and stenography).Product spe- becausehe is also responsiblefor the sales of the de-
cializationrefers to organizationby class of mer- partment. Functional specializationwould require
chandise(e.g., all the jobs contributingto the sale of the buying specialist and the selling specialist to
a particulargood-buying, promoting,and selling), agreeon a salesforecastfor everymerchandiseorder,

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Nominal subordinates,the buyerspos- executives in a department store who
sess a great deal of what can be termed have direct contact with both producer
"organizationalpower." Internal reward and -consumer markets. This, in effect,
systems tied to the performanceof the gives them an -iformation monopoly.
merchandise departments permit the Store managementsmay allocate dollars
buyers to earn substantially more than and personnel among departments, but
most executives in the other store divi- the buyers control the allocation within
sions and, at times, even more than merchandisecategories, determiningthe
executives at formal-lyhigher positions specificassortmentof goods and services
within the merchandisedivision itself.'3 that will be presentedto store customers.
The review and evaluation procedures Even the general allocation decisions,
common to business bureaucraciescan- those among departments, are influ-
not be applied to the decisions of the enced by the buyers, as they must be
buyers.The buyers'decisionsare difficult based in part on the sales estimates and
to monitor,not only becauseof the sheer risk preferencesof the buyers.
number of decisions that must be made Each merchandise department in a
in each merchandise line each season, department store is run almost as if it
but also because the buyers are the only were an independentbusiness."4In fact,
some of the departments are actually
and thereare thousandsof merchandiseordersto be independent businessesoperated by les-
made in each departmenteach year. As sales fore-
casts are essentiallyintuitive decisions,particularly sees who share their gross receipts with
in the case of new or fashionmerchandise,the co- the store management. Leased or not,
ordinationproblemis likelyto be substantialand the each is normallysubject to some form of
inventoryproblemintolerableunder a functionally
specializedsystem. user chargesfor the services of the func-
13 Forty-eightout of the ninety-sevenbuyers in tional divisions, interest payments on its
Store A earnedin 1965 $1,000 or more per month borrowings for inventory from the in-
exclusiveof bonuses,while no other executivejob ternal bank, and rent for its space from
classificationwith the exception of management
boardmembers,merchandisedivisionmanagers,and the store landlord.Profit and loss state-
branchstoremanagershad as muchas a thirdof the ments are preparedfor each merchandise
positions in the classification earning the same department, with general management
amount (Harvey M. Sapolsky, "Decentralization
and Control:Problemsin the Organizationof De- expensesapportionedto the selling units
partment Stores" [unpublishedPh.D. dissertation, as an overhead charge. Buyers come
HarvardUniversity,1966],Table 2, p. 120). close to being independent entrepre-
Arch Patton has examined the relationship
amongthe salariesof the highestpaid executivesto neurs, calculating risks, evaluating mar-
the salaries of the second, third, fourth and fifth kets, and cutting back or expanding
highestpaid executivesof firmsin variousindustries. their purchases as they judge the op-
The normalpatternwas somethinglike 100 to 75 to
58 to 51, and so on. Withindepartmentstores,how- portunities for gain. Decentralized and
ever, the relationshipwas quite different,as the sec- unbureaucratized,departmentstores can
ond throughthe fifth man'ssalarywas, on the aver- best be describedas federationsof quasi-
age, equal to about 95 per cent of the highest paid
man's salary. Patton attributes this closeness in independentmerchants.
salariesto the power and prestigeof the top mer- Through mergers and acquisitions,
chantswho arethe executiveswith the second,third, many department stores have been ab-
fourth, and fifth highest salaries in department
stores. Patton's study is discussedin Thomas L. 14Merchandiseinterdependencies,however, do
Whisler, "OrganizationalAspects of Corporate not permitthe departmentsto be runcompletelyin-
Growth,"in W. W. Albertsand Joel E. Segall(eds.), dependentlyof one another.See the discussionof the
The CorporateMerger (Chicago: University of Chi- limit of departmentstore decentralizationin Sapol-
cago Press, 1966),p. 207. sky, op. cit., chap. vii.

