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re-— mmm é FBI 4 TRaNeMit via: PR AIO : |ECEDENCE: CLASSIFICATION: &. 8 ree, . Cl Immediate G TOP SECRET y “acsit AIRTEL a Priority © SECRET g BD Routine © CONFIDENTIAL JS O UNCLASEFTO ah OO UNCLAS a, ; Date _3/23/84 mor DIRECTOR, FBT _APIN: LIATSON UNET_ ~ eRe sac, weo[ | ‘ oy Re telcall of subject to WFO on 3/19/8 4 SAI | et, : 6/18/84, relative to the land also a copy of the stipulation to whichL__ | agreed. stated [at ——Inould pepear in ~“ i be - 2 on 3/19/84, pre ) telephonically contacted the WFO™ ana | %7> -3 X Feques! Ynformation concerning a Church of Scientology member 7 x named] s Py jstatea that| was involved in, 37 activities in canada and it had come to his attention that[ | se - 1, 2] My ovided information to special Agent (Sal bre - 1. J 3 that later proved false. According to[7] py - 3 ina stipulation agreed to in United States District Court, XX 2 Jadmitted to providing false information to the FBI. eeds a copy of the false statement provided, Baad aa be, oF. WFO is not honoring re‘ because of unusual nature in which request received. their information and is 0 advise WFO when this request should be handled! ¥ LEG lex Benré, Bureau (2- Legat, ottawa) He add Big agi Bureau is Requested to forvard to Legaty Oktaya copies of this airtel for and/or if ws - 2 bic - 2 bID - 3 b3 -2 bie -2 bs - 2 Te - 1-WEO Nea Ly ‘Transmitted 5 vay . (Numbery (ime) "ALL TNE ireent i ‘ORMATION CoNTAT! LASSIE] D DATE_Zecy-F ys ‘Scieffology-500 Roce te eo by. 0-7 Hg 8¢ Omg vel ysisins TRANSMET VIA: O Teletype © Facsinte 1 AERTEL CONSPIRACY; HOBB information on| Washington Fie dated 3/23/84. /te- 5ob4 ureau TRECTOR, PBI GAT, OTTAWA (56A-2)(P) For infornact n_of stash ston ield OFf% fashington Ti ice on their investigation concerning the pID - 3 if Scientology ET AL; % to FBIHQ dated 7/7/83, and Washington Field ‘Office LHM dated 4/4/63 on the matter. (Al On 5/4/84] contacted Legat and nade with Washington Fieid of¢' to appear in ¢ u. gt| and request, jg Bossy Saar Copies oF the statement (I-Liaison Unit, INTD) (2-Washington Field Office —— a 1-Ottawa ' oo WOT :d1b aire dd 7034 Fer PRECEDENCE: CLASSIFICATION: G Immediate TOP SECRET . & Priority G SECRET . G Routine © CONFIDENTIAL UNCLASEFTO @ UNCLAS, Date 5/4/84 Z pe - 2 pie - 2 7D - 3 be - 3 Field Office be - 2 previous requests to bic - 2 under case captioned = VICEIMG ELECTION LAWS; the contents of rél airtel. a2 bit - 2 oe g me 7 63 egat as he nade 3.9]? 51 WFOairtel v6 - 1, 2 Lsgdeet nat is now £6: toe" voll. _. Transmitted: ___ Per Z AIRT! Th (Nombery (Time) p 7 n " be - 2 . b7e - 1 . y \ / TL turonartoy Gouin Y ¢- HEREIN Is UNGLAG bate 2228 Fy Ce Vong Scientology-501 A Arar DLA LEI EOE ciently 0 OTT S6A-2 be - 2,2 pre - 1,2 b7D - 3 Cae stipulation to which| agreed that the statement Fiverto sal was false. It as Legat, 1 standing that the be - information requested by is located in the bic 2 Washington field Office case on the Church of Scientology. bp -3 lnceds the certified and exer ies bs -2 ed £ sible examination of Jat bre - 2 bm - 3 LEAD: WASHINGTON FIELD OFFICE AT WASHINGTON, D. C.: WiL1 consider the request of BID - land respond to Legat, Ottawa. C] a 2ke Scientology-502 F020 (Royace.s2) fr i een, Fee ee 7 ISMIT VIA: PRECEDENCE: CLASSIFICATION: a “* ONfeletype O Immediate O TOP SECRET te Q Facsimile B Priority a Secner e AIRTEL 1D Routine © CONFIDENTIAL G UNCLASEFTO G unos 4 5 Date. 0/4/84 yp | DIRECTOR, FBI ADIN: LIATSON UNIT & wh PROM: sac, wed } ewe) bs - 2 dy Le bre - 2 bi = 3 : BIE = 2, 3 CHORCH OF SCIENTOLOGY FEBIEQ) awl Re Legat, Ottawa airtel to FBIHQ dated 5/4/24. Enclosed are original and five (5) copies of an setting forth investigation conducted. 