Effective Instructional Design: - Standards-Based Lesson Plan

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Lesson Title: Cardinal Directions

Content/Subject: Social Studies

Name: Brittney Burrows


Standards CCSS 3 – G1.0.1 Use cardinal directions (north, south

east west) scale, and key or legend to describe
the relative location and characteristics of major
places in the immediate environment.

Objective/Target and I can TSW use cardinal directions to describe the

statements – written in student relative location of places in Saranac.
friendly language
I can use cardinal directions to describe the
relative location of places in the immediate

Lesson Management: Focus and Hook- Watch

Organization https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Te0Td0QVo
Develop further understanding by labeling the
walls of the room (north, south, east, west).
Discuss ways to remember- Never Eat Soggy

Introduction: Creating excitement Hook- Watch

and focus for the lesson target https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Te0Td0QVo

Tell the students that today they will be using

cardinal directions to describe the relative
location of places in their community.
Input: Setting up the Lesson for 1. Task Analysis:
Student Success Introduction- “I can” statement
Play Video
Discuss video, label walls of room, go over
new vocabulary- “We do”
Model “I do”- How to use cardinal directions
to complete task given.
Put students in pairs
“you do”- Complete Cardinal Directions ws
Discuss what was learned or found
Closure/Exit Tickets

2. Higher Level Thinking: Revised Bloom’s or

Webb’s D.O.K. Questions to engage
students’ thinking:
Remembering: What are the cardinal
Understanding: Discuss how cardinal
directions help us in our daily lives.
Applying: Identify where a place is located
using cardinal directions.
Analyzing: How can we use cardinal directions
to know where we are?
Evaluating: What is a cardinal direction?
Creating: Label new places on the map, and
use cardinal directions to describe their location
in relation to the elementary school.

3. Accommodations; differentiating to meet

student needs
Students are paired one 3rd grader to one 4th
grader. Each pair is strategically made to
accommodate student needs, and to help them
to be successful completing this activity.

4. Methods, Materials, and Integrated

Doc cam/computer
Cardinal Directions Worksheet
Exit Tickets
Modeling: “I DO” Model how to use the compass rose.
Model how to read the map using the
compass rose.
Model how to record their answers.

Checking for Understanding: Turn and talk.

Thumbs up thumbs down

Guided Practice: “WE DO” There will be a small discussion about the
video before moving on to the “I do” portion of
the lesson. During this time we will discuss
ways to remember NSEW, label the room, and
go over new vocabulary- compass rose and
cardinal directions.

Collaborative (“YOU DO In pairs students complete the cardinal

TOGETHER”) and/or Independent directions worksheet to identify the relative
Practice (“YOU DO”) location of places using cardinal directions.

Closure The students will complete an exit ticket about

the activity.

Assessment Students will turn in their worksheets, so that I

can formatively assess whether they were able
to accurately use cardinal directions to identify
the relative location of places on a map.

Reflection: for every lesson -

questions to ask yourself after the
Name: _______________________
Cardinal Directions


1. The Elementary School is ___________ of the High School.

2. The High School is ___________ of the Saranac Flower Shop.
3. The Saranac Flower Shop is ___________ of the Speedway.
4. The Speedway is ___________ of Joe’s Place.
5. Joe’s Place is ___________ of the Dollar General.
6. The Dollar General is ___________ of Saranac Community Church.
7. Saranac Community Church is ___________ of Saranac Elementary School.

Label 2-3 new places that are not already labeled on the map. Then
say where they are located, using cardinal directions, using Saranac
Elementary school as the reference point.

1. ___________ is ___________ of the Elementary School.

2. ___________ is ___________ of the Elementary School.
3. ___________ is ___________ of the Elementary School.

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