PLUGE September 2010

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The P.L.U.G.E.
W A S H I N G T O N S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 0

Cable 8 Hosts Mock News Cast for Future Coug’s

 Staff Barbe-
que Septem-
ber 19th
By Kaitlin O’Connor “It really shows off the important and incredibly
 KOMO 4 Tour
College of Communica- beneficial to those inter-
September High school future cou-
ested in the Communica-
24th gars filled Studio A on tion program.
Sept. 11th to take part in
the mock news broadcast
“It allows students to
hosted by Cable 8. A
experience what they
campus-wide event at might want to be in-
WSU Future Cougar volved in if they were to
Day is dedicated to edu- enter the program. They
cating current and pro- Raquel Marcelo instructs see a glimpse of what
spective students on eve- Future Cougs in Studio A. they would learn in
FALL 2010 rything the school has to classes and what they
SHOWS tion and all it has to of- might take into the work
fer. It also starts engag- world after school,”
Mock News 1 “Future cougar day is Adam Wallberg, Presi-
Cast ing students in thinking
really beneficial to us,” about their future and dent and General Man-
Get Lucky in 1 said Raquel Marcelo, opportunities,” Marcelo ager of Cable 8 said.
CFO and Personnel said. See “News Cast” Pg 5
Surface 3 Manager of Cable 8. This kind of exposure is

A Chance to Get Lucky in Pullman

Controlled 3

Lab Rats 4

By: Prashant Verma Cable 8’s first live game “We are going to target
Senior Spot- 2 show Get Lucky in Pull- different audiences,
light For the first time in man allows the commu- reaching out to fraterni-
twenty-four years of ex- nity to participate in their ties and sororities, and
istence, Cable 8 will be favorite past and present getting them to come and
doing a live game show game shows, such as: support the Greek sys-
with a live studio audi- Price is Right, Family tem, Choir members and
ence for the entire com- Feud and Minute to Win
munity to participate in. It. See “Game Show” Pg 4

Senior Spotlight: Courtney Ramsey

By: Taylor Brooks like crew. But it is
She will then work to good to get involved in
Courtney Ramsey, news finalize times, locations, any area to gain experi-
broadcasting major, first and resources and serve ence even if it is not
got involved with Cable as the main contact per- your first choice.”
8 as a freshman to gain son.
experience in her field. Courtney believes that
Already in a similar po- involvement is the best
“I was mostly interested sition on the Pahellenic way to get your foot-in
in talent,” she recalls, Council, Ramsey knows -the door somewhere
“but wanted to be knowl- she will enjoy working and can end up leading
edgeable in supporting with groups and bring- you to bigger and bet-
areas as well,” said Ram- ing people together. ter things.
“This position is per- “You never know if
sonally rewarding, be- you will like something
With that in mind she
cause the projects we do until you try it and
engaged herself in a vari-
can really help the com- every situation is an
ety of positions as a crew
munity,” Ramsey said. opportunity to learn
“This position is member, producer, and
talent on The Mix. and to grow,” Ramsey
personally One of the first ap- said.
proved projects this
rewarding, “I am excited about my
year is the Homecoming Ramsey certainly em-
new position, I feel it fits
because the Lip Sync, with many bodies the motto of
my interests best,” Ram-
other events to follow. living life to the fullest
projects we do sey said.
and taking advantage
can really help
Ramsey would love to of the opportunities
This year, as the Execu- be involved in sports
the community.” tive Producer of Special that come her way
broadcasting as a as a
Projects, Ramsey will be reporter. However, she
working closely with the recognizes that it may
director and technical not happen right away
producer to plan and co- and looks forward to
ordinate campus events. working elsewhere di-
rectly after graduation.
“My job is to essentially
brainstorm ideas for
“A lot of people come
events and decide which
to Cable 8 thinking they
projects to do,” Ramsey
want to do one specific
thing, like talent, so
they ignore other areas


Cable 8 Introduces New Adventure Show

Are you ready to explore places you would never expect.”
the Pacific Northwest
through the eyes of a wild This inventive program takes its
road trip produced on Ca- viewers to festivals, extreme
ble 8’s new show Surface? sporting events, and anywhere
Surface is a new show for else in the Northwest Usinger
Cable 8 premiering on and his small team decides to
Sept. 27th. go.

