Libreto Lucifer

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Uriel For a brief moment, the pattern wobbled.

I thought that you actually

bring mom, so how you surprise me!!, because once in life, I want to
be surprise but noo here you are!

¿ are you done to hide in your big brother skirt?


Lucifer Yes, its just me now, big bad lucifer!!

Uriel We already have this fight lucifer, right here, in my head, I seen
everything you do, I hear all dumb jokes.

Lucifer Let me guess, in your version I deliver mom to you and I apologize with
tears running down my face?!

Uriel Actually no, in my version you refuse to give me mom and your human
friend dies.

Yes, I tried twice now, no much luck. Maybe you're not as good as you
Lucifer thought.

Uriel Maybe I’m building up a great final.

Lucifer All right, Uriel, you don’t know what dad wants, none of us knows, so I

Uriel You’re right I don’t know what dad wants, none of us do.
Lucifer Right, great, well I’m glad that we have this talk. I see you on the next
family reunion, I buy the first round.
Uriel But I do know what he needs. Mom it’s out, and its only matter of time
before she finds a way to go back to heaven and them he forgives her.

Lucifer He will never do that!

Uriel ¿ Why not? You did it. She’s been here like ¿what, three min? now
you’re already defending her. Dad would do the same thing. He let his
guard down and them she destroys him. I need to make sure that
doesn’t happen.
Lucifer Its Azrael blade. ¿How do you have it?
Uriel I take it off of angel of dead when she was entertained.
Lucifer You’re not playing to taking back mom to hell, that weapon will end
her existence totally, no heaven, no hell, just… just gone.
Uriel Finally, a moment of understanding between us.
Lucifer You’re completely insane brother.
Uriel I’m doing what have to be done and you runout of time, see I don’t
care your deal with dad, I don’t care what happen to your littler
human, but it’s obvious that you care for her a little more that you
care for mom. Now I just need to push this little switch a sequence will
begin in two days your human will die. So, lucifer you can let that
happen or you could bring me mom. Last chance.
Lucifer Very well. You didn’t see that coming?
Uriel Actually, I did see coming. I knew you’re gonna attack but I wasn’t sure
how. You are lucky that I will never use Azrael blade on you brother.
Maze ¿Why you don’t fight with me bitch?
Uriel But I have no problem to use it on a demon. You can stop me brother.
Maze What he says? Lucifer what the fuck he says? Oh, he’s dead.
Lucifer I… I kill him, brother sorry I have to do it. Maze bury it far away from
here, that no one can find it.
Maze But lucifer what your mother will say? What we will do?
Lucifer Don’t worry maze I take the rest.

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