Final Integrated Unit Plan

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Integrated Unit Plan:

Social Studies and Writing

Abbigale Duncan
EDUC 530

Social Studies

Name of lesson (and Exploration of the Americas: Introduction

the unit it belongs to)

Content Standards History

3.3 The student will study the exploration of the Americas by
a) describing the accomplishments of Christopher Columbus, Juan
Ponce de León, Jacques Cartier, and Christopher Newport;
b) identifying the reasons for exploring, the information gained, the
results of the travels, and the impact of the travels on American
3.5 The student will develop map skills by
a) positioning and labeling the seven continents and five oceans to
create a world map;
b) using the equator and prime meridian to identify the Northern,
Southern, Eastern, and
Western Hemispheres;
c) locating the countries of Spain, England, and France;
d) locating the regions in the Americas explored by Christopher
Columbus (San Salvador in the Bahamas), Juan Ponce de León (near
St. Augustine, Florida), Jacques Cartier (near Quebec, Canada), and
Christopher Newport (Jamestown, Virginia);
e) locating specific places, using a simple letter-number grid system.
Oral Language
3.1 The student will use effective communication skills in group
a)Ask and respond to questions from teachers and other group
b)Explain what has been learned

Specific Content Today our focus will be on introducing who Christopher Columbus,
Juan Ponce de Leon, Jacques Cartier, and Christopher Newport were
and what their involvement was in American Exploration. We will
mostly cover locations on the map related to their explorations, their
reasons for exploring, the information gained, the results of the
travels, and the impact of their travels on American Indians.

How will this Students will be asked to reflect on a time they have been on an
activity/content be adventure. This discussion will strike their curiosity and draw their
made relevant to attention into what the early explorers adventures were like.

My Background I have had several history classes throughout the years that touched
Knowledge on this topic. I will also be reviewing the students’ textbook to
review the information that they should know and do further research
if necessary. I will also check out online resources to make sure I
have the background knowledge that I need to elaborate on any
questions students may have.

My beliefs about how I believe that direct instruction is necessary for the first day of this
to teach this material unit. Along with direct instruction, questioning and discussion with
vs other methods the students will help the teacher establish what students seem to
know and what knowledge they may lack.

Safety concerns I have no safety concerns for this lesson.

Materials needed/pre Textbook

planning logistics Interactive Notebooks
Classroom Map Display

KWL (what do you Students should know their basic map skills.
think students will They will need to be introduced to the explorers.
know and what they They will learn where their began and ended according to a map and
should be able to list basic facts about them.
will want to know)

Activity description 1. The lesson will begin by reviewing basic map skills. We will
(this is a step by step review the pages of continents, oceans, the equator, prime
description of what meridian, and the hemispheres in our interactive notebooks.
a. Have students point to each map characteristic to
you will be doing in
check for understanding.
this lesson, describe in 2. After basic map review and questioning, we will locate the
detail all activities, any countries of Spain, England, and France.
data collection that 3. Begin by asking the students, “Have you ever been on an
may occur, journal adventure because you wanted to see something you had
activities, other subject never seen before?” I would then tell them that long ago,
integration, readings, before cell phones and computers that people had to go on
adventures to see things. These adventurers were called early
multi-media usage,
explorers. List the explorers names and tell students that they
…..) will be learning about each of their adventures this week.
4. Follow by locating the regions in the Americas explored by
Christopher Columbus (San Salvador in the Bahamas), Juan
Ponce de León (near St. Augustine, Florida), Jacques Cartier
(near Quebec, Canada), and Christopher Newport
(Jamestown, Virginia).
a. This will be done as whole group on the classroom
sized map of the world.
Comment: Students will not be required to take notes.
For this introductory approach I would like them to
absorb as much information as possible. Further in the
week we will have a mapping activity where students
will have their own copy with notes.
5. Watch the video Discoverin’ America and
encourage students to sing along
6. After Video pass out exit slips.

Differentiation Most of the class is based on questioning and direct instruction.

There will be no assignments for students to do other than exit slips.
Thorough scaffolding may be needed if it is apparent that some
students are not as familiar with maps. Take time to walk by these
students desks to ensure they are pointing to correct areas on the
map. A short explanation of the map characteristics may be needed.
ELL: Follow along lyrics are on the screen of the Discoverin’
America video, but a handout of the lyrics in the child’s native
language could help as well.

Reflection activities Exit Slip with the following questions:

1. What did you learn today?
2. What do you want to learn about the four explorers?
3. What did the teacher do that was helpful to you in this lesson?

Assessment Assessment data will be gathered from the students’ exit slips. This
will help to establish exactly what information the students grasped
onto and what they need additional information on.

Lesson Improvement I would shorten the exit slip. After spending time in 3rd grade, I
Activities believe the original exit slip would have taken the students at least 10
minutes to complete. When in reality, I only have 45 minutes to teach
the lesson in the first place.

