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paren Pui SOCIAL SCIENCES (History and Geography) Total Marks: 200 ‘Time: 3 hours 6 question paper of Socal Scences shall have wo distinc secon: one of History and the other one of Geography: each of 100 marks The candidates wil be required to answer one compulsory and two optional questions from euch section le sk question inal. The compulsory question ofeach section, covering the entire aylabus of the concerned section, shall have en objective ype questions each of two marks (1052920 mars) In addon, there shal be four opnal questions in each section of History and Geography. Since there are for inc sub-sectons, both In History and Geography, one question wil be drawn fom each sub-section as to mae total of four optonal questions in each ofthe two din sections of History and Geography; of which candidates wil be required to answer enly 0 ‘questions each of 40 marks. The optical questions shal be answered inthe traditional descriptive syle. requringlonganswers Section (A) - History: 100 Mares (A) Ancient Period: (0) The indus Valley Citation Origin. antiquity. extent authorship and maa features, (0) Origin he Aryans. (ii) Antiqulty and staticaton of the Vedic literature; Soci, ‘economy and religion during Early (Rig Vedi) pecod. (oe) The Lichehavia and ter republican constitution. (0). The Rise othe Magathan empire {W) The Mauryas : Extent of empire, Kalinga Wae and ic impact ‘Asoka's Ohamma, Foreign Polly, evelopment of Are de ‘Architecture dasog the Manryan period (ui) The Kushonas: Kanishka: Exent of empire, Kis religous pole: Development of Art Architctare and Letters during the Kushana period (uli) The Gupte : Extent of empire: development of language and” tterature act archiectre dering the Gupta period. {) Warena-Vardhan : The last geet tind ruler of Northern Indi ‘cultura achievements durnghls period. (0), The Cholas: Martie ates in Sourtheast Aslan counties ‘Chola admbsiratn ar architecture. (x) Cultura Aclevements ofthe Paliovas. o o Medieval Period: dade (el) The drab isn fda {aT Caen ison na {lv} The Dv Soanste + Mabet and Mar Reforms of Alda Xe op peesol Makan Than (eo) Thedongtinvan in (xvi), Religious Movernents : (a) Suftsm, (b) Bhakti Movement, ieee emeeaeteae | eeee ean, Dreepment of ines Hoa eeu (ea The Mains Prt Bat of ait Aciovement of her Shab Sr, Conoldaon of Maghal enpre abluhent fpr ool Moa UF NO eee lee nd Rapa palees Asrane's Relous aR pole Mga incre ae Pasting, Reo Condon ang Moga a (ay The Ri of te Varathas:Adevenens of Sa, Nertbward trpanon oh Marsthas nd bt dev Modera Pela te) epnig of aopem setemens: Perm an row of Es Ina Company onenttin of Bt power na anes of Many and Boar, Cote over Dyvee Sbecery Alene Deco Lapse Doct cer (ox) Resnance te Cal fale Pant, Tb and Guta Rensnce, ev 157, (ea) Soc fora ovens a Nid Commonly: abn Suna ity Sak, tH Menon Prraine Sara on 5 Movements in Muslim Community : Wahabi iar Movernent. (evs) Struggle for Rasing Womens status : Abolition of Sati System, Widow Marriage Act, Consent il Stress on Female Education xix (av) Land Revenue Administration under the Bish rule: Permanent , Settlement; Ryctwari & Mahabwae Systems (Cx) Rise of Nationalism fn tna tn the 19th century Formation of Indian National Congress : Moderares and Extrorits; Swadesh Movement, Home Rule League Movement: Kilafat Movement (Govi) Mahatma Gandhi and Mass polities: Nen-Co-operaion Movement, Ciut Duobeaience Mavernent Quit india Movement {svt) The partition af ndiaanditscansequenees fant eat cage (:ats India Ater Independence: Integration of Princely states in indian Union; Linguistic Recrgantzation of States: Non-lligned policy ‘unger Neheu nd Indira Gandhi Libation of Bangladesh (0) History of narkhand: (pox) Adiharina Le Sarana cl of arkhand tribals; (xu) Concept of Sadan and emergence of Negpurie language (al) Trital Revolt in harkhand and Nalonalit struggle: (el Birsa Movement, (on) Tana Bhagat Movement and (aw) Freedom Movernent in rarkband. Section (8) ~ Geography :100 Marks (A) Physical eograply (General Principles) (Origin and evolution ot earth, inerior of earth, Wegner’ Continental Drift Theory, Plate tectonics, Volcanoes, Earthquakes sand Tsunamis (0) Major types of rocks and thetr characteristics, evolution and characteristics of landforms Inthe Fluvial, Glacial, Ara and Karst regions. (1) Geomorphie processes: Weathering, mats wasting erosion and Aepesition, soll formation Landscape cycles, deas of Davis and Penck. (jo) Composition Structure and Stratification ofthe atmosphere (7) Insolaion, heat budget of the cath (Horizontal and vertical diseibution of temperature, inversion of temperature (ei) Alemasses and fronts, Troplal and cemperate cyclones (il) Evaporation and Condensation: dew, frost. fog. mist and cloud, antl ype. (x) Clasifcation of chmates, (Koppen and Thornthwatte), Greeuouse effet, global warning and climate changes. (2) Hydrological ce. dlstrbution ofternperature and solicits inthe cceans a e85,waves tes and currents, ocean floor reli fearures. (8) Physical and Human Geography of nda: (id) Structure, relief ané physonraphic dsions, Drainage Systems : Himalayan and the Peninsula. (a1) Indian monsoon, mechanism, onset and retreat, climatic (pes ‘(Koppen and Trewartha). Green Revelation and sts impact on ‘major eropsf india. Food scarcity ten 5 ie ee ieee (a) matur Vegetin-Foret per aed cnt, wid, convertion ophere eae tuo) Major pes of ae (CAR dato) and th ian Saldegudnon nd conerton (eo). Natur Hoard ods roa Cones Landen tol) Popaion growth dnthuton sed ny Cr) Ae Sx raha competion (ra Popul erent erlopment tin) Types of Seances 1 nel md uray, Uren morphol funciona teens, Problems ohn oor eual (©) Nawal source of ada: Deeepment and Ulzation edi ete ceed ee eee) frewaptal contin drat of mae rope Me Rk Whew. Coen ue Source uber, Tee and Coes (es) Whar Raxewcee say td vlan fr tds an Se tee cee meee Courier wtrMereing sed werd management pa ee tot) Hiner wed oeryRavoures Datbuten and uty of) tna enerals Uo or cope, bates magnee). (0) ao esa wn See cs (meets Baits wasps eee rca {hte Wat bara a) ergy mares new caymeoen od ae (rau Development of Indus : Types of Industrie: tt of Janse ease ae ea oa eet saa Indus Qron sd chon ttles sop ond pee chem): Webe’s hey of crac rekvnce ieee (xxiv) Transport, Communication and International Trade : (a) Reade raves ad wate wee (8) Sues of Inertial de changing patra of Inds torigtrace (0) Geography onarkhand snd Utzon ofa Resources ey econ eae tie cag Nel eared foenaagrcutre an igs, Dunder Suber ria fsergld soy a peer fe aty a _ we (xu) Population : Growth, distribution, density; Tribal population and thelr distribution, Problems of Tribes and Tribal development Plans their customs, tual festivals ete (Canty Industrial and urban development. Major Industrestron. Ste and Cement: Cotta industries. (erwin Patera of urban settlement and Plivtion Problems. PAPER-IV INDIAN CONSTITUTION & POLITY, PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION & GOOD ‘GOVERNANCE ‘Total Marks: 200 Time: 3 hours ‘The question-paper of the inclan Constitution, Polity and Public ‘Administration shall consist of two ditinet sections Le. one on Indian Constitution and Poly, and the other one on Publle Administration & Good Governance, each of 100 marks. Tho candidates will be required to answer ‘ane compulsory and two optbnal questions from each section. The ‘compulsory question of each section, covering the entire syllabus of the concerned section, shall have ten objective type of questions, each of two ‘marks (102520), In addition, cere shall be four optional questions in each section, of which candidates wil be raquired to answer only two questions, cach of 40 marks. The optional questions shall be answered inthe traditional escriptive form: requiring long answers. Section (A) - indian Constitution and Polity (1) Preamble of the Indian Consteuton (Seeular, Democratic and Socilist)-Philosophy bebind it (1) Salient features ofthe Indian Constitution, Concept of Public Interest tigation: Basic structure ofthe Indian Constitution. (MN) Fundamental Rights & Duties. (IV). Directive Principles ofthe State Policy. (WV) Union Government: (@) Union Executive : Fowers and functions of President, Vice President, Prime Minister and the Councll of Ministers Functioning uader 2 Coalition Goverament. (8) Union Legislature: Lak Sabha and Rajya Sabha - Organization ‘and Functions; Law making process; Parliamentary Commitees; Parliament's control over Executive; Privileges and immunities of Parlament and its Mebers Coat = (0 Union judiciary : The Supreme Court : Its role and powers. Principles of Natura justice & Rule of Law. Judicial Revlew and Judicial Activism: (WD) State Government: (@) State Executive + Powers and funetlons of Governor, Chief Minister and the Councilof Ministers. (8) State Legislature : Organtzation, Powers anu functions, with special reference to Jharkhand (©) State Judiclary ; igh Court: Organization, Powers and functions ‘Subordinate Judleary (@) The Panchayats and the Municipalities : Constitution, powers, functions and resporsibilies with special reference to 73rd and 7ath Constitutional amendenents (Vil) Centre-State Relationship: Administra, Legislative and Financial (VI) Provisions relating to Administration of Schadvied Areas ail Seheduled Tribal Areas. (0%) Special provistons relating to reservation of seats for SC. and ST. in Legislature, Services te (00) Emergency Provisions ofthe Constntion. (CK) Comptroller & Auditor General finda (CAG), (08) leetion Commission ofindia, (tN) Political Paces and Pressure Groups, Sectlon (8) -Publie Administration & Good Governance (KIV) Public Administration : Introduction, meaning scope and significance, (XV) Public and Private Administration (AVP Union Administration: Central Secretariat, Cabinet Secretariat Prime Minister's Ofc, Planning Commission, France Commission. (KVID State Administration : Stato Secretariat, Chief Secrotary, Chie” Minister's ofc (Gv District Administration Origin and development ofthe ofice of the District Magistrate and Collector: Changing Role of the District Collector, Impact of the separation of diary on District Administration a nqaue (40x) Personnel Adminstration: Recrtiment of il Services Unon Able Serve Commision andthe Ste Publ Service Commssion Taig of Ct Sevan Laderhip and ts qultes Employes moval ted peseatg (4)_Delegston Centraeaon and centration of subrty CER) Boreescracy sore mers and demersal of ureacracy in Poley formalin ands implemenaton, Monn bemreen Bureaucracy an elie! Este; Generals versus Spelt CARI Development Adminstration (ORI) Disaster Management : Causes Metnng and Cision of Dieser: Duar gate Inmedae and Lang term measure, (RIM ood Goverence: Hoang and conezpt of Caod and Response Covereces Main fetes ef ood Goremanee > Accumtabiy, Transparency, Horsty sd Quick Devry, Rle sf ot Secey and Peoples Patitpaion tn Good Covetunce Grlerance Reda Mechanism + Lakpl Lolaylea, Cental VilanceCoramssloner Catnené Chane: Obes Machory ond Mesures provided () Right to Service Act: () Right to Information Act; (i) Might to duealon Act) The Conner Protection Aes (x) Domestle Vitence ans Women (Prevention Ac) 14 Aye Ac. (01 suman Rights concept and Meaning Univeral Declaration of Human highs, Rater Homan Rights Commision; Sate Human Rights Commlaion, Human Rights ond Socl Iss Hunan Rights tnd Terrorism, PAPER.V INDIAN ECONOMY, GLOBALIZATION AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Total Marks: 200 Te: 3 hours ‘The question-paper on Indian Economy, Globakzaton and Sustainable Development stall coasts af ve sections Section I shall be compulsory. This ‘secon shall contain twenty objective questions each of two marks (202440 marks). The ewenty objective questions of ths soetion shall by drawn from the entice syllabus of the paper: of which G questions will be drawn from Group A, 6 from Group & 4 from Group Cand 4 from Group D of the syllabus. Secton I 1 1V& Vof the question-paper shall hve two optional questions ‘chs drawn respectively from Groups A,B, & of the syllabus, of which the ‘andllares wit be reqited to answer one question fem each group, eu {rit ot c ston carryng 40 mars Ths altogether the canddstes wil be require to answer one oblecve ype vompulsoy question carrying 40 mar and 4 puna queso, exch caning 40 marks. The optional questions sal be aswaredin the radtona Sexerpove form egling lng answers Group (A)~ Bast Features of nian eonomy (© Navonal Income : Elemeatary concepis of national nome and methods ofits calaton eg, CDP, GNP, NDP, NNP,CSDP. NSDP. DOP a constant and curren: pce afar eos! {4 Iatation: Concept, cottel of inflaton : monetary, fal and direct (4) Demographic features: Work ore compostion, dmapraphiclvidend ith special reference to census of 2011; National Population oly. (0¥) Agere and Rural Leonomy : importance of ager in eaten economy; agricultural growth in Indapreducton & productivity ‘uses of low productivity and measures taken by government 9 ‘prove agricultural production: Green Revolution, Ever Green Revolution and Rainbow revelation: WTO and ngretre. Marketing