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sorbed into large national chains. Al- ble for the actual sale of the merchandise
though formed in part to achieve the in each retail unit.
economiesof centralizedpurchasing,the A second proposal calls for the use of
chains have not significantlyaltered the electronic data processing in merchan-
organizational structure of the depart- dise operations. Department stores, de-
ment store outlined above. Oriented spite certain difficult programingprob-
toward serving the tastes of local mar- lems unique to retailing, have utilized
kets, each chain unit still controls the electronic data processingas extensively
bulk of its purchases independently in their accounting and financial activi-
through its own set of merchandise ties as any other type of business firm.
buyers. The national chains of depart- The merchandisecontrol area, the most
ment stores can best be described as important and costly aspect of depart-
federationsof federations. ment store operations, however, has
hardly been touched by the computer
revolution."6Proponents of change sug-
Three major proposals for change gest that computersbe used to manage
have in recent years been offered in the the merchandiseholdingsby replenishing
industry. Although none of the pro- depleted stocks on an automatic basis.
posals can truly be said to be original Several inventory control programs are
to the industry, and one of them was being devised to deal with the charac-
initially presented some forty years ago, teristics of particularmerchandiselines.
the vigor with which they are currently The third proposal is of a less con-
put forth, and their cumulative effect crete nature. Department store mer-
on industry structure and practices if chants are not noted for their use of so-
they were adopted, make them major phisticated decision-makingtechniques.
innovation proposals. We do not need Intuition and personalexperience,rather
to examine the merits of the proposals than calculation and study, guide their
here."5We should, however, point out market actions. It has been proposed
that they are consideredin the industry that department stores gain from the
to be controversial. management experiences of firms in
One of the proposals calls for the other industries by applying such de-
separation of buying and selling func- cision-makingtechniques as PERT and
tions within the merchandise divisions operationsresearchto merchandiseprob-
of the stores. It is this proposalthat was lems. More a mood than a set of specific
offeredto the industry duringthe 1920's. suggestions, the objective in this case
With the rapid expansion of suburban is to shift department stores toward
branch stores in the last decade placing
more analytical decision-makingmeth-
a strain on the standard department
ods, makingmerchandisea sciencerather
store organizationalform, the proposal
has once again receivedseriousattention. than an art.
Essentially, it involves the functional The proposalsare highly interrelated;
specialization of the buyers' role and the adoption of one facilitates the adop-
the establishment of a parallel set of 16 See R. M. Seyfarth, "Electronicsand Mer-

selling managers who would be responsi- chandising,"ChainStoreAge, Vol. XXXV, No. 24

(March,1959);and T. T. Kwo, "The Potential for
15 The proposalsand their justificationsare ex- OfficeAutomationin DepartmentStores,"Manage-
aminedin detail in ibid., chaps. ii, iii, and iv. mentScience,XI, No. 10 (August,1965), 271-81.

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tion of the others. Functional specializa- executives in seekingthe implementation