English (Writing)

Name of lesson (and Writing a Narrative: Prewriting Activities

the unit it belongs to)
Content Standards Oral Language
3.1 The student will use effective communication skills in group
a)Ask and respond to questions from teachers and other group
b)Explain what has been learned
3.9 The student will write for a variety of purposes.
a) Identify the intended audience.
b) Use a variety of prewriting strategies.
3.11 The student will write a short report.
a) Construct questions about the topic.
b) Identify appropriate resources.
c) Collect and organize information about the topic into a short
d) Understand the difference between plagiarism and using own

Specific Content Pre-Writing Activities

How will this I will make this content relevant to my students by asking this to
activity/content be imagine themselves in the place of Christopher Columbus, Juan
made relevant to Ponce de Leon, Christopher Newport, and Jacques Cartier. I will
show them pictures, texts, videos, and songs throughout the week to
strengthen their knowledge on the topic. These are the four men that
they are learning about this week in Social Studies class so they
should be interested to see where else they can use what they have

My Background My background knowledge on this content and writing strategy has

Knowledge come from Jennifer A. Fontenot’s book called Blueprint for
Exceptional Writing.

My beliefs about how I believe the Personal Narrative Writing strategy requires a lot of
to teach this material direct modeling by the teacher. I plan to model everything I have my
vs other methods students do this week so that they are familiar with the strategy and
can do their best work.

Safety concerns I have no safety concerns for this lesson.

Materials needed/pre Youtube Link:

Computer Photo Album of Different Ships
planning logistics Handout of Wheel of Thought

KWL (what do you Students know the Personal Building Blocks for Narrative Writing
think students will
know and what they Students will what to know how to incorporate their Social Studies
lesson into this writing activity.
will want to know)

Activity description 1. Authentic Vocabulary: Start the lesson by teaching the

(this is a step by step following genre-specific vocabulary words as they pertain to
description of what personal narrative writing.
a. Follow Fontenot’s BEW process of Professor Write’s
you will be doing in
Interactive Teaching Strategy on Pg. 94
this lesson, describe in i. Genre-- Review: Ask, “What is a personal
detail all activities, any narrative?” Students should respond, “My
data collection that story,” with their hand on their heart. Say:
may occur, journal “Today we will talk about a personal narrative.
activities, other subject This is your story. You will be given a writing
integration, readings, prompt or question as a theme for your writing
multi-media usage,
ii. Audience-- Say: “You need to know who you
…..) are writing for, your audience. You will be
writing this personal narrative to put into a
classroom book about the explorers of the
Americas. Keep in mind how much the
particular audience knows about the topic.”
iii. Characters--Say: “Your personal narrative
will need to have interesting people. We call
them characters.”
iv. Setting--Say: “You will need to tell the reader
where your story takes places. This is called
the setting.”
v. Plot--Say: “The plot is the structure of the
story. It is the rising and falling action of the
story that leads to a problem resolution.
vi. Point of View--Say: “When you write a
personal narrative story, you have to decide on
your point of view. For this assignment you
will be placing yourself in the shoes on an
explorer of the Americas. This means that you
will be using the word I or the phrase this
happened to me. You will be saying I did this
and that. This is called first person point of
2. Multisensory Activities
a. Show students pictures of the boats Christopher
Columbus, Juan Ponce de Leon, Jacques Cartier, and
Christopher Newport sailed on their journeys.
b. Watch the video about Christopher Columbus’ ships
Have a discussing on what it may have been like to
travel on the trip.
3. Wheel of Thought
a. Put up a Wheel of Thought graphic organizer in front
of your class. This first wheel will be done whole
group. The topic for the classroom Wheel of Thought
is Early Explorers. Have students list the four
explorers that we are discussing in Social Studies.
b. Have students each pick one explorer from the
classroom Wheel of Thought to use as their focus for
the personal narrative. Tell you students that they will
pretend to be one of the explorers and write about
something that happened on their journey. Tell
students to list things on their Wheel of Thought that
happened to the explorer of their trips.

Differentiation I will post the Narrative Writing vocabulary in the classroom if

students need to be reminded of what each of these words mean for
this assignment.
Some students may also need to be reminded of how to properly
create a Wheel of Thought. Model the usage one on one with the
students who need it after doing a short instructional discussion
during the whole group Wheel. To model in whole group you will
use the topic of Early Explorers. If one on one modeling is needed,
use an explorer, but not the same one that the student has picked. The
key to this exercise is to have students beginning to access prior
Walk around while students are creating their own and check for

Reflection activities The students doing their own Wheel of Thought will act as a
reflection for this lesson. They will have to reflect on what they
learned in Social Studies that day as well as the correct usage of this
prewriting strategy.
Students will be encouraged to volunteer to share their Wheel of
Thought before leaving class.

Assessment Students should leave their work in their writing folders in the
classroom. At the end of the day use these folders to see if each
students is on track with the assignment. If you see that students are
off track, make a note to review in a short teacher conference before
the next writing session.

Lesson Improvement I was not able to teach Reading or Writing during my 3rd grade
Activities placement. However, I was able to see the students works a few
times and I believe they would have done well with these activities.