It’s an investigative show of Surface, describes the “The team likes to keep things
that scours the Pacific new show as, simple. much can change on the
Northwest looking for the road,” Usinger said.
weird and the entertaining. “An adventurous show that
Alex Usinger, the director explores the peoples and See “Surface” Pg 6

Don’t Let Chaos Catch You

By Jordana King Controlled Chaos took the ments and give viewers the
plunge this summer as chance to witness anony-
April Fools’ Day is the Bonser and Peat began mous crew members of
“If our
only day of the year desig- working side-by-side pre- Controlled Chaos as they
nated to ruthless prank- paring quite the list of prepare and assemble each viewers are
pulling. Cable 8’s new practical jokes that cur- prank.
comedy show, Controlled rently await daily broad- going to
Chaos, will attempt to pull cast segments this semes- “Anonymity makes it bet-
commercial-free pranks ter on Channel 8 from 9 ter,” said Peat. “It keeps have half as
365 days a year. p.m. to 9:30 p.m. them intrigued.”
much fun
Controlled Chaos is Cable “If our viewers are going Expect a random appear- watching the
8’s version of MTV Punk’d to have half as much fun ance by Cable 8’s anony-
including the director and watching the show as we mous prankster as he show as we
creator Brady Bonser as do making it, then it’s well roams WSU’s campus as a
WSU’s Ashton Kutcher, worth it,” said Peat, head mascot and promoter of do making it,
assisted by producer, of productions. Controlled Chaos, said
David Peat who prank then it’s well
crew members and WSU In addition, Bonser and worth it”
students such as the celeb- Peat have set up “how-to” You could be next on the
rity victims on MTV. videos to replace tradi- chaos list.
tional commercial seg-

Game Show Brings Live Audience

Continued from Page ment, something that chance of complica-
1 they could enjoy,” said tions. That is why this
Renberg. season is important for
freshmen students just the show, and if all
to name a few,” pro- The creator of the goes well for Renberg
ducer Jamie Renberg show Michael DeTerra and crew, the show
said. could become a fan
favorite in no time
So, what’s in it for and the same suc-
students? Sure, it cess will carry on
will be a lot of fun next semester and
being live on TV, forward.
but like every game
show there will be The premiere is Fri-
prizes that students day, Sept. 24th, at 8
can look forward to. P.M. The live game
along with producer show takes place in
WSU students With the help from lo- Jamie Renberg and Murrow West, Studio
cal businesses and stu- crew members have A, as the participants
gathered around the
dent organizations at been working on this of the show will be lin-
Get Lucky in Pullman WSU, there will be idea throughout the ing up right outside the
table on the Terell
promotional give away summer. door.
packages and gift cards
Mall to participate in donated from these Doing a live game “It will be a lot of fun;
preview games for the businesses and organi- show at campus atmos- it’s always fun to
zations awarded to phere is quite a chal- watch people make a
show such as Minute contestants on the lenge, and since it’s the fool of themselves
to Win It. Students show that participate first one ever at Cable while participating in
and win the games. 8, there is a greater these crazy competi-
competed for Cable 8 tions,” Renberg said.
promotional items. “We have ideas on
prizes, we are talking Instead of watching
to all local business, these shows on your
and we want prizes that TV come participate
appeal to students. We for prizes on Friday
don’t want to give any- night.
thing small and dinky
so that students don’t
want to come back
next time around. We
would like something
that would interest
them, like in entertain-