tion would increase the information- of the proposals.
processing needs of department stores, In the case of the proposals to use
and computers could help carry the computers in merchandise operations,
burdens of informationprocessing. The the innovation programs were initiated
operationof a computerizedinformation in five department store units by the
and control system would require the local store controllers and in a sixth
formulation of decision rules, through firm by a staff departmentof the owning
either duplicationor improvementof the chain's central office.Proposalsfor func-
unarticulatedguidelines currently being tional specialization are at times sup-
applied by the buyers. Moreover, the ported by high-level merchandise offi-
impact of the adoption of the proposals cials, but for obvious reasonsthey obtain
runs in the same direction-a radical little support from the buyers them-
restructuring of the department store selves. Of the five firms in the study
organization.Because of the experience that considered separating the buyers'
of other industries that have adopted buying and selling functions, the actual
similarproposals,one would expect that, proposals for change originated with
under full implementation of the pro- controllers or other staff executives in
posals, departmentstores would become three instances and with merchandise
more centralizedand more bureaucratic, officials in two instances. Discussions
and the buyers would be supplanted by of the use of sophisticated decision-
new organizational elites. The latter making techniquesin all firms examined
point is particularly important, as the were carried on only by the controllers
buyers presently tend to dominate de- and chain's central office staffs.
partment stores, but their training and Staff executives are not in a favorable
inclinationswould disqualify them from position in department stores. Decen-
taking the key roles in firms that were tralization is more than a management
bureaucraticallyand scientifically oper- doctrinein these stores; it is the manage-
ated)7 ment practice. The individual depart-
mental buyers are given wide latitude in
co-ordinatingvolatile producerand con-
The proposalshave anothercharacter- sumermarketswithin a specificmerchan-
istic in common. They have originated dise category. Rules establishedby staff
with, and been supported by, the same units to increase the efficiency of their
groupswithin the stores. Staff members, operationsare ignoredwith impunity by
especially the store controllersand their' the buyers when the latter believe that
assistants,have presentedand advocated the regulations interfere with the effi-
the adoption of the proposals.When the ciency of merchandiseoperations."8The
stores are part of national chains, the store managementjudges the buyers,not
chain's central office executives have on their adherence to rules, but on
allied themselves with the local staff their department'sperformance.Organ-
17 Although most buyers are college educated, a
izational promotions and prestige go to
substantial proportion attended junior colleges and
fashion institutes. Their training for specific buying 18 Sapolsky,op. cit., p. 49; and ShoriB. Dicken-

positions comes during an apprenticeship period un- son, "TheSignificanceof InteractionbetweenStatus

der an experienced buyer. Nearly half of the buyers Levels"(unpublishedPh.D. dissertation,University
are females. of California[Berkeley],1965).

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those directly connected with merchan- cluding those in the merchandise divi-
dise operations. The merchants appear sion, have a more favorable view of the
to believe, as one controller reported, controllersand their reportingactivities
that the workof the staff is unproductive (because they themselves lack direct
and parasitic. The negative stereotype information on the operations of the
merchants hold of staff executives ap- decentralized subunits), but they tend
pears to be derived from the buyers' to prevent the controllersfrom holding
beliefs that staff-imposed rules restrict an influentialrole in the generalmanage-
their ability to react to market changes ment of the firms.2'It is the beliefof most
and that all store revenues are solely controllersthat their potential contribu-
the result of merchandisingdecisions.'9 tion to the general management of the
Departmental operating reports listing firms has been greatly undervalued.
user charges and contributionsto over- Status comparisons with industrial
head-remind the buyers that they di- controllers have become distressing for
rectly support the activities of the staff the retail controllersin recentyears. The
units. Controllers, in contrast to mer- spectacular success of certain industrial
chants, are quite dissatisfied with their controllers in shaping the policies of
organizationalposition.20Originally,they important government and business or-
were financial trustees for the founding ganizations is but one indication to the
entrepreneurs,recording and reporting retail controllersof the changingposition
all commercialactivities of the stores. As of their industrial counterparts.In self-
the stores grew in size and as manage- description, industrial controllers claim
ment separated from ownership, the to be as concernedwith policy planning
controllersgainedjurisdictionover many and program evaluation activities as
essential sales-supportingactivities, such they are with traditional accounting
as credit authorizationand payroll prep- activities.22More and more company
aration, but their main tasks remained presidenciesand top management posts
accounting and auditing. Among lower- appear to be opening up to industrial
level organizational participants, the controllers. Shedding completely their
controllersare still viewed as the com- bookkeeping image, the industrial con-
pany spies, the internalinvestigatorsand trollers have changed the name of their
conservativebookkeeperswho searchfor professionalgroup from the Controllers
error and demand burdensome docu- Institute to the Financial Executives
mentation. Higher-level executives, in- Institute.
Contact with national public account-
19A continuing organizationalconflict between ing firms also creates dissatisfaction
merchantsand staff executiveshas frequentlybeen among retail controllers.In serving the
noted in the literatureon departmentstores. See,
e.g., Paul M. Mazur, Principles of OrganizationAp- stores as external auditors, the public
plied to Modern Retailingg (New York: Harper & accounting firms keep the controllers
Bros., 1927);David A. Moore,"ManagerialStrate-
21 Retail ResearchInstitute, op. cit.; and ErickA.
gies and OrganizationalDynamicsin Sears Retail-
ing" (unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Chicago, Helfert, EleanorG. May, and MalcolmP. McNair,
1954);and Retail ResearchInstitute, EDP-Update Controllership in Department Stores (Boston: Har-
(February15, 1965). vard University GraduateSchool of Business Ad-
20 In interviews,ten of fifteencontrollersand six
22 See, e.g., J. Brooks Heckert and James D.
of forty-fourbuyers indicated dissatisfactionwith
the power of their respective organizationalposi- Willson,Controllership(2d ed.; New York: Roland
tions. Press, 1963).