Social Studies

Name of lesson (and Exploration of the Americas: Accessing Previous Knowledge and
the unit it belongs to) Researching

Content Standards History

3.3 The student will study the exploration of the Americas by
a) describing the accomplishments of Christopher Columbus, Juan
Ponce de León, Jacques Cartier, and Christopher Newport;
b) identifying the reasons for exploring, the information gained, the
results of the travels, and the impact of the travels on American
Oral Language
3.1 The student will use effective communication skills in group
a)Ask and respond to questions from teachers and other group
b)Explain what has been learned
3.6 The student will continue to read and demonstrate comprehension
of nonfiction texts.
a) Identify the author’s purpose.
b) Use prior and background knowledge as context for new learning.
k) Identify new information gained from reading.

Specific Content Today our focus will be on reviewing who Christopher Columbus,
Juan Ponce de Leon, Jacques Cartier, and Christopher Newport were
and what their involvement was in American Exploration. We will
mostly cover their reasons for exploring, the information gained, the
results of the travels, and the impact of their travels on American

How will this Asking the question: “Have you ever been exploring in the
activity/content be outdoors?” “What were you looking for?” “Did you find it?” “What
made relevant to did you learn?”

My Background I have had several history classes throughout the years that touched
Knowledge on this topic. I will also be reviewing the students’ textbook to
review the information that they should know and do further research
if necessary.

My beliefs about how Since this material is being reviewed from students’ previous
to teach this material knowledge of the day before, I would like to center it around a lot of
vs other methods discussion and station work were students can work in small groups.
I believe that both of these methods will help them establish a strong
basis of knowledge for the rest of the week.

Safety Concerns I have no safety concerns with this lesson.

Materials needed/pre -The overhead must have the video pulled up on youtube for students
planning logistics to play.
-Markers and giant post-it easel.
-At least 10 different books provided by the school and classroom
-Classroom set of chromebooks.

KWL (what do you I believe students will have a general idea behind what these
think students will explorers did and who they were. They should also be aware of
know and what they where each of the locations are on a map depending on continents
and some countries.
will want to know)
I believe they will want to know more specifically who they were,
where they were from, what their goals were, and how they
influenced the area.

Activity description 1. An introduction and short discussion of what students know

(this is a step by step about Christopher Columbus, Juan Ponce de Leon, Jacques
description of what Cartier, and Christopher Newport were and what their
involvement was in American Exploration. (5 min)
you will be doing in
a. Ask students to answer where each explorer was from,
this lesson, describe in their reasons for exploring, the information the
detail all activities, any explorers gained, the results of the travels, and the
data collection that impact of their travels on American Indians
may occur, journal 2. Station/Discovery Time (30 min) Students are split into 3
activities, other subject groups of 5 students and rotate every 10 min.
integration, readings, a. Video Station:
multi-media usage,
…..) Students first watch the video all the way through.
Once they have watched the first time through, they
can take 1 minute to list things that they remembered
from this video on the giant post it easel. They can
then watch the video one more time through, trying to
sing along this time, and with a different colored
marker they write more facts on the post-it that they
may have missed the first time.
i. The goal of repeating this song is to have the
students begin to memorize it’s words.
Auditory learning can be very beneficial to
some students and this is how I plan to utilize
this type of learning.
b. Book Station: Students have a variety of books,
provided by the librarian staff, to look through. They
will be encouraged to look through the pictures, write
down notes of any facts they learn, and share these
with their peers in the same group.
c. Research Station: Students use the classroom set of
Chromebooks to research the the impact of the travels
on American Indians. Students should write down any
information they learn on a piece of paper to be turned
in as an exit slip.
Comment: After reviewing the research that the
students have done place it in their writing folders so
that they could use these notes for their Narratives.

Differentiation I will pair low achieving students with on level students and other on
level students with advanced students so that they can have
assistance when completing the research and time calculations. These
pairs on students can also help to challenge one another in the work.

Reflection activities At the end of all 3 rotations, students will reflect through discussion
what they learned from each of the stations.
They will be asked to share their interesting facts they learned from
their stations.

Assessment Students will be assessed during the lesson discussion. I will be able
to see which students are grasping onto the concepts by who is
sharing and understanding information.
Students should also be able to succeed in filling out an exit slip with
a new fact they have learned about the impact of the travels on
American Indians.
Lesson Improvement I think this lesson would have been very popular among my 3rd
Activities graders. They would have loved the technology component of the
lesson and would have done really well.

English (Writing)

Name of lesson (and Writing a Narrative: Genre and Voice/ Blueprint Notetaking
the unit it belongs to)

Content Standards Oral Language

3.1 The student will use effective communication skills in group
a)Ask and respond to questions from teachers and other group
b)Explain what has been learned
3.9 The student will write for a variety of purposes.
a) Identify the intended audience.
b) Use a variety of prewriting strategies.
e) Use strategies for organization of information and elaboration
according to the type of writing.
f) Include details that elaborate the main idea.
3.11 The student will write a short report.
a) Construct questions about the topic.
b) Identify appropriate resources.
c) Collect and organize information about the topic into a short
d) Understand the difference between plagiarism and using own

Specific Content Today I will be teaching how to use Genre and Voice in writing. I
will also be walking students through using the Blueprint note taking

How will this I will make this content relevant to my students by asking this to
activity/content be imagine themselves in the place of Christopher Columbus, Juan
made relevant to Ponce de Leon, Christopher Newport, and Jacques Cartier. I will
show them pictures, texts, videos, and songs throughout the week to
strengthen their knowledge on the topic. These are the four men that
they are learning about this week in Social Studies class so they
should be interested to see where else they can use what they have
learned. I will also provide historical fictional texts in the form of
narratives to make the material relevant to my students.