snd prcig of great inpts nd oupus (©) _IndusralBooomy Policy ntiatve &enarges. (1) Publi Fiance: nature unportance and scope of pli finance; Puc Revenue-Prinipes and pes ef taxation: rect. ncect, progressive aed proportional concept VAT (1) Publi Expenditure : Theories of pblcexpenltur: causes of growth ‘of pub expenditure ands impact os economy: nierna and external borrowings, (1 budget: Principles of budgeting: types of budketing. Peformance. ase ern FRO. (1%) Heal Paley : Concept and role of cal policy In achieving employment stably and econom development (%)Cenrestate hal reitionshp cole of Finance Commision: Finacial pets of 73rd and 74h Conatutnal arendents (Gt) Structure oingian monetary an banking system nina Gl) (4) Composition and direction of Inds trade; Balance of payment problon. Group (8) - Sustainable Development, Economie Issues and Indian Development Sirategy (41) Meaning and Measurement of ticonomie Developinent: of Under Development Charact Tae if SIR ease ge Group (€)~ Eeonennle Reforms, Nature and Impact on indian Economy (ity New ecenorle Reforms-Liberalization,Privatiation and Globallzason, rationale ond need for reforms international nancial insiutions IMF, World Bank WTO, tei ole and impact on Indian economy. (atv Financial and Banking tector reforms. economic reforms and rural thanking impact on rural ered: sources and problems of rural ered insttational credle, SHG, micro finance, NABARD, RRDs, Scheduled” ‘Commetciat Banks, rural co-operatives financial inclusion, (0XV) Gioslization of Indian economy : its postive and negative impacts on diferent sectors, igswes of FDL and Fl Ind (axvi Agneutural sector reforms and its impuct oF growth; Isves of subsidies and public investment on agriculture, reforms and agrarian oN LS : bE aft © @. ((ormindusa ceveiopnent nd Ssovume reforms in india Moor changes in industrial policy, ks impact en Indestrilgroweh and problems of SMES: oe of Publ Setar enterprises i nels inustaletion In ost reforms period: Dsovestnent and Privatisation of Pili Enterprisen Group (D) ~ Economy ofjharkhand: Features, Issues, Challenges and i Strategies (avin geonomic growth and structure of jharkhand's economy, sectoral ‘ ‘composition, growth In SDP and per caplts NSDI In last decade, ‘Agricultural and industrial growth n Jharkhand. (000%) Demographic features of Jharkhand - population growth, sex ratlo, density Ieracy, compostion of work force, rural-urban composition cl te. with special reference 19 Census of 200% and 2071, Inter district, variations, (9) Status of poverty, unemployment, food security, malnuinton, ‘ ‘education and health indicators in Jharkhand, major intatves, Issues (of agricultural and raral development. major programs and schemes, [poverty allevation programs: PURA, Bharat Nirman, MGNREGA, bs PMGSY, SGSY, AY, NKLM etc. Food securly schemes. (oat) Land, forest and environmental issues in JMarkdand land veforts and agrarian relations. tribal land alienation, development induced isplacement of people its impacts and policy Initiatives, Forest isucs and Implementation of FRA Environmental degradatlon and State policy to deal witha, ‘out Fave year plans im Jharkhand strategy and achievement in X and Xith plan, TSP and SCSP, Public nance trends in Jharkhand, Industrial policy in harkhand and industrial development PAPER-Vi ‘GENERAL SCIENCE, ENVIRONMENT & TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT Total Marks: 200 Time: 3 hours ‘The question paper of General Science, Environment & Technology Development shall have ax sections. Section ~ L. hall have 20 objective type of questions, each of2 marks (20 = 2 = 40 marks) Questions fortis section will be drawn atthe rate of fur questions from each o the fve Groups ofthe syllabus. Sections 1, Il IV, V and Vt of the question paper shall have two ‘optional questions cach, crawn respectively from Groups A.B, C.D and E of the syabus: of which candidates will be required 19 answer only one et) ye Fetued to answer one cbective type compulsory question (40 marks) ind five descriptive type optional questions (5 «32» 160 marks) Group (A) ~ Physical Science (system of Unies: MKS, CS and (1) Definton of peed, vloty, rat, mass, weigh force, impact work, ower and energy, CM) Solar system relative positon of Barth with respect to Sun and other planets movement of earth snd moon in solar system, lunar and solar