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informedof the most advanced account- trollersCongress)is MalcolmP. McNair,

ing techniques. In recent years, public and, in recent years, the perennialtopic
accountingfirmshave begun to diversify has been-the need for expandingthe role
by offering such specialized services as of the controllers in company manage-
planning for the conversionto electronic ment. McNair and a group of his associ-
data processing, inventory control pro- ates at Harvard have published an
graming,organizationaldesign, and man- analysis of the retail controllers'job in
agement consulting on a continuing which they argue that the controllers
basis.23As their access to the store is have limited their own role in manage-
through the control division, the public ment councils by overemphasizingtheir
accounting firms must encourage con- information-gatheringand record-keep-
trollers to take the broadest view of ing functions.26The "true control job,"
their responsibilities in order to sell in their view, centers on forecastingand
these services. The national public ac- profit-planningtasks and requires ana-
counting firms provide advice, profes- lytic skills. Accordingto their academic
sional approval, and packaged argu- critics, the controllers must emphasize
ments for controllerswho seek to gain a "Creative (i.e., analytic) Controller-
more important role in the management ship" as opposed to "Preventive (i.e.,
of stores. bookkeeping) Controllership"to partic-
Among the store divisions, the control ipate effectively in the management of
division has the closest contact with the stores.
university schools of business adminis- Another lobbyist for progressive ac-
tration. Through Professor Malcolm P. tion on the part of the controllersis the
McNair (now emeritus) the controllers' Retail Research Institute, an affiliate
ties with the HarvardUniversity Gradu- of the National Retail Merchants Asso-
ate School of Business Administration ciation and an offshootof the Controllers
have been particularly intimate.24Mc- Congress. Although there are many al-
Nair and his collaboratorsat Harvard ternative areas for investigation within
appearto have been importantin stimu- the stores, the Retail ResearchInstitute
lating the controllers to action. It was has focused on problems related to the
McNair (with Eleanor May), for ex- control division's interests. The insti-
ample, who initially proposedMerchan- tute's director, a former controller, is
dise Management Accounting, one of convinced of the value of introducing
the first decision-makingtechniquesthat into the store new control techniques,
approachedmerchandiseproblemsin an particularlyelectronic data processing.27
analytical manner.25The perennialguest Its governing board, composedpredom-
speaker at the retail controllers'profes- inantly of corporate research directors
sional association meetings (the Con- or store controllers, supports the direc-
23 Robert Beyer, "ManagementServices-Time.
2"Malcolm P. McNair and Eleanor G. May,
for Decision," Journal of Accountancy (March,
1965),pp. 43-52. "Pricingfor Profit: A RevolutionaryApproachto
Retail Accounting," HarvardBusiness Review (May-
24 For over forty years, the HarvardBureau of
June, 1957).
BusinessResearchunderProfessorMcNair'sdirec- 28 ErickA. Helfert et al., op. cit.
tion prepareda crucialannualsurveyof department
store operatingand expense statistics. McNair, in 27 EthelLangtry,"EDP and Its Potentialfor Re-
the early 1920's, developed the basic department tailing," Computers and Automation, X (August,
store accountingsystem. 1961), 20-23.