My Background My background knowledge on this content and writing strategy has

Knowledge come from Jennifer A. Fontenot’s book called Blueprint for
Exceptional Writing.

My beliefs about how I believe the Personal Narrative Writing strategy requires a lot of
to teach this material direct modeling by the teacher. I plan to model everything I have my
vs other methods students do this week so that they are familiar with the strategy and
can do their best work.

Safety concerns I have no safety concerns for this lesson.

Materials needed/pre Overhead Projector

planning logistics Worksheet 6.1 Sensory Details
Worksheet 6.2 Character Details
Worksheet 6.2 Blueprint
Fontenot’s BEW

KWL (what do you Students will be somewhat familiar with this style of writing but I
think students will will be teaching it using strategies that they are not familiar with.
know and what they They will want to know how to apply these new strategies to create
their personal narratives. They will also want to know how to use
will want to know)
their previous work they have done in their writing folders.

Activity description 1. Genre Format and Voice: Follow Fontenot’s BEW process of
(this is a step by step Professor Write’s Interactive Teaching Strategy starting on
description of what Pg. 99, Teaching Genre and Voice
a. Cover the following sections:
you will be doing in
i. The purpose of an introduction paragraph
this lesson, describe in ii. The topic sentence
detail all activities, any iii. The story setting
data collection that 1. Use Worksheet 6.1, Sensory Details
may occur, journal iv. Character Development: Character Sketches
activities, other subject 1. Use Worksheet 6.2, Character Details
integration, readings, v. Character Development: Character Dialogue
vi. The purpose of the detail or middle paragraph
multi-media usage,
vii. The plot
…..) viii. Show, Don’t tell, the action
ix. The purpose of the summary or ending
2. Blueprint Notetaking
a. Begin filling out the Blueprint. Model this to your
class by writing your own notes on a Blueprint for all
your students to see. Make sure you are showing your
students how to use their writing folders and its
contents as references. (character sketches, dialogue
worksheets, and sensory worksheets)
i. Use Worksheet 6.3, Blueprint Notetaking

Differentiation Some students may not understand the handouts at first. Walk around
while students are creating their own and check for understanding.

Reflection activities Exit Ticket

1. What is the purpose of the introduction paragraph?
2. What is the purpose of the details or middle paragraphs?
3. What is the purpose of the summary or ending paragraph?

Assessment Students should leave their work in their writing folders in the
classroom. At the end of the day use these folders to see if each
students is on track with the assignment. If you see that students are
off track, make a note to review in a short teacher conference before
the next writing session.
The exit ticket will also act as an assessment to see if students
retained the information they needed to continue writing.

Lesson Improvement I was not able to teach Reading or Writing during my 3rd grade
Activities placement. However, I was able to see the students works a few
times and I believe they would have done well with these activities.

Social Studies

Name of lesson (and the Exploration of the Americas: Graphic Organizers

unit it belongs to)

Content Standards History

3.3 The student will study the exploration of the Americas by
a) describing the accomplishments of Christopher Columbus, Juan
Ponce de León, Jacques Cartier, and Christopher Newport;
b) identifying the reasons for exploring, the information gained, the
results of the travels, and the impact of the travels on American
Oral Language
3.1 The student will use effective communication skills in group
b)Ask and respond to questions from teachers and other group
c)Explain what has been learned

Specific Content Today our focus will be on continuing to develop an idea of who
Christopher Columbus, Juan Ponce de Leon, Jacques Cartier, and
Christopher Newport were and what their involvement was in
American Exploration. We will establish deeper understanding of
their reasons for exploring, the information gained, the results of the
travels, and the impact of their travels on American Indians.
Specifically, students will be responsible for most of the discussion
and they are responsible for reciting facts to place into graphic
Comment: Students learn from each other. This discussion is
important because it reinforces the lecture from the beginning of the
week and students can recite the facts they learned in their stations.

How will this Start the lesson by saying “Have you ever been trying to find a
activity/content be quick answer to a question in class but it seems to have gone
made relevant to missing?” Tell them that you are going to teach them an easy and
neat way to store information so that it will be easy to find.
Many students like the idea of having organization in their
assignments. These graphics organizers with be very helpful to their
organization. It will also encourage others to use organizational
skills in their work.

My Background I have had several history classes throughout the years that touched
Knowledge on this topic. I will also be reviewing the students’ textbook to
review the information that they should know and do further
research if necessary.

My beliefs about how to Graphic organizers can be a wonderful visual aid for students to
teach this material vs refer to. This graphic organizer will be very useful to the writing
other methods segments that are integrated into this unit.

Safety concerns I have no safety concerns for this lesson.

