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Antonin Havelka, Viera Glombikova, Petra Komarkova, Michal Chotebor

Technical University of Liberec, Faculty of Textile Engineering, Department of Clothing Technology,
461 17 Liberec 1, Studentska 1402/2, Czech Republic

The Study of Fabric Performance for Car Seats

Študija učinkovitosti tkanin za avtomobilske sedeže
Original Scientific Article/Izvirni znanstveni članek
Received/Prispelo 07-2017 • Accepted/Sprejeto 09-2017

This paper deals with the investigation of the performance of car seat fabrics in terms of physiological com-
fort of sitting, specifically their water vapour resistance and air permeability. The current work presents an
alternative approach to increasing the effectiveness of car seat fabrics through a combination of newly de-
signed middle layer with forced convection achieved by a supplementary suction ventilation device. The
supplementary device was designed to measure water vapour permeability by means of the sweating
guarded hot plate (SGHP) system. It consists of two parts: a frame to grip a tested sample for measurements
within the SGHP system and two suction ventilators which are arranged at one end of the mentioned frame
in order to provide suction into the tested fabric plane during the SGHP test. The results of this investiga-
tion show that water vapour transport is increased by approximately 20% compared to the standard way of
measurement by means of SGHP because of forced air flow in the plane of ribbed – channelled structure
of the car seat middle layer. The findings of this study have a number of important implications for future
practice. The combination of a car seat cover with channelled structure and forced air flow improves phys-
iological comfort of sitting which is a key issue for both drivers and manufacturers. The suggested device
for forced air flow convection in the plane of a car seat fabric has not yet been part of an actual car seat,
however it is possible to use its principles in a smart car seat prototype.
Keywords: physiological comfort, air suction, channelled fabric structure

V prispevku je predstavljena raziskava učinkovitosti tkanin za avtomobilske sedeže z vidika fiziološkega udobja se-
denja, zlasti upora prehodu vodne pare in zračne prepustnosti. Raziskava je alternativni pristop k povečanju učin-
kovitosti tkanin za avtomobilske sedeže s pomočjo kombinacije na novo oblikovanega srednjega sloja in prisilne
konvekcije s sesalno ventilacijsko napravo. Dodatna naprava je bila zasnovana tudi za merjenje prepustnosti vo-
dne pare na kožnem modelu. Ta je sestavljen iz dveh delov: okvirja za preskušanje vzorca in dveh sesalnih ventila-
torjev, ki sta nameščena na eni strani okvirja kožnega modela za zagotavljanje sesanja skozi ravnino preskušane
tkanine med izvajanjem preskusa. Rezultati preiskave so pokazali, da se je zaradi prisilnega pretoka zraka v ravni-
ni rebraste (kanalizirane) strukture srednjega sloja tkanine za avtomobilski sedež prehod vodne pare v primerjavi s
standardnim načinom merjenja s pomočjo kožnega modela povečal za približno 20 odstotkov. Ugotovitve te štu-
dije imajo številne pomembne posledice za nadaljnjo prakso. Kombinacija prekrivne tekstilije avtomobilskega se-
deža s kanalizirano strukturo in prisilnega pretoka zraka skozi kanalizirano strukturo izboljša fiziološko udobje se-
denja, kar je ključno vprašanje za voznike in izdelovalce. Predlagana naprava za prisilno konvekcijsko gibanje
zraka v ravnini tkanine še ni bila vključena v dejanski avtomobilski sedež, vendar je mogoče te principe uporabiti
pri prototipu pametnega avtomobilskega sedeža.
Ključne besede: fiziološko udobje, sesanje zraka, kanalizirana struktura tkanine

Corresponding author/Korespondenčna avtorica: Tekstilec, 2017, 60(3), 235-242

Assist Prof PhD Petra Komarkova DOI: 10.14502/Tekstilec2017.60.235-242
Telephone: +420 48 5353500
236 The Study of Fabric Performance for Car Seats