Not Your Normal Science Lab

By Courtney Goss Lab Rats, as Arditty states, Office, where the idea of
“is a mockumentary that working in a cubicle and
The transition from high follows a group of newly selling paper isn’t the very
school to college can be an admitted college freshman appealing, Lab Rats turns
awkward, scary, intimidat- in their biology 101 class. a daunting freshman year
ing point in any col- It is a comedy classroom into a comedy.
lege student’s life. featuring an over-
You’re in a new place, “It is a bearing TA that This will be the first sea-
with new people and mockumentary addresses how to son of Lab Rats ever pro-
have a plethora of new deal with balanc- duced, and Boardman and
responsibilities. that follows a
ing life and aca- Arditty are excited to see
group of newly demics.” the characters come to life
Whether you can re-
and interact.
member those days, or admitted
Boardman contin-
you’re experiencing college ued, “ I wanted a To find out
them now, imagine
way to tie college more infor-
entering your first col- freshman in
students in. This mation about
lege science lab class. their biology
show relates to Lab Rats visit
It’s three dreadful
every students their Face-
hours long, just a few 101 class.”
experiences and book at, Lab
students and your
resembles the for- Rats on Cable
teacher is a TA.
mat of the The Office, 8, or simply
This point in every stu- which is a popular comedy tune in to
dent’s college career is that most people love.” channel 8 to watch!
what Director J.R. Board-
The purpose of Lab Rats is
man and Producer Sabin
to turn a scary and some-
Arditty wanted to reenact
what boring situation into
in a television show.
a comedy. Just like in The


Lizzy Teitzel
Edward R. Murrow College of TO HEAR FROM YOU! Send
Communication entries of your experience work-
Washington State University ing with Cable 8 to Lizzy Teitzel.
Pullman, WA 99164-2520

Phone: (509) 335-5219 Cable 8 Productions is a student-

Fax: (509) 335-1555 run television station where

E-mail: team members write, produce, and direct original program-


Surface Premiers First Season

Continued from Page 3 tion packed show justice. they got a shot of Bob Dy-
One weekend, the cast and lan performing.
The show is packed with crew Filmed Dave
adventures, and to accom- Mathews at the gorge. The The future couldn’t look
plish this degree of sponta- action didn’t stop there; brighter for the new show
neity, the team packs light they also travelled to Bum- Surface. Usinger and his
on the road. bershoot in Seattle and met crew are well on their way
another Dave, the owner to finding the most intrigu-
“We left with a team of of “Dave’s Killer Bread”. ingly bizarre people and
four and only a few cam- places.
eras, we like to keep things The team continued their
simple and our schedule adventure with Bumber- Tune in to channel 8 at
open,” Usinger explains. shoot hip-hop musicians. 9:45 to watch these adven-
While filming various Se- tures take place.
Simple doesn’t do the ac- attle hip-hop musicians

News Cast Draws Students to Studio

Continued from Page 1 recording equipment,”
During the students were Marcelo said. This event was a huge suc-
separated into two sections cess helping to pave the
according to their inter- Wallberg finished off the academic pathways of
ests; an on-camera crew, mock news cast with a those new to the Univer-
and a supportive (off- short speech thanking the sity.
camera) crew. audience, educators, and
“The students learn the participants for their vari-
parts of Technical director, ous roles in the presenta-
Floor director, anchors, tion. As our very own Ed-
how to use the camera and ward R. Murrow once
the audio, lighting, and quoted, “We cannot make
good news out of bad

Cable 8 is dedicated to
practicing and perfecting
broadcasting, beginning in
the very simplest stages
here with our future Cou-

Cable 8 Productions FROM YOU! Send entries of your experience

working with Cable 8 to Lizzy Teitzel.
FROM YOU! Send entries of your experience

Lizzy Teitzel working with Cable 8 to Lizzy Teitzel.

Cable 8 Productions is a student-run television
Edward R. Murrow College of
station where team members write, produce,
Communication Cable 8 Productions is a student-run television
and direct original programming. It was
Washington State University station where team members write, produce,
Pullman, WA 99164-2520 founded in 1986 to equip Washington State
and direct original programming. It was
University broadcasting students with practical
founded in 1986 to equip Washington State
television experience on a local cable station
University broadcasting students with practical
serving the Pullman and Moscow communities.
Phone: (509) 335-5219 television experience on a local cable station
Fax: (509) 335-1555
serving the Pullman and Moscow communities.

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