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tor's views. The institute's publications in an esoteric and prestigefulfield. Pay-

and meetings provide a convenient ing invoices, preparing payrolls, and
forum from which equipment manu- keeping the account books will not
facturersand accountingconsultantscan provide the controllers with increased
addressthe controllerson the opportuni- power and status, but controling infor-
ties of the future. mation channels, evaluating projects on
The controllers generally have close the basis of their cost effectiveness, and
relationships with controllers in other preparinglinearprogramingmodels may
firms, and these relationshipsare often well give the controllers the increased
a stimulus to change. At professional status and power they are seeking.
conferences of controllers, attention is Professionalizationrequiresthat the con-
always directed toward techniques to trollers take a larger role in manage-
improve the status of the control func- ment, and a strategy to gain that larger
tion in the stores. Controllerswho have role is professionalizationitself.
implementednew techniquesmake their The adoption of the proposals de-
experiencesavailable to their colleagues scribed previously would significantly
in other stores by preparingpapers and alter the position of the staff executives,
opening their facilities to inspection. and especially that of the retail con-
Prestige among controllers naturally troller. Functional specialization (the
goes to the controllerswho have gained separation of buying and selling) limits
the greatest participation in store man- the power of line units by increasingthe
agement and who have applied the interdependenceof organizationalcom-
newest techniques. ponents. With their independence re-
The effect of all the controllers'out- stricted by specialization,the line units
side contacts, those with public account- must consult more frequently with staff
ing firms, those with academics, and units before they can act. Staff units
those with other controllers, is to push specializing in co-ordination and infor-
them toward greaterprofessionalization. mation-processingtasks becomerelative-
The model of professionalisminvolved ly more important when line units
is that of a controllerwho gains influence functionally specialize, and, in a depart-
within a firm by applying sophisti- ment store, most of these units are part
cated information-processingand deci- of the control division. Computerization,
sion-making techniques to department by requiringgreater organizationaldis-
store problems. Increasing the control- cipline, facilitates the enforcement of
lers' influence within the firm is an staff unit regulations. The control divi-
importantelement in professionalization, sion issues the greatest proportionof the
for professional standing requires the organization'sregulations.Moreover, as
recognitionby clients of an occupation's the controller nominally has the most
distinctive competence,28and the firm is experiencein computerapplications,the
the retail controllers'only client. By em- increaseduse of computersin the opera-
phasizing new management techniques, tion of the business requires that the
the controllers can expect to establish controllers be consulted on more and
their distinctive competenceor expertise more management questions. The use
28 HaroldL. Wilensky,"The Professionalization
of formal decision-making techniques
of Everyone,"AmericanJournalof Sociology,LXX, increases the importance of specialized
No. 2 (September,1964), 137-58. staff units that can articulate technical