1 Introduction recovery to compression, better thermal properties

and better breathability compared to PU foam. Fur-
Automotive seating and its comfort has long been ther research found out that fabrics using monofila-
part of research efforts [1, 2]. A seat consists of three ment as spacer yarn generally had higher com-
parts: a metal armature, foam injected in a matrix pression resistance compared to multifilament yarns
(cushion), and textile structures (fabric) which cov- [8, 14]. Automotive producers usually use several
er the foam and armature. There is approximately techniques of heating and cooling to enhance
3‒5 kg of car seat cover fabrics used in each car [3]. physiological comfort of car seats. Two basic ways of
Car seat covers are often composed of several layers cooling the car seats are suction or ventilation
of different materials, usually polyester fabric, leath- through all layers of the car seat, i.e. through the
er or synthetic leather laminated to polyurethane metal armature, foam injected in a matrix (cushion),
foam, 3D knitted spacer or nonwoven fabric held by and textile cover [15, 17]. The main disadvantage of
an adhesive. Each part of a car seat cover is charac- this idea is that the heat and moisture (due to driv-
terized by different properties which affect both its er’s sweating) cannot be sufficiently transported
durability and comfort in automotive seating. Re- from textile cover to the other side of the car seat
cently, car producers put an increased emphasis on mainly because of a non-porous seat cushion. There-
the heat, moisture and air transportation properties fore, the possibility of improving heat and moisture
of their car seat covers to ensure good physiological transport using suction along (in the plane) the tex-
comfort for drivers. In order to understand the proc- tile structure of the car seat cover was investigated.
ess, the effect of a heated seat on thermal comfort
during the initial warm-up period, an ergonomic
evaluation of thermal comfort inside a car, the meas- 2 Experimental
urement of sweating and other factors have been in-
vestigated [2, 4, 5]. Moisture management behav- The current study focused on improving the mois-
iour, thermal properties and air transport of 3D ture management and transportation (especially of
warp knitted spacer fabric (3D spacer) and poly- water vapour) using air suction along the ribbed
urethane foam (PU foam), which are commonly (channelled) structure of the car seat cover middle
used as padding in car seat covers, have been exam- layer. The new equipment was designed to simulate
ined [6‒9]. Thermal properties of porous nonwoven the abovementioned process within SGHP. It is as-
materials were analysed as well [10]. Majority of re- sumed that a uniform flow into the internal struc-
searchers have reached the conclusion that the ap- ture of a car seat cover can be useful in increasing
propriate choice of the car seat cover middle layer the transportation properties of covers.
can improve physiological comfort even in complex
car seats including PU cushion, though they cannot 2.1 Materials
agree on whether PU foam or 3D spacer is better as A set of fourteen car seat fabrics (combination of
a car seat cover middle layer. One group of research- different fabric structures in the top layer: different
ers prefer polyethylene terephthalate (PET) fibres for weave, raw material and surface treatment: em-
automotive applications (both for top and middle bossed, etc.) with a different structure in the middle
layer) due to their superior properties, such as high layer (nonwoven, foam, 3D spacer) were analysed
tenacity, resistance to abrasion, light, heat and chem- and compared in terms of their physiological behavi-
ical aging, UV resistance, dimensional stability, re- our. The effect of the arrangement of these layers on
cyclability etc. [8, 11, 12]. The others are in favour of air permeability and moisture management of car
modified PU foam (in the middle layer) because of seat fabrics was monitored. The sample 14 presented
its excellent elasticity and very good recovery to a newly designed car seat fabric to improve the man-
compression [12]. The study comparing the quality agement of water vapour transport due to its chan-
of different types of seat cover paddings was carried nelled structure. The fabric 14 consisted of two lay-
out from the point of view of physiological proper- ers. Top layer was rips woven fabric, the second one
ties and relaxation behaviour after static and dy- was warp knitted spacer fabric. There were trans-
namic loading [13]. The result of this study showed versely oriented channels (in warp direction) with
that warp knitted spacer fabrics demonstrated better gaps of 5 mm between channels in the second layer

Tekstilec, 2017, 60(3), 235-242

The Study of Fabric Performance for Car Seats 237

of the sample 14, see sectional view in Table 3. The samples had been conditioned for 24 hours. The
size of the channel was approximately 3.5 mm. measurements were carried out in an air-condi-
Basic characteristics of all tested car seat fabrics tioned room under constant relative humidity of
are shown in Tables 1‒3. Before being tested, the 65% and the temperature of 21°C.