Materials needed/pre Graphic Organizer Cut Outs

planning logistics Whiteboard
Dry Erase Marker
Interactive Notebooks

KWL (what do you I believe students will have a well established idea behind what
these explorers did and who they were.
think students will I believe they will want to know more specifically about how they
know and what they compare to one another.
will want to know)

Activity description 1. Draw 4 rectangular boxes on the whiteboard and label the
(this is a step by step first box as Christopher Columbus, the second box as Juan
description of what you Ponce de Leon, the third box as Jacques Cartier, and the
fourth as Christopher Newport
will be doing in this
2. We will begin to compare and contrast who Christopher
lesson, describe in Columbus, Juan Ponce de Leon, Jacques Cartier, and
detail all activities, any Christopher Newport were and what their involvement was
data collection that may in American Exploration as a whole group.
occur, journal activities, a. Guide students to list their reasons for exploring, the
other subject information the explorers gained, the results of the
integration, readings, travels, and the impact of their travels on American
multi-media usage, …..)
b. Record the students answers in the corresponding
2. Once we agree that we have a good and reliable list of each
explorer, the students will complete 4 graphic organizer
foldables that will be placed in their interactive notebooks.
a. One graphic organizer will be labeled with the
reasons for exploring, another will be labeled with
the information the explorers gained, another with
the results of their travels, and the last the impact of
their travels on Native Americans.
b. Each explorer has a different folding square will
information on each graphic organizer.
3. After the foldables are done have students split into 4 groups
of 5 students. Give them approximately 10 minutes to plan
and organize a short skit about something that happened
during one of the explorers journeys.
a. Students will write and perform the skits. They can
read from their notes while performing.
b. The idea is for the to show understanding by doing.
This can be done in an informal way.

Differentiation Scaffolding will be needed so that students know exactly where to

put the information in each of the graphic organizers.
Walk around the room and check for understanding.

Reflection activities Perform short skits for the class.

Assessment Students will be assessed during the lesson discussion. I will be able
to see which students are grasping onto the concepts by who is
sharing and understanding information. They will also be assessed
on how they do filling out their graphic organizers.

Lesson Improvement I utilized graphic organizers quite a bit in my placement. The

Activities students did well with them and loved making them. However, for
the sake of time. I would maybe type up the information and have
students cut and paste them onto the correct pages of the booklets. I
learned that writing in the organizers required quite a bit of time to

English (Writing)

Name of lesson (and Writing a Narrative: Talking Paragraphs and Draft Writing
the unit it belongs to)

Content Standards Oral Language

3.1 The student will use effective communication skills in group
a)Ask and respond to questions from teachers and other group
b)Explain what has been learned
3.9 The student will write for a variety of purposes.
a) Identify the intended audience.
b) Use a variety of prewriting strategies.
c) Write a clear topic sentence focusing on the main idea.
d) Write a paragraph on the same topic.
e) Use strategies for organization of information and elaboration
according to the type of writing.
f) Include details that elaborate the main idea.
3.11 The student will write a short report.
a) Construct questions about the topic.
b) Identify appropriate resources.
c) Collect and organize information about the topic into a short
d) Understand the difference between plagiarism and using own
Specific Content Today I will be teaching talking paragraphs and how to use this
strategy to begin draft writing.

How will this I will make this content relevant to my students by asking this to
activity/content be imagine themselves in the place of Christopher Columbus, Juan
made relevant to Ponce de Leon, Christopher Newport, and Jacques Cartier. I will
show them pictures, texts, videos, and songs throughout the week to
strengthen their knowledge on the topic. These are the four men that
they are learning about this week in Social Studies class so they
should be interested to see where else they can use what they have

My Background My background knowledge on this content and writing strategy has

Knowledge come from Jennifer A. Fontenot’s book called Blueprint for
Exceptional Writing.

My beliefs about how I believe the Personal Narrative Writing strategy requires a lot of
to teach this material direct modeling by the teacher. I plan to model everything I have my
vs other methods students do this week so that they are familiar with the strategy and
can do their best work.

Safety concerns I have no safety concerns for this lesson.

Materials needed/pre Completed Blueprint Notetaking worksheets

planning logistics Writing Folders
Overhead Projector

KWL (what do you Students will know how to write a rough draft.
think students will Students will want to know what a talking paragraph is and how they
know and what they can use it to begin writing a rough draft.
will want to know)

Activity description 1. Talking Paragraphs

(this is a step by step a. Model the concept to students by pointing to your
description of what notes in the Blueprint shapes and telling your story,
using your notes in order but speaking them in full
you will be doing in
this lesson, describe in b. Ask a students to model “talking” out their notes from
detail all activities, any their blueprints in the introductory paragraph in front
data collection that of the class.
may occur, journal i. Have students use their notes to assist them in
activities, other subject talking out their selection in complete
integration, readings, sentences.
c. Have students continue to share the rest of their
multi-media usage,
blueprint using their talking paragraphs with a partner
…..) to ensure everyone shares their story
2. Writing the Draft
a. Students can begin writing their first draft. Make sure
student shave their web of words and other supports
b. Take your blueprint notes and model how you would
being writing your rough draft.

Differentiation Some students will be reluctant to volunteer their talking paragraph.

Make sure to let students know that they will all be expected to
demonstrate theirs to the class. Once students stop volunteering, draw
names until all students have gone. Be encouraging and help them
talk through their introductory paragraphs if they need it. If they
seem to grasp the concept partner them with someone who doesn’t so
they can help explain how the strategy works.