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constraints,as opposedto line units that considerable flexibility in selecting the
cannot. As the control division claims organizational means to achieve those
a particular competence in devising goals. Thus, despite the fact that central
these techniques,it will most likely have managementshave warmly endorsedthe
the greatest influencein selecting among proposals, they have given the propo-
alternative decision-makingcriteria. nents of the proposals only a license to
try to persuade the buyers to adopt
The innovation proposals have not The department store's decentralized
been widely implemented. Few firms structure,however,does not prevent the
have followed the suggestion to adopt proponentsof change from initiating in-
functional specialization in their mer- novation projects. On the contrary,
chandiseunits. The computeris still not the structurefacilitates experimentation.
extensively used in merchandiseopera- The controllersin the stores examined,
tions. There are no major applications for example, have been able to commit
of sophisticated decision-making tech- the stores to computer development
niques to speak of in departmentstores. projects without the desirability of such
While differences in internal politics, commitments ever being considered by
personalities, and expectations of in- the stores' merchants. Ostensibly, the
novational costs and benefits led to decision to initiate a computer program
somewhat different results in each firm involves only technicalaccountingissues,
examined, a generalpattern of presenta- since the initial computer projects are
tion, experimentation, and frustraton invariably conversions of standard ac-
related to structural arrangementscan counting routines. The controllers, as
be discerned. the firms'accountingexperts, are auton-
The central managements of the omous in the management of the con-
stores did not exercise their legal au- trol division and in accounting matters
thority to order the adoption of the in general. Although the controllersex-
proposals. The proponents claimed that pect the computerto have an important
the changes they suggested would in- impact on the managementof the entire
crease the efficiency of the firms, but business, they keep the decision to initi-
some of the organizationalparticipants, ate a computerprogramconfinedto the
most notably the buyers, disputed these control division. If a feasibility study is
claims. (In the interviews, buyers and instituted, it is conducted by control
division merchandisemanagerscontinu- division personnel who are candidates
ally emphasizedthe failures and limita- to manage the installed system. There is
tions of the variousinnovationprojects.) no need to involve the merchants in
Due to the difficulty of establishing the decision because, as one controller
causal relationshipsin retailing, the ef- put it, the merchantshave no knowledge
fects of any given organizationalchange of or interest in the capabilities of com-
on performanceis the subject of con- puters.
tinuous debate. Rather than ordering The decisionis a crucialone. To oper-
merchandise departments to adhere to ate equipment,techniciansmust be add-
certain standard forms and practices, ed to the controller'sstaff, or technical
central managements customarily set skills must be acquiredby staff members.
performancegoals and allow the buyers To employ the technical team fully, new

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projects must continually replace com- a department store, the buyers train
pleted projects. To retain their profes- their own replacements.
sional standing by utilizing the most The department store's decentralized
advancedequipment,technically trained organizational structure increases the
personnelmust expandthe scope of proj- obstacles to innovation in another way.
ects to tax the existing equipment. Proponents of change in decentralized
Moreover, because of large overheads, organizations must both introduce an
equipment performanceis measured in innovation and promote its diffusion
terms of capacity utilized rather than in within the same organization. But tac-
terms of benefits returned. Merchan- tics that facilitate initial applicationscan
dising operations soon become an area be blocks to the diffusion of innovation
of experimentation.What initially ap- within the same organization.In multi-
peared to be a technical decision best organization systems, the information
left to the specialist can, in retrospect, distancebetweenorganizationsis usually
be seen as the first move in a struggle great enough so that tactics used to
among internalgroups. induce innovation in one part of the
The buyers generally oppose the in- system can be repeated or avoided in
novation proposals, viewing them as approachinganother part, as the situa-
threats to their organizationalposition. tion requires.Within a single decentral-
As one buyer put it, "the controllersare ized organization, however, interunit
out to get our jobs." In each firm in the communicationsare usuallygood enough
study, the innovationproponentsidenti- so that tactics used in one subunit are
fied the opposition of the merchandise known to others and affect their de-
executives as the major obstacle to or- mands or resistance. The terms of the
ganizational change. Given the decen- first bargain,particularlyas all subunits
tralizedstructureof the firms,the buyers are dealing with the same innovator or
can easily frustrate the plans of the innovators, affect all subsequent bar-
proponents. The buyers cannot be or- gains.
deredto innovate; they must be induced To induce innovation, the proponents
to innovate. of change in the department stores ex-
Thus, after the control division ex- amined have utilized a variety of tactics
ecutives of one large eastern department that have adversely affected either the
store had installed in a dozen depart- prospects or the value of the diffusion
ments a computermerchandisereporting of innovation within the stores. They
system designedto indicate merchandise have established demonstrationprojects
requiring immediate reorders or price by carefully selecting from among the
reductions, they discovered that most available departments those possessing
buyers simply ignored the reports. In the most favorable characteristics for
one case, the buyer did not even bother innovation, such as standardized mer-
learning to read the codes used in the chandise and long-term ties to fixed
reportsand had no intention of doing so. sources of supply. They have offered
Whenfaced with this type of resistance, co-operativebuyers special inducements,
the proponentsusually explainthat they such as free services or dispensations
can wait until the buyer retires to gain from generally applied rules, to encour-
acceptanceof their ideas. There is, how- age them to participatein these projects.
ever, an inherent flaw in this policy--in And they have rearranged accounting