eclipses. (™)_ Concept anc nature of sound, Wave length and frequency, Infrasonte ‘aud Ulrasonle sounds, Sources of Infasonie sound in eature, Merasonie sound charscterstevand some applications. Group (8)~LifeSclence ())_Thetving word Celt Structure ans funclons, Diversity of organism. (1) Bio moteute - structure and function ofcarbohydraterprotens snd (ats, Vitamins and deficiency diseases, Enzymes, Hormones - Plant hormones and growth regulation, Anknal hormones and_ their funedons. (1D) Cell reproduction - Cel eycte, Mitosis and Metosts. (1) Medallion tnhertance - Menobybrid and Dinybrid cross, Sex linked Ihertance, Sex Determination, DNA Structure & Function, UNA Replication, Protein Synthesis, Gene Regulation, Molecular basis of ferentiation, (¥)__ Theories of Evolution of Life on arth, inching Human Group (C)~ Agriculcure Science () Different agro-imatc zones of Jarkhand ain fll pattern and known abiotic stresses in each one, (1) Raun fed ageewkre: Conventiont food ad horteutural crops of the stale, Need for diversiteaton of crops for food as well as muincnat security in the wake of cimate change; Rain water harvesting and lee ‘oe in improving agriculture output in farkhand, Fish farming, (1H) Sot fertity status of tharkhand- Application of Verm compost and Farm Yard Manure (FYM) for improving soll heath. Nirogen fing bacteria: their applications 2nd Concept of Orgone farming OV) Gomept of Agroforestry, Waste lands und means to recite them, (Government schemes forthe bene ofthe farmers ofthe sate sae lation, wer nk Group (0) - Environmental Science Concept of Ecosystem, Structure and Functon of Ecosystem, Natura resources-Renewable snd Hon renewable resources, Environmental Conservation-in stu and ex situ conservation, Polulion-Alr, Water, Sound and Sol, Solid Waste Management; Blodiversty: concept hotspots threats to biodiversity; Global Environmental Isues: Climate chan, Global warring ‘Ozone layer depletion, Acid ran, Daserication, Environmental Laws-The Environment (Protection) Act, The Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) ‘Act. The Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, Forest Conservation act Group (B)- Science & Technology Development Natienal Polcy on Science and Technology; Everay demand of the ‘country; Conventions! and Non-conventional sourees of energy: Nuclear Energy : its ments and demerits: Trends in Nuclear Policy, NPT and CTDT. Space Technoluyy-Indlan space programmes, Applleation of Sateites for diferent purpose; Indlan missle programme; Remote sensing : GIS and its application n weather forecasting dlsaser warning. mapping of water, soil, and mineral resourees etc Use of Blotechnolegy In agrieviture, animal breeding pharmaceuticals, fod technology, and environmental conservation: Possible adverse effects of botechnologial interventions; information technology: Computers and its application in data processing, data ‘programmes, Cybercrime and cyber laws National Health Policy: national programmes for prevention and contro of Malaria, Leprosy... Cancer. Aids, indness ee bet ufeftre — 1 (7) JHARKHAND PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION Revised Scheme of Examination for Paria) series hisses Coon) | stars Remaris 7 (A) PRELIMINARY EXAMINATIN (Seres e Aspetie | OBIECTIVE Gera sate Boar |e ca) | ures: (poe Genera Seder harbored Asperte | OBIECTIVE Specific) ot a Advertisement ‘TYPE (B) MAIN EXAMINATION (No optional subjects. All are common compulsory papers) Hit English, having two separate sections ‘on (i) General Hindi, and (ii) General English, each of SO marks. 3 hours 100 ‘As per the ‘Advertisement DESCRIPTIVE TYPE Paper-II : Language and Literature: Under this paper, every candidate will have to opt for one Language and Literature out of fifteen listed by the commi 3 hours 150 AS ABOVE. AS ABOVE Paper: Geography, each of equal weightage, 3 hours 200 AS ABOVE AS ABOVE Paper-IV : Indian Constitution & Polity, Public Administration & Good Governance 3 hours 200 AS ABOVE AS ABOVE Paper-V : Indian Economy, Globalization and Sustainable | Development 3 hours 200 AS ABOVE AS ABOVE Paper-VI : General Sciences, Environment & Technology Development 3 hours 200 AS ABOVE AS ABOVE ‘Total Marks (Main Examination) 1050 ‘Atthe diseretion ofthe commission Personality Test 700 Grand Total 1150

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