Reflection activities An exit ticket will be given asking only two questions.
1. Do you feel like you have a good start to writing your
personal narrative?
2. If not, how can the teacher help you with your work?
Students may be lacking the knowledge they need to complete the
assignment in social studies or writing.

Assessment Students should leave their work in their writing folders in the
classroom. At the end of the day use these folders to see if each
students is on track with the assignment. If you see that students are
off track, make a note to review in a short teacher conference before
the next writing session.

Lesson Improvement I was not able to teach Reading or Writing during my 3rd grade
Activities placement. However, I was able to see the students works a few
times and I believe they would have done well with these activities.

Social Studies

Name of lesson (and the Exploration of the Americas: Maps

unit it belongs to)

Content Standards History

3.5 The student will develop map skills by
a) positioning and labeling the seven continents and five oceans to
create a world map;
b) using the equator and prime meridian to identify the Northern,
Southern, Eastern, and
Western Hemispheres;
c) locating the countries of Spain, England, and France;
d) locating the regions in the Americas explored by Christopher
Columbus (San Salvador in the Bahamas), Juan Ponce de León
(near St. Augustine, Florida), Jacques Cartier (near Quebec,
Canada), and Christopher Newport (Jamestown, Virginia);
e) locating specific places, using a simple letter-number grid
3.12 The student will identify equivalent periods of time,
including relationships among days, months, and years, as well as
minutes and hours.
3.1 The student will demonstrate an understanding of scientific
reasoning, logic, and the nature of science by planning and
conducting investigations in which
a) observations are made and are repeated to ensure accuracy;
b) predictions are formulated using a variety of
sources of information;
h) data are gathered, charted, graphed, and analyzed
Oral Language
3.1 The student will use effective communication skills in group
a)Ask and respond to questions from teachers and other group
b)Explain what has been learned

Specific Content Today our focus will be on continuing to develop an idea of who
Christopher Columbus, Juan Ponce de Leon, Jacques Cartier, and
Christopher Newport were and what their involvement was in
American Exploration. We will establish deeper understanding of
the routes that each man took to arrive at their destinations.

How will this Students will be asked if they have ever been to any of the
activity/content be made locations. At the start of class show pictures of regions in present
relevant to students day of the Americas explored by Christopher Columbus (San
Salvador in the Bahamas), Juan Ponce de León (near St.
Augustine, Florida), Jacques Cartier (near Quebec, Canada), and
Christopher Newport (Jamestown, Virginia).

My Background I have had several history classes throughout the years that touched
Knowledge on this topic. I will also be reviewing the students’ textbook to
review the information that they should know and do further
research if necessary.
I will need to calculate the times that each explorer was at sea
before class time.

My beliefs about how to By having students work in small groups they will be forced to
teach this material vs integrate their collaboration skills into this assignment. They will
other methods also practice their speaking and presenting skills by sharing the
routes that they discover in front of the class.

Safety concerns I have no safety concerns for this lesson.

Materials needed/pre Overhead Projector

planning logistics Blank Map for Overhead
Blank Maps for interactive notebooks
Interactive Notebooks
Research Materials (books, online, etc.)

KWL (what do you think I believe students will have a well established idea behind what
students will know and these explorers did and who they were.
what they will want to I believe they will want to know more specifically about the routes
they took and how they ended up where they did.

Activity description (this 1. Students will track the routes made by each explorer on an
is a step by step overhead map.
description of what you a. They must research online, in books, or their
textbook to find the routes.
will be doing in this
b. Students are split into 4 groups of no more than 5
lesson, describe in detail students and each group is responsible for tracking a
all activities, any data different explorer.
collection that may c. When each group is ready they will share with the
occur, journal activities, rest of the class on the overhead where the travel
other subject integration, route was.
readings, multi-media 2. After tracking the routes with whole group, the students
will use their own personal maps in their interactive
usage, …..)
notebooks to trace each route for personal use.
a. Make sure students know to use different colors for
the routes so that they can keep the routes separate.
3. Students will then get into pairs to calculate the time
elapsed through each of the explorers trips.
a. Students will be given the dates each explorer was
said to be at sea, and students are left to estimate
years and months.
b. A graph with be attached and filled out in the
interactive notebooks where students will record the
amount of time each explorer was at sea.

Differentiation I will pair low achieving students with on level students and other
on level students with advanced students so that they can have
assistance when completing the research and time calculations.
These pairs on students can also help to challenge one another in
the work.

Reflection activities A short discussion on asking students what they would do at sea
for an extended amount of weeks or months.

Assessment Students will be assessed during the research stage of finding the
routes each explorer used and by how much they are participating
in group activities. I will be able to see which students are
grasping onto the concepts by who is sharing and understanding
information. They will also be assessed by whether or not they
have correct calculations for elapsed time.
Students should be able to successfully identify Spain, England,
and France on a world map. They should also be able to draw the
routes each man took across the sea to the Americas.

Lesson Improvement Students would have done well with this activity. They would
Activities definitely include quite a bit of debate and discussion during this
activity while comparing routes.