Table 1: Basic characteristics of tested car seat fabrics: structure and raw material

Raw material
Sample Structure/Top layer
Foam Nonwoven 3D spacer Top
01 Weave/Uni rips hybrid – 70% PES, 30%WO 100% PES 100% PES
02 Weave/Uni rips vlies – 70% PES, 30%WO – 100% PES
03 Weave/Uni rips 100% PU 100% PES 100% PES
04 Weave/Uni rips 100% PU 70% PES, 30%WO – 100% PES
05 Weave/Clima hybrid – 100% PES 100% PES 100% PES
06 Weave/Embossed hybrid – 70% PES, 30%WO 100% PES 100% PES
07 Weave/Steppe hybrid – 100% PES 100% PES 100% PES
08 Warp knit/Hybrid – 100% PES 100% PES 100% PES
09 Warp knit/View embossed – 70% PES, 30%WO – 100% PES
10 Warp knit/View embossed hybrid – 70% PES, 30%WO 100% PES 100% PES
11 Warp knit/View hybrid – 100% PES 100% PES 100% PES
12 Warp knit/Suede hybrid – 100% PES 100% PES 100% PES
13 Warp knit/Suede embossed hybrid – 70% PES, 30%WO 100% PES 100% PES
14 Weave/Uni rips – – 100% PES 100% PES

Table 2: Basic characteristics of tested car seat fabrics: thickness, density, mass

Thickness [mm] Density [kg/m3] Mass per unit area [g/m2]

Foam Nonwoven 3D spacer Foam Nonwoven 3D spacer
01 – 5 5 – 230 335
02 – 5 – – 230 –
03 8 – 5 43 – 335
04 8 5 – 43 230 –
05 – 2 3 – 100 250
06 – 5 5 – 230 335
07 – 2 3 – 100 250
08 – 2 3 – 100 250
09 – 5 – – 230 –
10 – 5 5 – 230 335
11 – 2 3 – 100 250
12 – 2 3 – 100 250
13 – 5 5 – 230 335
14 – – 5 – – –

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238 The Study of Fabric Performance for Car Seats

Table 3: Structure images of tested samples: face view, back view and sectional view

Sample Face/Back/Sectional view Sample Face/Back/ Sectional view

01 08

02 09

03 10

04 11

05 12

06 13

07 14

2.2 Methods The results of the above mentioned methods have

The experiment was divided into three steps: been compared and discussed in order to under-
• Measurement of physiological properties accord- stand the real performance of tested materials. The
ing to standards: water vapour resistance of the average values of all tested parameters correspond
tested samples according to EN 31092:1993 (ISO to five measurements. The coefficients of variation
11092) by Sweating Guarded Hotplate System 8.2 for all tests do not exceed 10% and are therefore not
(SGHP), and measurement of air permeability statistically significant.
according to EN ISO 9237:1995 by TEXTEST FX
3300; Measurement of physiological properties accord-
• Design of supplementary equipment to simulate ing to standard
suction in the plane of ribbed middle layer struc- Water vapour resistance
ture of the car seat cover; Thermal resistance Rct [m2K/W] and water vapour
• Measurement of water vapour resistance by the resistance Ret [m2Pa/W] of samples were investigat-
above mentioned supplementary equipment wi- ed in accordance with the EN 31092:1993 (ISO
thin SGHP. 11092) standard by a Sweating Guarded Hotplate

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The Study of Fabric Performance for Car Seats 239

System 8.2 (SGHP). The SGHP device is often re- sample filled the gap through which the air flew,
ferred to as ‘skin model‘. The test simulated the and its thickness didn’t exceed the height of the
transfer processes of heat and moisture through ma- gap, Fig. 1c.
terial next to skin and measured the rate of transfer Second, the frame was put on a sweating hotplate
of heat or moisture in such processes. The standard within the SGHP system. Further, the speed of
defines the setting up of the following conditions: suction was set and water vapour resistance was
an air temperature of 35 °C and a relative humidity then measured according to the standard proce-
of 40% for measurement of water vapour resistance. dure by SGHP, i.e. air velocity was set to 1 m/s, air
The measurements were carried out under the air temperature was set to 35 °C and relative humidity
velocity of 1 m/s. was 40%.
Air permeability
Air permeability of tested samples was carried out
in accordance with the EN ISO 9237:1995 standard
using a TEXTEST FX 3300 device.