5/84, Assistant United states Attorney (Al District, Court of Appeals, WDC, was contac! WEth regard €0 the request set forth in above captioned airtel. advised that| was an unindict aus 7, co-conspirator ii je Case Of U.S. v. MARY SUE ermine] 78. xéview of FBI Washington Field Office files determine bic - 4 6 - 2, OOare - 2, 4 A was Atta ¥dinthe te Xegat, Ottawa, Gy 0-7 feet ond ‘requested by exemplars of conspirator. Office tq provide handwriting exemplars of was also an-unindicted co- m1 provided nine (9) pages of ] on * uring an handwriting to the On 5/28/84 exemplars to leetlinel- Bureau (Enc. (2- Liaison unit) & 1-WEO Approved: DDR:pep (6) ju 13.av523 1984 interview with -FBY agents, WFO, advised] false handwriting exemplars to the FBI. Church of Scientology had planned to furn: administrative istant United advised that did not admit providing false handwriting ie FRE. of the provided Recording to| hb een fis | v2 - 2 PBI. ee Sie , former AUSA Wh served asthe bo. ates Attorney in this matter, Bie a See "es JUN 5 884 fi “Transmitted (Rambey—— (Timey ‘ALL THR9 FeaeL tng gota ~ Ee OD > est . bre - 2 From a review of FBI exe an sepa cony ons with AUSA ‘and former AUSA| it appears| aid ue 2, 4 not admit to the misinformation to either the FBI or iM WAY court pyc - 2, 4 ba - 2 proceedings. Since no further investigation is being conducted by this office, WFO is considering this matter RUC. , % Scientology-504 <3} ON __Seeantoloy-504 3} vo, é ° * Gis. pogntmes BM” . Federal Buteau of Investigation Washington, D.C. 20535 . Ta Reply, Places Raler to aune J, 1984 File No, . . . , ve -2 Bre 2 \ CTRHURGH OF SCTENTOLOGY — , Bs . : be - 2 On May 25, 1984, a representative of the Federal Bureau of bre Investigation (FBI) contacted appropriate authorities at the : United States District Court, Washington, D.c., with regard to captioned matter and[ + . A xepresentative of the U.S. District Court, NDC, advised was an unindicted co-conspirator in the case of U.S. Vv. be > 2 Mary Sue Hubbard 8. BR review of FBI Washington Picld Office = 7° - 2 , files detezmined i reque x, 1976 to provide handwriting exemplars of| according to the U.S. Distirct Court representative, was as an unindicted co-conspirator on October 44, 1976/[— Jorovided the FBI with, nine (9): pages of exemplars of apterber 23, 1977, during an interview Gwith.FBL Washington Field Office, advised ovided 9 pages of false handwriting exemplars to the FBI, and that this was planned by the Church of scientology. , On’ May 28, 1984, an additional representative of the U.S. District Court, WDC, advised that never admitted to providing ps - 2 misinformation to either the FBI OF in any court proceedings. bye = 2 . ALL THPORMAPTON CONTATNED . HEREIN IS UNCLASS bane aes ey SSL Ss sbTE - 2 os . Scientology-505 | LEB.7 Rev. 6:10.82) Memorandum © e @ To: Director, FEI{ ) Date 2/5/85 From BL, BONN Ce RUC) Qa sen H a Me Reference: RUteL, 1/23/85 1 Dissemination, as outfned below, was made on dates indicated. XXL copes of TAlhm, 5/10/73 and report entitled “church of Scientology" 1 Pertinent information from [Namo and Location of Agency Date Furnished 2/5/85 Scientology-506 oay-506 ba -2 BIE - 2, 3 | | | sere femorandum ae “ é & be -2 re a ) pus 6/14/84 mM [e + Megal Attache, Ottawa (564-1 d¢ RUC) bre 2 | ! | CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY bps 3 00: FBIHQ Ml Reference: WFO airtel and LIM, 6/4/84, Oissemination, as outined below, was made on dates indicated. ¥)_one___ copies of re LHM. 1G Pertinent information from Name and Location of Agency ate Furnishes Same and Location of Aosney Date Furnished | 6/14/84 pip - 3 om ALL TNPORMATION CONTAINED "3 Hergn 18 IH AS UG) ASS EB tone ” ee CLK Sclentology- & ax

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