English (Writing)

Name of lesson (and Writing a Narrative: Draft and Title Writing

the unit it belongs to)

Content Standards Oral Language

3.1 The student will use effective communication skills in group
a)Ask and respond to questions from teachers and other group
b)Explain what has been learned
3.9 The student will write for a variety of purposes.
a) Identify the intended audience.
b) Use a variety of prewriting strategies.
c) Write a clear topic sentence focusing on the main idea.
d) Write a paragraph on the same topic.
e) Use strategies for organization of information and elaboration
according to the type of writing.
f) Include details that elaborate the main idea.
3.11 The student will write a short report.
a) Construct questions about the topic.
b) Identify appropriate resources.
c) Collect and organize information about the topic into a short
d) Understand the difference between plagiarism and using own

Specific Content I will be helping students complete their rough drafts and create an
intriguing title.

How will this I will make this content relevant to my students by asking this to
activity/content be imagine themselves in the place of Christopher Columbus, Juan
made relevant to Ponce de Leon, Christopher Newport, and Jacques Cartier. I will
show them pictures, texts, videos, and songs throughout the week to
strengthen their knowledge on the topic. These are the four men that
they are learning about this week in Social Studies class so they
should be interested to see where else they can use what they have

My Background My background knowledge on this content and writing strategy has

Knowledge come from Jennifer A. Fontenot’s book called Blueprint for
Exceptional Writing.

My beliefs about how I believe the Personal Narrative Writing strategy requires a lot of
to teach this material direct modeling by the teacher. I plan to model everything I have my
vs other methods students do this week so that they are familiar with the strategy and
can do their best work.

Safety concerns I have no safety concerns for this lesson.

Materials needed/pre Writing Folders with all their contents

planning logistics

KWL (what do you Students will know how to write a rough draft and create a title for
think students will their work.
know and what they They will want to know if they are on the right track with their work
will want to know) and will be wanting a response to their exit ticket from the previous
day. Have a short 2-3 minute conference with any students who
indicated that they needed your help.

Activity description 1. Continued: Writing the Draft

(this is a step by step a. Now it’s the students’ turn. Students will use this class
description of what time to write their own rough drafts.
b. Let students know that you are available for questions
you will be doing in
and can help them if they need it.
this lesson, describe in 2. Title Writing
detail all activities, any a. During the last 10 minutes of class time, students will
data collection that write their titles. Encourage students to use the Title-
may occur, journal Writing Strategies that they have previously learned.
activities, other subject i. Title-Writing Strategy 1: Titles of Songs,
integration, readings, Movies, or TV Shows
ii. Title-Writing Strategy 2: Catchy Phrase
multi-media usage,
b. Have each student read their titles aloud and share.

Differentiation Students may get frustrated while writing their drafts. Encourage
them to keep working and walk around the room to continually check
for understanding.
ELL students may need extra help during this time. It may help them
to write to record their talking paragraphs completely through and
refer back to them. It may also help to write their rough draft into a
translator so they can see the comparison of their writing.

Reflection activities After sharing titles, have students discuss how they are feeling about
their work. Ask them if they like the personal narrative aspect of
writing and where else this may be useful.

Assessment Students should leave their work in their writing folders in the
classroom. At the end of the day use these folders to see if each
students is on track with the assignment. If you see that students are
off track, make a note to review in a short teacher conference before
the next writing session.

Lesson Improvement I was not able to teach Reading or Writing during my 3rd grade
Activities placement. However, I was able to see the students works a few
times and I believe they would have done well with these activities.
Social Studies

Name of lesson (and the Exploration of the Americas: Wrapping Up

unit it belongs to)

Content Standards History

3.3 The student will study the exploration of the Americas by
a) describing the accomplishments of Christopher Columbus, Juan
Ponce de León, Jacques Cartier, and Christopher Newport;
b) identifying the reasons for exploring, the information gained,
the results of the travels, and the impact of the travels on American
3.9 The student will write for a variety of purposes
f) include details that elaborate the main idea
g) revise writing for clarity of content using specific vocabulary
and information
3.10 The student will edit writing for correct grammar,
capitalization, punctuation, and spelling.
a) Use complete sentences.
b) Use transition words to vary sentence structure.
c) Use the word I in compound subjects.
d) Use past and present verb tense.
e) Use singular possessives.
f) Use commas in a simple series.
g) Use simple abbreviations.
h) Use apostrophes in contractions with pronouns and in
i) Use the articles a , an , and the correctly.
j) Use correct spelling for frequently used sight words, including
irregular plurals.
Oral Language
3.1 The student will use effective communication skills in group
a)Ask and respond to questions from teachers and other group
b)Explain what has been learned
Specific Content This day will be devoted to letting students get into pairs for a peer
reviewed work session. Students will be focusing on historical
accuracy during this time.

How will this Students have been working on personal narratives during their
activity/content be made english class over the past week of class. During this writing
relevant to students exercise the students must put themselves into the shoes of their
chosen explorer.

My Background I have had several history classes throughout the years that
Knowledge touched on this topic. I will also be reviewing the students’
textbook to review the information that they should know and do
further research if necessary.

My beliefs about how to Sometimes writers do not catch their own mistakes. Students may
teach this material vs be wrapped up in creating a story within their narratives instead of
other methods sticking to the historically accurate facts. Peer editing is believed
to be a powerful tool for all authors to help improve their work.

Safety concerns I have no safety concerns for this lesson.