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charges so that the costs of developing versity in department store task struc-
and employing decision-making or in- tures, or the autonomy of the control
formation-processingsystems designed division in accounting matters, facili-
for specific departments are borne as tated the presentation of innovational
overheadsby all departments. proposals. Yet diversity in department
Because of their proximity to one store structural arrangements, the de-
another, however, buyers become aware centralization of decision-making au-
of all the special arrangements that thority, and the existence of a large
guarantee the success of the demonstra- number of equally situated subunits
tion projects, and they discount the frustrated attempts to implement these
results of those projects. As all buyers proposals.
within a store compete with one another There appears to be no obvious way
(either directly by merchandiseline or to resolve the dilemma. With the rates
indirectly by performance rankings), of innovation presentationand adoption
they are sensitive to any competitive related in precisely opposite directions
advantages obtained by rivals.29While to the amount of diversity that occurs
each buyer will accept special treatment in organizational incentive and task
and assistance when offered, most feel structures, an effort to increaseone rate
resentmentwhen these favors are offered is achieved only at the cost of decreasing
to another buyer. Special arrangements the other. Without accurate measure-
negotiatedwith one buyer becomeknown ments of the rates of innovation presen-
to all. Moreover, as each buyer holds tation and adoption,and without models
equal status, all bargains struck within of their optimal relationship,there is no
the firm are subject to "most favored way to specify an organizationaldesign
nation clauses." The diffusionof innova- that will satisfy the innovation require-
tion becomes difficult, expensive, and, ments envisioned by social commenta-
sometimes, impossible, in firms com- tors.
posed of a large number of equals who Until these measurementsand models
demand equal treatment. are developed, the designer must be
satisfied with the knowledgethat a con-
VII. CONCLUSIONS flict exists between the search for in-
The innovation experience of de- novation and the adoptionof innovation.
partment stores, although the result He must keep in mind that, since a
of unplanned structural arrangements, conflict exists between search and adop-
highlights the organizational designer's tion, it may not be possible to structure
dilemma. Diversity in department store an organization that has both a wide
reward structures, specifically the in- range of search and a high rate of adop-
creased professionalizationof the retail tion. As an organizational participant
controllers,led to the conceptualization with an interest in the perpetuation of
of several important innovations. Di- the organization, he should not be dis-
29 When asked to name the strongest competitor
turbed to learn that such a conflict
in their merchandise line, eighteen of twenty-seven
buyers name another department in the same store. exists, for the adoptionof all innovations
Department store executives encourage merchandise proposed may be as disastrous for an
duplication among departments in order to develop
standards for measuring department or buyer per-
organization as the failure to stimulate
formance. the presentationof innovationproposals.

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Because of the extra-organizational the traditional management concepts of

interestsof their controllers,department department stores. Of course, the hesi-
stores are being introducedto a number tancy of the profit-motivated buyers to
of managementtechniquesto which they utilize these ideas may indicate, not that
would not normally have been exposed. the buyers are obtuse, but ratherthat the
Ideas that have been successfulin other proposals are inappropriate for depart-
organizations are being tested against ment stores.

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