Supplementary equipment for suction simulation

in the plane of a car seat structure
To simulate suction in the plane of a car seat struc-
ture, a supplementary equipment has been de-
signed by our team. This equipment consists of two
parts. There is a frame to grip a tested sample for
measurements within SGHP. The suction into the
tested fabric plane is provided by two suction venti-
lators which are arranged at one end of the men- Figure 2: Water vapour resistance Ret measured using
tioned frame, Fig. 1 and 2. The suction speed can be the supplementary equipment within SGHP
set within the range of 0.8‒1.2 m/s.
The measurement process with the help of supple-
mentary equipment was as follows. First, the test- 3 Results and discussion
ed sample was fixed onto the frame by tapping on
pins which were located on the sides of the frame, 3.1 Measurement of physiological properties
Fig. 1a, b. In case of the sample 14, channels in the according to standards
middle layer were oriented in the direction of The results of water vapour resistance Ret [m2Pa/W]
flowing air to support the transport of water va- and air permeability R [l/min/100cm2] are shown in
pour caused by sweating of the driver. The test the Fig. 3 and 4.


a) c)
Figure 1: Supplementary equipment to simulate suction in the plane structure of a car seat cover

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240 The Study of Fabric Performance for Car Seats

Figure 3: Water vapour resistance Ret of the measured samples

Figure 4: Air permeability R of the measured samples

The newly designed fabric 14 with the ribbed struc- satisfactory results of transporting air and water va-
ture in the middle layer presented the best results. pour. These results are likely to be related to the mid-
Further, the sandwiches 11, 8 and 9 also showed very dle layer in the form of 3D spacer and nonwoven.

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The Study of Fabric Performance for Car Seats 241

Both mentioned layers are very permeable com- convection in the plane of tested fabrics (especially
pared to PU foam and their thickness and weight are along the channels of the fabric 14), the membrane
appropriately set. was laminated to both top and bottom side of the
tested sample. The Ret (according to classical way of
3.2 Measurement of water vapour resistance SGHP) of the used membrane was about 6.
by means of supplementary suction These results (Fig. 5) support the idea of improving
equipment water vapour transport of car seat fabric using the
To support the performance of water vapour trans- plane suction. Water vapour resistance of the tested
port inside the car seat fabric, the suction in the fabric 14 decreased by approximately 20%. No in-
plane of the fabric was used during measurement crease in the ability of water vapour transport was
using SGHP. Both measurements, with suction detected for the sample 3.
created by ventilators, and without suction (Fig. 1
and 2), were carried out and results were compared
to each other. 4 Conclusion
The car seat fabrics 14 and 3 were tested by the sup-
plementary equipment (to simulate suction) within Thermo-physiological comfort is not just a pleasant
SGHP because these fabrics presented materials feeling during sitting but most of all it improves the
with the best and the worst results. The rest of the performance and concentration of drivers. The De-
sample group was not investigated due to the high partment of Clothing Technology at the Technical
time demands of the suggested measurement. The University of Liberec has long been investing in the
fabric 14 presented the best material in terms of the research to improve comfort through various inven-
above mentioned measurements according to the tions. Although some research has been carried out
SGHP standard (Fig. 3 and 4) unlike the commonly on the topic of physiological comfort and perform-
used car seat fabric 3 (PU foam in the middle layer) ance of the car seat fabrics, the recommended value
which exhibited air and water vapour impermeabil- of heat and moisture transport properties, which
ity. The purpose of the measurement was to deter- the car seat fabrics should reach, has not been de-
mine whether forced air flow in the sample plane termined yet. Generally, transport performance of
(e.g. the fabric 14 with high permeability or e.g. the car seat fabrics increases with the level of air perme-
fabric 3 – impermeable) would affect the efficiency ability (degree of porosity). Unfortunately, the im-
of heat and humidity transport. To ensure forced permeable seat cushion degrades the transport
properties of even the best permeable car seat mate-
rials. Therefore, the options to improve heat and
moisture transport through suction along (in the
plane of) the textile structure of a car seat cover
were investigated in this paper.
Further, the present study was designed to deter-
mine the effect of air suction along the ribbed
(channelled) structure of the middle layer of a car
seat cover to improve water vapour transport. For
that reason a new equipment was designed and used
within the SGHP system. One of the more signifi-
cant findings to emerge from this study is that suc-
tion in the plane of the car seat cover increases wa-
ter vapour permeability significantly (by about
20%). A key strength of our research is the combi-
nation of the forced convection in the plane with
ribbed structure. The principle of the suggested sup-
Figure 5: The water vapour resistance Ret measured plementary equipment (forced suction in the plane
using the supplementary suction equipment within of the car seat fabrics) can be part of active car seats
SGHP to help with the heat and water vapour transport.

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242 The Study of Fabric Performance for Car Seats

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