Materials needed/pre Strategically match students up according to who works well with
planning logistics one another and who can benefit from being paired up.

KWL (what do you think Students should know how to peer edit.
students will know and They will want to know what they can do to improve their work.
what they will want to

Activity description (this 1. Students will have be in the the first set of pairs for 10
is a step by step minutes. During this time they will focus on grammatical
description of what you errors and follow the classroom editing rubric, and also on
whether or not each other has used historically accurate
will be doing in this
information in their narrative writing. They ask themselves
lesson, describe in detail “Is this really something that happened on ___________’s
all activities, any data exploration?”
collection that may occur, a. The students are expected to share constructive
journal activities, other feedback.
subject integration, 2. The students will be paired again with a different student
readings, multi-media for the next 10 minutes. During this time they will focus
on grammatical errors and follow the classroom editing
usage, …..)
rubric, whether or not each other has used historically
accurate information in their narrative writing. They ask
themselves “Is this really something that happened on
___________’s exploration?”
a. The students are expected to share constructive
3. Self-editing
a. After each student’s narrative has been reviewed,
the students are encouraged to make any corrections
needed for the next 15 minutes of class.
4. Teacher Conferences through the lesson
a. This is also a wonderful time to fit in a few teacher
conferences. If any students are performing below
level with this assignment, this is a good time to
have your 3-5 minute teaching conference. Students
can be pulled aside as needed.

Differentiation I will pair low achieving students with on level students and other
on level students with advanced students so that they can have
assistance when editing each others papers.

ELL: “Working with others in small groups and pairs promotes

social interaction. ELL students are more likely to ask questions
and form peer connections in small groups than in a larger class.”
(Fontenot, p. 69)

Reflection activities For reflection time, students will have a debate about which
explorer was the most influential in history. Continually ask
students why they believe what they are saying. Have students
think critically about their statements and make them back up their
beliefs with facts.

Assessment Students will be assessed on how they perform in the peer

reviewing activity. Students should be able to tell whether or not
the narratives seem historically accurate and should be able to help
each other in improving their narratives.
A checklist and editing rubric will be provided to each student to
fill out about their partners work.

Lesson Improvement I was not able to teach Reading or Writing during my 3rd grade
Activities placement. However, I was able to see the students works a few
times and I believe they would have done well with these
activities. However, they would have held each other very
accountable for the information included in their writing.
English (Writing)

Name of lesson (and Writing a Narrative: Final Copy Writing and Publishing
the unit it belongs to)

Content Standards Oral Language

3.1 The student will use effective communication skills in group
a)Ask and respond to questions from teachers and other group
b)Explain what has been learned
3.9 The student will write for a variety of purposes.
g) Revise writing for clarity of content using specific vocabulary and
3.12 The student will use available technology for reading and

Specific Content Today we will be reviewing our peer and self edits and completing a
final draft copy that will be typed. We will then publish our work in a
classroom book.

How will this I will make this content relevant to my students by asking this to
activity/content be imagine themselves in the place of Christopher Columbus, Juan
made relevant to Ponce de Leon, Christopher Newport, and Jacques Cartier. I will
show them pictures, texts, videos, and songs throughout the week to
strengthen their knowledge on the topic. These are the four men that
they are learning about this week in Social Studies class so they
should be interested to see where else they can use what they have

My Background My background knowledge on this content and writing strategy has

Knowledge come from Jennifer A. Fontenot’s book called Blueprint for
Exceptional Writing.

My beliefs about how I believe the Personal Narrative Writing strategy requires a lot of
to teach this material direct modeling by the teacher. I plan to model everything I have my
vs other methods students do this week so that they are familiar with the strategy and
can do their best work.

Safety concerns I have no safety concerns for this lesson.

Materials needed/pre Writing Folders and all their contents

planning logistics Classroom sets of Chromebooks
A Binder style book to insert students work in
Students editing rubrics from Social Studies class

KWL (what do you Students should know how to type a writing assignment and they
think students will should know what to incorporate in their final copy writing.
know and what they Students will want to see how their work has progressed. We will do
a brief walk through of this at the end of class as a reflection activity.
will want to know)

Activity description 1. Writing the Final Copy: this will take most of class time.
(this is a step by step a. Finish up with any self-editing that needs to be done
description of what b. After all editing on their rough drafts has been
finished, students will use these drafts to develop their
you will be doing in
final copy. Students will type these final copies.
this lesson, describe in c. Make sure to tell students again that their writing will
detail all activities, any be published and they should do their best work.
data collection that 2. Publishing
may occur, journal a. Students’ work will be printed and put into a
activities, other subject classroom book. If time allows, let students volunteer
integration, readings, to read their work in front of the class.
multi-media usage,

Differentiation Some students may have difficulty typing work due to an

impairment. ELL students may not be confident enough in their
English skills yet. Provide assistive technology if needed.

Reflection activities Brief walk through of the writing process and how it has progressed.

Assessment The final printed copy should be reviewed and graded for historical
accuracy, grammer, and personal narrative characteristics.

Lesson Improvement I was not able to teach Reading or Writing during my 3rd grade
Activities placement. However, I was able to see the students works a few
times and I believe they would have done well with these activities.

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